Could Steven Universe redeem her?
Could Steven Universe redeem her?
Anyone dave the underwear edit from last thread?
"Brooklyn can I see you in my office? It's a private matter."
Could Steven Universe redeem her?
redeem her?
Anon, theres nothing to be redeemed about here.
If she really wanted to help she would have made Brooklyn into a real man
I could redeem her with a giant, foot-long, five-and-a-half pound burrito going directly into her stomach via the mouth
Post any pics you have, she ticks all my 'haughty bitch' boxes.
Krilin has already redeemed her.
fanart already
I though no one dared lewding this bigot.
Artists lewd fictional minors, rapists, racists, etc and you think they ALL draw the line at transphobes?
is this the most based woman in the history of cartoons?
Oh-ho! Sorry about doing that so close to you. Breakroom coffee always gets my tummy going, y'know?
she built for big trans gock she need correction
Damn straight
when you see a black shota
She whispers to him that he's "one of the good ones"
Can someone draw ship art between her and Uncle Ruckus?
to fix her transphobic world views, we need her to get railed by a Trans woman who kept her penis.
That way she can see the value of the transgender community firsthand and accept us as her biological superior.
trans women are hung like horses
Shut up faggots
Your jealous I assume?
shut up nerd
we know you're just salty because you can never be half the man people in the transgender community can become
Stuck in a loop of perpetual seething, hatred and anger are we?
Transphobes do not deserve an inch of happiness because they can never achieve it.
Wallowing in misery is their only way forward in life
I don't expect any transphobe to change for the better. They make it clear they're all bigotry and no brain
trans girls get more pussy than you
And more rope!
Damn you guys are pretty desperate for attention
porn of her and the transgorl when
I don't really care about troons, but the fat-assed coach is nice and I hope there's more porn of her.
Neck yourself you subhuman faggot
She needs girldick
"Redeem" implies she did anything wrong.
BVILT for corrective rape from a futa