Scott Pilgrim cancelled

They wanted a season 2?

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Say the line

Oh no way you mean people didn't like the bait and switch what a shock

waste of time without lisa

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awww yeah we gotta make it a lesbian romance fanfic, that's what the kids want

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O Malley cancelled literally after it ended. I don't know how these faggots were holding up to announce this. He literally said it was a one season and done thing


It was always meant to be a single season show.
I still stand by the opinion that Scott Takes Off should've been the 2nd season to a true adaptation.


Shut the fuck up.

BU-BUT Anon Babble WAS WRONG! Everyone loved it! They loved it god damn it! That is why we have more Scott Pilgrim threads than Hazbin Hotel ones!
It's not fair! IT ISN'T FAIR! It was our time now!

it sucks that this is probably going to be the last SP content made. all that potential to ruin it with the anime, what a shame.
and no, the bait and switch was fine, it's the story they told instead fucking sucked.

is a cartoon

call it an anime

Are people just retarded these days?

Here's your (you) subhuman

One season was enough
It was alright

it was animated by studio trigger

No anon.
People have been retarded ALL the days. From the prehistoric days to the end of the days, people will ALWAYS be retarded.

Also gonna be fucking real here. Is this even surprising?
Netflix has a wonderful track record of cancelling things that people seem to like or look forward too.
I honestly do wonder the exec who canned Bone was thinking. A comic franchise finally getting an animated anything and people maybe being curious and subscribing to see how it turns out? Yeah cancel that. Not worth your time as an entertainment company. The Adam Sandler lizard movie? That is where the real money is.

Implying kids were the target audience of Scott Takes Off


this shits for millenials

It was always meant to be a single season show.

This is cope.

You're the one begging for attention you faggot loser.

weak generation

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It would be funny if the show was about Scott Pilgrim becoming a yoshi egg and every episode yoshi would have to poop him out ha ha

Show literally titled "Scott Pilgrim"

mc barely in it - instead boring and generic story about the side characters "finding themselves"

MC from main timeline becomes villain which completely defeats his character arc of finding self-worth

female lead bait-and-switch, incredibly boring female lead at that

wow what a shock it flopped
lmao exactly

I'm surprised it was even up in the air I just considered it done after the season came out. What more could they have done with it? It was a cute one-off alternate take on the story that gave the spotlight to some characters that never had it before.

Nigger it's scott pilgrim, it's a zoomer show at best and gays were in the original from day one.
Kill all anti woke schizoids.

Ramona was the most boring character in her own show. It was a good show but it's fair that almost everybody dropped it after learning what happens. Really even by the end of the show she's very unlikeable due to leaving scott in the future for literally no reason.

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Maybe they should have done what 99.99999999999999999999% of the fans wanted and just made an animated adaptation of the books.

It was animated by Science Saru.
Who also animated Dandadan.

got to free up more budget for another season of Big Mouth!

I don't care. I never seen it and I know it was going to be garbage anyway.

Same, I just sort of considered it to be a weird one and done thing. Maybe it would get more episodes if it did super well but overall I don't think anyone ever planned for more than what was made.

A comic franchise finally getting an animated anything and people maybe being curious and subscribing to see how it turns out?

Why would a Netflix exec give a fuck about the success of a comic franchise?
They go for whatever provides the best return, which is why Netflix is full of tons of foreign movies and TV shows these days, since they're usually cheap as fuck to license.

Maybe it would've gotten a second season if they made Ramona fatter.

Scott Pilgrim was garbage from the start so making it even more shitty is appropriate.

It also throws out her own story progression in the original too. She was also a user and abuser of others until she finally grew up, realized that other people have feelings too and matured as a person over it. Same with Scott.

Her just leaving him in this means she regressed right back to the start where she just leaves everyone.

Astonishing cope it was very clearly set up to be an alternate timeline for the Scott Pilgrim universe where they could tell whatever story they wanted free from the restrictions of the comic.

It was their elaborate and expensive attempt to take over an IP that at its core was meant for gamers in the 2000s (mostly nerdy guys) and supplanted it with fanfiction primarily targeted at women and the LGBT+ in the 2020s.

It didn't work because the new story they were telling wasn't any better than the original, and it didn't capture that late 2000s vibe successfully - it felt more like a nostalgia trip than something that could stand by other media from the era. So nothing about it was appealing to most old fans, and potential new fans would rather just watch something that actually speaks to them as opposed to contorting Scott Pilgrim into a shape that's more appealing to them. Why bother with skim milk when whole milk is on offer?

Why bother with a Scott Pilgrim product that doesn't want to be a Scott Pilgrim product? Just read the Scott Pilgrim comic, watch the 2009 movie, or watch something else if you're not that big on Scott Pilgrim.

That being said, the show isn't awful - it's quite fun at times - it's just not Scott Pilgrim. It's Scott Pilgrim fanfiction written by people who seem to hate most of the aspects of Scott himself and the story being told through him - which is ridiculous if you think about it because at that point why are you making Scott Pilgrim content? Scott does suck ass but if you don't like him just don't make Scott Pilgrim content too bad if you need work find another job we've all been there lmao.

Never going to happen. Not when we live in a weird era of producers, writers, and directors never ever giving a fan what they want. They always have to

Subvert Expectations!

and if fans say anything about it, those same writers, producers, and directors go on social media and call them out for being evil bigoted chuds for not supporting them.

It's fucking bizarre how across all boards this attitude of do the opposite of what a fan would want, then blame the fans for the financial failure.

I don't know if LA 20 somethings in 2023 are going to ever be capable of getting that 2000s vibe. Or understand what it is in the first place. Most often they tend to do what said and write for themselves and their peers, but then angrily point fingers at the fandom if it is not instantly successful. It seems like this happens with some new series, movie, game, or comic almost every month or every other month now.

this show fucking sucked, fuck this bait and switch faggotry
literally assassinated every single character by watering them down or just outright removing their development

Why bother with a Scott Pilgrim product that doesn't want to be a Scott Pilgrim product? Just read the Scott Pilgrim comic, watch the 2009 movie, or watch something else if you're not that big on Scott Pilgrim.

I cannot really count the number of other franchises that have this exact same problem now. They are taken over by people who did not care for the original work, make something wildly different and then watch it fail. It's actually become the norm now instead of an outlier. Especially as far as games go.

But shit like

Halo the series being taken over by writers that are very much anti military

The Witcher series taken over by people who hate the main character

Batman films taken over by directors who do not want to depict a superhero or villain at all

Clone High also by people who did not even watch the old series

Ren & Stimpy taken over by people that actively hate the old show

Lightyear made by people that hate space adventure just keeps going like this

Hmm, looks like no one wanted your shitty Garden instead of a faithful retelling.

We live in a clown world. Nothing to do but hang on and wait for the ride to end.

get an entirely new story

complain because they didn't adapt something you've already seen done three times before

I swear Anon Babble bitches about the dumbest things

Just goes to show that just because you can make an alternate bait-and-switch story where everyone is gay and fine doesn't mean you should. This was always supposed to be a one and done anyway.

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Literally immediately after release it was said it was created as a single-season mini-series.

It's Scott Pilgrim fanfiction written by people who seem to hate most of the aspects of Scott himself

The head writer was the creator of Scott Pilgrim

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pretentious hipster bullshit fans mad that pretentious hipster bullshit has moved past them and made an adaptation that's even more pretentious hipster bullshit than the pretentious hipster bullshit they are accustomed to.

Next they'll make a dubstep cartoon

They wanted a season 2?

I guess so, I mean, the story ended with an open ending and a cliffhanger.
It doesn't make sense if they didn't have a second season planned.

It's a Scott Pilgrim adaptation and it's marketed like it's actually going to be the actual story but animated.


Golly gee, i wonder why it didn't get a season 2.


More subversion shit instead of a proper adaption like the fans wanted.

It makes more sense if it was that, they literally wasted a solid opportunity to properly adapt the book and make money to do whatever that season was

Women find strength in toxicity anon

They did tease a slight continuation at the end with Gideon and Julie getting the company back and plotting some evil scheme. Also teased Lucas falling for Kim. Felt more like a point they could run from if they did get demand for a 2nd season than a desire though.

SP was never good, but I do feel sorry for the people that enjoyed this trash fire of an IP, you bastards made it yours and kept it alive for so long only to get shat on by fanfiction writers and an ashat that hates his own creation

My condolences

I mean, it's Netflix. They cancel everything all the time, especially in animation. Any that do get a second season, it was just a case of them splitting one completed season in half and staggering the release. I would be more shocked if it did keep going.
The only exceptions are Dragon Prince, who took a blatant heavy budget cut to continue past a third season, and Big Mouth, whose team must have blackmail photos of the Netflix owners to keep running as long as they have.

Not too surprised by that, according to Netflix's viewer report it only managed 6.1 million views from its Nov 17 release to Dec 31.
That would be fine for a licensed show, but something that Netflix was directly financially involved in?
Just for reference, it was competing with the 2nd season of AWOG, the 1st season of Baki, and The Witcher Blood Origin in terms of views, and those were all old series at the time.

Big mouth is paid by a degenerate in full, that's the reason it keeps being made

It's a net negative for animation as a whole but Netflix wants content and apparently they don't even pay for it

The obvious takeaway is that people, by and large, really seem to hate this subversive bait-and-switch shit. Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is probably the best of the bunch, and it still bombed.

I came away feeling more positive than negative about the show, but the misleading advertising still left a very bad taste in my mouth. Plus, most of the positive things I have to say either have to do with the presentation (the soundtrack and the animation, basically) and the way they used a few of the side characters. Scott and Ramona both end up with way less satisfying character arcs compared to the graphic novel.


holy coperoni

what if she was in season 2 though?

Anon Babble hates Takes Off

Man you fags have the worst taste imaginable

takes off is used for when things leave, like planes and rockets going away from the earth

I wish the whole season was just Roxy and Kim making out.

Scott Pilgrim?
moar like Flop Stillborn

Based millenial slop enjoyer.


This is what happens when you fucking lie to your fanbase for easy views.

Baby Julie hates Scott
Shell bite his fingies off

this, aside from being the best girl they lied to everyone about the plot. I dont even care anymore to be honest cause most of these actors have ousted themselves as political retards.

It happens. Regardless if it's good or not most streaming shows end up with just one season or two if lucky and that's usually because both seasons were ordered together like Velma and Clone High were.

>Ren & Stimpy taken over by people that actively hate the old show

wait did that even come out?

nope, it got shitcanned before it even could
iirc the episode/some scenes did leak online and it was revealed to be utter dogshit

The entire series was leaked on Anon Babble actually


show literally titled “Scott Pilgrim Takes Off”

character did just that

They didn’t bury the lead here, you’re just illiterate.

The script is fanfic trash carried by the animation studio.

i actually loved the show but hated the bait and switch, every episode is great and the Ramona of the show is far far far better than in the movie and comics because she really cares about Scott, the whole show is about how much she loves him

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A streaming service infamous for early cancellations has cancelled another show? What a surprise.
You don't put stake in Netflix, you just go for a quick paycheque.

Such many cases


It's written by the creator of Scott Pilgrim.

It got leaked, and it sucked.
I don’t know why anyone would have expected otherwise, though. The very idea of bringing the show back was doomed to failure from the start. Even if they did everything exactly like the original, it would have felt like a soulless cash grab. That era is gone. We need to be looking for new things.

As short and rushed as kid cosmic was, I think McCracken did it right. He got in, told the story, and ended it without having to rely on Netflix renewing it. It just sucks that it was so rushed. The show could have massively benefit from a slower pace and more slice of life episodes.


My only problem with the show was the final season, making most of it essentially a dream sequence was a fucking terrible creative decision.

Replacing white male protagonists in established franchises with female/POC protagonists is one of the primary demoralization tactics used by the globalist elite in their subversive, psychological war against Western males.

I mean I can’t blame them they wanted a scott pilgrim show and they got a Ramona flowers show instead.

It's the same mistake the FF7 Remake trilogy is making. An elseworld sequel that only makes sense if you went through the original and supplementary material that fails to tell the once tightly knit story in one go.

I really did want to see Scott Pilgrim all over again, but a high octane anime this time. Plus, the movie wasn't completely a faithful adaptation. There is room to tell the whole story again, but better, so I don't know why Anon Babble users are so resistant to that idea.

Okay, so does anyone have a link to the creator saying it was a one season thing? I don't care either way since its a bad idea regardless, but now I'm curious.

FF7 remake is just a straight up soft reboot, Takes Off is entirely supplemental past episode 1 since it gives all the other characters a chance to shine.