Surely Waller had more than 1 individual receive the special vaccine that genetically modify an individual's balls...

Surely Waller had more than 1 individual receive the special vaccine that genetically modify an individual's balls so that it produce Bruce Wayne sperms on more than 1 individual? She can't be that incompetent to only have 1 test subject?

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This was such a bad plot element to suddenly introduce. Terry proved himself as the Batman already, all this did was create doubts about his character arc that wasn't needed.


It makes sense logically why Waller would do that. But holy fuck I hate it. We already have Damian, just use him. Unless he wasnt a thing when this episode aired

Why don't Waller just impregnated herself with Batman's DNA?

Nope it was years earlier than Damian was introduced.

Waller was too old at the point to successfully carry a child into term.

Why don't Waller just impregnated herself with Batman's DNA?

Too old as pointed out. They also needed to recreate the circumstances that directed Bruce into becoming Batman. Creating a biological child of Bruce or straight up cloning him and government raising and training him all those years just wouldn't do. You'd basically have a factory made Batman. None of the humanity and empathy that went behind him. Waller knew a new Batman would have to be made out in the "wild". Which is why she picked the Mcguinnises. They had similar psych profiles to Thomas and Martha and presumably would instill in Terry enough of the same values that Bruce had. Only real main difference between them was their financial status. Waller knew that a second Batman would need to have that humanity behind him so that the loss of his parents would be tragic and traumatizing and could thus be honed and directed into making him a new Batman. It might've worked if Beaumont hadn't got cold feet and spared Terry's parents.

Hey Doc, this isn't going to make me jizz another mans sperm is it? I would hate that. My one bug-a-boo.

She wanted a Batman not a blackman

What the fuck possessed them to include this? It cheapens Terry so much and makes his relationship with Batman totally contrived.

Timm thinks the Robins are dumb and wanted Bruce to have a blood son.

Anon Babble is obsessed with cuckoldry.

What would you do if you found out that Waller genetically engineered your balls to produce little Bruce Waynes? Do you attempt to sue Waller? Procreate knowing full well that someone else's sperm is inside your balls and that the child biologically isn't yours?

Too obvious

It's a rather typical trope of comics: the secret history, the retcon origin to recontextulise shit. It's a typical way that comics get ground into dust and meaningless. A random situation like a radioactive spider biting a kid has to get turned into some divined situation. Look at Wolverine. Weapon X by BWS is a great comic, explaining how he became a weapon. Good art too. A perfect origin story. But they can't leave well enough alone. So then we get shit like Origins, which has him as a child with pointless backstory we didn't need.

Anyone else afraid that a flu shot will make them shoot another man cum?

Even if she could, I think she knew that was a dangerous combination.

Or get a surrogate....

I love how this killed the JLU universe, permanently ruined tmm batman, and helped reveal that Timm needs a tard wrangler.

This was such a bad plot element to suddenly introduce

I think it was on the cards from pretty early on, given that Terry and his brother don't really resemble their parents

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I thought it was implied that they'd done this to a few people as part of their 'the Boys from Brazil' scheme?


She didn't just want to make Bruce babies all over town, she specifically targeted Terry's parents because of their economic background and psych profiles and with intent to have them murdered in an alley under similar circumstance.


It was, but the explanation didn't make the final cut.

Reminder that this was all because Waller watched Batman calm a dying psychic so that she wouldn't make everybody's heads explode when she died. Seriously, Ace was garbage.

Timm said it wasn't planned from the beginning. It was something they came up with later:

Bruce Timm on "Epilogue” #1: “Well, we didn’t come right out and say it, but since Warren’s love gun was shooting 'Bruce Wayne bullets,' yes, Matt is also Bruce’s biological son.

“Actually, the almost freakish similarity between the two brothers was what got us thinking about the ‘clone’ thing in the first place, back when we were working on Batman Beyond. We were always amused that Lil’ Matt was an almost exact duplicate of Terry, even down to the hairstyle. Then, the hair itself got us thinking, ‘Huh, Terry and Matt have jet-black hair, dad’s hair is sandy brown, and mom’s a redhead. Hmm….”

Because she wanted it the old fashioned way, and that was off the table.

While this theory was Jossed by the Batman and Harley Quinn prequel comic Harley Quinn and Batman and Justice League vs Fatal Five. Had JLU Season 4 happened 18-17 year ago, I think Ace's Death would have been what released Joker from his Catatonic State and subsequently the events of the Return of the Joker Flashback.

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It makes sense logically why Waller would do that.

Not really. Maybe making Batman clones would make sense if you believe he's genetically superior, but just injecting random guys who will go home to impregnate their random wives doesn't much sense.

replicating bruce wayne sperm was absolutely not in the cards.

This seriously sounds like some gay furry fetish shit.

I thought this was a one time thing, so it wouldn't explain his brother.

I thought it had a permanent effect

He became gay with Jon so no longer a viable replacement

The writers already confirmed they both like that

I think it would be easier to make that the Joker tortured and raped Harley while also torturing and killing Ivy in front of her to force her into his service seeing that she pretty much got her freedom with his coma and living with pam.
The flashback pretty much felt that she was completely mindbroken into his service as she was early on in BTAS and all of that mad love shit.
Also, it would explain why pamela isn't even mentioned in beyond seeing that post-comatose joker would be killing everyone in gotham from Penguin to Croc.

I can definitely see the Joker torture and mindbreak Harley before doing the same to Tim. Although i'm not sure he'd be able to kill Ivy, then again given his last pre-coma act and his vast intelligence it's certainly possible he'd figure out how to kill her.


Imagine being a cadmus wagie, after spending years perfecting cloning Kryptonians and engineering metas, and waller comes up and tells you to make some normie dude shoot Bruce Wayne cum.

DCAU pam isn't comics pam, so he would kill her with fire and poison.
Also i said, the reason of why there are no batman rogues still living in beyond outside bane is possibly because the joker killed them all when he came back unhinged and even more insane.