
Shen has three wishes fulfilled

What about the rabbit in a hat with a bat?

Literally and unironically what happened to this guy's art? He regressed so much it's not even funny. Even when the Bike comic came out his art wasn't nearly as bad as it is now.

He stopped trying for any realism at all. So it has just been deteriorating.

It's missing something so I fixed it for OwlDookie.

Cant tell if this guy's more or less depressed

Still waiting for that '64 Impala

So is he trapped in the ball forever?

Why is this dude's art getting worse? He already had an extremely simple art style that worked for the web comics he was making. Now it looks like he's shitting out blobby doodles in 1 hour in an attempt to make it look "cute". But his art was already cute.

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I don't get it.

Logic sounds unhinged and you think would be scarier, but the character with a flower in their hair saying three words scares him more.

Yellow is a scary color.



still finds some semblance of """"success""" despite his art turning into dogshit

artists shouldn't cry about losing their jobs to AI when this is considered acceptable for a career

Logic may create horrifying weapons but emotions will push you to use them

These weren't Shen's wishes these were Skee-lo's what is this chicanery!

animal crossing lookin ass

Why did fags latch onto animal crossing designs for their "wholesome 100 uwu" style?


Are they wrong though?

Where's the joke?

That shit is delusional. no ever used an weapon of mass destruction because they were really mad, war stopped being like this since we stopped trowing rocks at each other as only means of hurting ourselves.

Every single use of any of this crap is always calculated and often used as a political maneuver. If you actually think the contrary you shouldn't be allowed to have any civic right related to voting.


I genuinely want to know what kind of person actually likes bike cuck. Like, I can't even imagine someone who genuinley enjoys his comics.

Law of diminishing returns. The more effort he puts into his art, the longer it takes. The longer it takes, the less he posts. The less he posts, the less engagement and traffic he gets... and when he posts low-effort comics like this, he still gets the same, if not better, levels of engagement, so why fucking try?

Every artist online can tell you of a time when they tried really hard and were really proud of what they accomplished, only for it to get zero attention. And then they make some shitpost doodle in 5 minutes and it explodes and they get nothing for it. Not even a few new followers or a couple bucks in their tip jar and before they can even attempt to capitalize on the popularity, other people are already stealing and reposting and making memes out of their shitpost doodle anyways, and they didn't even sign it.

Like, I can't even imagine someone who genuinley enjoys his comics.

You must have a really high opinion of the average person's taste in media if you can't imagine why cause Owlturd is popular because of normies.

The same kind of people who like "relatable humor" and easily digestible content they can glance over as they "doomscroll"

Logic Creates. Emotions Destroy, in other words. Men Create. Women Destroy.

these posters qualify for senior discounts

men don't use weapons

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Sequel where she cheats on him when

if you really want to absorb how bad the art is now, delete panels 2, 3 and 4 so you can focus on just how fucking shitty panel 1 is.

The joke is the artist doesn't know the difference between "good" and "well".

you do understand that "logic" is colored by emotion right? What you consider to be logical is probably emotionally motivated at the root of it. Fuck the dropping of nukes on japan was a show of power. We'd already won the ground war, and naval war they'd have surrendered but American bloodlust was high (historically verifiable) Russia our "ally" was very powerful and not listening to the US and so the bombs were dropped. Now what logic is there to do these things thats not related to the emotion of fear or anger.

I think AI sucks dick too but you can't deny that artists crying about it shouldn't worry since Shen shows you don't even have to be good to get somewhere

Neck yourself pajeet

You first tranny.

nya~ don't fight guys!

That was so close to 2004 cringe kino but not sincere enough so it's still gayer than Liberace.
