Arcane: Eileen Edition

Who the fuck is Eileen? The mom's name is Felicia

Never forget

Contexto of the day anons

I want to save her so bad


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why does Vi have mommy issues?

I love this short schizo

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Reminder that this isn't the first time Jayce has tried to kill/save Viktor.

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Come on, dude.
You're tying too fucking hard, even pulling the Mel card now.

It was a stupid fucking plan, which came about from a stupid fucking script with stupid fucking dialogue.
There was no thought put into it beyond

catherine and violet need to get back together this episode

Because she was old enough to actually remember her mom and she grew up without one.

Powder had Vi to occupy that spot while Vi had nothing.

So - do we think Maddie is a traitor?

Pure sex appeal


Ekko will save Jinx and give her the gift of motherhood! Curing her of her mental illnesses

"I asked for no pickles please."

Really wish there was more to theorize here, but all I can really add is that there's a difference in speech too, in the beginning he says "I see it now" and in the end he says "I understand now". Synonyms but not the same.

Nta but wasn't Caitlyn already snooping around anyway? That place where she met Vi.. why was she up there? She was obviously listening in on their conversations. Vi's (and Jinx's) involvement was just the last push she needed to actually take action.

We see her back in Piltover next episode so I'm sure she already had a backup plan.

But what if Vi feminisation?

no counter-argument


Hey, asshole! She said no pickles


Uhm, excuse me. I believe I asked for no pickles?


Goes to the bathroom and has a mental breakdown before shooting up the place

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Hetfags lost so hard that they're latching onto Bow from She-Ra



Because she's a fucking sniper and she was providing cover fire to Singed should anything go wrong since they sent him alone

Counter-argument to what? You keep badly trying to sell the idea that it was actually a brilliant 5D chess keikaku from Catherine when it's just bad writing

I'd have mommy issues too if my mom was that banging


Tries to tell a joke, gestures too enthusiastically, knocks the sodas on the approaching server's tray over, who drops it, along with everyone's meal. When the server turns to leave for a rag and to redo the order she slips and falls into the grease frier.

Mommy and daddy issues.

it's just bad writing because… it just is!

no I don't need to make arguments because… I just don't!

Fuck off back to /lolg/

Why did she put her hand on the pistol when Ambessa walked in if her pistol wasn't even charged with hexcore?

milking viktor's prostate until he pees himself

no argument

To at least put up a fight if(when) Ambessa recognized her

Malzahar randomly a 5 cost in the new TFT set with the traits "Automata, Visionary"

Very likely to be replaced by Viktor when he comes next patch after Arcane's over

The Visionary trait's unique augment summons Voidlings when Visionary units spend mana


teasing Jinx's perky nipples until she creams in her pants

Would Jinx's pussy cause your dick to get shimmered up?

Nah you didn't understand that scene.
First of all Caitlyn tells Vi that she shouldn't be there because if the Noxian army sees her they're gonna kill her.
Second of all why would she cover for Vi if it weren't because she's already coming up with plans against them?
Really, Vi saying that WW is her dad was just the last push she needed to take action.

It's also interesting that Sky and Viktor think that Jayce is under the will of something ancient. Maybe the mage who saved him?

The real question is does she have an std

showing off your new breast implants to the boys

How dare you? My mom worked as a delivery courier and was killed by that schizo.
My brother joined the Enforcers to avenge her and she killed him too.
I wanted to join the Enforcers as well to avenge them but god crippled by an attack from filthy pilties.

No mercy for Ji*x

Vi jobbing again

To a person with hardly any close combat skills too

I thought the point was to get his cummies

some people said it was AU Viktor but it might be Ryze.

Wait, I just noticed Viktor has his normal eye color in the astral realm.

It's gonna be void shit.

I remember some anon posting a drawing of Jinx going back in time to fuck shota Silco like 3 years ago
Some things are lost for a reason. But it just popped in my memory.

Why is she so weak bros

If the Wild Rune/Arcane really is Void related, then the ancient voice he heard could have been coming from the Void itself.
When he smashes Salo, the sound isn kinda void scream-y underneath the bloody squelching.

no but her breast milk would

Have the sfw version

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Do you think she went back to him?

Bros, I'm starting to think the "leaks" might be real... I hate this.

Are you really trying to explain the obvious to that idiot?

What’s your first position when you and Jinx do the do?

Taken by surprise + she still has alcohol poisoning

overstimulation anon. he cums until he can't then he pisses himself

I believe Cait is largely unimportant in that scene and has neither a say nor opinion the moment vi decides to do it. The point of that scene is all on vi. Its the full circle of the silco/vander letter scene, that if silco had seen Vander's "reaching out" letter, jinx says things could have been different, as vi holds out a hand to grab jinx' shoulder but pulls it away.
Then, in the ep 6 end scene, Cait's trying to help vi up and to get them both away from danger, to leave to safety, but vi sees jinx still in the midst of it all and so she goes back to finally reach for her, to grab hold of her, to not abandon her again, or to run away when the monster shows up.

no monsters gonna get you when I'm here

genuinely think this might be one of my favorite moments to act 2, if not my favorite.

doggy style, 100%. I don't want her to see my face while she's pegging me.

Anon forgot that Cait's been getting trained in hand to hand combat by Ambessa

Alzheimers is a hell of a disease.


there's a nsfw version? link?

But why though

Cowgirl. I just want to watch her go nuts on top of me.

This is weird, Jayce. Why can't you fuck him normally?

Anon Babble is supreme

i mean the scene prior to that is 100% focusing on caitlyn, she helps Vi and doesn't even notice jinx run past her

In before Jinx fucking hates her for it.

There's a point at which 'trusting your audience' simply becomes 'forcing your audience do the work of making it make sense for you'. If you have to come up with elaborate 'what if' explanations about how a character was secretly playing 5D chess the whole time to justify their actions, choices, or motivations, the writing has lost the plot.

I’ve always liked Violet as a name

Has Vi’s full name been uttered this season aside from Vander? Does Vi know he named her? Maybe she wouldn’t resent it so much if she knew.

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because i like pee

I literally only care about Vi. That makes me have to care tertiarily about Caitlin and Jinx I guess, but really I only care about Vi.

What I also notice is that Jinx didn’t go to help Vi. If she was still powder she would have.

There is also the scene where Vi is reuniting with VW and Jinx and she briefly looks at Caitlyn laying on the floor but ignores her and goes to her family instead. I think Vi is making a clear choice here where her family has priority over Caitlyn

First of all Caitlyn tells Vi that she shouldn't be there because if the Noxian army sees her they're gonna kill her.

Is she considered a fugitive of Piltover for going AWOL on the mission in episode3?
When was that established?
Why does Ambessa know Violet "captured Catherine's heart"?(god what a stupid fucking line)
And what plans does she have underway already? Jack shit from what we've seen

I think Jinx said it once.

Her opponents don't die in the game either, retard. It's stated and known for a long time Vi never kills. Cope with it.

yeah true, Powder would probably give Vi a handy while pounding me in the ass. Jinx just makes her watch.

you desperately need it to be stupid to justify hating on it so you make sure its stupid by seriously claiming its inconceivable that Cait thought that restraining ambessas would lead to a better outcome then outright killing her. her whole moralfag fiber of a character aside.
How exactly again would killing her have been a smarter plan and better script writing.

welp boys, queens dead. pack your shit and lets blow this joint.

Caitlyn wasn’t really that hurt and Jinx saved her. Also she’s prob still mad at her which is fine. They do have a verbal fight in act 3.

We also noticed that Jinx didn’t go to Vi when powder would. Meaning moved on and only needed her to help with Vander.


Linke said the anomaly aka the wild rune is "the work of Viktor". It's probably not void related.

In ep 3 of S1, when Vi is giving Powder shit for blowing up the factory she calls her Violet.

Vi is a legend among the enforcers for going after Silco """alone"""
That alone already brought fame on her name. Then she is requited by Caitlyn to be a part of an elite squad. More point towards being famous.
Then there's the fact that Vi saw right through the attack at the memorial. Ambessa knows that Vi found out. Ambessa is an observer so she's pinned Vi down as sort of an excellent observer and fighter.
That scene at the tent makes sense in the context where she considers Vi a big fish.
Captured Caitlyn's heart
Yeah that was a bit out of nowhere but I think we will get more context for this in Act 3.

really she "reaches out" when she suggests staying in the commune together. But it's the visceral, literal grabbing and shielding of jinx that cements the completion of her wanting to but not reaching out and touching jinx before. Add on top all the "staying to protect her from the monster motif, its just a really good Final statement moment for her character and their relationship.

Anyone with good observation skills could tell Vi was Caitlyn’s only pillar of Humanity left. Ambessa was at the fucking funeral she saw how they acted around each other. And made her move once Vi wasn’t around Caitlyn.

The fight seems to be about Ambessa and the situation they're in though, and not everything else that happened between them

This And Caitlyn literally reminds her of Felicia to the point Vi hallucinated her mom instead of Caitlyn when she was hurting. Vander was a guy, he could never replace a maternal softness. Caitlyn brought that kind of feeling back into Vi's life.

duly serves her country

duly serves her lesbian girlfriend

singlehandedly destroyes entire fandom

Is there anyone else as accomplished in the whole fucking series?

Reminder Vi canonically ships Timebomb

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My crackship

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You blink and you might miss it but I was really satisfied with all that. I hope Vi chooses to stay with Jinx now that she's mourning Isha. But I think Jinx is going to push her away and go into hiding prompting Vi to join the battle against Noxus.

yea, cait's 100% on vi but vi the second she knows jinx is still headed for danger, vi immediately leaves her to grab jinx. to run back into danger for her like she used to promise she always would.

What a dumbass. You can tell that he thinks he wrote such a great devastating story when it’s just going to be absolutely panned on Saturday

Why does Ambessa know Violet "captured Caitlyn's heart"?

Vouches for Vi in front of the council in Season 1
Vi bums around her house after her mom's funeral
she throws her weight around to get Vi into the enforcers
she has probably had to make a statement on what happened in Episode 3, where Vi convinced her to take down Jinx without the rest of the team
Caitlyn is very obviously despondent after Vi is gone

Timebomb shippers truly are the most delusional people in this fandom

The sad thing though is Jinx is going to hate her for it, leaving Vi alone again, which is why in the end Caitlyn will somehow fill the void.

It’s a sad outcome but most of us have to face it. Caitlyn is the only one that comes to care about Vi’s safety and need for love. If it wasn’t for her mom being killed she wouldn’t have done any of the shit that happened in act 1.

Jynx will make her pretend to be Isha, with a ballgag to simulate muteness

Powder can't heal shit, she proved it by "taking a great care" of her own wounds. What she can do is fight. She shoulder checked Caitlyn before she went to try and stop Vander from making bigger mess so all could retreat. She failed, as always.

Again I agree Vi chose her family over Caitlyn but that’s only because Cait hurt her…like have you heard Vi’s line in her new lol skin. She thinks a kiss means they’re gfs.

And leaving her alive to retaliate is smarter?

politically speaking, Cait tried to get rid of Ambessa since day one. And then, she get ahold of a new "chemweapon", that apparently is capable of killing hundreds. That's what the politicians do, they are opportunistic.

She could just light up her braids, then she’d be a big fat bonfire in no time.

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Then she’s gonna yell at Vi for not letting her save Isha. It’s so obvious despite Vi’s development Jinx will just ruin it again. It’s no wonder Vi falls into Caitlyn’s arms in the end.


kek stealing this

it's really stupid because she was supposed to be named after her hair colour.

She shoulder checked Caitlyn

Not many people picked on it.

She’s a regular female Singed.

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I do hope this marks a permanent turn to understanding in their relationship but who knows. Heartbreaking that

when powder needed vi to stay, to protect her from the monsters, she didn't.

now that Vi is finally here, getting the chance to be that protective big sis, jinx wants it the least ever.

What this guy said
You guys are doing the homework the show failed to do
And don't get me wrong, there's plenty the show did badly in episode 6, but I'm focusing on Catherine's retarded plan because that's the driving force of the plot right now

Linke said the anomaly aka the wild rune is "the work of Viktor"

Then the voice probably belongs to AU Viktor.

we saw it written on the metal pillar in S01E05, and before that you could read it on one of the bunny's ears in S01E03.

Why didn't Jinx kissed Isha to show her affection?

S2 animation is much be-

It's stated and known for a long time Vi never kills.

Then there is hope Margot is still alive.

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he think things only happen on-screen

God I’m going to hate when that happens. She’ll prob try to attack Vi causing Cait to put her in a cell. Or once she wakes up in Piltover, she’ll just run away while everyone is talking about what happened with Viktor.

Vi tells Jinx "If you come, use all that explosive potential of yours for good, maybe we could rewrite the story". It's Vi that leaves because she knows they MUST defeat Ambessa. She asks Jinx to join them and smiles when she sees her sister join the final battle in act 3 teaser. But keep dreaming.

Some of us who were never kissed by parents as kids dont have it ingrained in us that kiss = affection
You kinda just mimic what you received as a kid. And it seems like Powder got lotsa hugs.

Do we really think Jinx will be in a condition to get mad at Vi? I see it more likely than in the chaos she just runs away and goes crazy again now that Isha isn't there to ground her.

Good point. Vander probably didn’t kiss them much if at all. You know, no mom around might factor in.

this. why the fuck would jinx attack someone after what happened to aisha? she'll most likely leave

she also didn't kiss Silco or even Vi as a kid. that's a real sign of a dysfunctional family because the animators being French they would have shown them kissing if they were an actual happy family. it's normal in France.

which has the higher and lower percentage chance of starting a bloodbath war. its okay, answers can be as close as less then a percent

assassinating the reigning nation leader

incapacitating without any lasting harm your mentor/friend figure

this test isn't timed. take as long as you need.

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I don't think Jinx got that affection from Vander or Silco, so she didn't do it for Isha.

I want to see a long french kiss between Vi and Jinx

W-what does her kisses taste like?

Grief and Pain can fuck a person’s mind dude. Exhibit a Caitlyn.

Jinx will be irrational because Vi didn’t let her ‘save’ Isha.

Wanna know what's extra retarded?
The redhead is still around, she fights on their side in the final battle, they also need to resolve that. That's at least one stupid scene eating up the little time there's left.

le avatarfagging /lolg/fag

We mimic what we see. Vander never kissed her, only hugged. Silco only reciprocated hugs, and the single kiss he gives is on the forehead when she's on the brink of death

Thanks for this, anon. Basically the last thing I needed to confirm the leaks are real. Unlike seemingly everyone else I'm super excited about it and can't wait!

kiss on the cheek you pedo.

Season 2 is giving me mega parallels to season 1. This will be the moment Jinx lashes out at Vi like Vi did towards Powder. It just seems that’s what’s going to happen. Since to Jinx two of the only real family she has left are dead.

>le avatarfagging /lolg/fag

fucking crumbling under pressure. That's a failing grade, you can go to the seething corner and think about how dumb you are.

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I don't think Vi was choosing Caitlyn. Caitlyn already prioritized Vi's family over her alliance and revenge and became a traitor for her. I think Vi smiling at Caitlyn to show her genuine gratitude is going to be her driving force to protect Vi and Jinx in the future.

Both Vi and Jinx are grannies anon they must be 20 or something


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All the foreshadowing through the whole season and a knife about to get buried in her eye and you think she won’t lose it?


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Jinx had one close to her eye.

The fact that she smiled at Cait and we saw Caitlyn vision of Vi made it obvious that Cait won’t be too hostile towards Jinx. Jinx should still be in jail though…

Vi tells Jinx "If you come, use all that explosive potential of yours for good, maybe we could rewrite the story". It's Vi that leaves

Exactly. Vi and Jinx will part ways for a while. Jinx will stay depresso in Zaun and Vi will go to Piltover to recover and plan how to defeat Ambessa. She might be stupid, but even she knows if Ambessa takes over Piltover, Zaun will be gone. With Zaun gone, all she ever had will be gone too. Jinx knows it as well, just needs time to grieve. Ekko will push her towards helping Vi and Caitlyn vs Ambessa and Noxus. "Your big, fat hero arrives".

Yeah, and Smeech mentions that's a weakness for the long range types, which applies both to Jinx and Caitlyn. I do fully believe the leaks are real, but also very poorly redacted. Seeing it on screen is probably going to feel a lot better than reading about them.

I gotta say, I really dread seeing Caitlyn losing her eye though. She has the worst fate of all the survivors, gotta suck that she won't be able to shoot like she used to. I'm also curious to see how they address that in the lore.

If we're speaking parallels:

ep3, main character gets taken under the wing of villain

ep6, the sisters end up separated after chaos

incest, not pedo

If the anomaly is the work of Viktor like CL says and being stuck inside it is what made Jayce time travel to other AUs, then the ancient voice guiding Jayce that Sky and Viktor talk about has to be from AU Viktor, right? It's strange that Viktor doesn't recognize the anomaly, though. But I guess the anomaly could be the work of AU Viktor too.

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I mean Jayce finding a broken Vi and Cait ain’t that far off.

Jinx is just 19



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Ambessa isn't the ruler of Noxus. She's head of clan Medarda, and Black Rose has been chipping away at her power.

Isn’t it Ekko that convinces Jinx in the end?

What is she talking about then faggot? Fuck Caitlyn?

Bro Viktor is the dude with the voices in his head.

ugh old

Sky should've stayed dead. At most a vision that doesn't speak. She reeks of writer self-insert OC.

that would be completely retarded, so 50/50 its true.

there's plenty the show did badly in episode 6

Like what else other than your(very rational) hatred of lesbians

not convinced caits given up revenge just yet. we'll have to wait and see but vi could have just not mentioned jinx, or lied to outright trick her to get her help, or maybe even promised to talk jinx into giving herself into custody after Vander was finished being saved, on account of vi seeing how different jinx is and how much of her caring sister she stills sees in her. Vi was only on board to kill jinx when she thought she was an irredeemable psycho filth hellbent on carnage and murder. But now that she knows she's not, vi might actually play advocate for her, to stand between Cait's revenge for jinx.

"she needs to see justice"

"jinx, just trust me, I won't let anything bad happen to you"

Ye, Caitlyn had clearly let go of wanting to kill her at this point and what she's just witnessed will make her connect the dots and finally understand how much Vi and Jinx went through. She's NEVER seen anything like what just had happened. She's never seen Vi this desperate and Jinx desperate at all. She's never seen their deepest pain. Her priority will be healing Vi and then dealing with Ambessa and Noxus crap. Jinx isn't the problem anymore.

Vi literally said to Ekko in her skin that maybe he can do something for jinx.

Jinx didn't breastfeed Vi

You can probably actually blame Amanda for this one. Commented a long time ago she’s proud of her creation, which was comical at the time.

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There is no indication that she's talking about Jinx in that line what are you on

It's Feileecia.

I just finished S2 and jesus christ whose idea was it to add copious amounts of slow mo shots to every fight scene? It looked so fucking bad and the faggy music made it worse.

Would Ekko and Silco be the ugliest couple? I’m just thinking that their noses would clash big time.

viktor if he wasn't a cute retard and stopped working on hextec to marry jayce

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Maybe he just convinces her to not kill herself, but it's Vi who convinces her to fight.

you can see in the trailer that ekko is talking to jinx "sometimes you have to let things go".

Cait doesn’t care about Jinx at this point. She cares about Piltover and to an extent Zaun. She’s the one that wants Ambessa out and that’s what she’ll prioritize. She also saw Jinx saving her life and anyone who’s as smart as her would know not to ruin the small truce between them. Literally after betraying her former ally. It’s one of the reasons she yells at Vi in the preview. “She knows she was being controlled and she blames herself.”

not convinced caits given up revenge just yet

"Vander's in danger, I have a plan and you're not gonna like it."

Jinx knew what to do, she was a part of this plan. Vi told Jinx about it herself, Caitlyn was 100% informed Jinx is there too and will be her backup. She wasn't surprised to see Jinx there at all, she was displeased Jinx had to save her ass or let it happen in the first place instead of acting before Rictus choke on Cait. You know, it did take Jinx "a moment" to act.

So? They have zero connection in the show. they had one fight, and no conversations. He gave up on her years before Vi was out of prison. He didn't know Isha. He didn't care when he thought she blew herself up. Him coming out of nowhere to give her a pep talk is stupid when she has connections like Vi and Sevika that need attention.

See this Jayce is also hearing voices

But Vi isn’t in Zaun she’s in Piltover.

chubby nerdy brown girl with the hots for the skinny genius guy with the funny accent

You're onto something here

Jayce and Viktor's story looks to be heading in the direction of

muh destiny

And that's just hack writing 101

The cuck skin?

yea I figured it was something to that effect, that she was just one house and not head leader of all of noxus but couldn't remember. Doesn't super alters the point though. Maybe just the headless medarda clan wages war to lay waste to piltover for retribution, or the other clans in all of noxus come to, to show strength after one of them has fallen. Its still certain, annihilating war.

Guys, is there anything dropping tomorrow?

Last Thursday, ep 6 leaks dropped so I have some hope we get more clarification on the leaks. Ep titles drop on Friday and there's also the early screening, which I suppose ends a few hours before the eps actually drop.

Man I've had fun but I can't wait for this shit to be over.

Vi is already fighting when Jinx shows up. She asked her to come, clearly before the separated back in Zaun.

Guys, is there anything dropping tomorrow?

yeah, your trousers.

You’re right I hope it’s Sevilla honestly. She would be the best candidate. Problem is Ekko is part of the Zaun fighters.

Her hair is pink not violet, and there's no reference to the name Violet in the prior league lore. She was an amnesiac convict who's called Vi after the roman numeral 6 tattooed on her cheek, with voice lines like "Vi? Stands for Violence." and "Vi is short for Vicious."

shut the fuck up, their noses are cute
you've been brainwashed by plastic surgeons that make millions from you hating your nose

this could be before they go to piltover and that is were they part ways

Pretty sure if the head of clan Medarda got wiped out, the rest of the Noxian nobles would just see it as less competition. Noxus values strength above all. If you're stupid and careless to get yourself taken out by namby-pamby Piltover, you didn't deserve to survive in the first place.

And yet, the teaser suggests he will save her from blasting herself with the last drop and he's the one telling her to let go. Her, ekko and fireflies all join Vi and Cait in Piltover to fight.

So maybe it is during the aftermath of Aisha death. Although I still think Jinx will somehow end up waking up in a nice bed at the kirramen household, before scrambling to leave.

I want to steal Vi's girlfriend

There’s no time for that kind of scene though…especially if ep 7 is all about Ekko and the Au shit.

He looks like he just got the shit beat out of him here, probably by Noxus forces.
Jinx is going instantly on her depression and viking funeral arc.
I don't buy it.

Last Thursday, ep 6 leaks dropped

It was an assumption, around 70% correct. The real leak was posted on Friday, 6 or 7 hours before act 2 premiered on Netflix.

Jinx also put a cute pink X on his pants.

is it true that all songs left leaked?

ekko/jinx song didn't released, fantastic for sure didn't released as well

if that happens then it'll be retarded and unearned

No it’s Jinx. He’s def at the last drop in this scene. He looks very concern.

There's no time for that. She stays in Zaun, strips herself of her shoes, gloves, takes down the x from her chest. Depressed. Ekko will most likely save her by the end of 207 or at the beginning of 208. They will talk in 208 and join the fight by the end of 208 or at the beginning of 209.

Probably something other than fucking Jinx, retard

how the fuck would it be retarded if he finds au power living a normal life and actually sees that she can do something good for a change? why wouldn't jinx listen to someone who can actually revert time and see other timelines

Fantastic song has been leaked so has Jinx/ekko. Not the full ones though.

Impregnation by Vi

Fr. It's just cringe.

That’s how I see it too.

What does this mean

no you see, these two characters who have been teased to death everywhere can't now have a very expected conversation because it triggers my autism and most likely ruins my shit ship

You need to touch grass

Whole episode about Ekko

Kill me now

Keep coping retard, it's funny to see

Her dirty hands grabbing you all over


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He'll save her (cringe) and they'll join forces, timebomb still won't be canon though.

Speak like normal fucking human being if you wanna be taken seriously.
And no, that doesn't look like the inside of the last drop

Reminder to all that we have upcoming

Timebomb song

Caitvi song

WW/Jinx/Vi song

Ambessa song

P/Z vs. Noxus song

aftermath song

I mean dude we need an explanation for Jayce tripping balls.

I want Caitlyn so bad

She's giving Cait a message here - take care of her [Vi] aka you better save my sister's sorry ass; I take care of him [Vander]

Are they going to be originals or more Imagine Dragons slop picked out by some dumbass?

This really needed another Act to properly wrap everything up.

I hope the writers don't kill off Maddie just to avoid breaking her heart.

We can just have a 5 second clip of Ekko and Donger getting transported to the Minecraft dimension and then go back to that

Cait went all puppy eyes here

It's not lol. Amanda and Linke said there are surprises for Caitvi shippers in 207.

Sorry I just like speaking slang. Old geezer.


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Wanting it the path to not having.
Acting like you already have is the way to have.

Chuck is so lucky...


Nope cause they both went to different ones.

She freaked out. They never reconciled and she has plenty to apologize. I bet she's all "don't die, don't die" in her head at this point.

No they didn't
Amanda only said that the ending of ep 7 has a big surprise

I'll be dropping leaks on Friday after I'm done with the screening. I will probably hang out for a while though so don't expect it to be immediately after.

Necrit says he believes The Mage is future Viktor

This motherfuckers gets insider info 100%

He's talking out of his ass
This is what they actually said and it was in reference to the kiss and the cuck scene

Yes but this is different that duel is probably Ambessa and Caitlyn fighting to death also if you watch the clip in slow mo it looks like Ambessa broke Caitlyn’s arm

At the premiere in during the streaming.

Or he just saw the leak and is pretending to guess it in case it's right.

Ekko coming back and saving Jinx. Normies don’t know about his the Z drive.

I got the vibe too, before reading any leaks. Likely the "leaker" did as well.

Can you say/post what she said during the stream?

Watch the streaming, dumbass.

I wanna be Maddie and be sandwiched between Cait and Vi while they're furiously making out.

And it was an anon who didn’t give any spoilers for act 3. The leaker who got the gist of episode 6 correct and leaked act 3 (the leak that anons have been posting about) posted on Nov 14, a Wednesday

Okay Maddie

this was over 2 years ago, retard

Hell, after this I believe he's the mage too.

Jinx having a change of heart because someone she cares about who knows what Isha meant to her reaches out to her

Jinx having a change of heart because a dude who hated her guts a year ago saw an alternate version of her where she was nice and then reaches out to her and I guess we get another watercolor music video montage because people probably forgot they even knew eachother

idk anon I feel like one of these makes for a better story.

teased to death everywhere

except in the show itself

"Vander's in danger, I have a plan and you're not gonna like it."

I understand that this can be read as her talking about jinx but its actually really ambiguous.
It could just as easily be her suggesting that she take on ambessa, which means fully betraying her mentor/cheif council, no undos on that, or even the simply fact ambessas is strong and poses a real serious deadly risk if she tries and fails.
Could also be her being the one to wake up the terrifying beast and sneak him out without it killing her or anyone else. Especially considering he has no affection for her to stop himself from ripping her apart.

Vi told Jinx about it herself, Caitlyn was 100% informed Jinx is there too and will be her backup.

There's no way vi told jinx. She's completely uninformed. The way its shot, Cait and vi run into each in the cavern, they talk, vi convinces her to help, they come up with the plan with what they got on hand sitting in the exact same unmoved spot, they put it into action. They even cut to Jinx having a reaction shot broken from her down barrel focus when Cait starts choking out singe. She clearly doesn't know.
I also don't think Cait knows cause why would it be her job to wake and move Vander then? Why isn't she looking around for jinx as her backup or for help.
And finally the reaction shot from Cait at the sight of jinx/vander looks like confused "what?" betrayal to me and vis response look feels like "yea sorry".
Haven't watched the preview but I reall still think Cait will care. Maybe there'll be a lot going on but I don't think it'll be a glossed over "we're friends now"

Post lyrics then

He won't he's been spewing that lie all week

No she didn’t that Ekko’s episode

At that point there is very little doubt

She was asked about her favourite scenes in act 3 and she mentioned 207 having a nice surprise and suggested a scene from 208 as her favourite. She confirmed Fantastic song is in 208 and plays during that exact scene.

I want Vi to fuck Caitlyn into a prone bone slutty puddle with her arm length futadick.

then I want her to find Qiyana and repeat it.

Viktor is the mage and he does Ryze's ult because... because the plot demands it and we rewrote the script, OK?

Exactly, nobody had seen act 3 yet. Not even journalists. The only real leaker here was the one that spoiled only ep 6 a few hours prior to act 2 premiere.

This is false information. Amanda never said that Fantastic would be in episode 8

Well that doesn't mean the surprise is caitvi. The surprise will be the happy AU where everyone is alive except Vi if the leaks are real.

Do we know where this Ekko fits in the final three episodes? This would be the fourth Ekko we got teased for the final three episodes. We have

final battle Ekko (with long hair and Jinx paint)

skin Ekko (the one in pic related)

Piltover Ekko (in the first trailer)

Regular clothes Ekko (in Episode 9)

nice surprise

yeah in ep 7 its the au stuff, its prob about ekko and jinx, reed even says that ep 7 CHANGES THE PERCEPTION of everything

What if they're setting up a big retcon where Viktor is Ryze who went back in time to contain the wildrunes as much as possible.

mmh, they were bigger in my recollections

I've spoken with both leakers in dms in reddit.
Idk. It seems so poorly written, both complain the pace is terrible. If these leaks are true then it's over.

WW never gets in game looks. Viktor design has 3rd arcane arm. Jayce and Viktor disappear, Sky disappears too lol.

It might be over. GOT ending.

That’s just your interpretation not necessary what that means because it could also mean Jinx just hates her ass


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The "leakers"

Why don’t you just watch the trailer before replying to me?

I understand that this can be read as her talking about jinx but its actually really ambiguous.

There's no way vi told jinx. She's completely uninformed.

"VANDER IS IN DANGER. I have a plan". Please, who else would she be talking to about Vander being in danger? Not Caitlyn.

She talked TO Jinx. She told Jinx about her plan. Had to tell Caitlyn why she has to go back. If Jinx had seen Caitlyn and Singed approach Vander like that without knowing the plan, she'd shoot them without even thinking about it.

Last episode is longer

Fantastic is in ep 8…

I don't think it'll be a glossed over "we're friends now"

They will never be friends. She just lets go of her revenge because there are more important things going on. And she already hurt Vi too much, she won't bring more pain into her life.

pottery or something

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I really dislike her new hair. sevika is based though and i'm sad she's not a champ but Vi and Sett kind of take the whole space there, I think.

Reddit leaker is a troll. Only Anon Babble leaker might be legit.

its all but confirmed about that one, she almost spilled the beans in her last watch party and said she'll do a ep 8 one

This! Why would caitvi even be a surprise at this point anymore?! Low IQ people is2g

Ekko sees au Powder and copes that Jinx still can be good. This leads to him saving her life at the end of episode 7. This is what they are hinting to.

Counting her freckles.
This was Powder’s SA coping technique when Violet comes back from a bad day of pickpocketing,

You can see her dead body in the trailer

Watch the fucking stream, idiot. She clearly said that. Didn't call it Fantastic, but saying "King Princess had wrote the song..." is clear enough.

Jinx has the best sideboob

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American classics

champagne out of plastic

the back of the car

Who's the genius coming up with these lyrics

I don't think the other noxus clans would be stupid. She noxian and isn't no pushover even if she ends up being proven as "weak". They'd likely be interested in whatever had her so wrapped up, and whatever led to her eventual demise, undoubtedly uncover the treasure trove of weapons/hexcore tech she was trying to acquire. Even then, if they really don't care about all that, the fact that there's an unconquered territory so close to noxux and who were strong enough to beheaded a clan, would seem like grounds enough to do a squash and conquer real quick. They are a war conquering nation after all.

Goddammit, I expected it but it's so dumb

Do people unironically ship Jinx and Ekko?

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"A nice surprise" - Vi can't be dead. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out from.

tattoo extends across the boob

Where was Silco?

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The leak might be true but none are true on leddit. You are being trolled

An unfortunate amount. It's funny that if it'll be canon it's a ship so shit it had to be developed last minute in an AU and off-screen during a timeskip.

I can't believe that bastard got a hug from her, lucky prick.

Timebomb is a niche and fringe ship born solely from Ekko's in game line of having a crush on her before she went crazy.

its literally this, its so fucking dumb at this point

Yes as much as people hate to admit Caitlyn is the most level headed besides Mel. The only thing that would fuck her mind completely is if she lost both her mom and Vi. Right now all she’s worried about is protecting Piltover and to an extent Zaun from Ambessa, Singed, Noxus and Viktor.

She was asked about her favourite scenes in act 3 and she mentioned 207 having a nice surprise

You’re forgetting Amanda is also a Timebombfag and 207 is Ekko’s episode

a lot of women on xitter do.

watch a story about family and two sisters at opposite sides of the law

it devolves into relationship drama

OK thats bearable, its still.. family stuff

it devolves into fucking time travel and alternate universes


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It's just an AU, not like our Vi is dead. It would be nice because you get to see everyone else still alive and Powder not crazy.

The one on the right was the real one. The one on the left is a troll from reddit.

Sky will be there too? pffff. I thought she was gone after Ep 6.

Why don’t you just watch the trailer before replying to me?

same reason I didn't watch and haven't yet read any of the leaks, its only like a week to wait for.

I still think that Ambessa is going to publicly execute Tobias to throw Caitlyn into a spiral.

I hope Tobias tends to Vi's wounds

He background checked the tattooist to make sure it was a straight woman and then had her killed anyway.

This people seem to always forget she likes timebomb.

Trannies do, yeah

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Caitlyn could be washing out that oil out of Vi's hair in this episode, patching her up and letting her rest. It doesn't need to be a long scene overall.

Amanda has an irrational hatred of jayvik and needs A FEMALE to be present so them being on screen together doesn't look too gay is what I'm getting

Wrong, left one predicted the episodes and the preview correctly 2 days prior to release
Right one just has EP6. While correct, he doesn't say anything about act 3.
However, it means there are people here who have legit seen more than has been public, so its likely that the act 3 leaks are also accurate.

Reverse /ll/ is better

only when they were younger

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Cait's dad dies

Jinx dies

Caitlyn and Vi LITERALLY only have eachother

Disturbingly romantic.

I remember when this came out the day of the tournament and people were expecting one last trailer to drop before season 2 started, but except we got this. Wasting everyone's time. Feels like a long time ago now.

Is there any one group better at grasping at straws, headcanon and mental gymnastics than Ekkucks?

Idk how to reply to someone specifically since I just started talking in Anon Babble because im obsessed what these idiots told me in reddit.

I don't think I'm being trolled. If I am it's 2 guys in alts saying similar stuff and typing like two different people and going more in depth what the Anon Babble leak said.

They say basically jinx is hanging from vi, and ww is holding on to jinx in a rampage.
Jinx gets the crystal breaking vi's gauntlet, and falling with ww where she pulls a pin and they both explode.

I just do not think it's real. Riot is not that stupid to kill Jinx. Lol. On my life despite having talked to these two guys I still think it's somehow all fake. Also heimer dying like that is a spit to the face basically if real.

Oh they also said the person vi is carrying in the trailer is the black jinxer jinx rescued in prison.

I watched the whole stream you fuckers
I'm not denying that Fantastic will probably be in ep 8 but Amanda never confirmed it.

Didn't know time bomb is now called caitvi too...

Then don’t reply to me when the preview shows that Caitlyn feels guilty for what she did and agrees to what Vi called her out on. Also the fact that she’s trusting Jayce and is fearful about what Ambessa will do if she gets her hands on Viktor’s corpse.

Exactly not everything she says is about Caitvi she also said 205 made her cry happy tears and she loved it and it was the family hug

Yes punished Jayce is possessed by vikter he gets the viktor leg braces after coming out of the hexgerrn

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Ekko crying blood

thanks for the unintentional timebomb pic jilcopedo

Why are you fags obsessed with leaks. Act 3 releases literally in 2 days and after that Arcane ends for eternity.
What's the point of getting spoiled 2 days before experience the show final arc blind for the first and last time?

Her dad is barely there. I don’t think Caitlyn has spoken to him in a while. She prob sent him to Ioina.

She's mentioned shipping it and made retarded comments about it multiple times

Again, why is this a surprise?
A surprise is AU Ekko and Powder
A surprise is Jinx suicide but Ekko reversing time
Not fucking Caitvi

This show may have a much worse ending than what even the leaker anon describes. Amanda cares more about shipping than writing a good story. You will see

that artist

Those are cuck tears then lmao

Left one "predicted around 75% of episode 6" correctly. Right one pointed everything 100%. But believe whatever you want, troll. Especially as no one seen act 3 yet.

Idk how to reply to someone specifically since I just started talking in Anon Babble

log out and log back in + make sure you replied to the confirmation email

I can’t blame her Mel is a fun character.

Jilcopedos actually

Is the caitvi sex in a prison cell happening for real?

Kino if it happens

Viktor used the arcane to transfer his disability to Jayce

Huh, where did he say that?
Why would he "speculate"(reveal) that if he actually saw the leak.

I'm not denying that Fantastic will probably be in ep 8 but Amanda never confirmed it.

Watch again. She doesn't call the song by its name. She says King Princess wrote it and it's in 208. King Princess is THE autor of Fantastic. What more proof do you need?

Maybe after the Ekko/Jinx talk. With a cliffhanger of Caitlyn looking at the sunset before her butler tells her Jayce is back.

Really? She was an okay but not particularly interesting side character in S1 but now she's just tedious imho

Oh they also said the person vi is carrying in the trailer is the black jinxer jinx rescued in prison.

You can clearly see that that person is white? You're being trolled.

I didn't get a jayvik hatred at all so far, so I don't know about that. But if Sky really is there that would just be awkward in a really weird way

Name 1 thing from ep6 or the preview that they got wrong
No nitpicking like "they didnt mention Singed" or "They didnt mention Mel", those are details.
Something he said would happen and it 100% did not happen.

I will wait.

Because these leaks have been around since november 14th and people are coping hard hoping they aren't real.

she DIDN'T confirmed it, because she CAN'T but you can see that she ALMOST spilled it, also if it was a ep. 7 song it would be released before the line which was released yesterday

All of act 2 was sent out to random reviewers while none of act 3 was. This is public information

His latest 1 hour 30 mins video, towards the end when he is talking about Jayce blasting Viktor

Hah so a nobody.

gotta agree, CaitVi betrayal was 1/2 baked, no one that incompetent should have power

here's what they should've done:
Ambessa gets netted, chop her head right tf off, Vi walks out of the tent throws it at any Noxians looking on, telling them to gtfo or they're next. shock & awe.
same with Singed, Caitlyn puts a bullet in the back of his skull, weapons scientist neutralized, two big players down
now they gotta fight through Rictus who WW can easily handle and whatever Noxian guards rolled up with them but without a leader they'll be unorganized and most likely scatter. they have a fighting chance with Ambessa the queen on the chess board taken off. probably none of them could have taken her in a straight up fight so guile was their best choice, which was squandered

should they survive the following skirmish, sure maybe Noxus wages war on them but it was coming anyway and at least they don't have to face Ambessa ever again. if they're lucky Noxus/Black Rose thanks them for dealing with a down and out rogue general who was a thorn in their side already. WW lives, Isha lives.

but but Caitlyn and Vi don't kill

well tough rocks, they can gas innocents but not actually do what's needed to win in a smart way. why would anyone want to follow their lead then

Ty I figured it out.

But yeah I'll copy paste one part of what I was told.

"Ekko smashes viktor in his final form
Idk what the mage is or means
Ekko fucks him up and the arcane loses control over him
His future / au self realizes that jayce will be the one to defeat him
And that jayce was right about hextech/arcane
He tells jayce to leave and jayce is like nah we finish this together
And they both disappear lmao
I have no clue where they go , its implied they die
But again the pacing is so ass especially last 3 episodes
Viktor tells Sky he enjoyed her company in the arcane or whatever space bullshit
And she goes no u didnt
Disappears too"

Same demographic who is into blackedshit:

Chinkcels and transexuals

Dude if the leaks are real and the finale is shit I want to know beforehand and not be blindsided by it when it happens. I don’t want to feel like when I watched GOT and literally looked at the screen and said to myself “what the fuck did I just watch.”

but how is AU Viktor le "ancient"?

"There is a nice surprise regarding Caitlyn and Vi in episode 7"
Anything else you wish to add?

You're forgetting the most important part of the episode.

Literally me

They just aren’t using her as much. Her storyline is interesting and I hope we learn more about her in the Noxus series.

Dumbest shit I've ever read

I did not ask

Show me where she is white.

Don't be a fag, post everything you were told.

yeah, anon. the reddit "leakers" are trolls.

I’m sorry but riot controls everything no matter what. That means Cait and Vi have to stay moral fags in a way.

Me too. It's so ass it might be real. They told me more stuff.

If Cait kills Singed with a gun, WW goes wild anyway. She has to get rid of him without bloodshed.

This is info from a lessor troll who saw the post by leaker anon and is trying to piggyback. Leaker anon might be correct, but leddit loser is a troll. People are giving the same information because they all read the same “leak”

Check profile

Its a fujo

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The leaks aren't real cause Maddie isn't a spy you retards. Amanda confirmed that Maddie is the angel on Cait's shoulder.

Sexiest Jinx drawing?

Ambessa and Cait track Warwick to a camp

It was Singed.

Vi and Cait reconcile.

They don't.

They make plan to betray Ambessa and once she finds out she invades the camp.

They tricked her, she never found out, she faced it.

Jayce comes back and assassinates Viktor, almost kills him.

He KILLED HIM. There's no almost.

Isha sacrifice trying to kill him (Warwick)

She kills him, there's no trying there.

ALL points are half cooked. And all of us guessed them weeks before. Unless you're a new troll from whatever dumpster you cralwed out and didn't know what we talked about here since August.

.... lol, yeah, troll.

People seriously forget how smart Caitlyn is as a detective. She even figured it out when she walked around Stillwater.

Amanda didn't confirm shit and could be laughing about being le epic troll right now, dumbass

jinx was about to shoot

and here comes the punchline

as she closes one eye and focuses down the barrel. Its the quickly cut off by Cait choking singe, and jinx gets a wavering eye reaction shot.

"VANDER IS IN DANGER. I have a plan". Please, who else would she be talking to about Vander being in danger? Not Caitlyn.

It could be? She just got done informing her about how she's here to save her dad. But actually I really do like it as "to jinx". It does feel like it makes more sense and slots in better. So if you think vi went back to say these things to jinx and not Caitlyn, then Cait could very well still be in the dark about jinx. The

your not gonna like it

being to jinx about working "with" an enforcer and specifically Cait makes sense and then it still let's the confused "what?" face from Cait about jinx being there, and vi's returned "sorry" look make sense. Bottom line is I really don't think Cait knew and there's not really any evidence to say she did.

They will never be friends. She just lets go of her revenge because there are more important things going on

guess we'll see, but if I had to bet, id say its more likely she'll still be angry, revengeful, and want some kind of justice as it pertains to jinx over her looking paced it to new threats and working with her.

it's so obvious they were trying to use the leaks from Viktor's voice actor here to try and make it make sense

The one where she's molesting Silco

You do know in LoL Cait usually lets Jinx off the hook right?

Ofc she would say that and then people are gonna be like AAAAH! AMUNDA! I CANT BELIEVE YOU'VE DUN THIS!
Doesnt Maddie and Ambessa have some interaction called Betrayal in TFT?

Ambessa and Cait track Warwick to a camp

It was Singed.

Vi and Cait reconcile.

They don't.

They make plan to betray Ambessa and once she finds out she invades the camp.

They tricked her, she never found out, she faced it.

Jayce comes back and assassinates Viktor, almost kills him.

He KILLED HIM. There's no almost.

Isha sacrifice trying to kill him (Warwick)

She kills him, there's no trying there.

ALL points are half cooked. And all of us guessed them weeks before. Unless you're a new troll from whatever dumpster you cralwed out and didn't know what we talked about here since August.

he did NOTHING wrong

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You mean the one around the 1:28 mark? Or are you talking about about a different section? Because I don’t see it.

You're splitting hairs. And we already know warwick isn't dead because of legit leaks, he hasn't even reached his final form. And Viktor is still alive too. Obviously having seen the whole thing they wouldn't say they were dead.

Now that you mention it, it makes that leak more likely to be legit. It's so over, jinxbros.

Cait will still arrest Jinx despite the tragedy. She doesn't kill her because her anger has simmered down.

Jinx ending up in prison and Vi going there to try to break her out makes sense.

Then Jinx locking Vi in the cell only to commit suicide at the Last Drop in a sea of fire also makes sense.

Ekko rewinding time to prevent this is also pretty obvious. Their song probably plays during this moment.

The caitvi prison sex is a bit dubious. Think they're just making shit up at this point

These all seem like things someone who saw the episode a while ago could easily say while trying to describe it. The episode is kind of disjointed.

I'm still searching for it.
I'm I gonna get banned for this? The only other pic I have is of her rear.

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I like Vinx

The leaker wrote like someone who doesn’t know how to write, but they were right and the leaks are true. It sucks, I hate that ending with my entire soul but it’s definitely happening, there isn’t a single thing anyone has said that debunks it.

Welcome to the place you will never leave, dear Anon, maybe because you just arrived. But as someone from 08/08, I no longer had salvation, I am even the OP of this shit. lmao

The song plays in ep7.

I have no clue where they go , its implied they die


Stop thinking about this in terms of LoL lore. Think about this as its own, separate thing. Because it is. To the majority of people watching Arcane, being an "ancient" means nothing, only that's perhaps an old or a powerful voice. I think people who cling too much for the lore they think they know are not going to enjoy this. New people, who came into Arcane completely blind though, will probably love it.

Ambessa and Cait track Warwick to a camp - It was Singed.

And Ambessa and Caitlyn, so this doesnt count. They, in fact, did track him.

Vi and Cait reconcile -They don't.

Also wrong, they work together to take down Ambessa, so that doesn not count as 100% wrong

They make plan to betray Ambessa and once she finds out she invades the camp. - They tricked her, she never found out, she faced it.

What are you even talking about? She did find out, thats why she was staring at Cait's rifle, she knew where Vi got the net from. Also doesnt count. NEXT

Jayce comes back and assassinates Viktor, almost kills him. - He KILLED HIM. There's no almost.

We will see! He is probably on the brink and Singed will pump him full of WW blood. He knows this, because he watched ahead, and Viktor is not 100% dead yet.

Isha sacrifice trying to kill him (Warwick) - She kills him, there's no trying there.

Same as above, he has great regenerative powers, so he is probably not 100% dead and will be used to revive Viktor

Overall - there are 0 instances of 100% verifiably wrong information. Thank you for playing. Catch you Saturday.

But he could have also just seen the act 3 preview, so there's still hope maybe.

Speedwatcher. Cait says "you!". It took Jinx a longer moment to save Cait's ass, she could've done it before Riectus fucked her up, potentially preventing further mess, but that's Jinx for you. She loves to mess with Cait's ass in the games. I would be pissed too. But she clearly knew Jinx is a part of it.

See this is how I know the leaks are fake. If caitvi sex is supposed to be happening during the timebomb moment that means they'd have to play 2 songs over each other.

Oh, ok, I see. You're the troll that posted that leak and you're constantly trying to make it sound so right. I bet you're going to delete all your posts on reddit, AGAIN, once you're proven wrong. Go fuck yourself, retard.

alright cool, just watched it and nothing in it or what you have said is relevant or outright disproves anything I've said. sure cait's focused on piltover in the preview and the big threat but there was a distinct lack of any opinion on jinx from Cait either way. She still could very much care about jinx and her justice/revenge. don't reply.

Not with all those crazy details.

We will see! He is probably on the brink and Singed will pump him full of WW blood. He knows this, because he watched ahead, and Viktor is not 100% dead yet.

Every single one of his followers died with him. He's dead. None of the points are 100%. Cope with it, bitch.

ep 7, Ekko shows up to rewind time to right before Isha dies

Jayce senses a living child in the vicinity

After smashing Isha into a fine paste he and Ekko high five

Ekko later promises Jinx that he'll prevent Isha's death fr if he helps the revolution

he doesn't deliver, and fucks off back to his gargoyle boyfriend.

Yeah, I have some hope but atp I’m like 90:10, and that 10 is just the part of my brain that’s coping because the ending is so shit I don’t want to believe it.

If the leaks end up being fake, the anon who did it must be laughing his ass off because said leaks made it into the mainstream media whereas Eileen/Cardboard never made it.

I am not the "leaker" its just funny for me to watch people desperately scramble for any ounce of hope.
Its over. The leaks are real. Take your meds before you watch the episode.

Preview yeah, all the people at the screening saw it. Act 3 screens on Friday. Not even early reviewers were given access, this one is kept on a hush-hush.

don't bother trying to reason with cope anons. it's gonna be fun to see them come here crying on saturday.

Beat up by her sister
Beat up by her girlfriend
Maybe Jayce/Viktor will beat her up
Isha's ashes...

At this point I almost went the leaks to be true because as dumb as it would be, the truth could be a whole lot dumber

Time bomb is in ep 7 and it’s a song about AU powder x Ekko. Fantastic is ep 8. Also why would a romantic song play for a suicide moment.

actually this does kind of look like the dreadlock that character has

it's really over isn't it

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Its over. The leaks are real.

Not real until proven real. So far we have debunked them plenty of times. You just can't deal with it. That's your problem, troll.

Leaks are fake as fuck. They were written who got early access to act 2 and just ran with the act 3 preview making up shit. The only reason they seem to have any ounce of truth is this and this alone.

Every single one of his followers died with him. He's dead.

You do not know that to be 100% factually true. He could be alive. Maybe their essence will recharge him and he lived.
The point is - you can not prove, with 100% certainly, that the leak is wrong with this claim.

you do know in lol jinx is less depressed trauma misery and more manic pixie fun crazy right?

you do...and lol viktor, right

yes, but I'm treating this as a separate thing.

Jayce might try once he realises she too is a filthy Zaunite

So far we have debunked them plenty of times

Oh I am laffin

Anon Babble gets dumber and dumber sometimes. It also like plays for 29. seconds, perfect montage for Ekko falling for Au Powder.

ITs so over
Saturday will be a day of mass suicides

Also wrong, they work together to take down Ambessa, so that doesn not count as 100% wrong

They work together but so do Jinx and Cait. Those two have definitely not reconciled. Our preview of the next act has Vi and Cait having a verbal fight. There's plenty to heal between the two. Oh, and we'll have to wait until Maddie shows up and Vi sees how she was replaced. This will be mirroring how Jinx acted in S1.

Go watch act 2 again, faggot.

I've talked with them both on reddit dms.
I assure you my dear coper.

They do NOT seem "fake asf".

If they are fake then these two people are stacking lies somehow unless its the same person's alt.

wtf lol ur grasping for straws




It’s not though….

They haven't been proven true, but you also haven't debunked shit

a random jinxer is saved by Vi

people go insane

What did I miss?

Anon can you please go over everything the leakers said you're being too vague. Just give us a rundown of everything that happens.

In a scale from 1 to 10, how over is it?

I just can not wait until Ambessa dies.

Necrit must have either seen the leak or already got the information from Riot, right? I mean, there's no way any sane person would have guessed that the Mage was actually Viktor.

Cait broke up with Maddie in ep 5 what are you talking about?

They were written who got early access to act 2

Not even that much as none of what he said is 100% right. He collected our theories and fit them best to the teaser, that's it. He was simply lucky to get that much but it's still not all of it. Now he's trying to defend his "leak" here because reddit group doesn't allow him to do it anymore.

Ask if caitvi prison sex is real cause I can't believe Vi would do something like that

It could easily be the same person's alt

tell us chronologically what happens in eps 7-9, give us some clarity here. Jinx dies but not actually? Timebomb AU? Caitvi have sex in Jinx's prison cell? This shit is all happening?


That's one way to read the memorial scene, but I doubt that is the case.

I've talked with them both on reddit dms.

There's only ONE person. Cook harder.

1000. Honestly it's been over but its just getting worse and worse

If the anomaly is the work of Viktor like CL says

so VIktor's nose bleed from s1 hits the floor in the fail safe pit and that's what the anomaly is? blood that grew into a giant ball, the stuff that Heimer went to touch

wish they'd explain it, similar confusion as wild runes pseudo-science explanation, who understood that analogy?

Ask how Heimer dies. That one seems to be confirmed at this point.

The local AIs have been told to not let people enjoy things.




Riot shill


Now he's trying to defend his "leak" here because reddit group doesn't allow him to do it anymore.

And he's going to delete all of his "leaks" from there once act 3 drops. He's done that with act 2 already. He's a mentally ill dumbass trying to get attention. Reddit doesn't allow him to continue his work there so he came here.

The leaker wasn’t that vague when describing those parts. Also I wouldn’t put it past riot to make a one week timeskip with Jinx now in a prison cell below the Kirreman estate.

Btw ep 7 is a Ekko and Jayce episode both in different aus/timelines.

Actually, some people have been theorizing this since S1.

Nah, the same depression posts are present in every board, on every topic. It's chatgpt.

When the reviews for Act 3 come out

If she didn’t break up with her Maddie would have been with her in ep 6. Maddie clearly had enough of Cait’s coldness.

You're still being too fucking vague dude. Just copy and paste everything you were told if you're too lazy to type it out.

If you genuinely think s2 can hold a candle to s1 you should be neutered to prevent whatever deficiency you've got from spreading

Is chatgpt in the room with is right now?

it was over before it even started

it's a le conspiracy against the poor multibillion dollar chinese corporation

I guess I must have missed that when S1 aired, but didn't everyone just assume it was Ryze (or Brand)?

Or you could just go to the last threads. I’m not that dude btw.

After the screening on Friday night.

I am glad it looks pretty because the plot is ass.
I really wanted to see them reconcile in the end.

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No, it's a "conspiracy" against Anon Babble userbase.

One of the tools utilized could be to make the site less interesting

We still love S1. We would have loved S2 as well if it had managed to keep the quality of writing similar.


You're still being too fucking vague dude

He's "too lazy to remember". KEK

No, because the majority of people who watch Arcane have no fucking idea who Ryze is. But seems like most of you here keep forgetting this.

she literally says in an exasperated shocked tone


huh, I guess I forgot about this. Yea, I'm basically taking this as confirmation to myself that cait didn't know. I thought it was clearly that before and this so easily cements it. On top of the shared glances it tells a pretty clear story that jinx was secretly informed by vi about the plan of being forced to cover Cait the enforcer while Cait is tricked/lied/mislead by vi about jinx.

That was the general assumption, but the theory that it's actually Viktor has been around for a long time

Goat dude who got vaporized was in the front row at Jayce's speech and also seemed to be sponsored by the Kirammans

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that is the easiest death to fake bro, you can see from the trailer that there is something exploding, cardboards saying that he sacrifices himself, its easy as fuck to lie about it

caitvi won

timebomb won

jinxers and everyone else lost

It was confirmed 3 years ago that's Ryze. Why can't you fucking get it?

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Alright. I will break down EVERYTHING The leakers told me.

These two people seem to be connected at different times at day but their writing styles are different.

Leaker 1. Is the guy that continued the post in reddit that we all saw that gave more details.
He claims WW falls into a hole with jinx to "save" Vi. and then she pulls the pin in the grenade and explodes. That's it.

Leaker 2 has more info and I talked to them a bit more.

They claim
"he does but its not the robot arm its like arcane arm bullshit
Idk jinx just shows up with the blimp after ekko stops her from committing suicide 10 times lol
So her and ekko show up middle of the end fight
Vi is carrying the black woman side character with the blue hair
That jinx saved from the prison"

Also that jinx breaks Vi's gauntlet and falls and that is the scene we see in the trailer of Vi screaming. She is smiling and "at peace" while holding ww face. Then pulls the pin and both explode.

They say Heimerdinger is just chilling in AU. (Unclear if they think he died or they just got confused and think they are alive)

Says Mel defeated "leblanc" or the person that was in the magic world and got new powers.

Says "Wasteland" plays in jinx death scene.

Claims also Isha's shot did nothign but knock ww out (probably DID die) and got rescucitated. Vitkor and Singed work together to kill Vander off completely and then he becomes the thing we see in LoL leaked icons.

Ok anons forget about leaks and tell me what are your wishes for Act 3 what do you want to happen how do you wish it ends

Jilco Enjoyer

I thought she got ran out of the internet by timebomb trannies

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for the last fucking time ITS NOT RYZE, NO one knows if its viktor but that netflix review that said it was ryze its wrong, CREATORS ALREADY DEBUNKED THIS BY OUTRIGHT SAYING HEY THIS ISN'T FUCKING RYZE.

Watch this not being a topic next act.

singlehandedly destroyes entire fandom

I never got to see the meltdowns.

what the fuck happens to jayce then

What about the AU Ekko gets sent to? He's dating a happy Powder there and Vi is dead?

Actually, Riot has never confirmed it. Netflix assumed it. But Netflix assumes a lot of things that turn out to be wrong all the time.

In the room tattooing her, obviously.

It has never been confirmed. Yes, it looks like him and yes, it was probably originally supposed to be him. Other theories still existed and seem more plausible with where S2 seems to be going, though it's most likely a rewrite if true (and also idiotic).

Who said it's not ryze?

Actually now I can see that happening.

Lmao 10 times Echo?

Add these to the evidence pile.
The leak is unfortunately real. With every new piece of info dug out, it just gets more and more confirmed.

All that's left to cope for is that its executed better than it's written in the leak, even if the ending is ass.

heimer stays in the AU

Mel defeating LEBLANC

Jinx dead

Viktor with that ugly mask may happen

end it all

When did they say this?

S2 made the every character more appealing in their pre-arcane forms. This level of ruination is truly spectacular

Leaker 1. Is the guy that continued the post in reddit that we all saw that gave more details.

We cant confirm that's the same person or someone on Reddit LARPing

He claims WW falls into a hole with jinx to "save" Vi. and then she pulls the pin in the grenade and explodes. That's it.

How tricky that you forgot he said it's the pin we see in the teaser, which she pulls out of her monkey bomb... In The Last Drop.
Status: debunked.

Vi is carrying the black woman side character with the blue hair

Watch the trailer again. It's a white person and she's carrying him (a man) running from the tower, not a prison.
Status: debunked.

That jinx saved from the prison

I'm sorry, another Jinx?
Status: debunked.

Idk jinx just shows up with the blimp after ekko stops her from committing suicide 10 times lol

10 times. Yeah... No.

Try harder.

So the sex scene happens while Ekko tries to save Jinx 10 times. Lmao you know what I want this to happen.

Fantastic is timebomb and caitvi.

mel defeating leblanc is the worst part out of all the leaks yet.

Didn't one of the leakers say the ending shot is Jinx's blimp or something? Or there's Jinx graffiti at the end credits and you never see bodies? I'm getting everything mixed up.

Q&A about s1, i dont remember if it was either praeco or Yee, 99% sure it was Praeco but he said "no its not ryze"

Ekko saves Vi

If leaks are real why no one talks about this?


Yet plausible because she's their special OC unfortunately

Jinx has a lot of bombs in her arsenal.

*S2 made every character

Go back to r.eddit with your fanfic faggot

Oh God, if this is true it's probably gotta be Viktor. I hate this.

Did you see the trailer where they work together?

LMAO, I remember how is S1 everyone was like "Wow! This added so much depth to the champion I like playing!" and now everyone is like "WAIT WAIT WAIT! CHILL!"
We are speedrunning the full story of each of these characters instead of telling their backstory and letting people enjoy them, play with them, read new stories about them in short stories and books, etc.
We gotta close every arc and tell every story. Except Vi, Cait, Ekko, Mel and maybe Ambessa.

Just set up the characters and let me enjoy them, dammit.

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I'm kinda pissed I didn't get into Arcane sooner.

It nearing the end makes me sad I won't see any cute Jinx pics that often, I picked a bad time to get a new waifu.

You are being trolled so hard. The leaker anon posted last week and every ledditor who would be trying to troll you is using that info. Leaker anon could be legit but the info you are being trolled

what makes you think the scenes will happen at the same fucking time? the leaks might be fake but to assume this is so fucking dump
"its a man" who the fuck can even see if its a man or a woman?

I don't know, Anon. Noticing makes me doubt. No one's ever guessed it was that character Vi was carrying.

Anon I am the person you replied to.
I do not want them to be real but this debunks are the most retarded stuff i've read.
The "pin" in the teaser might be different, I do agree these people are taking stuff from teaser because i asked about it.

Also when I said prison I meant the character is the black woman JINX broke out of prison in ep 4.
Reading comprehension.

Uh-oh… not looking good Jinxbros

I, on the other hand, love it. So much.

come friday night i'm not even sleeping. i need to stay awake to watch the episodes drop and this general burn

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why would probably be viktor, you can't ever be serious about being ryze tho, he is completely irrelevant to arcane NO ONE KNOWS WHO THE FUCK RYZE IS, why would it be ryze ffs

You're debunked. Riot would never allow Netflix post anything like it if they wanted to keep this specific part a secret. Bye, fucker.

All the S1 art didn't stop existing.

Idk just seems Jayce/mel/victor dying appropriate.

You do know there are non rendered pictures of actual Ryze in this specific scene, provided by Riot/Fortiche? They confirmed it themselves.

Ryze is irrelevant to the Arcane

Bruh.... There's no other character in lol MORE relevant to it. He's a one-man Brotherhood of Steel except with magic instead of technology.

Yes but I don’t think that counts as saving she’s just jumping on his hoverboard I think this

Ekko saves Vi

it’s going to be important. Leaks should he mentioning it

so Jinx dies because of WW
Then why tf did they make the mute kid die?

There's no other character in lol

most people watching Arcane don't know what lol is. you people are so fucking slow

You guys are arguing like s2 wasn't written with almost complete disregard for s1. Even if it was originally meant to be Ryze they very well could have retconned it thinking it was an epic time paradox idea because s2 writers were on crack.

There's no way Vi would not go after her suicidal sister.

Additionally, from the teaser itself it's easy to guess they part their ways in Zaun. Jinx never ends up in prison.

I'm just telling what I was told

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yeah, but you can't assume that fantastic will play at the same time when no one mentioned it in the leaks

My guy you are the one being slow. Just because the layman watcher doesn't know who Ryze is doesn't make him irrelevant.

Nothing on that board has to happen. That's not even a draft stage of writing, just throwing out ideas. Think some previous board leaks already didn't happen.

Would they have known about Leblanc? Weird point

He clealry pointed to a scene from a teaser. He said this is her killing herself and WW. We know it's not.

Riot doesn’t have the balls to kill off Jinx you Jinxfags should relax


Yes that is without a doubt the troll that anon is getting info from

I love it too. But the paradox it creates, man, no wonder they both disappear in the end, it's the only thing that makes sense

you guys have to be retarded, i wish i could find the comment were people asked if the rune mage was ryze, its not ryze

Do Ekko and AU Powder kiss?

"its a man" who the fuck can even see if its a man or a woman?

It one of the enforcers that are protecting the tower with fish dude.

For this story, he is, because it's made for the "layman watchers": the general audience who has no idea about lol or any of the lore

Yep that confirms it.
its GIGA over for Jinx

Most people watching Arcane actually play those games. They picked a lot more stuff than even Anon Babble did.

No, which is why, even if she appears (which I doubt), she will probably not even be named but just an "Easter Egg" for the minority who knows.

They will kill her in the exact way the leaks say regardless of truth. She will “die” in a way where you don’t see her body. It’s the most obvious guess you can make about the ending.

We still love S1.

"Still not gonna watch it"

Teaching posters to nag was their ultimate power move.



Cait and Vi fags waiting for seggs

Jayvik fags waiting for romantic disappearance

Jinxfags waiting for death

Its not fair, Jinxbros...

you are so wrong, my dude.

I know the leaks are real because every time I dont want something to happen in a show - it happens.
I am sorry bros, I cursed us all

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Jinx's character culminates in ship fan service then killing her

I'm going to the premier on Friday. I will want to choke them, I don't know if I can still go.

I've read most of what this "leaker" was posting there and I noticed he removed all of his posts about episode 6. He knew he wasn't 100% right so he was trying to cover up his ass. Exactly the same thing is going to happen now. People out there pointed plenty of times he's there 24/7, always claiming he knows shit and always proven wrong. On top of that, knowing literally nobody had seen act 3 yet makes those "leaks" even less realistic. No one would risk losing a job and facing a trial for breaking NDA just to spoil anything to a random troll that picks on any popular topics, politics included, with retarded ideas. He's a troll wanting attention, nothing else.

Yeah I know but now I gotta seek it all out via the archives and finding it online via other sites and so on, I'm lazy is all I geuss.

But I'll take the treck if it means getting to see more of the petite bombshell.

Are you talking about the reddit post he commented on? I checked it and if you click it, is just hidden. not deleted.

I am never watching whatever they produce next until all the episodes are done and I heave heard good feedback.
This is just a complete ass way to deal with the most beloved character in a series for the sake of ship wish fulfillment.
Ella was right. But I dont know if she was right in the way she thinks she is.

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literally nobody had seen act 3 yet makes those "leaks" even less realistic. No one would risk losing a job and facing a trial for breaking NDA just to spoil anything to a random troll that picks on any popular topics, politics included, with retarded ideas.

And THAT sums it up perfectly.

all the cope

It's over guys. It will hurt less if we accept it now.

the amount of cope in this thread is so fk annoying.

He deleted his previous posts. Ones that are still visible are act 3 related. Like I said, nobody had seen act 3. Nobody would ever risk facing a trial, losing a job and paying the consequences (financially big ones) over breaking NDA and spoiling anything to a random troll on reddit. He's active in all trendy topics out there, he's a simple attention whore and a troll. And you guys are just feeding him.

In ep 4 actually.

No one would risk losing a job and facing a trial for breaking NDA just to spoil anything to a random troll that picks on any popular topics, politics included, with retarded ideas.

Could be he knows from someone else. Like he has a good friend and asked him what happens.
Or is an ex-employee.

he will save the show

Let’s hope.

Every piece fits, every new tidbit of info maps on, the dreadlocks being the latest one.
Either the leaker is some supergenius who noticed every little detail and built a perfect fake, or its legit.

Chances are - its legit. Just accept and hope its at least enjoyably animated, even if it is miserable for the characters you like.

ruins your favorite character

he can't even save his own plotline

Even a close friend wouldn't risk it.

Have you ever had any contract with NDA? You sign it and you MUST NOT talk about any of what you've worked on to anyone, unless the company doesn't exist anymore and the NDA stops being valid. That's how it works. There literally is no way anyone would risk facing any consequences of breaking it to an internet troll.

They didn’t exchange a single word Maddie is just disappointed

Damn what a cold breakup.

They were on a verge of a breakup.

there's a hammer for every child of Zaun Viktor, even you.

ran with the act 3 preview

retard he prolly only had seen it once. How are you going to run with a teaser you only saw once

we know the reddit leakers are all trolls, why are some of you giving them attention?

Much harder to shut an ex-employee up in France

THIS. He may have watched Act 2 + Act 3 sneak peek so the "leaks" for Act 3 are just made up theories based on what he saw in the sneak peek


I mean they still work together…they kinda have to.

Technically he already kicked her ass in the animation test.

So really we're waiting for Ambessa, Singed, Urgot, Heimerdinger, and Mel to beat her up.

reddit shippers already celebrating

Its going to be a grim weekend.
People who wanted a good story will be sad
People who wanted shipslop will celebrate

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NDAs are unserious and are mainly just so you don't broadcast info in public forums with your face connected to it. Every NDA I've ever signed, first thing I do is tell the GC about it lmfao
Friend-of-Friend leaking info they were told in confidence is a real possibility, especially if they're not in the industry and they don't take cartoon story leaks the least bit seriously.

Yes anon might be right but not reddit troll

Yeah but in that case he may mean the hammer in his trousers

Tomorrow and Friday are gonna be the worse wait cause that’s when shit starts to leak.

leaks have been a thing for years. the most popular shows got leaked. ndas have never stopped that from happening.

I don’t know that doesn’t seem like a place someone breaks up with their girlfriend

Yeah, the no one would want to face the NDA charges from a company like Riot or Netflix. They'd not only bancrupt and pretty much lose everything they own, the stench would fallow them forever. It would be incredibly hard for them to find any well paid job and they'd be completely done in the entertainment, IT, programming, politics, public relations and plenty of other industries. You break NDA once, you won't get hired. That's why Reed can't get another role at this point. He's borderline with NDA, no one will want him on any projects.

do black people just celebrate whenever anything bad happens ever

I doubt Cait even saw it as that.

You'd be surprised. I worked for a client from France and trust me, it was hard af with all the NDAs.

Is what you leak available online? I don't think so. Riot not giving shit about those says a lot. If the plot had leaked, they would make moves and start advertising more to keep people attention away from them. They aren't doing it.

Why am I so worked up over a cartoon show?

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We got leaks for 5 episodes. Leaker clearly got caught and never came back with the rest of them. Again, NDA.

I have yet to see Caitvifags freaking out about the fact Maddie is still with Cait in this scene I don’t know if they haven’t noticed her there yet or if they did but forgot

We will find out for sure tomorrow when Netflix releases the titles. No need to get your panties in a twist on it.

That's why Reed can't get another role at this point. He's borderline with NDA, no one will want him on any projects.

Dude is fucked up in the industry and he knows it. Even his gf was trying to shut him up the last time he went live.

What are they celebrating exactly? doesn’t the leaks about Jayce and Viktor say they fucking die? kekek

Maddie is a cop. She has to fight for Piltover she also is a tactician so I’m not surprised she’s next to Caitlyn with her own gun ready to shoot.

Friday night. After screening or shortly before.

They interpret it as them disappearing together in a gay honeymoon (which is probably how its gonna be presented, lets be real, this season gave me 0 hope of anything but ship pandering)

They sometimes do it on Thursday on Twitter.

No. you have to wait until friday

yes but jayvik fujos like doomed yaoi

Head in the sand strategy

Linke was so uncomfortable with him at the afterglow yesterday kek

Bummer. Hopefully there won’t be new ‘leaks’ different from the other ones tomorrow.

definition of lazy writing. they didn't know how to end the jayce/viktor plot, so they just made them disappear and please the jayvik fags at the same time.

Never happened on Thursday.

No, we will face the same retard posting the same things over and over again to defend his stupid fanfiction until proven wrong, calling us all kinds of names and telling us to "cope".

I hear from a good source that Caitlyn pees herself and Jinx has to clean her up since she's used to it from Isha, and that's how they start to build up a friendship. got this from the Jabber leaker so you KNOW its real.

My leaks on friday will be real. I'm afraid to have to sit in theater to watch this shit if it's legit but I guess I can spare you all the same fate if you'll want to skip it.

The secret is that if you pander to these people with "brave" lesbian and gay romance, you will receive praise from them all over social media AND praise from 80IQ critics.
Any dissent will be shunned as you hating representation.
So they get to kill the most beloved character and cover up the shitstorm with rainbow flags.

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and nobody will feel good after watching it

Can't wait...

Reality has been starting us in the face for a while, but we were all coping that it could all be different.
Who would have thought S1 would be the less depressing of the two.

We appreciate your work anon, at what time does the event start/end? Is it just the screening or are there activities and stuff to check out too?

Take a picture of some possession now and post it. Then post another picture with your leak so we know its you, there will be 30 people claiming they are at the event

Kek on Friday imagine after the premiere 3 different sets of leaks popping up from people claiming to have been there

Problem is it won't be because the story's sad, but because the story's bad

5 PST, I'll probably hang out for a bit but I'll hop on my phone to confirm/deny and give more details later.

I'll be posting a photo I take at the event, or something I grabbed from there.

Starts 5 PST?

but by the time the event ends the real episodes will almost be released right?

Only thing that makes me doubt the leaks is there does seem to be hints of time shit happened in episode 6 and none of the leaks mention that. What's the significance of and why does time seem to freeze at the end?

and this is only the event, the screening itself its even later, he will probably get info about 2/1-half hour before everyone else


In a few hours yeah, but at least I can give a heads up so you can prepare your anus if it's bad. Also I'm not ESL or "lazy" like all these leakers seem to be so I will give full details.

You do know that Caitlyn making eyes at Vi IF she's still with Maddie makes Caitlyn look bad right?

Why not just accept the leaks as 100% real? Worst that can happen is you get pleasantly surprised.

It'll be 7 hours before everyone else.

They’re partners

That's where I'm at. If ep 7 isn't some AU with Jinx getting BLACKED I'll be relieved.

I’ve accepted them as real unless they get debunked. And I really want them debunked.

are you crazy? 5 PST its the start of the event, they have alot of activities food etc.. that is why the event is not age restricted, then the showcase of act 3 itself its not at that time and if you consider that last episode is 60+ min long he wont have 7 hours before everyone else

Kind of small potatoes next to the fascism tee bee desu

The truth could be worse, so it could also lead to further disappointment

How about this, while I'm watching if after episode 1 it's obvious the leaks are real I'll come to the thread and say so then. If I don't, you can take that as meaning they're not real.

What is the deal with all the AU talk, and what the hell is AU? I'm guessing alternate universe. Why is that a thing all of a sudden?

Fate demands Jinx be punished for her hubris

Why not just accept the leaks as 100% real?

low IQ. incapability of connecting the dots. bad emotional control

I think that the leddit troll muddied the waters with the leak. Anons believe the leak from last week but don’t believe what was posted by leddit bitch


It would be pretty difficult

season is a 8/10 so far, mostly on account of the art, but isha's cheap, i'm surprised how many people think her and jinx's deal is the good writing

Not really honestly. Leaks are vague enough some things could still work and be executed well if they were true.

No, several of us took for granted some leaks like those of Eileen leaker and we came out like clowns

Life partners

Something the leaks also never mention is that there will be a timeskip in act 3. Vi's hair is a lot longer.

The writer on Afterglow said it was to remind Jinx that this is who she is and that she cant escape her fate.

So - she is just cursed to always lose her loved ones. Her last act will be to kill one final loved one, Vander, but save Vi.

Its ass, but I guess I didn’t really expect her to live happy ever after. If she does, Vi would go with her and they need Vi to be with Cait.

fanon is that Jayce and Ekko have seen alternate timelines, which is why Jayce iced Victor and why Ekko would feel motivated to reach out to Jinx

I hate that they bring finality to the coolest characters- Jayce, Vik and Jinx. I was hoping for a prequel, not a biography.

nta but that is pretty irrelevant

how is vicktor voice old doe? anciemt is a quality implying a long passage of time but viktor christ and and quirkfungus viktor are comtained in the same lifetime and he's in the hecking future not the distant past for peas sake. so was this "le ancient" just a cheap obfuscation after all

na hour : simping for Jinx

eu hour : simping for cait

vi : cucked

I can see it last

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I always thought Wasterland was an epilogue song. But now that I revisit the track of the song, maybe they're not so wrong.

Don’t think there’s a time skip, her hair might’ve always been that long we just couldn’t see it

I simp for Vi 24/7

one of the most beloved characters in an animated show

killed off as a punchline to a ship

Truly annoying

Making Ekko want to rescue Jinx because he fucked her in another timeline is incredibly awful. How did this get past the drafts?

Maybe it's only a month, and they don't even mention it.

by friday leaks can be debunked right?

Why is this leak barely discussed anywhere else? I found almost nothing on xitter and reddit.

Minutes before the literal premiere, which wouldn't be worth it, believe me

Is it bad I’m warming up at the shit ending? Like I’m starting to find it poetic and all of those fancy words critics like to throw around.

Honestly I just wonder how a time skip would work here.
Unless it's between 7 and 8 specifically. Cause we literally see in the trailer Singed hooking up Warwick's body to the cocoon thing Viktor made. No way there was a big timeskip before that.
I could see it being like

7 - Aftermath, AU stuff explained, everyone knows a war is coming

8 - Ambessa needing like a month to get her invading force together then the war starts

But even that seems odd.

the shit ending

Season's not over yet

Ekko always had a crush on her. It's why their fight was so sad.

I’m not saying I want an overtly sappy happy ending or anything, but the leaked ending just sounds so damn depressing and bleak, I wouldn’t even call it bittersweet.

They don’t trust Anon Babble sources, probably

Their fight was sad because they used to be innocent kids and were friends. It doesn't change that his motivation to save her is just that he fucked her, which is awful.

Ella did say its devastating and nobody will feel good about it.
And it seems like Wasteland will play during it so its not looking good.

no you don't get it there was a voiceline in the game and one of the writers maybe said she shipped it in in a Q&A, its meant to be.

His motivation is to get Powder's mindset back. The same goes for Vi. Because in the end Jinx is still Powder. A smart girl who would do anything for her family and friends.

This "getting Powder back" shit is part of why s2 is trash.

so was vander actually cucked and raised his lovers kids or whats up with that

Caitvi breakup

Jayce and Viktor an hero together

Warwick revived and killed again

Ekko and Heimer deleted from timeline

Piltover and Zaun a smoldering ruin from Ambessa's regime

Jinx floating away in her goofy crayon colored blimp

Enemy plays as credits roll

Jinx and Ekko never fucked.

Because no leak without visual evidence have been correct yet kek.

Sevika will die but will be gloriously evolved into blizcrank.

t. knower

People seem to forget that Ekko was actually her best friend when she was still Powder. Sure he had a crush on her, but he always respected her. That's why it hurt him so much when she became Jinx, killing innocent people. She literally killed a firelight.

Imagine wishing to live the life of a lie

It's just her heart and mindset dumbass. She was pretty Powder with Isha these last eps.

Maybe Ekko shouldn't have sent his gang to attack her if he didn't want them to die.

>one of the most beloved characters in an animated show

>killed off as a punchline to a ship



People seem to forget that Ekko was actually her best friend when she was still Powder. Sure he had a crush on her, but he always respected her

this is fanfiction

this ending was something else, shame kino won't never come back, world ended in 2021

Maybe she killed one of them after they started having a beef. Ekko stated she didn't care about the citizens of Zaun when she was with Silco.

She literally killed a firelight

attack a shipment your friend is guarding

get mad at them when they do their job and guard the shipment

Maybe ekko should stick to community kitchens and food banks

then why is it hinted throughout the whole franchise?

I think he just had an unrequited thing for their mom. idk, I think it kind of falls into the silco problem, where the animators put in a lot of body language that goes against what the writers intended. like the writing just makes you think the three of them were very good friends, but the vander stares at her like he's in love.

shimmer ruined lives and she didn't care.

Ekko stated she didn't care about the citizens of Zaun when she was with Silco.

She didn't. Silco did his best to make her care.

*meant the jilco problem

Shimmer was the weapon that could free the undercity from Piltover's jackbooted heel.

Ah Ekko haters are Silco lovers. Now it makes sense.

It's not the way he looks at her that made me think this. Rather the fact that he almost killed Silco over her death as if he actually loved her.

It was killing people. That's like saying heroin will save the homeless.

Care about the people of Zaun and see that Silco is the only person willing to do whatever it takes to free them

Also see that Ekko is a glownigger piltie plant actively working against the dream of a free Zaun

It's not rocket science.

We got fantastic,the line, and that french duo song.

I don't care about the whole franchise. a lot of people don't. "I watch Arcane but refuse to play the game" is a meme unto itself. I'm only judging by the show, where they don't even talk.

Freedom isn't free. If you have an explanation for how heroin is a tool being used to deliver an oppressed people from an evil oligarchy, I'd love to hear it.

There is no Powder.

There's not even any suggestion of it in the game. The "source" is a non-canon webcomic from forever ago.

Ekko is a liberal fantasy character meant to make necessary radical action look bad. They always make these character black.

Yeah, okay, I'll just ignore you then. Jeez I forgot this place is stuck in the Gilded Age.

They did say the ending they had in mind has always been the same and haven’t changed in 6 years

lmfao I was friends with a Riot employee who would leak everything to me and even let me use a Riot account that had infinite RP. Granted this was like 10 years ago and I don't play League anymore...I'm sure the culture has changed and last I heard they had to do a cleanup of all the Riot accounts people lent out to friends because some faggot decided to sell his on eBay or something. But yea, friends break NDAs. Now, the likelihood if a friend breaking an NDA To a faggot who would leak that to Anon Babble is much smaller - I wouldn't and didn't tell anyone the shit said employee made me privy on because if they trust you that much then you damn well better respect that instead of trying to get clout from anonymous fags on a siberian toenail clipping forum just for dopamine at the expense of your friend,