Why didn't anyone complain about the 112 year old man dating the 14 year old girl?

Why didn't anyone complain about the 112 year old man dating the 14 year old girl?

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It's okay, he's actually a 12 year old stuck the body of a 112 year old

The girl and the geezer only got together at the end of season 3 with no build-up. But when they did, the series was promptly canceled.

No build-up

Promptly cancelled

Wrong on both counts, Avatar was always slated to end after Ozai’s.

Azula and Kataraa oral spitroasting Aang

Because she's a stand-in for a native girl, so no one cares what happens to them.

the female audience did complain a lot
however they had no problem with the stuck up terrorist hitting on her before; kek

Because he's only 12.

may I call you names?

That's hot

there was a S4 on the plans before the awful movie idea came up.
and nah, filler episodes dont make for proper build up

What was going to happen in season 4?

Many people complained. Thats why we get threads like this one. Every. Damned. Day.
I don't think anyone who actually watched the show has a problem with the build up. The problem, I think, is just Aang isn't that cool compared to somone like Jet or Zuko. He lacks the bad boy persona that bitches swoon over. Sad, he's such a cutie, would breed.

Because that's based.

Why ruin her cute A-cups giving her cow tits?

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S4 would’ve just been an extended version on the latter half of S3, none of that changes the fact that the creators had a set timeframe they wanted to end the series. And the only “filler” ATLA has is mostly in the third season, where the Kataang stuff is the least present

True, but that’s more so people complaining Katara didn’t get with their preferred self-insert/husbando rather than the 98 year age gap

The one hundred year war aftermath + zuko helping his sister after she hit rock bottom
on the contrary, a good chunk of s3 is about developing their relationship like that terrible episode where aang cant sleep, mere weeks away from the big bad and his arm having the biggest power up in a century mind you.

ask sokka

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That’s probably the only one to one conversation Aang and Katara have in Book 3 (prior to Ember Island) and it’s incredibly brief. Most of that episode is just tackling both Aang and Zuko’s anxiety (or Aangxiety) with only some incidental Kataang stuff. Other than that there’s the dance they share in the Headband and then that’s it, a far cry from something like Serpent’s Pass

Can I have a female with bigger boobs at least twice as big as Ty Lee?

Why is toph so huge

terrible slop

And the only “filler” ATLA has is mostly in the third season

There's filler in every season of Avatar. I'd say season 1 has more of it. But even season 2 does. Like... are you going to argue Avatar Day was a mythos episode because it has 30 seconds of dialog "foreshadowing", and a new badguy team that appear once later, who didn't even get toys?

Am sorry but absolutely no one asked for an episode revolved around some guy day dreaming about a girl that's clearly above his level and zuko cuddling with his depressive girlfriend.
That's a job well done, congrats anon

AI Slop faggot.

some guy shared better slop the other day but didnt bother to upload a folder, lazy bastard

Being a self-contained story in a larger narrative does not automatically make something filler anon. Season 1 was mostly focused on world-building and was fairly episodic on purpose. Even season 3's "filler" episodes I'm hesitant to call that for the most part because ATLA was never a 100% hard serialized narrative, but they did definitely feel more out of place there because of the fact that they came at a time when the story felt like it needed to be going somewhere because the end was nearing.

>so no one cares what happens to them.

Natives aren't the right kind of diverse.


I’m inclined to agree, but I hardly count it as a Kataang focused episode (I quite literally forgot about Aang’s daydream it’s so inconsequential) most of the runtime is devoted to Aang’s nightmares and him slowly losing his shit. I mostly fault that episode for being a weak buildup to the eclipse two-parter not for anything Kataang related.

better slop

no such thing

I get you if you just don't want to use the term at all, given how loosely serialized The Last Airbender was. But I can't cosign the notion that only later seasons can be accused of having filler because they're closer to the finale. Aang was put on a clock in episode 8. Episodes deal with things not related to any ongoing personal or story arc.

Any slop is better than AI slop.

I don't think anyone who actually watched the show has a problem with the build up

Nope, the build up sucked and even some kataang fags will not pretend that it didn't. romance in avatar as a whole is easily the worst part of the show

You’re the only one who seethes about the buildup, you do so every single thread and none of your arguments are ever convincing

It was a different time