It's gonna be a shot-for-shot remake!

It's gonna be a shot-for-shot remake!

Well, almost...

I don't get it. If you go out of your way to make it as identical to the animated movie EXCEPT FOR ONE MAJOR DETAIL, people are only gonna notice that change even more. Why would they put an actress through something like that?

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hollywood couldn't find a blonde actress?

at least she's white(?)

Aww. I miss being around cows.

Why does the cow make this face? Is she actually expressing an emotion and using her eyebrows the same way we would, or is she just raising it for some other reason? I know dogs use their eyebrows to make expressions.

If that's white you must concede everyone on pol is white and Anon Babble is filled with self righteous liars.

she's a quadroon also a nepo baby

that nose

those lips

that hair

Definitely not a full white.

Does this remake hate blondes?

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did they make Ruffnut a landwhale

what the fuck

Honestly don't see a problem seeing as she's more Scandinavian than anyone else on the cast

Camera adds ten pounds

did she eat the camera

jesus, i'm getting secondhand embarrassment from this

They couldn't find a blonde white actress who was willing to suck and fuck jew cock.
Its been hard to find girls like this ever since the Me Too movement let alone blonde, white girls

was Syndey Sweeney unavailable

Why the two fishlegs?

She also has to look like the character in the sense of head and face shape.
If there isn't a match in this way it would all look like someone cosplaying
These little things matter and although that black chick doesn't look like astrid she does share the same body and head shape when accounting for the cartoonish shape

Anyone asking for a live action remake of a cartoon or anime deserves these shitty racebait castings

The worst part is that she can pull off the look, but Universal really wanted highlight her measly ethnic features. This chick is not black, she is beyond lightskin even.

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no one would be complaining if she had blonde hair

well I would be complaining because live action remakes of cartoons are the Great Satan

her mother is black

It's a film with fucking dragons, stop getting butthurt over a brown person
also ffs, Astrid in the original film was voiced by America "Ugly Betty" Ferrera

It's The Rock in cow form

That's not the point so what if she has more Scandinavian DNA then the rest of the cast

So that Astrid stands out as the pretty one.

anon the studios do this in purpose so that when the movie bombs from being a piece of shit, the studio will say it was because of the ebil racists, and useful idiots like you will feel morally obligated to defend the movie online.

stop falling for it.

Why does this matter? Racists aren't watching cartoons. Nor live action versions of them.

Who would have been a good ruffnut replacement?

the cow is lifting her brows to get a better look at her surroundings

Hollywood edits black actors to look as white as humanly possible, because middleclass white families who don't live in big cities won't go see black lead movies. Disney tried to hide the fact they made ariel black if you go back and look at the trailers you can see. Same idea here. They want that pic you posted everywhere on the internet. So that photo has an edited skin color, or they caked on makeup that is like ten shades too light for her. Really she's doing white face.

So that photo has an edited skin color, or they caked on makeup that is like ten shades too light for her. Really she's doing white face.

No, retard. This is called tanning. I know it is a shocking and inexplicable concept to someone who never goes outside, but when you go out under the sun and aren't pasty, your skin darkens over time and when you stay out of the sun it lightens.

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maybe this discussion will be better if we see what she'll look like in the actual movie?
IMO it's a raceswap that they're trying to put under the radar, be ambiguous about it

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The fact even racist twitter is literally getting canceled for caring about this nothingburger proves chuds have lost even if OJ man got in. 4 years and nothing is going to change in the right's favor.

We are locked in, and we are never going back, baby.

racist lose again despite decades of complaining

they always do this

domino could have had straight hair and accurate costume but they don't

why couldn't Mary Jane be a pretty redhead? Zendaya herself has fucking had straight red hair before

Hollywood really does fuck with these girls on purpose

Fuck all live action remakes.
All live action remakes.

couldn't even find someone with blue eyes

I wonder if they'll have the nerves to use cgi to change it

raceswap Domino

swap the dot to white to keep the contrast

hire a light-skinned actress so the effect is ruined

Why remake the movie in the first place. Aren't there other movies they could remake?
I'm sick of greedy holyjews needing to make remakes of not even 20 year old movies.