Arcane: Where's Caitlyn? Edition

Previous thread

First for worst sister ever.

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Truly, they were a League of Legends

being a jinx is her fate

I hate this so much.

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honeymoon in 3 days

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Goth Vi is hot

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If they really use fate as an excuse to kill jinx I'm going to be so mad. It's too cruel.

Heimer sacrifices himself so Ekko gets home

Isha was fated to choose to kill herself for literally no reason whatsoever just because she was in the general vicinity of Jinx

Remember boys, this Saturday it becomes canon that Jinx's manic pixie holes are exclusive to Ekko

Fate is the laziest mechanic because then no one's actions are their own fault.

Her fate is to have everyone around her suffer and die

She defies it by killing herself


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I'll never get things like this. don't they look at what they post online knowing there's literally a whiteboard full of spoilers behind lol.

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! Dear viewer, you are about to see a designated Tearjerker Scene[TM]. The little girl Jinx adopted and has shared all of 5 minutes of screentime with is about to carry out a suicide bombing in order to protect Jinx from a Warwick who is nowhere close to Jinx, isn't attacking Jinx, and is actually focused on fighting Noxian soldiers(who would want to capture/kill Jinx anyway if they weren't otherwise occupied). Don't notice that there's zero practical reason for Isha to suicide like this right now. Especially do not recall now obvious it was that Isha was introduced purely to be a plot device for the writers to kill off when convenient. Do your duty and cry for the Youtube reaction videos. In lieu of actual character development, we will provide you with an inexplicably Chinese montage to goo- I mean cry to. When the scene begins, you will know it is appropriate to start crying.

By the way, some keywords and phrases we would like you to use when reviewing this episode include "poignant," "stunning," "brave," "daring," "shook me to my core," "broke me," and "needs to be properly experienced by being watched in the Netflix[TM] browser, after you spend $9.99 paying for a subscription." Thank you. Did I mention you're supposed to cry at this scene? It's very, very important to us that you do.

RITO told the LoL lore subreddit to shut it down

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Vi is so sexy

some keywords and phrases we would like you to use when reviewing this episode include "poignant,"

unironically the whole grimdark = mature = wins awards pipeline has fucked over media even worse than the wholesome chungus 100 spam of the 00's

No she should defy fate and find ways to save people around her. Fate is for cucks who goes along with it unable to accept responsibility.

We weren't supposed to be able to read her chicken scratch after she "erased" it.

It's called cliches and they're classics for a reason. People knew she was going to die and they still let themselves get attached

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grown men

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Riot told them to

They did not say that though.

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We knew the end from the opening credits

They did not say that though.

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Midwit has arrived

Cliches and tropes are good when well executed
Introducing a character with a big I AM GONNA DIE sign on her head and then having her kamikaze for no reason is not good execution
Obligatory NTA btw

Super sexy

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Then why are people still sad about it?

I'm tired of grimdark, noblebright/hopepunk is my new friend.

The suicide bombing thing is such a mindfuck on a rewatch, the little shit runs past Jinx, through an entire crowd of Noxusniggers, and then blows herself up

Canon map of Piltover and Zaun now

Neat. Seems like a lot of districts for the city though.
Interesting that I guess Piltover is on the "Shuriman" side of things while Zaun is on the "Noxus" side.
Guess that explains why Ambessa's gonna invade via ships. She doesn't wanna trudge her troops through Noxus to get to Piltover.

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You just dont get it.
She was compelled to commit suicide due to her proximity to Jinx.
See for more detail.


warwick was gonna kill all the noxian soldiers and kill ambessa and probably beat up jayce too and then he was gonna kill jinx. isha saw the future and had no choice but to sacrifice herself nobly to defend her adoptive mom

There will always be people that a moeblob explodes, but as you can see there is a significant contingent of people who call it "cheap" and "obvious" compared to previous tearjerker scenes in the show.
Considering the quality of S1 writing, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

This place is like Anon Babble now, why are you all still watching if you hate it so much

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Because every audience for any piece of media is going to have a segment of people who are built for tanking in-your-face "please cry now" beatsticks like this and eat it up. Like

Im here for Don Singod

I watch it for the animation

also i like jinx

Same reason I watched S1
Jinx tummy, Cait thighs, Vi booty

jinx will die but then after the credits roll on the last episode the camera pans down to keep under zaun where you see singed's secret jinx cloning facility filled with hundreds of jinxes in pods

Ekko defies this fate theory though. He has been a part of Jinx life ever since Vander rescued her and he's still around. Even when Jinx herself tried to fulfill fate and killed him herself, he survived and will come back to her.

Watching? I’m only here for Jinx

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Gay emo theater-kid slop

To see what happens. Reminds me of the middle seasons of Game of Thrones where there is an obvious quality drop that is ignored by the normie audience

Ekko spends his entire life trying to do community organizing and mutual aid

Completely ignored for the schizo who blew up the government building and now just wants to be a NEET with her adopted sister

Whats wrong with Z*unites?

Camera pans and zooms in on one pod out of hundreds

Closes in on the Jinx clone's face

As the camera focuses on one eye, it suddenly snaps open, bright purple

Scene cuts to black

Glittering purple letters begin to sear themselves out of the darkness

Stay tuned for...


Anon Babblekino

Black guy dying first is a cliche, the guy saying he's gonna mary his sweetheart when he gets home then dies is a cliche.

being forced to pair up with the most bland character in the show

That's not beating the miseryslop allegations

Is leaker anon a troll bitch or truthful chad

Do you know why it wasn't like this during Season 1?
Because it was actually an amazing show.

Every new piece of evidence that pops up further supports his claims so its looking grim.

still is

He has been a part of Jinx life ever since Vander rescued her and he's still around

no he hasn't, she's been dead to him for years. Cait is closer to Jinx at this point.

Daughterfu's for everyone

What the fuck are you talking about?

Every new piece of evidence that pops up

Like what?

I hate this season so much I just created 3 leddit accounts and I'm downvoting anything positive about it, be it fanart, cosplay, whatever.

Anon Babble leaker still undetermined, reddit leaker a troll who took the Anon Babble leak and added his own fanfiction.

The shimmer? Singed

The chemtech berserkers used to terrorize Piltover into accepting Silco's demands? Therefore also Singed

The hextech? 50% Singed('s pupil who Singed tutored as a child)

The hexgates that bring Piltover trade prosperity, which draws Noxus' attention?

The drug epidemic causing Ekko to make his hippie refugee commune?

The hexcore, Viktor combining it with shimmer, and Viktor's brainwashed cult, etc?

Vanderwick's entire existence? Jinx's purple-eyed enhanced reflexes and temporary strength?

None of it exists or happens without him

Rothschilds bow to Singed

In contact with Void aliens

Rumored to possess psychic abilities

Is there even a single character on Anon Babble or Anon Babble or even Anon Babble who can stop him?

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99% of it is true

This but it turns out Isha was resurrected, with only faint memories of looking up to Jinx. She then becomes the lighthearted vandal from the LoL games. Already been set up with Maddie and Caitlyn noting that her stunts are far less violent than Jinx's

Batman stop him in a single night

Yet he can’t solve his bad gas problem.


Time travel fuckery

Revival of the dead

One(1) of these alone is enough to fuck a storyline completely if handled poorly. Let's see how the writers juggle all three hot potatoes in the final episodes.

Singed in Arcane is Walmart Mr.Freeze.

Powder and Jinx are just two sides of the same person. Ekko always knew this even though he tried to refuse it. That's why he stopped in the bridge scene. You don't have to be a genius to understand it.

You forgot

alternate universes

esoteric concepts like "the Arcane" or "The Void"

He stopped because he felt his dick twitch and felt ashamed and horrified

A varied diet is good

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I was pleasantly surprised at Warwick's SSS+ power level in Act 2. I kept pessimistically expecting him to lose, but he BTFO'd half the cast.

You know who else realized powder and jinx are the same person? Vi, who actually interacted with Jinx at all in Season 2.

What a guy. Though I would like to have seen some body parts slide down his esophagus

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What and said.

They have to force caitvi and timebomb somehow so they'll throw the sisters' reconciliation in the trash to make way for the ships. Story about 2 sisters, btw

And time paradox bullshit too IF the leaks are true

Called Viktor


the sisters have been interacting with each other for 6 episodes already but barely 2 episodes of interactions between Jinx and Ekko are the doom of the sisters plot?

Maybe it's not that good of an story then if it's that fragile to break.

I know powerscaling is autistic bullshit but

Vanderwick effortlessly bulldozes Ambessa, a Noxian platoon, and all the security of Stillwater Prison

Vi not only holds her own 1v1, but is actually winning before changing tactics and going for a hug

Is Vi with her hextech gauntlets just retard strong to the point of being overpowered? She doesn't even have the shimmer reflex/strength enhancements Jinx has from Singed

Inb4 "she was doing well against Vanderwick because he knew she was his daughter"

No he didn't, we're explicitly shown he only breaks out of his chimpout rage when she goes for a hug. She's outright 1v1ing and winning against a bioweapon that single-handedly blew through a prison's worth of guards and a military squad. I think it gets glossed over really easily in-universe but it's honestly kind of insane.

2 months ago- excited at the prospect of a multiverse "what if" sequence happening while ekko and heimer try to escape wild rune-land

1 alt universe is shown and it's just to show jinx burning coal and quickly give ekko his z drive with no build up


Ekko will try to rewind time and save her

She will always die no matter what because its her fate

PLEASE dont let the writers be this retreaded

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They have to force timebomb somehow

they really don't, and I'd be surprised if they actually do

Turns the daughter you did all this for into a lifeless machine

Viktor: You're welcome, Doctor.

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He'd eventually maul her, he just keeps regening

so you don't think they'll interact at all despite everything pointing there

in 80 hours, Arcane will end forever

It's just poorly written ship-slop to shoehorn ekko back into the plot, retard. Having a character who has barely been in the episodes reappear in the last 3 to save the girl he had 1 on-screen interaction with is dumb as fuck and so are you

Singed is evil and muh daughter doesn't change that.

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i touched myself twice already to the idea of shota jayce raping viktor

That's what makes him good (as a character)

This but it's just shota Viktor

She is actually a Jinx

Mylo was right

she says this to Vi before sacrificing herself

How mad would people be?

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Jinx is a jinx

Holy shit, the writing is amazing

not as dumb as your retarded ass claiming that stuff you didn't watch is already bad

The shimmer made it so Jinx is hyperfertile


I think they'll talk, I don't think this faggotry will come true and I certainly don't think there will be any romance there.

So she can have kids?

Why does this ship take up so much screen time when its obvious to everyone they will end up together?
I liked it much more in S1 when it just felt like a natural undercurrent.

If X happens it would be bad


Are you ESL or mentally slow?

hate to say it but in their defense they actually blurred out most of it in post, like Japanese porn pixels. there was a lot more higher up I couldn't read
we're lucky enough to have gotten that much

but it is a major spoiler, Heimer for sure "dies" to send Ekko back to his time. idk if it's actual death or what

Did you see how Vi punched his skull out of his head? I believe this is the first time we see the full potential of those gauntlets

I wonder if the artist made this only watching ep 4-5 or 6 as well.

The timeline if Silco read Vander's letter, Powder got the necessary support for her engineering mind and graduated topside

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Honestly I expected Isha to last until episode 8 or even 9
6 feels very rushed

Cause in S1 it added to the Vi/Jinx tragedy
In S2 it's just a romantic side plot since Jinx has no beef with Caitlyn anymore, and Cait is chill with Jinx now

Fuckmeat exclusively for Piltover men to use up and dispose of

How great would he have made Piltover?

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there's no single post where you used the words "if" or "would"

but of course, you're a faggot who thinks the description of a scene is the same as watching the actual scene with all the artistic elements implemented. No wonder you get hunted by imaginary boogeymans that make you use ifs in rage

Some say - the greatest

"Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!"

Mentally slow it is.

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to that point how does drunkard Vi fight off Beastmode while docile HippieWick completely mauls a man 3x Vi's size. Beastmode should've made ground-beef out of Vi even easier

ofc this is before he transforms into LavaBeast and finishes the kill but still

Ambessa gets introduced into the Rift only to be killed off in the show.

There's no way she dies like that.

Her incompetency leads to her not being able to achieve her goals at all

Even sparks a rebellion in the streets

Then her thirst for approval (pussy) leads her to harm her greatest military asset leading to it turning on her

Fuck it, give me this timeline IRL too, it'd be funny.

"protect powder"

couldn't protect her a single time throughout 2 seasons

ends with powder/jinx dying

Maybe Vi was the jinxed one all along because she can't do anything right.

Soooo... how does the black rose/mel plot tie into the main storyline? Seems very disconnected

It's purely there to tease S3

Its all Marcus fault

A true girlfailure.

Are you telling me that evil people can love their cute daughters? No way!


I Know What You Are

The kino must survive.

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Turns out Kino was dead all along

if it looks good, it is good tier logic

That anon wasn't even the person you were replying to, before, btw. That was me. And we're discussing potential leaks, the if is implied, but the probability of this being true is high since even the official teasers hint at it. This is why I stopped replying to you before, you're just dumb

They said "Arcane" is ending.
So what will they call the show about the Noxian/Ionian war?

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i feel like part of the reason s1 was so good was that a unique, sad backstory took place during the present, something that tends to happen in prequels. s2 has already past the lol present, now that it's a sequel, it's severely limited. plot armor was already bad in S1...

The kino must survive.

You killed the last thread!

Is it a jinx when you're the one actively working to fuck everything up and if you could just shut up and sit on your hands for ten minutes, everything would turn out fine?

llRC they only said Arcane is ending in Piltover and Zaun, future seasons will explore other parts of Runeterra or something like that

The slopwars

the golden age of S2 was the Caitler arc

lots of fresh memes and discussion about the show and characters

You don’t know what you have until it’s gone

Road to hell paved with good intentions etc etc

is there anything so undoing as a daughter

Mel & Caitlyn stand over Ambessa's broken lifeless body

Mel becomes the ruthless leader her mother always dreamt of, departing for Noxus to return House Medarda to its former glory

S1 parallels, bitches

much kino

"You are good at war games Ambessa, but in Zaun we like to play Riot Games™"


Nah, all their promo material has been big on how this is "THE FINAL SEASON OF ARCANE" and all that.

Whatever the next show is, I'm expecting it'll have an entirely different name, aesthetic and studio. Fortiche is gonna be doing their own stuff for a while.

its a mel scene

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Arcane is ending, and the story of Jinx and Vi. The next show will be called something else and might even be set in P&Z. All we know is it will have a new name and new characters, not that it will have a new setting, although that seems likely.

and studio

Literally only thing holding this together is Fortiche animations but you know what i hope they try this and blow another 250 million and see what happens.

Between Jinx’s curse, Caitlyn becoming the head of her house instead of a cop who does dangerous work loke she dreamt ins1, and Mel becoming the Medarda she was meant to, potentially if the leaks are true Jayce getting the Crystal as he was meant to - it seems like the overall theme of the season finale will be “Fate”

What did Vander eat to get so massive

they certainly cooked this season but the context isn't as good

YUP. Genuinely did skip every mel scene once the eps dropped

silco ass

Lush Vi...

My immediate thought.

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Not much of a meal, there's almost nothing there

Ambessa dying was only mentioned in the reddit leak, right? I wouldn't put too much thought into it.

Silco’s pronounced package when confronting a downed Vander is etched into my memory. #zaundads

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3 days until end of Arcane

thread dead

it's never been more over

damn if silco was 5'9", he'd be like 6'7" or something

Worst song so far.

Who the hell is buying this

Viktor - 5’7
Heimerdinger - 2’11
Mel - 5’7
Jayce - 6’2
Caitlyn - 6’0
Vi (young) - 5’2
Vi (older) - about 5’6
Vander - 6’7
Silco - 5’11
Powder - Not listed
Jinx - about 5’2
You got Vander right!

So no Sheriff of Piltover title for Caitlyn in Arcane?

A lonely man with no standards? Absolutely!

Silco is like 5'4". He's barely taller than Felicia. Actually, she's leaning over, she might be taller than him.

Riot is riding the gravy train with all this trash merch because they know whatever ass-tastic 2D animation they create won't drive in cash like Arcane did. I think they're overestimating how many non-LoL general viewers will follow them to the next show.


Xitter slang. Learn to blend in

Wasn't it already confirmed that the mage who saved Jayce as a child was Ryze? The mage also grew a long beard, something that Viktor is not capable of.

nah arcane's women are tall, usually, or at least they look tall

Viktor's a manlet AND a cripple

Oof. No wonder he wants to become a cyborg.

Mfw tall as Silco


admire the strength it takes your friend to raise children in a brutal environment

later try to kill them

Felicia is beating his ass in the afterlife

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that cute and autistic scientist viktor is gone

it hurts

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The next show will be called something else and might even be set in P&Z.

Who’s gonna to tell him

I’m getting used to Commander sounds better

Everyone just assumed it was Ryze, and the character uses Ryze's model underneath the robe. It's possible that it's not Ryze, and it's just a similar looking mage with similar abilities. Odds that it's actually Viktor or future Jayce are zero.

It really is crazy to consider how the show would have been received if the animation wasn't so gorgeous.

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He doesn't try to kill them.

not really but ok

imagine being sandwiched between powder and issha haha that would be weird

We aren't in a closed system. This site, like all places, both creates its own slang and borrows from other places. Girlfailure is a useful description of a specific archetype, and there's no issue using it here.

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S1 would have been kino even if it was drawn in crayon. S2 couldn't even be saved by Fortiche.

when you see it

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This is Viktor.

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If Caitlyn is 6’0 how tall is Ambessa then

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I swear they toned down the height difference in S2.

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Looks more like the dude at the bar in the beginning with Huck haggling prices over the smuggled goods. But the little twerp was smuggling the hex crystals in and they were shurima.

She's probably a tiny bit taller than Vander.

Mel and LeBlanc sex

Looks about 6'5-6'7.

Did the devs ever explain why they made Cait so much taller in the show? Or at least why she's now taller than Vi?

Let's not kid ourselves, no it wouldn't have. The animators effectively contributed as much to the script as the writers themselves.
Most of human communication is non verbal, and it was the animators that interpreted the script. The writing was serviceable, but what elevated it was primarily the care put into the body language, along with all the other visual elements.

in that particular scene she looks around 6'5" but i could swear she's taller at other times, or it's just the fridge build.

RE: the Arcane social media profile with multicolor Jayce icon

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How does she not crush the pelvis of all the twins she fucks?

They made a fool out of me. For a few seconds I seriously thought Jinx could be happy

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To better reflect Vi's mommy issues

Just like the lighting and score, the height of all characters were adjusted from scene to scene to communicate something specific to the audience.

He doesn't try to kill Vi when she gets out of prison?

In the lore written before arcane, Warwick is able to smell the difference between blood spilled by violent criminals vs normal people. When he was fighting in Stillwater, he was smelling Singed's blood. When he was fighting Vi he was smelling a kid's nosebleed.

Do you often fall for scam calls?

Man, what is it with zoomers taking everything they see on the Internet so seriously? Chill, nibba

all you had to do is just pour seed of love and make love, babymaking, 'tradwife'ficate Jinx

ex-twink silco rejected it

What could have been-

To dab on Vi.

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Were you not around the internet during the height of forums? Zoomers are less serious than Gen X and millenials were about their hobbies.

Maybe anon means the purity spirals.

Gen Zers are ironic about everything except Xitter's favorite topics.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! you don't understand!!!!!!! Jinx should live!!!!!!!!! even though she was jinx, trouble maker, accident waiting to happen, did everything wrong, kill Mylo & piggy can't even think of a name & biological father & daddy & nameless enforcers who tried to save children & councilor, it's all Vi's fault! she was only 12! wat? Vi was 16? don't care

Nigga I'm only here for cute Jinx and every vi's lines are pure cringe, highest order to butch brainrot but common she's the Jinx, Arcane's theme is never push your dick in crazy, remember it

The Line might not be about Viktor lmao

I've heard that Arcane takes inspiration from Greek tragedies, so how tragic are some of those stories?

tragic enough that zoomer retards think it ripped off anime

Is that Silco and Jinx on the left? and Vi on the right? I wonder what that means...

It's probably about Vander, Jinx and Vi lmaooooo. Viktor didn't get a single song, feels bad...



thought he was 168 or what, damn

I can’t make out Vi at all, explain that one

Greek tragedies


not like's so over

I was thinking you can see the gauntlets kinda, but I actually think it might be Ambessa given the shape of the hair

how the idea of family and who can make up your family sits withing the central theme

It's so over, Viktorbros. It has to be about Vanderwick then.

same goes to Dandadan

The soundtrack is bloated with Vander songs holy fuck

This place is like Anon Babble now

nuh-uh, not enough brazillians

I hate this season so much I just created 3 leddit accounts and I'm downvoting anything positive about it, be it fanart, cosplay, whatever.

hate to say this but keep it on, chad

act 1 of season 1 is as close as it gets. as good as s1 is, it's hard to listen to the actual words leaving the characters' mouths and say it's like a greek tragedy's. the marvel dialogue only gets worse in S2

A good chance Jinx does a redemption self-sacrifice while Caitlyn gets off the hook for everything she's done with an "i'm sorry". Act 3 is not looking good folks.

he should've been desu. Average height twink would get bullied a lot more than a tallfag skelly

good, she's even enhanced

whoever broke containment and dumped Anon Babble memes onto the page of Maddie's VA please sudoku. that was insane levels of faggotry.



I never thought I'd see a reverse 1999 reference here

if you think this is absurd you should see Victorian scientists

Holy shit I'm so sick of the Vander backstory shit, WE GET IT ALREADY

thats is a fan edit by an instagram bandgooner account bro it proves nothing. amanda already said jayce and viktor were found family after s1

Buy why zoomers hate sad ending so much? I have zero problem when it fits well, same goes to cyberpunk 2077

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Fair enough, and I can't argue with any of that. On the other hand, the plot and dialogue stand up fine on their own, which is more than you can say about just about any other television show from the current decade, animated or not. But you're right, it's Fortiche's work that puts S1 solidly ahead of, say, Edgerunners. Honestly, I think the show would have been even better if Fortiche had been able to make changes to the script in addition to simply interpreting it. The frogs clearly know what they're about.

This series is great as a guy that gets a boner from 2d animated smoke

Same bro, It's like beating a dead horse at this point. How about we focus on wrapping up all these loose plot threads instead of wasting more screentime on flashbacks.

My body is on the line now
I can't fight this time now
I can feel the light shine on my face
Did I disappoint you?
Will they still let me over
if I cross the line?

Take a seat
but I'd rather you not be here for
what could be my final form
Stay your pretty eyes on course
Keep the memories of who I was before
So stay with me because

My body is on the line now
I can't fight this time now
I can feel the light shine on my face
Did I disappoint you?
Will they still let me over
If I cross the line?

Honestly, I thought I was fully prepared for
the threshold in store
Stay your pretty eyes on course
I guess I never really faced my fears before
So stay with me because

My body is on the line now
Pull the blanket tight now
I can feel the light shine on my face
Did I disappoint you?
Will they still let me over
if I cross the line?

Please don't let them see me
Show there's nothing left to try
I can feel the light shine on my face
Did I disappoint you?
Will they still let me over
if I cross the line?

If I cross the line?
If I cross the line?

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hmm, so mb My Best Enemy is an AU Ekko song and The Line is Jinx's suicide song, which makes sense cause she kys here. feeling the light shine on her face, disappoint everyone, can't get into heaven
which was my original take on it, bout someone having out of body experience while dying

does anyone doubt she attempts sudoku in act 3? seems as obvious as Isha death now

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Vanderwick/Warwick's 50th death and revival getting a song by TOP would ruin my day. Please don't be real KEKEKEK.

why do people look a car wrecks?
morbid curiosity.

im crying

Another braindead 4minute amv set to vanderwick slomos and s1 still flashbacks, lmfao un fucking believable

Vander/Warwick better die for real this time if The Line really is his song. I'm so sick of Vander/family drama, we get it already.

No one had a problem with the sad ending in S1. We have a problem with the lazy, sloppy writing in S2 and it seems likely that it will have a lazy, sloppy ending.

if Silco read Vander's letter

Imagine the face full of confidence that some of the staff made while writing that poorly composed scene, I don't even know what to call it

The Line not being about MH is such a missed opportunity. I'm astonished.

So are the leaks true or…why so much doom

Rewatch the lab scene at the start of S1E4. Based Heimer was 1000% right from the get go and the gays should've respected their elder.
Caitlyn did little wrong.

wtf is wrong with Rito, WW is literally the "undying beast" they can't even get their own slop right

don't pretend Silco wasn't wrong, both undoing daughter massed up whole plan

Caitlyn allowed foreign warmongers to have a presence in her city.

You didn’t disappoint me (crying)

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He dies a lot whenever I play him.

All it took to instantly take away all hype for act 3. MH is going to take a backseat to Vanderwick family angst lmfao. We'll be lucky if Singed even has another line aside from dying offscreen, and Caitvi drama will take up more episode time than Jayce/MH confrontation.

I'm loving it. It's not the 10/10 every-frame-a-painting masterpiece that Season 1 was, but it could never have been possible. Lightning never strikes the same place twice, and the success of the first season guaranteed that the writing process would be fucked with by some "visionary" or another.

It's still a solid 9/10 so far. The only thing that really takes anything away from it for me are the early budget-saver segments front-loaded each act.

I Can't Hear Them Now

Paint the Town Blue

both Cait-centric animatics with god-awful cinematography, it really feels like they had to fill some time and had no more Riotbux.



a billion ionians must die

the line is the jayce/viktor homo anthem. jinx isn't dying


and yet you camp here, rleddit and discord obsessing about the show. wonder what you'll do when it's over

Damn now I'm back after a whole day of work. What happened anons? Are the leaks real? Why the hell do they say that The Line is from Jinx? Oh right, and we became famous for the leak that we even appeared on tik tok

You have no idea how it loos like when whole board taken over by seafags, latam, indians, also chinese

Who would win?

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c'mon this the suicide song, just look a the lyrics, Jinx @everyone

Please don't let them see me

Show there's nothing left to try

I can feel the light shine on my face

Did I disappoint you?

Will they still let me over

If I cross the line?

Honestly, I thought I was fully prepared for

the threshold in store

Stay your pretty eyes on course

I'm ready to kms, (Jinx's pretty eyes stay on course to pull the pin)

how it loos like when whole board

The Celesbians are demi-gods. So them.

my english level is baby's babbling level but still thanks to god that I'm not brown

surely it's not about fucking warwick again
he died in season 1 and again in season 2, let another character have something
like viktor
the gayass who literally wears a blanket and also is going to turn into his 'final form'
who is has 'crossed the line' and will continue to do so
whose body is on the fucking line

file.png - 403x403, 365.45K

My act 3 predictions:

act 3 episode 8 min 10

this guy shows up to save the day

gets instantly obliterated by Jayce for being a TWINK and a CHILD at the same time

no one talks about it

Cait and Vi start fucking in Jayce's blacksmith room

we have a montage of Caitlyn fingering VI while they intersperse scenes of Jynx trying to commit suicide thinking on isha

Brown native English speaker > white ESL

this autistic fuck

said by greaser

ANONS, WAIT. That picture is an edit made by a TOP fan account called toplives1. The Line can still be about Viktor.

the line is the jayce/viktor homo anthem

It's about "the idea of family and who can make up your family" but Amanda said jayvik were found family and bros, so it can still be about them. That being said, it's probably about Vander...

skill diff

Perfect for Jinx's suicide scene. Be it in the last drop or in battle.

how upset will Anon Babble be if Ambessa starts losing her battle in Piltover and orders Singed to bring out the gas weapons

My account has a hidden debuff to ww damage and armor.

english if my first language

and that's a GOOD thing!

fucking kek

gets instantly obliterated by Jayce for being a TWINK and a CHILD at the same time



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not actually over


found family

that shit has lost all meaning for male characters. At this point it's a way to say they're gay without actually saying it

all smiles.jpg - 686x773, 56.41K

2 vanderwick amvs in season 2

no song for Jayce or Viktor

please tell me someone put one of these smiles on punished jayce's face

I was so sure it was going to be Viktor’s song

song is about Viktor!

song is about Jinx!

song is about WW!

song is about x

song is about y

Can't the song technically be about all of them? Since the very start of the show it's been an ensemble cast and the song clearly fits many characters based on how much people are arguing about it. I would argue the most likely case is that The Line will play during a scene where every storyline climaxes in separate places and will likely both be about and display the conflict between each of them.

look at the bottom of the "poster", it's fanart.

Jinx likes it doggystyle

No. We need more sad Vanderwick montages and crying Jinx closeups to win the normie awards.

No, no. Too sensible. The song is most definitely about y.

The poster is an edit. It can still be about Viktor.

I mean she literally built for onlyfans

feels like this season has too many montages

anons insist it's a JayVik homo song, couple of fags singing about pretty eyes & shit

it's about "the idea of family and who can make up your family" but Amanda said jayvik were found family and bros, so it can still be about them

inb4 we get a moment like picrel between them

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It’s about Jinx, the Line is all about Jinx.

Episodes 2, 5, and 6 have been great d e s u

Warwick really ruined season 2…


Way too much time spent on that plot and it looks like it'll carry over into act 3 too.

He was an unnecessary thread added into a doomed final season that was already bloated with untied plotlines. What the hell were they thinking, adding him and blackrose into this.

My opinion of Season 2 has been getting lower and lower.

Cait & Vi (2).jpg - 2122x1500, 695.51K

Shame 'bout tards who waited this shit for 3 years but it's your karma for having shitty taste, Vanderwick drama is total cringeness from start

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Jynx has a type and it's not negro boys

Warwick plot was good until they added Jesus Viktor searching through his memories and now the Arcane thing we got in those leaked icons. It got too crazy.

Unprotected sex

How low can you go?

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this design sucks balls she'd still have her own style

she likes little girls

He has been a part of Jinx life ever since Vander rescued her

Not really, they've been out of contact/more or less enemies to each other for years.

Oddly enough she's terrible at intentionally killing her family and friends. She fought Ekko for years and failed to kill him several times, and she fired her minigun at Vi twice and still couldn't kill her.

Amanda says otherwise.

The memory sequence made me so embarrassed to have had recommended this show to people

Ekko is for old men

Don’t worry Ambessa is making her pay for her crimes in the teaser

She fought Ekko for years and failed to kill him several times

She intentionally misses her favorite twunk

Ekko is for old men


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What about it is bad? I don't really understand why people find that part cringe or whatever, I thought the visuals were cool both in WW's mindscape and in the painted flashback montage, and while it didn't necessarily add much, it wasn't very long even if you didn't like it.

Even if you think it is unnecessary and a waste of time, which I might even agree with as they already had a memory flashback scene in the mines, I really can't fathom what about that scene would be embarrassing.

Executives wanted him in it.

Silco/Ekko hatefucking?
ykw, I see the vision

Silco/Ekko hatefucking

now that's something i never thought before....not bad

get over hea ready for buckbroke you zesty nigga

tf for, so they could *not* sell bizarro beast-man skins? why would an exec green-light that idea when all they care about is revenue

Isn't Ekko gay for Ezreal in one of the LoL AUs?

WW is getting a human-ish Arcane-inspired skin.

I'm watching through the second season now. It's basically the Simpsons fireworks factory bit but with the Hextech plot line

No matter what bullshit Jinx does there are no real long-term consequences even though the narrative tries to shill the "b-but I'm a jinx" meme

In fact all female characters are totally insulated from any sort of fallout

Mel takes a direct hit from Jinx's nuke, but she has le magic

Mel gets kidnapped and put in a magic jail but she also knows le magic

Warwick RIP&TEARs his way through literally everything in his way to track Singed's blood, Ambessa gets knocked down with a scratch

Cait & Vi drama doesn't go anywhere. Violence? Vi getting back with her sister who killed Cait's mom? The whole Piltover/Zaun tension and Vi being in Enforcer clothes? They kiss and make up

Even Sky turns into a wise magic ghost instead of simply getting vaporized

Male characters get maimed, permanently scarred by explosions, killed, suffer relationship breakdowns and disagreements with long-term adversarial consequences

also add

Silco is the main villain of S1

Vander is the main villain of S2

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I love how he just slaps some dude and he dies on the spot

Yes, in the Pulsefire AU.

desu I'm quite surprised they didn't shit on Silco in S2 but even enhaced him pandering to xittertards
You know just look at the boys, fallout or other slop, things could be even worse

I suppose its one of many scenes in season 2 that are utterly jarring in their uselessness to the narrative. I wouldn't have batted an eye to a scene like this in Season 1 because every.single.cut. in season 1 served a narrative purpose. Every flashback, every line, every second of screen time was utilized like a well oiled story machine.
But this one in particular where Viktor 'explores' Vanderwick's mindscape was just uncomfortable to watch. Even as a person who otherwise enjoys artsy scenes like this, it was hard to just relax and enjoy the art of it all when I was still struggling to understand why the fuck Sky is all of a sudden a huge part of Viktor's mindscape and apparently along for the ride, permanently back seating his scenes as a prop for him to bounce dialogue off of.
Not to mention, we already know Warwick is Vander. We don't need to be shown a weepy slide show on his life to get the point across that he was alive as a person once. We already know. We saw season 1.
Its been mentioned before, and I'll say it again, how this season seriously fails at the "show not tell" theme that Season 1 established. In an earlier scene to the warwick memory amv, Viktor mentions to Vi that Vander "told him" his name, and how he saw Vander's dream for Zaun, even tho the scene that WE the viewer did not see that part of the small glimpse we did. I liked that. We could have left it there. But instead, we had to drag out the drama of Viktor (and Sky for some reason) traipsing through a slideshow that, for all accounts and purposes, wasted what little narrative time we have left in this season.

No matter what bullshit Jinx does there are no real long-term consequences

Zaun is even more of a shithole because of everything Jinx has done.

there are no real long-term consequences

If the leaks are correct, then I'd say dying counts as a long term consequence.

In fact all female characters are totally insulated from any sort of fallout


Sky is there because she got consumed by the Hexcore just like Viktor. It is established that Viktor's cult works like a hive mind, and it only makes sense that she is part of that, having been absorbed.

That's if you believe she is real at all and not some force from the Hexcore manipulating him.

they DID shit on silco tho, he's bussy material now, feeling old yet?

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It was excessive yeah but I think it properly set up the expectation that we would get vander back instead of what happened, which has it's own value. Although narratively it doesn't really mean much I'll agree. The Skybot is just from her fusing with the hexcore, we get some glimpes of it in act 1.

It's comical how little agency she has this season. A pure follower.

Why does Silco look very effeminate? Does he and Vander have romantic history together?

what would jinx look like bimbofied haha

Zamn indeed..

Yes, he was part of her life as her enemy for those years. Jinx can see it that way or keep hating her for no reason other than he tried to save her from her own self hate. Either way, he was there.

some kind of office bussy some shit idk

who gonna buy this? not even WW mains want it. I'd take the Firefang skin over this if it didn't already exist

nigger he thought she suicide bombed herself and he felt nothing. trying to act like they have some deep bond at this point would be retarded.

Can we disprove the credibility of any of the leakers as of right now? I know that Reddit leaker is proven to be full of shit so I'm mainly talking about those two Anon Babble leaks.
Seems like Jinx dying/Jayce&Viktor reconciling/Dinger sacrificing himself for Ekko/Ekko saving Jinx from attempted suicide/Cait losing an eye might be legit based on teasers and interviews.

Because the "leakers" also based their predictions from teasers and interviews. Just wait till the episode title drops.

where is the chinese machine herald leak
go my scarabs
find it


they're disproved

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wdym the chinese machine herald leak

he doesn't know

where the FUCK are the episode names!!!?????? i kms

Use desuarchives, I'm too lazy and don't care enough to find it. Filter to /co and use key words

you have no way to disprove anything said unless you have some irrefutable evidence yourself, which no one does, other than 'trust me bro'

all you can do is put out your own theory with supporting evidence and see if it stands up

Are you talking about the pony?

So am I crazy or does the camera definitely close up on Silco's journal he's writing in during the flashback when he closes it? Has it shown that again? Or is that something we'll see more of in Act 3?

the one WW icon made with two hands instead of one

it's dogshit


It's cause of chinese censorship, that's why. They can't have full blown furries, only anthromorphized people.

Good thing TFT's Arcane set is coming out tomorrow. That'll help me pass the time till the new episodes.

Gotta get used to it before they suddenly change everything the next patch cause they're clearly hiding Warwick and Viktor's units (at minimum).

TFT Powder.jpg - 1902x1066, 210.22K

I get that it's an easy scapegoat, but does anyone actually believe the chinese censor everything from skeletons to furries?

Wukong was chock full of furries

i kms

Yeah you're right. This season is so ass I'd already given up on copium.

It was to show Zaun's logo, the same one that shows up on the flag in the shed where Jinx and Vi finds Vander's letter to Silco

In loving memory of Vander

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The lines read to me as the future AU Viktor telling Jayce to go back in time and kill him. Like they met in the desolate future and Viktor gives Jayce this mission to stop that future by killing him before sending him back through the Wild Rune.

what is it with the chinese leaking all the viktor's related stuff?

he looks kind of like wargreymon
thank you anon, though i don't know if that's what I'm looking for

meant more that there's a full on leak of what he looks like if the fujos are to be believed

Same is true of Jinx, apart from her gas bombing stunt.

Walks around shooting gangoons

Fights Vi briefly

Sits around at home being a neet for a year

Finally gets convinced to go outside and touch grass when Isha gets got

Immediately yoinked into vander's arc

They can't have full blown furries,

ghey, bunch of closet furries who fap it to Ahri the fox lady all day long yet I can't have a cool looking werewolf

vi's husbando died ;(

what is it with the chinese leaking

This is all you have to ask.
The answer is they are lazy and shitty with handling the content. China handles a lot of things separate from Riot themselves. The chinese version of Teamfight Tactics is basically a whole different game with way more production of cosmetics and somehow even more predatory marketing.

Sits around at home being a neet for a year

excuse you, she was being a good mom.

seems so, JAyce gets the Kyle Reese treatment where AU Viktor dies or meets some kind of irreversible outcome in their time

Jayce has to go back and correct/protect/prevent, hence "the promise"

posts screenshots of /here/

won't post a leak

i hate this tranny

Vander GAPPED Silco's asshole.

we will never get punished jayce

they're probably going to get horse viktor too

we're gonna get five different flavors of Ionia milking or cutesy women before the next cool character

if I didn't have so much in regular tft i'd genuinely consider making the switch

Jayce also gapped Viktor's asshole....history repeats itself

Reminder that Jayce is a bottom

Kinda doubting this theory since CL did confirm that Jayce's action in ep6 will have massive repercussions in the last act.
If Jayce meeting future Viktor theory is true then both of them did not stop shit.

man this shit is edited she looks 50

Nah, the Chinese version seems really shit. They get more chibis, but the quality of them and their cinematics seem a lot lower. And like I said, the way they do the monetization is way more overdone gacha than even the current TFT system.

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The history being a bottom twink...

Must be some nasty chemicals in that neon pink paint to alter behavior like that.

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I'd let Mel peg me too.

I mean, they probably did, but the result was probably even worse.
The AU Viktor probably fucked up but remained human while the world got fucked up, then found Jayce and wanted him to go back and kill him so it wouldn't get this fucked up.
Jayce kept the promise, but without realizing it he's set everything on an even worse path as Viktor lived and now won't have his humanity to him making him more ruthless with it.

Jinx has always had some city miles on her, its just less noticeable when she's doing puppy dog eyes.

They can show Isha be eviscerated next episode and I'll still say she's alive. I will never surrender!

LMAOO... I'm sick of this dude.

Can we stop with the 2d sequences, too. I know they take a lot of work but they don't hit so I just don't care. Seems like we'll be getting another with jinx in act 3, too.... BOO

It doesn't even look like vanderwick. No protruding teeth. We sure this is Warwick and not Viktor after getting a warwick injection for Singed?

They just changed things mechanically. His abilities are still the same. Except his ult. They reverted his ult.

Viktor is going to 100% make Orianna a robot, and going by the leaked icons from League he's going to make Warwick a silver/gold robot wolfman too.

Obviously he'll use Warwick in whatever his plan is going forward, but do you think he'll use Orianna? Or will he just leave her to wander Zaun?

Guys, the caitvi sex scene will be a musical montage with metaphors of fireworks and shit like that, no tits, ass or anything sensual

all those womb shots of mel while talking about children and heirs and shit

She's carrying jayce's mulatto baby, isn't she?

Going off how things have been staged/animated it'll be fucking finger painted or some other stupid shit

tfw vander will never milk your prostate with his massive cock

Silco didn't know how good he had it

This last act is going to be complete utter ass, isn't it

It's Vanderwick, but after Glorious Evolution Viktor "heals" him.
Viktor in episode 6 couldn't heal him cause he wanted to save the man inside. When he comes out of his cocoon, he's going to dicard the human emotions cause they're the root of the problem like he said at the end of 6. So Vanderwick will become a robo/arcane Vanderwick.

Then presumably he'll die in the final conflict (either killed by Jinx/Vi or sacrificing himself despite Viktor trying to remove the emotions).
But when he dies, the wolf side could probably take over fully and turn him into the full big furry Warwick finally. Vander just has to die first.

CL also confirmed that the weird anomaly that had sent Jayce to some acid trip timeline was Viktor's work, so you might not be wrong after all.

Too many strings to tie up, yes

Maybe Viktor would pay him back and return his daughter in glorios robot form.

it'll be fucking finger painted or some other stupid shit

Pink, blue, green, and purple finger painting montage of scenes from Jinx's upbringing with Silco, including: Silco braiding her hair, messing with Sevika, building new contraptions, applying injections to Silco's eye, and more.

lil jinx.jpg - 2048x2321, 922.72K

So it will coincide with jinx's suicide attempt. Worst sister of the year goes to vi.

punch girl and normal human with a gun vs 2 gods


Yeah, and they’ll come as Jinx blows the last drop up

Bro if they show silco fucking jinx, finger paint style, I would actually kneel.

Amanda literally gave her a tiny mute loli to molest. Jinx canonically had sex with Isha many times.

My expectations are low but I expect it to be so, so much worse. It was the act that had the writers stressing hard in BtR. The infamous "drowning baby in bathwater" line. It's going to be dogshit of legendary proportions, it's why all the writers are tense and defensive right now.

And where is that child now?

Only on Anon Babble.

She's so hot when she's mad.

Dead (took her own life after getting molested by Jinx too many times)

Oh most definitely, the people who are saying "jinx won't die" are the writers deflecting so that you would get gaslight into thinking the ending wouldn't be game of thrones level bad.

based, /ll/ is underrated

it said Warwick on the file names is what the redditor who posted it said, the other squidward looking mf was supposed to be GE Viktor in the mask

idk who else it's supposed to be if not WW

coped with silco's death by looking at and posting cute silco jinx art

now coping Isha's death by looking for and posting cute isha jinx art

Being a Jinx fan is suffering.

Now Ekko can replace her. All according to keikaku.

Doesn’t even look like her I thought it was vi

Jinx sad in the last drop. starts pouring gasoline everywhere

Sad song plays

Cuts of the the rest of the crew being sad and shit wherever they are

Cuts to Ekko racing from Piltover to Zaun

Is slowed down by crowds, enforcer patrols, and missed jumps

Jinx commits sudoku

Ekko sees the burned remains of the last light


Song ends

Activates the Z drive

Song kicks in

Ekko is back at the starting point

Races through the city

A little faster, still late

Activates again

This repeats

Show makes effort to show Ekko retains damage/fatigue between attempts

Eventually he makes the final difficult run

Stops Jinx at the last possible moment

Heart to heart ends with a kiss or at the very least a romantically charged embrace

Would it be Kino?

Ekko will never be a retarded mute loli.

The only comfort I can give you is that jinx is better than vi and that she would make a good mother.

Vander's head blew off from the Isha bomb right? Based on the preview i think

I am PRAYING that his head regrows with the classic Wolf head

"you called me... a mongus...?"

Even cait hates how vi talking like 30y/o they/them

irelia in the middle


Act 1 Caitlyn was peak

So horrible. Misery sickness syndrome. I don’t want to see that. Dignity please.

Why does Caitlyn have both eyes?

Leaks confirmed fake

Ekko gets time powers

Jayce travels to the future and then back

What kinda wacky time shenanigans do you thing Heimerdinger is getting up to?

want Viktor erotica

trans Viktor everywhere

It's not THAT much to cover if they just focus on the champs they care about.

Ending Odds.png - 1140x550, 355.13K

in season 1, Vi jumps off the roof on her own on believing Powder can do it on her own

Jinx and Isha jumps off together hand in hand

Yeah, Silco taught her good lessons in parenthood.

The algo shows you what you're interested in. Stop lingering on trans viktor art.

What do you think the odds are of an so far unseen league champion being seen?

Leblanc is in the show but its unknown if we'll see her classic incarnation, an illusion/disguise or a straight up redesign

Swain, Kat and Darius may show up if Mel or Ambessa make it back to Noxus

I don't know how the show is going to end in a way that can even come close to reconciling with the game. Best bet I have is that the Hexgate will explode and spread magic to the entire world on an unseen scale.

Which would be lame as fuck

god that viktor mask is so god damn ugly

Its insane how much of a better parent/sister/guardian/mentor Jinx was than literally everyone else in the show.

Isha went from being a random ass kid to being able to make near perfect Jinx-esque explosions that threw Caitlin off on an inspection.

She deserves to be a mother

Will not be watching their negroxus series when it drops unless they pull some absolutely insane shit out of their ass and fire lee, linke, and amanda and hire competent writers in their place. So far mel and ambessa have been an absolute bore in s2

anyone who still plays Viktor and doesn't use Creator deserves it

I feel so lied to by the reviewers who said act 2 was better than act 1.

They've barely had any screen time to even be relevant to the plot at this point, along with literally everyone else whose not Vi Jinx and Vanderwick

Mel has cornrows

Not a good look at all. Her old hair was perfect, why change it?

We don't need more music video nonsense. But real flashbacks would have been nice in any capacity desu, the ones we got in s1 were great.

Keeping track for my "Who fucked up" list for Season 2.

Some clear shifts this time. Gotta give Vi credit though, she did at least some things right this time, even if she's still fucking up a lot.

that's the modern audience way of thinking, more shit happening = it's good
they can't even stand one season, so miniseries becoming the trend

over a decade later and that's still his best skin, wtf is wrong with riot

bottom two

Topeka kek.

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Do you think, uh... Do you think Isha's body is still warm. I'm just asking...

Bruh... there is no body. Hextech explosion turn you to dust

That thing you like SUCKS. Unlike ME.

Braindead. Vander fucked up Season 2 with his furry bullshit. Meanwhile the chembarons like Smeech and that other ho were very good. That's what we should have gotten more of, Piltover versus Zaun stuff, not this wolf shit.

You might feel different in 5 years it takes for the next show to come out

unironically this. I enjoyed Act 1. 2 just brought everything to a screeching halt with Vander.

Dude you have no taste, don't speak

Firing Linke

lel he's a chief director at Riot. He'll be the one doing the firings.

lost all hope in this fanbase when i went to search for fanfics yesterday on ao3 and saw someone unironically tag viktor as cis. He's already cis. He had an enourmous schlong before fusing with the hexcore, what are these people on. Just because a headcanon is popular doesn't mean you have to tag your fanfics for these people in the most senseless way possible

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It's not about how good of a character they are, it's about how many bad choices they made.
Vanderwick hasn't really made any choices of his own besides loving his family which is a debatable mistake but I'd lean that it was the right thing overall compared to just being a mindless beast.
Smeech, while entertaining, made every bad choice he could have and is dead now cause of it.

Oh, your image is titled "who fucked up season 2 so far" so I took that literally

Sorry, should have probably went with "Who fucked up - Season 2 so far"

When I watch this I just root for all the champions I remember from when I played the game in like 2010

Come on Singed, mix mix swirl mix up some Zyclon B for these dumb lesbians

I need this nigga gone. Or firmly placed in the background as an ideas guy

The ending will be ass if they go the misery porn route again. S1 ending was perfect because at the time we expected the characters to be true to themselves so misery porn was the only way. Jinx had to become an irredeemable villain. Vi had to suffer in order to hate her. Vik and Jayce had to fight each other.

Now it's different. The writers have shown the y have no intentions of making these characters like their real League versions, so if the ending is now "anything goes", the misery porn route is just bait for the sake of bait. Literally a marketing move to get people talking and award juries to vote for them because "art is angsty".

Jinx had to become an irredeemable villain.

a direct strike on remorseless oppressive leaders responsible for countless direct and indirect zaunite deaths


You're describing Silco.
Jinx is a schizo teenager with bpd who has no goals, passions, or code of ethics outside of killing for shock value

I barely watch shows these days and after how hard arcane s2 let me down I'm not too keen on trying this all over again. PzN had some fairly straight forward themes they could have explored and they still fucked that up, if they move to regions where politics play a bigger role I dread to see what kind of sloppa they'd produce.

Webm for your heartbreak

Life Flash.webm - 1662x698, 3.78M

A yes the politics.

slavery bad

no slavery good

I kill you and free all my slave friends

wait I'm the bad guy now?

we will lock you up for thousands of years for freeing the slaves

what? No!

yes. Also we will stick you in this coffin and blame every problem on you

Just because a headcanon is popular doesn't mean you have to tag your fanfics for these people

But that's exactly what it means. Once a hc reaches critical mass within a community it's more efficient to account for it so no one's time is wasted.
Specific tagging allows people to search specifically for or filter out specific tags.
You should want this type of tagging to be universal.
You can click on cis viktor, or exclude trans viktor in the filter bar, and now you will never encounter shit you don't want to see.

You're describing Silco.

Silco took out the Piltover counsel with the technologically advanced weapon he built himself?

killing for shock value

Maybe watch the series again. No one Jinx kills didn't bring it on themselves.

She learned from the best.

Did China censor the lesbian scenes?

Learned from their mistakes, more like.

you know the wild rune shimmer enhanced HexRT goes hard. natural Cs in weeks, no cone shaped tits or puffy nipples. custom built purple cocks. the works.

Jinx didn't kill them because of the politics, she did it to deal with her grief. You're the one who has to watch the series again.


She learned from *his* example.

I wish her brooding prince era was longer.

raised by single BPD mother

runs a marathon through a warzone in order to kill herself and her mom's foster dad


the wild rune is going to send jinx to this timeline

My point is that there should be no 'cis viktor' tag because that's already canon. Writers don't need to tag 'pink haired vi' or 'tall caitlyn' on heir works because it's already canon. You don't tag canon things. Ao3 already gets on my nerves sometimes because some writers won't tag their cuntboy shit because they think everyone wants to read it. I do appreciate the ones who tag 'trans viktor' because as you said it, i can filter it out. It's just that tagging something like this because a headcanon is so popular people might think it's canon is crazy. I've never seen this before in any fandom. It's also useless. It was a tag created days ago who got used in 2-3 works, no one uses it so there is no way to use it as filter.
I'm crossing my fingers when the series ends there will be less of this nonsense.

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Jinx didn't kill them because of the politics, she did it to deal with her grief

And? It doesn't make them any less innocent, and any less justice that she killed them. What's wrong with an oppressed person being personally motivated?

This guys work would be so hot if he didn't make them make such goofy faces.

I had a feeling on what this was before I clicked it.

If Caitlyn was never meant to be a dictator then why bother doing a Macbeth reference in the opening? Man so many of the plot threads for this season seems convoluted and unnecessary

Jinx didn't kill them because of the politics

So the councilors, Enforcers, and Firelights are just randos?
Jinx isn't a school shooter. She targets members of her city's oligarchy, their foot soldiers, and rival gang members. That's pretty damn political. She's not consciously political, but her actions are nevertheless informed by politics because it's the constant background radiation in her life affecting everything. She knows who the enemy is, she knows they're why her life is shit, and she takes her anger out on them.

You wanted her to lose her head?

They set Caitlyn up for a deep and exciting arc but chickened out the last second.

Same with jinx. The writers need to be flayed. No one is more scared of "complicated female characters" than them

I thought she same. The way it was written clearly shows she was never fully supposed to be evil but then they threw in these unnecessary clues about it.


if jinx suicide how they become league of legends?

kino fanart

Where can I find that version? It sounds vastly superior.

Also because they knew if they had really gone that route with Caitlyn, she'd either have to be killed off like Jinx or not land up with Vi. Either one and the caitvifags would have gone abysmal.

Unironically Jinx and Cait leading Zaun and Piltover to war and "watching it all burn" would've been better than whatever this is.

WeTV or Bilibili

In China, probably

AU/timeline nonsense.

The thing is though, them chickening out last minute was futile because she still did a lot of heinous things. Almost shot the accountant and Isha, releasing gasses, enacting martial law, etc etc. It was too fucking late for them to quit her arc, they should've committed to it because now her character is in limbo and there's not enough time to redeem her.

Imagine how deadly Caitlyn would be if she was a villain to the cast given that she's a great shot and can easily do headshots if she wasn't a big moral fag



female John Wick basically

Do you think Cait made Maddie wear a pink wig or a blue one more often?

It's just that tagging something like this because a headcanon is so popular people might think it's canon is crazy. I've never seen this before in any fandom.

I've never seen this before in any fandom.

Fanon is a term for elements (headcanons) that are widely accepted among a fandom. Sometimes it becomes so prevalent newfags will think it's canon.
This is not new. We started referring to fan canon as fanon 30 years ago, back in the early 90s when we were doing mailing lists.
It's not any different from a gay interpretation of a character being so common in a fandom that it has to be specified whether the fic is using the straight canon version or the gay fanon version.

they should've committed to it because now her character is in limbo and there's not enough time to redeem her.

this. they shouldve let her continue to spiral to moral depravity or removed the dictator arc all together. there was not enough episodes in the season for her to do a flip turn and have a redemption arc last minute. now her character was assassinated with no payoff.

Well Isha hasn't been known to be particularly caring for her own life

now her character was assassinated with no payoff.

those defenders saying they would give her one of the best arcs in the series must feel like a joke after Act 2 aired. What a waste of screen time.

Yes anon i've never seen this before in any fandom. And i've read and downloaded a shitton of fanfics. A character being gay in a fanfic is very obvious to being fanon, it's different from sexuality to gender headcanons but what do I know. As long as it's tagged properly it's good with me, it's just this particular side of newfag stuff that i dislike personally

Her arc was still going really well in episodes 4-5, and then episode 6 happened...

All her life she's just been waiting for an opportunity to die for Jinx

She's just like me

We have Wayne at home

A character being gay in a fanfic is very obvious to being fanon, it's different from sexuality to gender headcanons

It's the same. Both involve people who lack representation latching onto characters they resonate with as a vehicle for self-expression.
People who are unfamiliar with fandom and unused to gay fanons will recoil at it the same way you do with trans fanons. I've heard over and over and over again straight male fans making same complaints you are.
I'm not trying to dismiss your concerns, but I figure you'd be dismissive of people whining about jayvik. Apply the same arguments you'd make with them to the trans stuff.

Can't have our heckin precious lesbian go full fash when there's no heckin precious lesbian on the anti-fascist side. It'd look a return to the Hays Code era of only casting gays as villains.

I still remember when she accurately shot the shimmer vial on Sevika's arm then immediately followed up with another two shots on her arm precisely. She really is an excellent shot

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you're just like le dudebros.

God forbid you complain about something holy shit girl

But what if she missed Jinx's head from 3 feet away? She might have accidentally shot the little girl that kills herself anyway!

God forbid I exercise basic pattern recognition

And like I said, the way they do the monetization is way more overdone gacha than even the current TFT system

That's shitty. I'm starting to think Xi had the right idea with those 2023 gaming regulations

she really is an excellent shot

not for long ig.

How many times is someone from Jinx's past gonna have her dead to rights, hesitate because of their relationship, then be interrupted by an unexpected event?

couldn't even give the dykes a full on happy end lol. wasn't their thing in the game that they were partners fighting crime. what is vi gonna do with a disabled ex sniper.

you don't like tranny headcanons? just like the homophobes that plague fandoms and harass artists

you're so retarded it's not even funny. kill yourself

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singed will live

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It's going to happen at least two more times before the ending.

Implying you need two eyes to shoot well

please tell me it's futa

Ambessa taking one or both eyes from Caitlyn is the narrative consequences I'm looking for for Caitlyn. Is it ideal? No. But i'll make due with it because there's not much else deeper that can be done in only 3 episodes.

it isn't

An excellent shot

Gets close quarters with the enemy because "muh ambessa training" and unsurprisingly gets beaten up instead of being miles away from harm like a sniper.

Is she stupid?

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To be fair to Caitlyn, it looks like she got surrounded and her gun taken away. It doesn't look like she has a choice but to fight one-on-one in this scenario.

Gather round while I sing you of Singed,
A man whose allegiance, is ruled by expedience.
Call him a criminal, he won't even frown.
"Ha, criminal schiminal," says Singed
Don't say that he's hypocritical,
Say rather that he's apolitical.
"Once the gas canisters are up,
Who cares where they come down?
That's not my department,"
Says Singed.

Some have harsh words for this man of renown,
But some think our attitude
Should be one of gratitude,
Like the widows and cripples in old Ionia City,
Who owe their large pensions to Singed.
You too may be a big hero,
Once you've learned to count backwards to zero.
"In Piltian oder Noxian I know how to count down,
Und I'm learning Demacian," says Singed

Thanks, ChatGPT.

that would've figured out how to keep the rhythm of wernher von bruan's name

probably have sex all day in her family's palatial estate

What a bitch

what is vi gonna do with a disabled ex sniper.

eat her sweaty pussy out when she comes back from patrol. stress relief is crucial in high intensity careers

Ah come on, ffs they're doing multiverse.

even co threads getting slower

it's joever

It looks like she's seconds away from having a flashback about her mother and Vi, and then flipping Adessa to the ground just like their judyke training.

does anybody else think the leaks don't sound that bad?

Did people seriously ever think Arcane canon and game canon would be one-to-one
It's nearly 11PM in the west coast, americans are sleeping.

there's a universe out there jayce and viktor got together

all i need to know


Rewatching this scene, aside from the shit chink song and the melodrama self-sacrifice, what the FUCK was going on with the spacing?

Ironically, the very first shot is the most reasonable - Warwick does look like he's three seconds away from killing Jinx and Isha has barely a moment to do something suicidal to stop him. But then Jinx has the opportunity to get up and run for several seconds TOWARDS him to try to stop Isha before being intercepted by Vi, who herself was limping AWAY from everyone else involved for almost a minute before that

Literally everybody involved has to teleport back and forth over the span of several hundred feet for what transpires onscreen to happen and the end result looks like everybody could have easily just walked off the battlefield from a safe distance while Warwick was busy wiping out the Noxus army

oof.jpg - 2094x888, 162.95K

I'm not surprised given that multiverse and time travel is very dumb the leak looked dumb not on purpose but as a result of that.

I really believe that no matter what happens or who dies, the things that will never happen again are

Jinx going completely feral retard

Jinx and Vi ending up at each other's throats

Am I retarded? It just feels like that chain can't be yoinked again, even though the show already did it multiple times

No you're not retarded, we're obviously past those story beats.

Cliches are never good, they cannot even be defined or hold any meaning.

LMAO at least Anon Babble is funny, this place feels like an asylum of angry retards

I've always had the idea of making a conversion of League, specifically Arcane to Pathfinder 2e.

PF because it has a pretty good system and isn't bogged down by WotC jewish practices. What would you think would be needed for that? My idea was to start self contained to P+Z

It's very sad that even given this season barely had any Ekko and Heimer again.

close to reconciling with the game.

It doesn't have to do that, Arcane and future shows are the new lore, everything else in-game will slowly adapt to it, consider in-game stuff as obsolete.

My main issue is that Hextech is fucking everywhere and is the core "trait" of Piltover

Where did you get this footage of episode 7?

mfw warwick dies AGAIN, pushing jinx even FURTHER into madness

IMG_1579.jpg - 357x354, 20.87K

Umineko fans love trans

viktor as new design leak

IMG_1066.jpg - 931x862, 402.35K

who the fuck cares about the lorax dude

Thank god, i was worried they would change his whole lore


They're very uninteresting characters and I can't wait for act to be about nothing but ekko the nigger saving the day with time travel

I mean, they have changed his lore
"He died and started a Void cult and then died again and started a robot cult to make up for it" is almost hilariously contrived

What are the chances a champ dies in a way that is completely close ended in act 3

Here's Jinx!

Whys she copying her dyke sister

Few hiccups along the way but we got there maybe for like an episode in the last act but still

Fucking release him to wild rift already.

I want him to get murdered a third time to see what kind of cult he starts then

To show that they settled their differences despite Jinx killing Vi girlfriend's mother

Caitlyn demands a very specific aesthetic from her fuckpets.

tbf her sister's gf's mom benefited from the immiseration of the undercity and deserved to die

creator/battlecast where he triples down on machines, or psyops where he turns to alien technology and perform nazi experiments

Dude, her mom is the reason the undercity could breathe

It looks like crap to be honest, why would they change his story so much and give out the same thing but with a red cape. mehhhh I was hoping he'd be connected to anomaly

Am I the only one who thinks it looks like AI?

If you stick a nine inch knife into my back and pull it out three inches I'm not going to thank you for it.
She and her ilk are oligarchs. Do you think it's an accident the few who own things are obscenely rich while the masses that work and produce the wealth are left to rot in slums?

if you mean they're taken out of any games 0%
if you mean dead in the show, possible

This looks like a fanart. The design also doesn’t match Viktor’s leaked pony design. Chinese netizens are known to use random images without credits so take it with a grain of salt.

I would say Jinx has a super high chance she dies because none of the Zaun champions that came out in the last 2-3 years mention her in their lore in any way.
And they already had the script and story, so if she was a big deal, they would have. Ekko is safe 100% because of this. Warwick, Jinx and Singed are never mentioned, but Singed probably fucked off to Noxus anyway.

Ambessa has no presence in LoL lore post current events, so she's a goner

Jinx will leave Zaun and be thought dead, but she's just wandering the world to find her place and will end up in Demacia.

As a vifag I expected her to do more this season but her character has just fallen flat and she just follows others around
Even fucking Sevika does more cool shit than Vi. Vi season my ass

It’s almost like her story potential was exhausted back in S1 and they only kept her around because she’s Riot’s obligatory mascot.

I mean a death for a character in which there is no chance of any other outcome. The opposite of an open ended death. They might still keep the characters in game.

KEK, caitlyn will only forgive her if she makes her cum every morning until the day she dies.
All in front vi of course.

I will take it. In this scenario of cope, I hope she meets morgana and bond.

Aside from homies like Mordekaiser or Karthus who are already dead as a gimmick, off the top of my head League's game lore killed Gangplank and Viego as it progressed

Singed has war crimes to commit so he can't die now.

This board is so miserable because all anyone cares about are leaks. I don’t think any anons care about how good the show is instead they only care about the outcome for their favourite character. Twitfags