Does he have a shot at redemption?

It sounds like Alastor is set up to go through some shit next season. Do you think he'll be redeemed in a later season through discovering the power of friendship? I think he genuinely enjoys Hell and larping as the Big Bad Spooky Guy too much to give it up.

No. Vivsipop enjoys tormenting him too much. I think what will happen is that he'll get mind wiped by Charlie and Rosie and become their sex slave/butler. Not even Shakespeare could conjur such swagger.

Heaven would be like Hell for Alastor unless it's a long con for him to eat some angels. Or if he wants to try his mother's cooking one last time.

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He’s going to contrive himself into being the final boss and either outsmarted by Charlie into a Deal that forces him to be a good person or she’ll kill him in a boss battle.

Alastor does not wish to redeem himself, his entire plan was foremost to see Charlie fail and parasite into her desperation.

Charlie would not do that because she is Lucifer's daughter, she believes first and foremost in free will, she would never enslave someone, she doesn't even use her royal powers against others.

Basically this.

Worst post by far, Alastor isn't nearly strong enough to be the final boss and he doesn't seem to be omniscient - can the Alastor is Jesus schizo show up, please? - like Flowey from Undertale, he isn't pulling any big shots and is in someone else's leash. About Charlie forcing him to be good, just see above.


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I mean all he's really done is fight other demons. He's played up as scary but he's not show to be especially evil.

His last name used to be Hartfelt. He is for sure getting redeemed. In due time.
Just think of the other characters in the show, he's the only one fulfilling the role of morally grey character that eventually improves.
The vees are villains, and Lute is supposed to get worse. It's just him left to explore this specific thread in the narrative.
Moreover, his entire character revolves around having a heart, deep down. And wanting family.
His moral outlook is written to be the perfect foil to Charlie. They're both wrong but eventually they'll meet each other in the middle, and probably end up running the hotel together in the end, with Vaggie and probably Niffty. All people who wouldn't end up in heaven, but who still want to do good for others.
Alastor's main's drawback right now is he doesn't believe redemption is possible. That's about to change with season 2.

Hazbin Hotel means family

The ending will be Charlie turning down a place in heaven so that she can stay behind and keep running the hotel

It’s too cheesy and self indulgent for that NOT to be what Viv ends up doing, and it fits Charlie’s character

Alastor is objectively the most evil member of the main cast. He’s a psychotic serial killer who ate his victims. He’s just excessively good at putting on a show of being courteous and gentlemanly

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He also probably went around enslaving other sinners


killing off other Overlords

I wouldn't call it evil to kill someone for power when they would happily do the same to you. He's not a nice guy by earth standards but in Hell that's just business as usual.

killing off other Overlords

Who were just as evil.

enslaving Husk

Mostly leaves him free to do whatever, didn't kill him because Husk isn't a bad person.
He is evil, but there's a method to his madness. We don't know what his deal is yet, beyond wanting freedom and to be respected/feared.
And again, if we are judging on body count alone, Vaggie has killed more.

Alastor is gonna end up being everyone's best friend and the most attached and affectionate to make up for a lifetime of pushing people away and experiencing trauma. We're also gonna get to see him break completely and also cry, hopefully. Lots of meltdowns.

In light of the season 2 leaks confirming Rosie(Lilith) as the one who owns Alastor’s soul…..time to readdress these “leaked texts” from a while back?

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Share cute alastor headcanons


Deers are addicted to salt.
Human cum is salty.
Even if he's not aroused, Alastor will still suck dick to get that delicious salt.

Getting alastor addicted to my dick against his will because he can't get enough of the salty taste

That's awful. But did you know blood is also salty?

We both know that blood is not what he'll be getting 99.9% of the time.

He killed his mother because he hated her

of morally grey character

None of you faggots know what “morally grey” means anymore.
Morally grey isn’t just “antagonist I personally like”.
Morally grey characters have to do an equal moment of good things and bad things.
What good has Alastor ever done? And no, your headcanons or Vivzie’s past tumblr ramblings don’t count. I mean in canon, in the actual show. Name a good thing he’s done that wasn’t for an ulterior motive.

What are your Alastor hopes for s2 besides seeing him get violated?

He gets violated a second time.

It has been stated in canon that Alastor used to constantly help Mimzy out of trouble for no gain to the extent that he's the one being used.

Alright guys this is the 4th Alastor thread in a row pack it up and head to Anon Babble

His last name is unknown, the "Hartfelt" thing is from an elaborate fanfic wiki that's not canon

omg the thought of him doing the little flippy ear thing ahhhhhhhhhh <3

I want to see him get blackout drunk and cry

Sounds about right. Season 1 aside with Rosie having a moment with Charlie and talking about how hard it is to "do something that hurt the ones you love", I think that was Lilith's soothing voice initially speaking to Alastor through the radio in the leaks. They have an auditory/vocal performance connection there with Lilith as the famous singer and Alastor as a broadcaster and she even says "as soon as I heard your voice, I knew YOU were the one." And why on earth else would Rosie of all people randomly want or care about Alastor to help her with Charlie's hotel? She cuts him off when he says "And we're not any closer to-" before he can finish saying out loud whatever her plan is.
The "Lilith" in heaven is definitely Eve in disguise.

he wakes up cuddling with you and doesn't know how it happened

I want more cute and funny Alastor/Niffty moments. I also hope he has at least two more Big Scary Demon Form moments once he gets his powers back

meanwhile the fucking Loud House and Peridot porn threads show up daily. Let us have our fun.

I'm not sure I want to know but I'm too curious about what the hell you mean by this

You think Husk is used to that?

No, the Hartfelt thing didn't come from Journey to the light, it came specifically from an ex-friend of Viv by the name of Kendraws. They exchanged some discord DMs that got leaked where she really liked it, plus he's basically the actual mind behind the pilot.

Now I'm imagining living at the hotel and waking up to both Husk and Alastor drunkenly cuddling me almost every night.

Husk more than anyone else has probably seen Alastor at his most vulnerable

And makes men want to force him to be their boywife.

Everyone wants to abuse the deer

Why do people keep thinking she's trying to nerf him?
She knows exactly what she's doing. She thinks it's hot too.

because there is a pattern, just like when she said charlie sees alastor as a father figure to make people stop shipping her with him, caused the opposite

was viv's husbando in her early years

creates an entire show with the sole purpose of making him everyone's husbando/rapebait

Yep, I'm thinking Viv the Hutt is based.

kek @ him bristling at Charlie's bite and that thousand yard stare

wait, what just happened?

more like

makes him asexual to keep him all to herself

it backfires spectacularly

famous popstar made a party for everybody whose heart was broken for the same guy and make fun of him,even if that makes her look more desperate

yeah, viv has serious problems

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There aren't enough jelly doughnuts and starbucks coffees in the world to fix Viv's issues.

Viv actually said that neither Charlie nor Alastor view each other as father/daughter figure, and that she just thought it would be hilarious if Alastor said that out of the blue for the singular purpose of fucking with Lucifer, kek.

He loves his baby girl so much