What do people mean when they call this "mankino"?
New thread? Cool. When the hell are we getting more Slash?
it's a Borat reference
Anyone else just really like The Seekers? Sure you could just like Starscream, but then you got the lovable dirtbags like Thundercracker and Skywarp tagging along. Kinda dig the new heads they got in TFO. Slipstream is great too. Don't really have an opinion on Redwing because they just sort of exist due to a continuity error, so would revamp them or pitch them?
Also what about the coneheads like Dirge? Or the "Brute Seekers" such as Skyquake and Dreadwing?
Would like Sunstorm to be upgraded to the same "tier" as skywarp and thundercracker
I want a FoC style figure of Slash. Planet X did every Dinobot in the game, and even one that was never there. They did Paddles. PADDLES!
Looks like Sky Lynx
What the fuck his robot mode supposed to be?
mankino sounds like a slur and I opt not to use it
Track down the fansproject dinofembots then, ya baby
continuity error
? I thought he just existed because they wanted to use Armada Starscream livery on a standard seeker body
Track down the fansproject dinofembots then, ya baby
I cant afford that....
Hey yo, where is my boy sludge!
Maybe if he had set up an hr department he'd still be alive.
Their interactions in War for Cybertron were fun.
Skywarp: "More cloakers? These guys creep me out!"
Thundercracker: "What's the matter, Skywarp? Afraid?"
Skywarp: "At least I'm not ugly."
Thundercracker: "Ugly? You and I look the SAME!"
Skywarp: "What happened now?"
Starscream: The Autobots have booby trapped this room. Fools!"
Skaywarp: "Wait, are you calling us fools or the Autobots fools? Because I'm not getting the sense that you don't respect me."
Starscream: "SILENCE! Fool."
Skywarp: "See? That's what I'm talking about."
Lori pits
Who cares about fleshy girls?
Squishies are for squishing and stomping
He looks cute!
have mild disdain and apathy towards tfo
it's fans treating it like the second coming of christ make me despise seeing anything from it now
Get over yourself?
Watching G1 it's hilarious just how many animation errors and jank are in the show. Pretty much every episode is full of random errors and half the scenes feel like there was no cooperation with the animators and the script, like someone's dubbing an anime without even knowing what was said in the first place
slipstream should get her own group of female seekers like thundercracker and skywarp are for starscream
they planned something similar if TFA got a 4th season
the faces are so stupid. they dont look like robots. they made them rounded and rubbery like half way to organic. its very jarring. giving them the bay movie eyes is also shitty design choice. clashes with the face direction by being more robotic than the rest of the face. the originals look great because they are fucking robots. they have great voice actors that bring emotion and range that bring the character to life. this shitty animation and design choices try to make up for bad voice actors and shitty stories and paper thin characters by having the faces animate like humans with micro expressions and cheeks and human mouth movements instead of just a steel plate or light up speaker box, etc. its attempt to be human is uncanny and illicits disgust at the fake human they present to us when we want a fucking robot.
Kill yourself.
shadow striker should only have the different eye after getting rebuilt
she should also be my wife
Who are your favorite transformers fan artists?