Close Enough

They're probably the three best characters of the show

Kimiko Glenn is fantastic in everything she's in

Because COOM amirite guy? Tee hee I'm so subtle with the millionth coom drivel thread.

You'd fuck literally anything with a vagina.

Yes I would, and considering you're the biggest pussy here.
Put on the dress.

I barely watched this show but I have an extreme lust for Bridgette.

Don't know why you need me to when there's vaginas everywhere for you to get horny about for no reason but to be a vocal incel.

that's fair

I miss her very much

Me too

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Not hard when they barely used any of the others.

Candice needs to get bred

I liked that later seasons started using Alex more and Josh even got a few good storylines. I think it was pitched that the upcoming season would've dealt more with the other characters too, while digging deeper into Bridgette and Alex's relationship.
Personally, I also wish that Bridgette's sister would have returned

It's really fucking stupid that Discovery killed Close Enough, only to then try digging up JG's previous cartoon for nostalgia purposes. What's worse is that most RS fans will eat this up

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How come Mordecai can't fly? Isn't he a bird?

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He's a slacker thats why

no one ever taught him :(

Well he was hoping to learn

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sad but common trend, nostalgia will make a quick and easy buck even if it sucks and people hate it.

we need more episodes of her and her sister

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kek I forgot about the clowns

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Close Enough might not have reached the same heights as Regular Show, but I still enjoyed it very much. It holds a personal significance to me, it premiered around the time my father passed away and helped get me through some dark times. I'm still upset at how much it got fucked over by the executives

I don't think people will hate the new Regular Show. It's kind of hard to fuck up a concept that simple. I just hope the fans also realize how pointless these new episodes will be. We've gotten all we could've wanted out of these characters. Benson flashbacks, Skips flashbacks, Pops lore, MM + Fives flashback and respective romance arcs. Literally what more is there to explore?? The world of RS wasn't very firmly established beyond the Park anyway.

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Same but this song sucked ass. I liked when they played that song during the prank war, don't stop me now.

why is she a picrew?

it does look like one lol

Eileen if her design made some fucking sense

Nah, it was Josh and arguably Alex as the top 2 even though they kept using him for "men are terrible and gross and it sucks we deal with people like this" jokes. Candace was fine, but the only episode I remember for her specifically was Sauceface, and while it's nothing against her I've always hated "obnoxious childish thing described as epic and serious" humor. That's just me, but I ended up skipping through it. She's fine as a character though, but that's mainly because I like that it brings out the best in Josh caring about his daugher and being a good dad. Between Emily and Bridgette, Emily's the better girl by far, even if she also has some shitty scenes (which this time I am saying as a knock against her.) I don't think they actually have enough self-awareness to realize that Bridgette was annoying. They even have her rationalize being an asshole, pushing away all dates who want to move in with her, and manipulating it to where she was being "ghosted" by having her say all women are conditioned to avoid speaking their minds to men so they don't get killed or raped.

Randy was nothing and Pearle was meh.


Emily is a cunt, tho

This song IS my jam!

She was doing it for Candice

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Close Enough had a problem of feeling inspired by Friends with its main cast. I say this as someone who's seen that show to death on TBS the past some years, it's not easy to pull off these types of characters. I like Friends fine, and each main character I find entertaining, but there's stuff with them that would make me mute an episode and not even leave it as background noise. Like I both loved Phoebe sometimes and found her insufferable so often depending on the episode, or if she'd be singing some shit like "smelly cat." Sometimes the characters in CE are fine and other times I have to skip their dialogue because it's insufferable. It's unfortunate because I rarely had that problem with Regular Show in its 8 seasons.

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Would Bridgette be a shotacon?


It's right under being a fujoshi.

Wasn't there an episode where she almost did it with a kid because she was catfished?

Age him up to 11-15 and I can work with Bridgette fucking a youtube star wannabe wigger gangster shota.