Why haven't they been cancelled? Do people who are cartoon fans like them? I only have noticed absolute NPCs who don't like cartoons to seem to like this show, is that it are the people that ones keeping this nightmare alive.
Why haven't they been cancelled? Do people who are cartoon fans like them...
Jon is a great riffer.
yeah i used to love it but for a couple years ive been able to live without thinking about it.
what's wrong with it.
Characters are ugly to look at, they don't have charisma.
theyre finger wagging the people who liked the first 2 seasons
Donald Trump is a huge fan. He said people are saying it's the single greatest cartoon ever made. He isn't saying it but people are saying it but he says it is a beautiful show that is great.
Everyone I know watches it except me.
I want her
They have charisma BECAUSE they are ugly to look at, idiot.
I walked into Fox News and this guy, big man, strong man, tears in his eyes came up to me. He said 'Mr. Trump, the media is frankly unfair to you and all you do. The only good thing on TV is the Bob's Burgers show'. We love the Bob's Burgers, don't we?
Bob's Burgers is often in Hulu's top 15 shows & movies. It's probably Animation Domination's most popular series.
I enjoyed this show up until around season 9. After that, the dialogue began to feel overstuffed, while the stories have a knack for finding the most unsatisfying deflating way to end.
I suppose the show runs on inertia, but I haven't intentionally watched it for the past couple of seasons.
anyone catch that recent "open mic" episode? man, there have been a lot of bland episodes but that was stale as can be.
anyone have aaaninja's linda comic?
Because it’s a writers cartoon that costs peanuts to produce
My brother in law is a fan of them. He also got a job at a park because he was such a big fan of Regular Show. Weird guy.
It's funny and I feel warm when I watch them. The show also made me realize what I really want.
Everyone I've seen talk about this outside of Anon Babble just calls it their "comfort show." They like that it's a slog of 22 minutes where everything meanders and nothing happens. Also constant farting and shitting jokes.
The last episode I watched was where they visit Bob's mom's grave because I thought that would be nicely sentimental and FINALLY something for Bob, but I predicted a "ghost fart" joke before it aired and most of it was about fucking Linda anyway. Bob walks up to the grave and says "hi mom" and it ends. Fuck this scat fetish show. Enjoy your multiple episodes about Linda defecating in public and getting detained for it or singing about having ass worms you retards.
Basically what and said.
Bob's Burgers tends to underperform on television but does disproportionately well streaming on Hulu, becoming one of those 'comfort shows' which is basically code for something people leave on in the background 24/7. But more importantly, its audience is about 60% female - which is huge for an adult animated comedy, which is typically a male-dominated viewer base.
Normally an underperforming show getting cancelled loses very little as most of the fans will jump ship to something else on the network, but between the unique demographics + lack of anything substantially similar, as well as the low production costs (and this is in spite of doing 2-3 musicals a season) it's an extremely cost-effective show to produce to the point where the only thing that could get it cancelled is a major cast member dying.
the anon looks really weird without clothes or detail. If hes naked he should have like any body definition at all, here he looks like hes made of rubber or green taffy. should've given him his suit at least
Bob's Burgers Season 11 was four years ago, anon. Get over it. The show still meanders mostly, but it's gotten better overall. Funnier jokes, more intriguing character work, and even some sakuga that carried over from the crew's time on the movie.
That episode was from season 13.
Knock it off
You brought up two fecal-related episodes from S11, so I must've focused on that. Said season was definitely a low point in the series, so I do feel it's improved slightly since then. The show could still be more ambitious and more engaging overall, but I'm still enjoying myself with these newest episodes.
*The show could stand to be more ambitious and more engaging overall
Get over it.
bob's burgers sucks, hoss. being that one avid apologist for it is a weird hill to die on
I've been watching since Day 1 and I ain't stopping now.
I liked it but the show gets progressively worse with each season.
I tried getting into it when it initially premiered because I had been a fan of Home Movies. However, there was no Squigglevision, the animation came off as stiff, characters weren't very relatable, and the constant fart/poop jokes generally weren't as funny compared to the solid writing on Allen Gregory (which I was surprised got the axe as early as it did).
It's comfy as fuck and still good. You just don't get it OP. Maybe you will understand when you are older.
Now Great White North? There is a show that I do not understand how its still alive....
to the solid writing on Allen Gregory (which I was surprised got the axe as early as it did).
That show was dogshit and the character design was awful.
I wouldn't blame anyone for getting scared away by the toilet humor. This show has always liked to abuse that
Home Movies was one of my favorite TV series ever, but for whatever reason, I never got into Bob's Burgers. Maybe being on Adult Swim in its prime just made it easier to write genuinely funny and memorable episodes than having to stick to a broadcast network's standards in primetime.