What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Not enough of the CEO
Prioritized THEIR version and THEIR ideas over making a cartoon that was actually funny
We get it anon, you like jewish women.
Revealed that the Animaniacs formula was never funny and we just watched it because TV had like four channels that played cartoons.
I wonder if theres something about writers today that were brought up with and obsessed about cartoons while older writers were more rounded and often had classical educations.
They turned brain into a psycho.
Didn't bring back Tom Ruegger and the rest of the writing staff.
The reboot is worse but "90s kidz" overhyped the fuck out of nearly every cartoon they watched.
Animaniacs is largely just a bunch of annoying gags and pop culture references made by writers who couldn't stop huffing their own farts.
It wasn't funny. It was "too American". It wasn't timeless (to be fair, the original wasn't really timeless either). Also, everything looked like ass but I really liked the Warner's design with their sharp teeth and the more yellow-ish tone.
pretty much this. the original was made by boomers who had no idea what kids liked
It was never good, so a reboot could only be shittier. The "heckin adult humor" makes me want to vomit from how cringe it is.
Fun fact: When a show was in production longer than it was on the air, that means it was a total failure.
Animaniacs 2020's format was absolutely nothing like Animaniacs 1993's format, either in variety show format or in presentation and human
Don't be disingenuous
Shut up fag
veiled leftoid propaganda isn't fooling anyone anymore.
Didn't help that the adult humor show didn't feel like a show for adults at all.
BUT its nice to have an excuse to post Julia outside of a rat thread.
Not bringing back the original writers
Slappy was the best part
the russian episode age worse than milk tho
Animaniacs and Looney Tunes were just proto-Family Guy with slapstick, pop culture references, and satire just with a higher animation budget
They cut most of the cast.
The warner siblings cannot carry the show and P&tB can only do so to pick up the slack.
Oh yes absolutely. Writers today are the kinds of people who are fans of cartoons and not much else. Kinda like inbreeding, but for creativity
It's what a 12 year old would consider adult.
terrible, TERRIBLE animation
redesigns and new artstyle have very clear limits that often rears its ugly head, especially when the Warners try to emulate the OG show
writers who clearly have never watched or cared for the original show at the helm
scrapping all but a handful of characters despite the original hinging on being a sketch comedy with lots of distinct characters
Instead of the Warners being wacky children bringing chaos to a satirical world, they're cynical "adults" enduring an insane asylum of a world
the writing in general was way too cynical, when the whole point of the original was being optimistic in the face of adversity
badly tries to emulate Ren and Stimpy, with lots of gross out humor that never lands
A better question is, what DIDN'T go wrong? It's a mess, top to bottom. It's practically exists to make the original show look better.
I consider myself a leftist but I found the way it handled politics bad. The "bun" analogy was absolutely terrible (it was a self proclaimed adult show anyway, just show cartoon guns), and I found the anti Russian episode offensive.
You don't make fun of a country by getting down on their level. It's the exact kind of shit you'd see on Russian TV about the west, it wasn't clever. And since it was a cartoon, it felt like it was feeding hate to kids, since it didn't attack the leaders, but the entire people. It really was war-era tier propaganda, and I expected more from... you know... jewish writers, who are constant victims of propaganda?
Quit samefagging, it's embarrassing.
sketch comedy with lots of distinct characters
Sure but most of them were the worst of the OG show.
what DIDN'T go wrong
The new CEO woman wasn't a terrible inclusion to the cast.
>Instead of the Warners being wacky children bringing chaos to a satirical world, they're cynical "adults" enduring an insane asylum of a world
Shit now that you say it... that was the whole joke behind them!
She was probably the only character who felt like a real person in this show, yeah.
The whole point is that not every character is going to be someone's cup of tea, but they provide very important diversity that prevents the sketches you DO like from becoming state. Take the Muppet Show for example. Sure, you could argue that Swedish Chef is one note, or that Pigs in Space isn't particularly funny, or that Rolf is just kinda there. But could you imagine a Muppet Show without any of these goobers?
I saw this in a thread ages ago, and it really stuck with me by how accurate it is.
I guess, but knowing that Ruegger would've made Hello Nurse the CEO made me feel like we were robbed.
I tried rewatching a lot of it not that long ago and it really doesn't hold up. Tiny Toons has the same problem. It's a lot of pop culture references that were dated, even for their time, too many fucking characters and mini-series because they couldn't think up enough stuff to do with the Warners, and no real concrete identity of what it wanted to be, except to fill space between Chicken Boo skits or Pinky and the Brain shorts.
This anon gets it.
I liked Starbox and Cindy. The style was unique even if the idea was cliche and the cartoon itself was charming.
this. the entire show should've just been her stepping on people and calling them disgusting
You share this board with faggots of this magnitude
The reboot was not meant to be entertaining, it was made by hacks for clout.
Cut basically everyone for some stupid reason, then made the show run by people who hated (or just didn't watch) the original.
Also the writing was shit
those were the only characters anyone really cared about
Why do they keep replacing male leader characters with women? Happened in Totally Spies' revival too. Both were even of dark colors.
They're made by repressed homosexual men who get anxious every time they look at a male
it was made
I think it’s also a mix of studios effectively getting rid of writers rooms and making boarders the writers
Egos, plain and simple. Creatives now are brought in based on what they are rather than their merits and it shows in the writing.
le quirky cartoon that requires pop culture references to stay afloat flops
Blame pop culture. It sucks.
get woke, go broke. many such cases. sad!
What went wrong
Woke ideologues.
It was a horrible idea pitched by cynical retards who had no love for the source material and approved by out of touch faggots with no regard for the creators, the fans, or taste of any kind.
It's like one faggot autistically samefagging to pretend like nobody liked the original show. It's just yet another schizo vying for a gimmick on this board, only without an actual trip to go with it.
Fuck off Cartoon hag. Get some taste.
Get a tripcode
While this reboot was bad for a variety of reasons, thinking about it makes me have to wonder what it is that makes people here on Anon Babble and elsewhere - myself included, deride and shit on media for having references to modern pop culture, smartphones/meme humor, references to modern politics, and zoomer humor when absolutely no one complains about older media doing the same thing but with technology from its time.
Are we just getting old? Why does this stuff make myself and others cringe so hard when we didn't care and in many cases still don't care if a show does the same thing but references old shit? Would people be more forgiving to this show if instead of Trump and smartphones it referenced Bill Clinton and the Nintendo 64?
The obvious answer is that pop culture references become dated very quickly. But I also think modern pop culture is already very ironic and self-deprecating so when cartoons do that its just needless I guess
I'm ignoring the writing/humor issues.
One thing that was off-putting were instances of animations being copied from the original. Not only is that a poor way to homage a cartoon, it's weird for a reboot to homage itself. That awkwardness is a summation of the entire show. It's desperate to convince the audience it's the same old thing, while actively fighting against what it was.
So angry about the reboot's jokes triggering you that you didn't notice I was talking about the original.
not finding it fathomable that more than 1 person dislikes Animaniacs
I said the reboot was worse. It was so much more blatantly written by people with clear agendas who were more focused on being smarmy than telling jokes.
But the original show is bad still. It's not the worst thing ever but "90s kids" would have you believe it was this witty, revolutionary comedy show when in reality it was the same handful of jokes and celebrity worship repeated for 100 episodes
Even with the original there are some pop culture moments that came so late if the landscape was different the jokes wouldn't have landed. Like how the Power Rangers parody episode actually came two years after MMPR's premier so. It was perhaps some luck that the franchise was successful enough that it was still doing what it was doing even when the parody finally did get to air.
I'm just saying Animaniacs 2020 and Animaniacs 1993 don't have the same show format at all
I was going to say why but realized it's been so long I forgot what actually went wrong.
>Instead of the Warners being wacky children bringing chaos to a satirical world, they're cynical "adults" enduring an insane asylum of a world
Okay, yep, you reminded me, its coming back, that was the problem. The gun control sketch exemplefied this. The political message was one thing, the real takeaway from that segment was that the writers straight up did not understand the characters.
4 years ago
I don't know if it's a trends with reboots/continuations or just a broader movement in writing nowadays
but damn do we get a lot of "everyone's just kind of a dick to each other" type characters in shit nowadays, everyone's having marvel misunderstandings and shit
Like I said, it's in a bunch of stuff but especially in remakes, I think typically cause it's an easy way to contrast with older stuff that tends to have the cast more friendly and having in team arguments is an easy plot hook. Recent example would be elita one from tf one (the thing I described isn't recent with transformers, the autobots have been at each other's throats in a lot of stuff going back to idw 2005)
Normally I would agree that time flies but in this case this show already feels super old. Maybe because of how heavily I associate it with covid, or maybe because it's just that dated.
John K tried to warn us