What Anon Babblemics or Anon Babblertoons did you not care for anon?

what Anon Babblemics or Anon Babblertoons did you not care for anon?

Anything by Vivzie or Glitch.

I don't care for Arcane

Fuck, I should've added that to my list.


Family guy

I heard that show has filler episodes, so I knew that wasn't going to be up my alley anyway.

Atomic Betty

NGL, that show is extremely important. Without it, we'd never get Jimmy Two-Shoes.

All of them.

I don't know what that is.

I don't blame you, most know of it through Heloise.

Here for the shitposting huh?

None, I just don't have the time to consoom them all.

I'd recommend sticking with some shows that only have a season or two. Gary & Mike's a good start, even if it has a gay cliffhanger at the end.

It really doesn’t

I'm surprised, because I had to endure what possibly felt like 3 seasons worth of townie episodes the last time I ever took a serialized show "seriously."


Anything Grant Morrison fits this scene for me. Congrats on taking LSD dude, but it doesn't make you interesting.
(Except We3.)

it has like, 5 total episodes that could reasonably be called filler, and even then some of those are arguable.

Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy

Fuck yeah, sounds like a MUCH easier watch. Maybe I might participate in A:TLA threads if I end up liking it.

some episodes that aren't filler might feel like filler on your first watchthrough because the only way they connect to the larger story is that they introduce a character who's important later.

As long as those episodes actually move the plot, I'm totally fine with it.

Superhero comics.
In my opinion you can't have both a sliding timescale and continuity. The two are fundamentally incompatible and makes the whole project moot.

Kids Next Door

Ed, Edd, and Eddy

foster's home for imaginary friends, in my opinion it's easily among the worst "classic era" cartoon network shows

No one ever asks which ones you did care for...
Anyway I hated


Grabbity Fools

Stephen Trooniverse

Foul House

Ayy lmao force



Avatard and legend of koala

How to train one's dragon

Across the Spider-puke

Fugrats and Gay Arnold

Lick and forty

Despicable me and Minions

Inside Out 1(haven't seen 2 yet but I will absolutely give it a try)

Shriek 2, 3 and 4 and pussy boobs 1

Irregular show

Fionna's Cake and Pissant Lands

that one avengers show where anons claim wasp is hot but she isn't and it's a bad show

specfagular spider-tran


anything dcamu and dcau except Batman Beyond, which I actually kind of enjoyed

Nig Hero 6

Emperor's jew groove

Greg of the Creek

Knuckle Grandpa


Teen Titans go

second season of dcshg 2019. First was kino without peer

She-ra princess of power

anything star trek/wars

we bare bears

eleven forever

infinity tranny

anything lego, but the lego batman movie would be kind of okay if it wasn't lego

i had a hearty chuckle reading these corruptions.

I did not care for Arcane and Amphibia.
I was just not convinced with Arcane and Amphibia is a pain to watch the Anne + Plantars episodes.

Avatar is an adventure show first and foremost, every season follows a point A to point B structure with every episode inching closer and closer towards that goal. Despite most episodes being self-contained adventures most every entry save for a few feel significant because they’re either introducing new elements to the magic system, developing the characters or contextualizing the war torn setting and the people it’s effecting.

Some more I forgot

Murder dronez

camp cregayceous


The Miraculous movie, and anything Miraculous after season 3, besides the new york and china specials which were still good.

Ben 10 reboot

Simp sons and future grandma and disinfectant

family goy

Harley Shin and Fite Man

road to hell dorado

toast and molly mcpee

Hailey's armpit


Autism issue

American Dad.
Everyone says it’s so much funnier and clever than Family Guy, but to me it’s just Family Guy without the humor.

I want to clarify that I don't HATE all of these. Just most of them. Some I just don't like, Inside Out.

do it tell which ones you do and don't hate based on which ones got corrupted names?

What are some comics/cartoons you actually like, anon?

I didn't care for Ester or Ben's crappy relationship with Julie. I love Kai Green tho.

Big Ben.jpg - 1279x720, 128.2K


Tangled and Tangled the Series

Love Death and Robots

Green Eggs and Ham

Ben 10 OS and OV

Adventure Time OS

Spiderverse 1

Puss in Boots 2

Dreamworks Home

Dcshg 2019 s1

Miraculous seasons 1-3

old Looney Tunes

Off the top of my head.

No. In fact I hate Arcane most of all because of how much it's overrated and the damage that could do to the industry. I wasn't thinking when I changed the names.

Fairly Odd Parents
Phineas and Ferb
Over The Garden Wall
Adventure Time
Gravity Falls

I would very much like to add Over the Garden Wall to my list because of

And old Spongebob of course. Duh.

Liking something just to be contrarian

NPC behavior

It got better as it went on. Never thought it got good though.

No I just forgot about it and he reminded me!

Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack! See I keep remembering things. You thought I didn't like anything lol.

Justice.jpg - 1293x720, 114.88K

Season 1 is okay. Season 2 is kind of a shitshow, though.

Encanto. I think the movie has a really flawed premise, no stakes, and the ending makes no sense. So they all keep their magic powers, even though having magic is what caused the rifts in the family in the first place? On that note, aren't the townspeople the villains for always demanding shit? That never goes anywhere.

Also what year is it? It could be 1850 or it could be 2019, you can't tell because they live in isolation.

For as much as it gets talked about, I really don't ever intend on watching Gravity Falls. I want to think it has much to do with me never being in that target age demo, but I see a lot of "men" not much younger than me talk about it like it was their favorite show growing up even though they were like 20yo when it debuted.

Oh yeah I also like Teen Titans 2003.

Huh. I honestly expected the typical contrarian Anon Babble takes, like some obscure 70s cartoons no one has ever watched. But you actually like pretty normal things. Good on you, anon.

Pretty much most material these days which is crazy since I remember being glued to cartoons and animation even into my early twenties.
It took me forever to even look at Arcane (I like it well enough).

I especially don't care for most animated movies, can't sit still long enough without wanting to get back to drawing cheap smut or going to sleep.

My brain is fried I geuss.

Thanks bro.

Oh also I like the Jenny Wakeman show.

Steven Universe

Megas XLR.

Arcane - S1 was fine, lots of cringe music clips, though, and the setting and plot and characters are fairly generic - really, what can you expect from fucking LoL adaptation? But it was well animated overall. But it's not the greatest shit in existence as mentally ill zoomers claim. However, Season 2 is fucking shit and retroactively made me hate S1.

Spiderverse shit - absolute cringe. I had to shut it down 15m into the movie. It is peak zoomer shit. I haven't seen anything more zoomer. That fucking disgusting nu rap music, all the racial shit, cringe try hard "direction", disgusting 15 fps animation. It fucking sucks. Absolute fucking garbage.

A:TLA - watched the first few episodes. Didn't like it. Probably a good cartoon if you were a kid and it was your first shit, but I am just tired of these generic fantasy settings that are so utterly uninteresting. I've lived long enough, watched enough movies, series, played enough games, read enough books. The setting of A:TLA and its premise were just boring to me. Never felt the incentive to keep watching.

Star Wars: Rebels - absolute garbage. Cheap, ugly, poorly animated, terrible OC characters (probably the worst in Star Wars, Ezra and Sabine are the worst), kiddie slop to the max on the level of Ewok and Droid cartoons (well, it's a TV-Y7 show on DisneyXD channel, DUH), absolutely fucking retarded writing, so fucking boring and bland through and through, consistently shit, with only redeeming episodes being about cameo characters from better shows and movies. Speaking of which, this show started Disney's cameo slop nostalgia baiting like nothing else. Retarded zoomers who claim it's some of the best SW ever make my blood boil.

Clone Wars 03 - it's ok for what it is, but it's not Genndy's best work, and it's not even close to being the best thing in SW. It can't even be compared to anything, really, since it was just a toy ad. Definition of overrated. Also the fans of this show are extremely obnoxious.

Slaine: The art is good and Mills is trying to do something intresting but around the time travel plot things just got annoying especially with the Christian stuff, buddy I don't like it either but give it a rest.


Did you fucking start at 2? Because that sounds alot like across the pukeverse and not kino Into.

Like what damage?

No, the first movie. I didn't even bother with the second one, and I didn't even finish the first one. It's just too zoomer for me. Dogshit fucking music from the get-go, all the nu-american zoomer meta, all this black shit that I am supposed to think is super cool and deep or something. And the writing, my god. So much meta shit. I can't. It made me physically wince in pain. So ass. So shit. The last good Spider-Man thing to come out was Raimi's films.


There was nothing racial about the first movie though. Plus the music was goated.

The closest thing to anything racial in it is the implication that Miles thinks he only got into his special prep school as a diversity pic which is based.

As for the animation, it's actually fucking good in the first one you liar! It only ever lowers the framerates for characters at specific moments as an actual animation technique to make them look less graceful when they're stumbling. You shouldn't even really notice it on your first watch.