Adventure Time

two more spinoffs (Side Quests and BMO), a movie, and F&C S2 in the works

It's funny to me that Adventure Time is still going and has far outlived all the shows that were started by people who spun off the AT crew.
What's the secret to its longevity?

Modern viewers reluctance to watch anything that doesnt belong to an already established property.

Not sure but has there ever been another sort of hydra case of continuation. Like it feels like the show just multiplied into tons of different shows once it died, like how a hydra grows more heads once one is cut off

What the fuck is side quests? They don't have any main quests.

it feels like the show just multiplied into tons of different shows once it died

Since the end of the main show, there has been the S11 comics, Olivia Olson's Marcy & Simon comic, a Marceline pirate graphic novel, the Distant Lands specials, and the latest is F&C.

It's a kids' series that's a flashback to young Finn with no story stuff and just episodic adventures. The BMO one is a preschool show about BMO with new friends.
I think the goal is diversifying with the F&C series for old adult fans, the Side Quests for the audience the original show targeted at first, and Heyo BMO as their baby show.


Steven Universe

Mighty Magiswords



Summer Camp Island

They're all either the type of show that even kids hated, doesn't click with kids but adults love, or is just so limited by itself that it can't really go on much further.

Steven Universe

the funny thing about that one is that I'm pretty sure Anon Babble liked Adventure Time's last seasons more than Steven Universe's fanbase liked their show's last seasons
it was such a hot mess

It throws you right into the action, not just characters beating each other up at the beginning (like Mao Mao) but knows to put the inciting incident for the story of the episode very close to the beginning so you have a reason to watch, unlike some shows (such as Mao Mao) and has a unique style of surrealist humor instead of heavily relying on irony that detracts from the theme of the episode and entire premise of the show (like Mao Mao) and has an expansive world with a system of rules that makes it iconic, instead of taking Anime and shrinking it to one town (like Mao Mao).

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Cn banking on it saving their ass back then (granted the 08/09 era is overhated it’s main issue was just cn real being shit and their original shows being Underplayed as hell like shit like billy and Mandy Ed edd n eddy and fosters were gone from the line up half the time he’ll chowder and flapjack were basically fighting for relevance but George of the jungle chop sooky chooks total drama island (and action) and Johnny test aired several times through the day) but to get back on topic cn basically attributes all their success in 2010 to adventure time and regular show and gumball so essentially their shows from like summer 2011-early 2014

Adventure Time is closer to Dexter's Lab than to modern day.

The time between the 2007 Boston bomb scare and the airing of Adventure Time and Regular Show was only 3 years.

I know people were acting like it was over for cn that entire time though (hell even up to like fall 2010 people weren’t super confident about cns quality) also I’m an anon that was born in 2003 so o have no memory of pre bomb scare cn at all (or anything before like December 2007

Too bad everything that came out after it ended is non canon and mean spirited and bad...

it is, isn't it?

Adventure Time just lends itself to endless storytelling opportunities. It's really impressive to see just how much can be mined out of its setting and premise.

Also, saying AT is "still going" ignores the fact that it was cancelled and had been losing popularity before getting revived with specials and spin-offs. I think allowing the franchise to further expand its world and reinvent itself also helps with its continued popularity. Compare it to other reboots/revivals that just try to do more of the same.

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i feel like you have a vendetta over a promising show

Fionna and Cake isn't even really a spin-off and is more of a direct sequel tho

Total Drama is popular

it's got an interesting world and timeline

I understand it's not to everyone's liking, but I personally liked Pen's new adultswim pilot:

It's charming

Cartoon Network's flagship show during what most people view as the Network's pic

I think allowing the franchise to further expand its world and reinvent itself also helps with its continued popularity

That's one thing I appreciate about the upcoming King of the Hill revival. Even though I REALLY would prefer the show not come back at all, it's nice that they actually moved forward with a permanent time-skip. That's new territory for a long-running animated sitcom, so I imagine it must've taken some convincing for Hulu to approve of the writers' vision.

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upcoming King of the Hill revival

looking into this has led me down a rabbit hole about the weirdness around Luanne's VA, her husband, and their deaths

Adventure Time is the hot ticket for Californians to push their shitty politics and "I wish I were in an anime right now :(" into a popular cartoon that can be easily regurgitated ad naseum, hence the selling out to multiple spinoffs.

Desperately failed attempt to keep pushing a show that was outed for child homosexuality indoctrination and hetero male boy demoralization.
Big game of aversion therapy to turn children faggots trans and boys in to self hating cowards.

CN is dead and the IP is going to be openly hated by the coming anti-woke backlash. It won't be as bad as Steven universe will get it though.

This shows insistence on "lore", open hatred of the lead, and deeply disturbed objectively evil characters being portrayed as good or blameless stripped away and all hope of this show being a simple child friemdly zombie show,

Even the cn appropriate audience sensed how disturbed the people who created it are and distanced themselves from it.

Murphy went to the same"trainer" as Kanye and Ellen "Elliot" page. We all heard the voice recording he sent to ye and we all see what's happened to Ellie.
Also ,any of his clients are corpses.

I can't say anymore.

The secret is nostalgia by the loser millennials that watched this show back then, fuck even the original show got cancelled early because kids preferred to watch TTGO over some pretentious arc about Candy Mengele and her family

The show was cocaine to kids for the first 5 seasons. CN has never made and likely never will make a show that rivals its draw, all they can really do is undo the damage from the second half of the show

cancelled early

lasted 10 seasons and was a big enough draw to continue to milk it after

People complain about Teen Titans Go because it's goofy and childish and off the wall, but at least it can tell a coherent plot every episode, which is actually why it worked. It had good fundamentals under all those gags. Adventure Time told stories in an alternate way, but it seems like a lot of shows trying to copy that AT resorted to making random events happen on screen to fill 11 minutes of time in the tone they wanted, and when pressed they're like "But kids like Anime and Anime has slice of life sometimes".

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Do you have any reading comprehension?
I was referring specifically to the last season
I wouldn't brag about getting more slop content in age of the IPocaplypse, even Regular Show is getting more content and that one had an actual finale

you ever think about how different things would be if Nick picked it up?

Not really. Knowing Nick, it'd probably be cancelled after the first season. Maybe it would have had more foot jokes.

not the show
the whole landscape of American animation

lack of competition

Man, Flapjack really went downhill after JG Quintel left to make Regular Show. The first 3 seasons were good, but by season 5 it's just not even the same show anymore

Warner being to incompetent to use it's IPs right so they just fall back on the one they remember.

TTGo struggles to break 120k views anon, it really shouldn't be used as a gold standard.

It's actually good, unlike SU and all the other derivative trash it spawned, no matter how much self-insertfags on this board want to BAWWWW about it.

Yeah sure buddy. Kids totally watch your shitty cape shit series.

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