Will Barbara's movie ever be released?
Will Steph ever be relevant again?
Will Cass' new series last more than 20 issues?
Will someone pretend to care about Bette Kane in this thread?
Tune in to find out!
Batgirls Thread: They Were Roommates Edition
Hey, I love Bette! I think Cass will get at least 18 issues. Tate is bragging about huge orders for issue 1, and he's got Absolute energy in his sails, so maybe it'll last 24.
As for Steph. I believe in her.
DC needs to embrace Bette as a type-A giga Stacy.
Lucky Dick
Interesting idea. They could try for a Regina George type story. With a good writer and hot artist, they could get a villain style book going.
The immense willpower Steph showed during this moment was incredible. Most people would have committed a hate crime.
Evangelicals are not people.
Cass' new series had better go past 20 issues, at the rate it's going, we'll be lucky if anything actually happens in that time.
you misspelled progressives
how many issues are out? I thought just one?
This is absolutely brutal. Not even Spider-man gets cucked this bad
One of reddit's favorite ships btw
reddit and not tumblr?
Tumblr has been dead for years anon. But reddit unironically ships KonTim and CassSteph.
dude livejournal was shipping them before Anon Babble was even a thing. I started shipping them in middleschool and now I'm a boomer. you are a nobody to me. Reddit accusations mean nothing. You are not invoking some sacred protection spell.
That's nice reddit.
I've got fics and art saved from before you were popping pimples
Will someone pretend to care about Bette Kane in this thread?
I volunteer
Maps >>>>>>>>>
I have absolutely no faith in DC anymore. I really should have called it quits with the New 52, but like an abused housewife, I stayed. Imagine a near decade of average to mediocre, that's what we've gotten.
Nah, she's straight up a hero and great person, she just effortlessly mogs everyone in some way.
The only thing I hate more than having to play nice to Bernard and Tim's faces is how wet I get when I think about them fucking.
>The only thing I hate more than having to play nice to Bernard and Tim's faces is how wet I get when I think about them fucking.
Each day passing where Maps isn’t trained by Bruce, Cass, Steph or anyone in the Batfam is a day DC wasted.
Someone got to prepare the latest Robin against the scum and villains of this world! There could be clowns armed with crowbars! Black masked crime lords! Sticks thrown by teamkilling fucktards!
Yes, yes, how DARE anyone make a joke about this.
Hey new thread, and its a group one now
Probably not
Probably! It depends more on other thing.
Id say depends on the sales, the first issue sold rather well
People like bette here.
Huh?? Ill be honest seems like the opposite, not a lot of content of it there relative to twitter/tumblr and seems to get less traction there.
Again, not really. Well there's defintely people that do it, but it doesnt get that much traction there.
Ill post some of the timsteph comms since its actually thread appropiate here :)
Again, not really. Well there's defintely people that do it, but it doesnt get that much traction there.
Who are you kidding, they'll downvote anyone who doesn't adhere to their gay ships
Idk, they generally seem to really like tim/steph if anything.
Oh right, they actually think heterosexual readers care about gay characters like Tim. That's even worse.
The only gay Tim ship anyone gives a damn about is Kon, and most of those know it is never going to happen.
People just generally like tim and steph but okay.
All that Tim has left are bisexual men who desperately seek validation through comic books.
You keep saying that, but it doesnt seem to be the case, there's plenty of people who like tim/steph who still clearly do lol.
I don't like them as a couple at all. They should just be friends.
So tired of this.
Of fanart? Ok.
Since babs at one time or another housed or raised these girls, how do you think she'd feel about her "daughters" being so "close"?
Well at least none of them are getting pregnant.
Will Steph ever be relevant again?
Hard to say, but she got relegated to a footnote in the latest character guide while Babs and Cass had their own unique entries, so I’m not going to be holding my breath.
Will someone pretend to care about Bette Kane in this thread?
Yes. Happy we got some crumbs with that card.
Will Cass' new series last more than 20 issues?
I hope so. It was pretty solid. I bought the digital version. Her original book lasted a good while and probably only got canned for editorial reasons.
They'll get pregnant if that's what "daddy" wants
Sadly Steph really has no way to get into the main stories and shows to get attention outside of camos.
Steph was never really hre daugther figure. Cass was tho.
I meant more like she took on a lot of the training and more older sister/mom vibes on the other batgirls helping them through stuff and giving them places to stay etc.
Imagine being the toilet at the Batgirls hideout
She was def a mom figure to cass, but steph had her mom, where babs was more the older stister type.
True but I mean isn't steph's mom dead now? Also older sister but I'm sure steph and cass both call babs mommy kek
True but I mean isn't steph's mom dead now?
No? Not sure where you got that idea.
Cluemaster was dead but got brought back.
I don't pay much attention to steph honestly, she kind of just appears and I swore she was homeless for a while so I assumed they killed her mom or retconned her into being a criminal too.
Oh also there's a brand new funny kon outfit..so i gotta get something with it and cass's new hot one
Nope she's still alive.
So Steph has been homeless twice - first when she ran away from home in Jon Lewis's run, second in Batman Eternal when her mom helped her dad and she had to escape. Steph's mom hasn't really been seen since 2015, sadly.
Ah welp guess I barely remember her besides her advice with the whole deadbeat baby arc.
I thought you said steph for a second I was like no way 2015. But yeah steph is barely relevant so her mom is super irrelevant.
She was pretty present in steph's batgirl run, was when she was really trying to be a mom.
And i mean steph has had books since then like she was a main character in two runs.