obscure, dead webcomics you wish would come back
Obscure, dead webcomics you wish would come back
Anything other than Fanboys is the incorrect response
awful hospital
Remember when Zach Hadel called this guy and just played loud farting noises into the mic
Is it just me or is Zack a complete and total asshole in almost every story he ends up involved in
Is animated James dead? I feel like he vanished off the face of the earth.
Fart fetishists deserve to be nailed to a cross.
You don't want to know
He came back as Oddtenn
me and my homies: youtube.com
he came back as IneptOutcast/IneptOutGassed. He was also Cloud_Fountain, Detonassion, and MythAbyss
He has this aura of superiority, I see what you mean. One of those guys who tries to look cool by being ironic and inauthentic towards everything.
The Bare Pit
i liked derelict but it did run out of steam after the Aurora raid so understand why it petered out and was put down
brapfags need to be gassed
Are you offering, or...?
i am a fat hairy man in his 30s.......................................
Never mind...
Demon Candy
two guys and guy. fairly funny gag a day webcomic about a complete failure, his fiesty(violent pscyopath) redheaded not-really-a love interest, and their unfeeling, even more psychopathic, mad genius/scientist friend. Was probably among the first times i was exposed to the "dorky" guy/bully girl dynamic I still like to this day in stuff like Homestuck and Nagatoro. Though looking back on it I think the jokes too often relied on kicking the main guy while he was down, just comes off as mean sometimes. Ended not too long ago with the creator not doing much since as far as i'm aware.
Only a fart fetishist would know that, also both of them drew the same characters in the exact same manner.
James is not OddTenn, OddTenn is way better at art
What is it with fetish artists throwing a hissy fit and leaving the internet only to come back with a different name?
Have you browsed the Anon Babble brap threads? It's nothing but ungrateful retards shitting on the artists.
Sometimes, and they mostly threw shit at their behavior
No, they don't, they just talk about how much they hate their OCs.
What comic is thus?
What comic is this?
Hailey Flower
it's a fart fetish comic, not an incest comic
elf only inn
This might not count because it's concluded, not canceled, but I want more Lavender Jack.
This 15 minute posting delay is bullshit! What the hell is going on?
Farts are hot. Boy farts specifically. It's not the fart itself but the sound coming from the ass.
What's a weird fetish webcomic you only read?
I don't get how people can be into farts, same thing with feet. They're two of the many disgusting things about a human. What's the appeal? Explain yourselves, fartfags
Oglaf collabed with the cuck apologist guy
Damn, I thought they were cool
He's overcompensating for his snot clogged voice
It must get exhausting
The one by Reiger that was like furry game of thrones with the human girl who teams up with the asshole red dragon
So... Is that redhead male or female..?
A girl named guy. Very tomboyish, but a straight female nonetheless.
Explain yourselves, fartfags
Contrast of a cute girl doing the grossest thing her body is capable of outside of shitting. Also from being a major assfag
Road bump webcomic. Wish the creator didn’t became a lolcow.
remember when balish roasted james? is that why james quit?
Oof, right in the nostalgia. I used to read so many webcomics back in the day. I think I forgot about them one by one. Just forgetting to check back one day. Or forgetting about them during a hiatus. Online comics used to be one of THE things to do online, back when YT only had a few good channels and was mostly used for AMVs, NG was THE place for online games, pornsites really sucked, and you had to torrent your comic or manga before you read it.
Conspiracy Research Club
The main character is cute and I want to see more of her
The grossest thing your body can do is vomit
This is my reasoning, too. There's other factors, of course, like the bonding and trust, the humiliation and torture...
Point is, if you think farts are the epitome of wretchedness, you're probably a pansy.
Oh man, spot on. Don't even get me started.
Nedroid Picture Diary
Hyperbole And A Half
Perry Bible Fellowship
The Punchline Is Machismo
Definitely the number one time waster if you weren't yet fully sucked in to the dopamine sycle of social media or internet forums. Just cycle through all the ones you know of, read the weekly upload, chuckle, and log off for the day. How quaint.
way better at art
It's fart fetishism. It's all equally garbage by default.
I'd rather smell vomit than shit desu
t. works in a hospital that smells like doodoo constantly
I've seen fart art worth of the Louvre. There's a lot of talented fartfags
Does anyone else remember this one webcomic from back in the day that went offline promising to come back but never did? It was about this gay fat brown haired white guy who was always sad and had a lot of self pity about his social anxiety and how lonely he was. I know it sounds like Whomp! but it wasn't Whomp!, the guy was british and had some quintessentially brit name liked Stephen Woolsworth or something, it's been a long time. The comic was named "People I Know" or "Friends That I Have" or something, the art wasn't very good, often timse characters were drawn like pill-shaped with their bottom halves out of the frame so he didn't have to draw them, with little sticks for arms. I remember one of the characters was a green slime looking guy that was always very mean or something, and it also had two guys that were wizards, and just wore purple clothes with purple wizard hats, and they were also assholes. I don't even think the comic was very good,
To each his own. I think pee and vomit smells way worse than farts.
I think the best art is the kind that's subtle about it, or relies more on character reactions than giant plumes of green or brown smoke.
X account
I miss my pink haired waifu, Tails
I miss her a lot.
How would you write a webcomic story around your fetish?
I had an idea a while ago for a comic that would be ostensibly pornographic but played straight for the most part in writing and story. A sci-fi action/adventure borrowing 50s/atompunk, raygun-gothic aesthetics in which a Futanari woman(yeah, I know, gay) with appropriately corny name Evelynn Erection is a swashbuckling space captain flying from planet to planet and space station to space station in the stereotypical "space rocket" and encountering otherwordly flora, fauna and futuretech while having gratuitous amounts of sex the entire time. It's never fully touched on why she's a futanari, and there wouldn't be a lot of other human characters; she may even be the last human alive. Probably never going to leave the idea pile though.