Arcane: bong arse edition

Arcane: bong arse edition

i am requesting the best jinx porn on the planet..!


I cant confirm anything about the leaks.
Except that Jinx dies. This is the one thing I asked a knower.

Manifesting this scene in act 3

Caitlyn loves Maddie, just not as strongly as she loves Vi. Caitlyn still cares about and trusts Maddie. These are not equal relationships, while Maddie might see Caitlyn as a love of her life, Caitlyn probably sees Maddie as a very good friend with benefits. But that doesn't mean it should stay that way. If frenchies are based, they will give us a caitvimaddie threesome ending.

How does anyone fap to the mannish looking women in this show

The way S1 delivered more emotionally devastating impact with nobody but the “villain” dying but S2 is a disappointment with 5 champions dead/MIA will the something to behold.

Jinx’s own VA said she’s not allowed to have nice things and is made to suffer

What the fuck did Jinx do to deserve this?

erm, did she try NOT having schizophrenia?

Vi will be their cucked pet

Maddie must give the most boring sex going by Caitlyns body language alone

She should have been gay, apparently

Is your knower a random ledditor anon?

By making fanart where they don't look mannish.

What happened?

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so warrick is gonna get a cool skin once we see him in act 3 right

Fascism is a hell of a drug.

Schizophrenia is a literal brain disease. Jinx' life as it has happened is what led to it. And the guilt that has followed her. We quite literally get to see her overcome that guilt when she must choose to go save Isha and the Zaunites. Whether you like it or not. Jinx is healing. And despite Isha's death. Jinx will choose to do the right thing.

No its not someone online

She overcomes the guilt when she chooses to save Isha

Then Isha chooses to commit suicide for no reason other than extended proximity to Jinx

She's going to have another breakdown.

I asked 4 knowers and they said that there's several long lingering shots of Caitlyn's black toenail polish. Kinda weird!

I'll be honest, the porn for this show is incredibly disappointing.

Jinx is a super popular character

her braids are a super iconic piece of her design

cut off her braids

kill her off

Humiliation ritual

Did that leddit leaker mention anything new about the mage and the wild rune? Any new information that is different than the anon leak?

She figured she can get more girls if she goes for the, tall, dark, mysterious look.

Do you trust the knower anon.

She tries to kill herself and is saved by time nigga who is her only motivation for fighting then she dies anyway with her dad for Vi suffering. Her arc ends in a wet fart.

Did that leddit leaker mention anything new about the mage

It's __Ryze.

Wasn't she always hinted as a Ladies-woman? Her mother said she snuck a lot of girls into her room.

I hope it's during the sex scene

Yes unfortunately. She is my fav and has been since the OG get Jinxed video. I am not even able to perform at work because my mood is in the gutter.

I love both.
But they're both terrible representations of radical tendencies within liberation movements. Silco is made to kick puppies because he's the strawman for militant groups, and Ekko is sanitized because he's the stand in for (more or less) pacifist groups.
They both suffer from written by libs who've never read theory or studied history syndrome.

Imagine the recoil-induced jiggle.

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buddy who had me connected to his netflix cancelled his sub, so hoping the torrent sites have it up on saturday

GoT recast between seasons.

Matilda fell down a well

twittersissies will never not be mad about this scene

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so she dies?

Got more white hag genes than asian genes. RIP.

The real reason why Caitlyn chose Vi over Maddie is because Vi is better at eating ass.

please shut up about the politics.

The "pacifist" group outright attacks the militant group

Gets upset when someone dies

Why do you trust the knower? Give us proof anon.

linked up with no less than two salad tossers

Cait doesn’t know how good she has it.

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Unfortunately. Thats all I know and after a lot of pleading.

happy progress day, I come to announce that I'm going to kill every firstborn child in this disgusting city with my hextech hammer

honestly, it just feels right that she has to die...Jinx is pretty suicidal.

Last Saturday I woke up at 7 and downloaded all three episodes in about half an hour.

A lot of anons say they can fix her, though.

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based jinxlover make libs seethe

Jayce "A hammer for every child" Talis

Can they explain themselves? I literally haven't been there almost all day and I need actual context of the situation. Also on reddit they went crazy with these threads.

Frustrating is the word i would describe for season 2, the information i want they hide within 1 second clips that i must pause to even get to see while spending minutes on music videos. While those scenes are impressive and i can't call them wasted it just feel like a wrong priority.

dude she's been trying to kill herself. How long now?


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Caitlyn starts picking out random Zaunite women for "special" interrogations, especially the Jinxers

Sometimes she doesn't even keep up the pretense of interrogating them, but the bruises and welts she leaves look as bad as any you'd get from Noxian torture

Enforcers who want to get into her good graces start to learn her tastes. skinny young girls and handsome butches have a way fo ending up right in Caitlyn's private dungeons

At first she tried to keep it from Maddie. She'd shower before coming home, and deny anything untoward.

Now she climbs into bed with her fingers smelling like several different cunts

Time brotha please save Jinx and i will never type the n word ever again (except in ranked matches)

Which is ironic because Jinx is the most liberal character. With Caitlyn being the most conservative.

That's fine. I will save Vi.

wish Ekko timestops and save Isha just like marvelslop
NOT because I like Ekko, or her, but just for dodging from miseryporn made by chinese
also wish Timegod Ekko knock up Vi & Cait both just for shitting on shippers

What if they simply made Vi's tits three sizes bigger in the next episode?

I hate Silco and Ekko.

nothing makes libs seethe more than fertile woman

kill yourself caitlyn

Silco x Ekko = Sikko

Someone from leddit added information about the nov 14 Anon Babble leak, and someone began posting here claiming that it's all real
rn it seems that the Nov. 14 leak could be legit; the leddit leak seems more and more like a troll because of how suspicious he is.

Actually, welcome newfags-tourists. Once you enter this place you never leave

Honestly it seems to me like Fortiche was pushing for greater creative control so the writers tossed them a bunch of montages to have fun with since those were well regarded last time. It's kind of wierd how the montages are only actually like 10% of each episode but they do 50% of the storytelling. It's like the writers didn't actually want to tell their story at all.

Aren't they sisters?

Huh? I am just pointing out the most conservative is the gay one and the liberal is suicidalsexual.

Thats why they're perfect for eachother.

Is it serious? This shit has always been fake Lmao. But it makes me doubt some things

conservative is the gay one and the liberal is suicidalsexual

kek, good point

How do I get a British gf

Think of how much calamity could been avoided if Vi just had the courage to fuck her sister.

But most libs like the conservative lesbian who will never look at them cause she wants the coochie.

If you read the past thread you'll see it seems like it could be very real and very over.

Also on reddit they went crazy with these threads

Kek, I imagine a redditor lurking the thread to look for leaks and the first thing he sees is this

Be a butch.

I like how Jinx was a better big sis than Vi ever was.

This. Vi is a complete and total sub.

It's not that serious as far as I can tell, but every bit of new information supports that Anon Babble leak (especially that part about Jinx's death). That's why everyone's freaking out.

"I don't know whether I should be enraged or turned on."

shimmer ruined lives and she didn't care.

She a traumatized kid who doesn't care about much of anything. I would like it if she cared, I think she should care, but I understand why she doesn't.
But why does Ekko focus so much on shimmer? He doesn't go after breweries or bars. He doesn't go after gamblers or gambling dens. He doesn't go after slumlords that force people into substandard, unsafe housing. He doesn't go after owners that steal wages. He doesn't go after owners that underpay their workers. He doesn't go after union busters. He doesn't go after owners that force their workers to labor in unsafe conditions. He doesn't go after factory owners polluting the water they drink, the air they breathe, and the ground they exist in.
Shimmer isn't any worse than any other drug. It comes from one tightly controlled source; it's used safely as a party drug by many; the people that get addicted to it have to go out of their way to get addicted, and would've been addicted by any other drug that made them feel good.
Ekko chose to put his Firelights into harms way. He knows shipments are protected. He knows lethal force is used to protect them. He could do any number of things to help residents, but he chooses to put his group into harms way and engage in deadly combat. Their deaths are on his hands.

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the most believable last info was that jinx copycat which Vi is carying that actually might be legit, but thats it

hero of Zaun and Vander's successor

good big sistermother

doesn't drink

only a mild pleasant stink


Enforcer who spread poison around the undercity

never found a little sister she couldn't smack around


smells like a gym towel with a UTI

You're watching a political show, this isn't teletubbies

Yeah those are definitely dreadlocks

it seems more about family than politics.


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Beautiful bong

is this ai ?
why is vi brown

Caitlyn likes hardcore bdsm, that's why Vi is the superior choice

I've never seen anyone guess that, so it makes me think the redditors are real to be honest. Depressing.

But didn't the redditor also say we never see bodies and there's Jinx graffiti after the end credits? His words were that they "left room for cope".

why is vi brown

That's actually Sevika (Jinx's real sister) in cosplay

11/23 the day Ekko saves Jinx!

Isha's death was in the OP. In other scenes in there we haven't seen?

leddit leak is too detailed as if they're writing some cheeky fanfiction to piss people off so deliberately I'll still hold my doubt. I don't doubt the Anon Babble leaks on nov 14 and 15. They seem legit.

Her mother died you asshole

Ekko also doesn't go after the piltover oligarchs that keep the undercity poor, and instead fights against the only man that dares to. Literally controlled opposition.

More about family than politics, yes, but politics is still an essential part of it. It sets up the conditions for the characters to exist in, shapes their character, drives their actions, and constrains their choices.

anon nov 14 leaker said almost the exact same thing as reddit leaker.

Jayce developing and growing as a person.

and it is also shown in the trailer. anyone who pays close attention to detail can notice the deadlock.
also didn't that leddit leaker had admitted that he's not the Anon Babble leaker in the beginning? he contradicted himself a lot here.

I feel like people forget that Arcane had pretty much the first 6 episodes leaked a few months ago.

So a lot of "leakers" were able to use that knowledge to write out "bros I think i know what's gonna happen in the first 5 episodes" and then deduce from there.

You forget people will do anything for fake internet points and updoots.

doesn't seem so with all the Viktor shit...

Yordles are traditionally fun loving whimsical fairylike creatures of magic

except in Piltover/Zaun, where they range from magic hating scientist, to prostitute/brothel owner to chem-huffing drug lord

What the FUCK are they putting in the water there?

Mel status?

Factory runoff. That's what Silco dedicated his life to changing.

shimmer. Thanks Silco.

I wish Arcane were a political show, beyond the general 'all art is political, not taking a stance is still taking a stance' sense.

Unfortunately, Arcane is a show that wants the credibility of tackling serious subject matter like politics and inequality, but is written by libs too chickenshit to say anything bolder than, "Oppression is, like, bad and stuff, but have you considered that there are good people on both sides, and that violent resistance is also bad? The most moral course of action is simply to lick the boot and not rock the boat, and wait for your oppressors to become enlightened in their own time."

Windex and six kilos of Not!Magical Heroin

You know anyone could write an entirely new version of leak based on that Nov 14 leak, right?

Truly Caitlyn's hottest look she should had kept the cape maybe change the logo for a Kiramman only one

Zaunite patriot well versed in history and theory
seething f*relight

What about her having dyed blue hair anon. Her entire dreads are dyed deep blue in episode 5.

Viktor is disabled by the environmental inequality that exists in the city-state. It is because of politics that he is condemned to die an early death. Without this he wouldn't be so driven to do the research he does with Jayce, and he wouldn't have take the drastic actions he does to save himself and others.


yeah when Cait dropped the "erm, aren't YOU being prejudiced against Pilties?" in S1 I sort of wrote off this show's politics. felt like there was something interesting in her becoming a fascist after being scratched but I guess that whole thing got dropped.

Good fanfic material right here

You Arcane-onlys are something else you should put a picture of League Caitlyn first and then one of Matilda and then ask us what happened

Incest is best, put your sister to the test

holy shit Isha might have been a firelight.

How many seasons until we get a character unironically named Sneed?

genuinely astonishing that this rat man somehow ended up the best part of this series

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Having a hatesex with LeBlanc

Kek so true

too bad that's not the story anymore.

Why do you say that

What happened?


You mean like how repubs kiss a dictator's ass for everything he does?

If all of the "leaks" are fake then the first person who breaches the containment must be a super hardcore fan who analyzed every nook and cranny of the trailers and interviews because, as of right now, every new piece of information is supporting their shitty fanfic.

I visited the canal area at that time. Corroding waste-disposal drums could be seen breaking up through the grounds of backyards. Trees and gardens were turning black and dying. One entire swimming pool had been had been popped up from its foundation, afloat now on a small sea of chemicals. Puddles of noxious substances were pointed out to me by the residents. Some of these puddles were in their yards, some were in their basements, others yet were on the school grounds. Everywhere the air had a faint, choking smell. Children returned from play with burns on their hands and faces.

I'd lose my shit too if I went from heaven on earth to this hellscape

It's probably just that she has pale skin. The wokies don't know shit about race beyond Dark = good and Pale = bad. (See Whoopie Goldberg not understanding why Nazis didn't like Jews very much. "They're both white!")

What will the online reaction be like when Jinx dies kek

She used to wear firelight color clothing and there were a lot of firelight symbols around her when she first met Jinx. Not to mention her will to fight and thirst for justice is similar to them.

"I'm not going to rest until ever last one of you Jews are exterminated"

How the fuck did they get away with that?

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So is this just like a canon alternate timeline now then? because if Jinx dies how does she become the devil-may-care, explosion-obsessed, terrorist i feel in love with?

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Ambessa is an imperialist who fails at everything she sets out to do. She loses her son, drives away her daughter, and is unable to save her house.

Calm down Edward Richtofen

also, face paints herself. Kind of obvious when you look into her character. Firelights were being searched for by the other barons once Silco was known to be dead.

This is the only leak I believe, this is how Vi is going to convince Jinx not commit suicide

Doing it wrong again

Is he the best part of the series or do you want him to breed you? Be honest.

Why can’t vifags accept season 2 proved us Jinx was always the better sister

But Season 1 already did that

Because that was already proved in season 1.

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Is he the best part of the series or do you want him to breed you? Be honest.

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We been knowing
It's only caitvi fags that argue otherwise

Jayce Tallis

Caitlin Kinamaran

Ambessa Medarda





I just realized people from Zaun are too poor to afford last names :(

Ekko tops Silco, and on the days Ekko doesn't show up Silco uses black dildos to remind himself of that twunk's BBC

you can't spell

Are there any other anons coping that Jinx will survive simply based on how it seems like she will certainly die. I know it’s cope just curious

Is Maddit a spy or something. I went through that last thread and didn't find that leaker saying anything about this.



I'm just glad that Cait gives Vi the thrashings she deserves

Six episodes into this shit I think it's fair to say he was the best part of the show.

Necrit says he believes The Mage is future Viktor

Anyone knows where he said that? Does that mean he's read the leak too?

This is true

mfw in episode 7 minute 9 begins the ekko/heimerdinger sex scene

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necrit always make predictions, take it with a grain of salt but he got mel golden symbols right so idk if he has any insider info but he probably didn't read the leaks.

Redditor said we never see a body and there's Jinx graffiti at the end of the credits, so technically she's probably not really dead.

the real jinx would never kill herself

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I prefer right, left looks like a cheap whore

I think he’s just speculating but I don’t think he’s wrong. Every hints we’ve gotten are pointing to this direction.

Did he say that on x?

The power of belief

who’s the artist?

Where is that right frame from?
Thats not from arcane right?

What hints imply viktor is the mage?

Will jinx find true love?

Her mom fucking died.

It's when we first met Matilda.

Jinx ain't getting out of this alive, is she?

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Yeah, the guy she had one line with in the whole series apparently. Ship fanservice to twitter retards then killing her off, what a great end.

"Jinx. Did I ever tell you about Matilda? She was the finest piece of distinguished ass this side of the undercity."

Yea she dead. Fuck riot.

CL confirmed that the wild rune (the anomaly) is a work of Viktor. Jayce clearly being influenced by the wild rune to some extent. Also he sees the vision of the mage holding the wild rune after he touched it in ep3

We're three episodes off the end of this thing and he's literally the only credible candidate.

That a leak?

Apparently there was some merch released titled "Regent Caitlyn" where it's assumed Mel is queen of Piltover or some stupid shit. This better not be real because the Medardas waged war against Piltover why the hell would Mel be queen of anything.

I mean, she could fake her death pretty easily.

Context clues it's pretty obvious

there is no way they would actually kill jinx right? shes basically mickey mouse or goku for league

It's riot, they are retarded and like making retarded decisions.

There’s nothing retarded about killing a character when their character arc is complete. What’s retarded is keeping them around and letting them become caricatures of themselves.

my werewolf killed like eighty guys

my new batch of gas is ready

I got that new ballerina toy for Ori at half price

what an absolutely fantastic day this is!

Assuming the mage's identity was actually Ryze, I thought that plot point was just a MacGuffin that would be resolved in a different series with him as the protagonist.

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Didn’t the leddit leak said that she went back to Noxus or something. Why would she still be the queen of Piltover?

three episodes away from the epilogue where they need to start plugging the next show and expanding the universe

Ryze is League of Legends. Your context clues are weak. It all started with Ryze with the cinematics in general, it would be best to have the mage be him. Time traveling self fulfilling Viktor isn't a good idea.

Jinx should have been killed off after season 1.

Caitlyn was similar to a regent while she was in her dictator arc because she assumed absolute leadership while Piltover was in crisis. It's not that deep.

it's assumed Mel is queen of Piltover or some stupid shit

this would be next level mary sueness if true

Jinx was already a caricature. Arcane only just made her a real character, and we got so little time with her.

How do you think Arcane fans will react to the finale if the leaks are true? I feel like S2 will be very received by the press and the critics, get a lot of praise for being "emotional" and "bold," ger awards and nominations but get a very mixed reaction from the fans.

I think the leaker anon made a very shit job at selling the leaks too, you can tell the guy is either not used to write or very lazy, so perhaps when we see it all executed on screen it feels better...? There's also the chance it's still shit, no matter how good the VA, music and animation are, a shit covered in glitter is still shit.

I can't say I dislike the tragic ending, but it looks like only Ekko, Caitlyn and Vi get an okay ending (by okay I mean they're not dead). Caitlyn loses her eye which for an enforcer must be like, really shitty, not sure if that prevents her from being sheriff. Vi loses her family, again and has no one left and possibly no purpose. Ekko arguably gets the best ending, gets dope powers and gets to contribute to improve Zaun. Even if Jinx is implied to somehow still be alive, she's dead to everyone else and you have to fill in the blanks of how she gets back to the games.

I still think they'll justify Arcane deaths with the multiverse, "Oh X character dies in Arcane but they're alive in other realities!" But we all know that's bs because we're attached to the Arcane versions of the characters.

The Fartcane is waking up.

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we got so little time with her

That’s how real stories work. They end. Shonen anime and capeshit comics have tried the ceaseless regurgitation model over and over. While it does make money (in the case of anime at least), it results in piss-poor stories and characters.

why would jinx die?

Muh Greek Tragedy

notice how none of the other early leakers mentioned shit about stuff that was in act 3 preview then all the sudden that info makes it way into the 'leaks' once that trailer has dropped & everyone has seen it, oh I wonder why

there isnt a good reason other than misery porn, her character arc doesn't call for any kind of sacrifice or tragic end and there's not enough time to throw stupid shit like that in without neglecting the other storylines

That’s how real stories work.

No, most stories don't end with the main characters dying. That's reserved for character part of a group the writers subconsciously hate, like the mentally ill, poor, homos, so on.

other than misery porn

That’s her prime selling point in arcane.

still no leakers mention mel's pregnancy

mel who?

Her primary selling point has and always will be the harley quinn aspect, making it about anything else is losing the forest for the trees.

What is the deal with Mel. Is she really going to kill Ambessa? Isn't Ambessa just got added to League?

The real kicker is that the lesbians get the happy ending while everyone is miserable.

reading “all stories end” as “all main characters die at the end of the story”

declaring broadly that any main character who dies in fiction is representative of some subconscious hatred by the author

I knew this board had some retards, but damn. At least pretend to have some reading comprehension.

Arcane is canon to the lore

also kills off several champions

There will be a post credit reveal of all the dead champions suddenly waking up in Summoner’s Rift, revealing LoL is a hellish afterlife where they are endlessly pitted against each other in battle by summoners

How does Cait becoming regent imply Mel will be queen of Piltover?

Harley Quinn expies are a dime a dozen. You'd know that if you lurked for six or seven minutes. I'm willing to bet you're only on this website for arcane.

Would you rather Jinx die or get a fakeout death?

The entire conversation is that they're ending Jinx's arc by killing her, what are you even talking about?

i miss this artist, a shame she didn't come back with season 2

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the irony of Vi calling Sevika, Huck and everyone else a traitor when she's the biggest traitor in the whole show

No one's acknowledging that the death is technically fakeout if the redditor is to be believed.

Because riot is stupid enough to kill jinx off permanently

this. they ruined her core character


shes squinting

You'd lose that bet handily. None of what made Jinx popular in the first place has anything to do with the misery porn arcs that came with Arcane. It starts and ends with Get Jinxed.

I want to agree with you, but I doubt the writer would have the self-awareness that self-fulling Machine Herald Viktor is a bad idea.
Plus, is it strange that the current Viktor has the least agency despite his glorious future evolution? Having him create a time paradox through Jayce would exactly solve this issue.

The silliest part is how they announced Jinx is getting a super rare skin from their new gatcha rolling system, and then go and kill her off?
It just makes no sense.

Seriously did none of you watched the sneak peek for Act 3?

Goes from a democratic council to a monarchy

City of progress my ass, ha.

well most of them are repubs.

Did season 1 leak at any point?

No, no one gave a shit about this series until it came out.

no purple Viktor hexcore legs

Such a missed opportunity.

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Pony Viktor

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she clutches her womb when Kino talks about inheriting power, is a cinematic direction just like when it cuts to Ambessa's face when Mel deduces that someone up here must have set them up

It really does feel like they're maneuvering a Rell angle down the line

goes from an oligarchy to a monarchy

neither an improvement nor a regression considering that monarchies operate much like oligarchies.

goes well with a brony jayce

i am once again asking for the best jinx porn on the planet, no one has delivered on this request yet...... !


Brony Jayce puts him in a jar of cum

Boils him in it by accident

You're on the wrong board.

cuz it's roastie general just look at these posts

Funny enough, I remember a while back trying to think of who is the "leader" of each region and realizing Piltover and Zaun didn't have one.
Guess they will once Arcane is over.

Nice ass lol.

gets a pony viktor dakimakura

mel has accept it as a new permanent pillow on their bed

not much but it's honest work

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im on the right board actually i just know someone is holding out on me
one of them holds the key and i will persist until it is found...!

You're onto something here ngl
The first leak completely forgets about her existence in the show, so I guess we'll have to wait until Friday to see if she's really pregnant.

Jinx porn has been around for decades, literally look anywhere.

It's weird because Riot said it's part of the main continuity but now they aren't making any effort to reach the main continuity.

My guess is that Arcane will remeain an alternate universe but the main canon will grab the story all the way to some point. Probably only Season 1 will be introduced to the main continuity

Has any other Anon Babble leak for other shows been proven right before?

as far as i've seen Anon Babble leaks are mostly always right

Hazbin Hotel.

Yes but most are usually trolls. People believe this one because it was posted 2 days before the act 2 premiere and was 100% accurate despite not going too in depth.

the songs did get leaked? what about the others?

yeah those are not even your normal leaks it's literally whole part of seasons dumped into the net. sometimes i feel bad for vivizie kek

Zaun has always been so joined at the hip with Noxus in League, Renata is probably the closest they have and she's just a chem baron.

no one is getting banned to spoonfeed you

So, what are you going to do when it's revealed that the end is shit?

nothing. i already know it will be shit. my only worry is that whatever serie they decide to make later will get the same treatment. If they will keep rushing series like this why even make it in first place. look what happened to arcane because riot is retarded

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hard to believe the same company that made Get Jinxed and this, spitting out heart emojis with glee @cold-ass mf'ers, thought that Sudoku Jinx would be a good idea

yeah she's a jinx we get it, very cute, let's get to the good stuff


So did any of the leaks detail how in the ever loving fuck did the 3 go from fissures to topside with out Ambessa chain ganging them? Pretty sure Ambessa will kill Vi on site and take Caitlyn as prisoner.

Imma just watch it

I'm a LoL player. I'll completely forget about this shit when the new bios come out and reveal how the REAL versions of the characters connect with this prequel.

I guess I'll look at Cait x Jinx porn

She didn't just get fat during the timeskip or something. She's going to wake up where she got abducted and the belly will be a surprise to her too.

Fortiche isn't in charge of the story arcs, they just do the drawing. Blame Amanda.

The version that they completely retcon every couple of months?

Oh so Ekko was never a punk Rocker kid with his parents still being alive?

Fuck Arcane

Obvious answer is him. With most of Ambessa's soldiers turned to ashes thanks to Isha, and her pointing her spear most likely towards Cait, he has no choice but to point his hammer towards her.

blame someone I've never heard of and will never meet

no thanks schizo I'll leave that parasocial bullshit to you

After seeing how shit the story was i don't feel sorry for her at all

I'm pretty sure they'll just get the fuck out as fast as possible from the nuke. Ambessa's gonna go off to get more/new troops, hence why we'll get some kind of time skip.

Jinx is for ryonasnuff, sorry

I wonder if she would still go onto the battlefield if she's really pregnant.

It will be a blessing when this shit gets retconned out of the real versions in a few years.

pretend like i never watched this show
pray they never make an evelynn show
the leaks are fake though so the show will have a good ending


Come on. Count Dykeula is right there.

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And miss the opportunity to have her girlboss wokely with her new powerz just like that spiderverse mom?

2 days, 4 hours, 23 minutes until Jinx dies

Posting leaks on Anon Babble will always be the safest bet because 1) everyone will assume you're trolling until they watch the show, and 2) no one will recognize who you are since you're posting with an anonymous ID. So yes, those leaks posted 2 days before act 2 premiere could very much be legit.

Can't wait to have it immortalised that jinx is the better sister of the two.


shut up Vi

The kids ride a random pipe from topside to zaun in the first episode instead of taking the bridges that are established as the only way between the districts. In general the logistics between characters and travel time hasn't been very strict in the show.

if jinx dies, jinxfags will get clowned

if jinx survives, "jinx will die" samefaggots will get clowned

as a provocateur it's a win win for me

The final season of a show follows up on and gives closure to things set up in the first season

wow some real Anon Babbleshowerthoughts material.

No matter what happens I get to see more Jinx tummy.....

Fuck i cant wait to clown people this saturday.

What do you mean

I want Viktor to go full cyberpsycho and tear him apart so badly just imagine Jayce's VA grunting into the mic

In general I agree with you that the geography and logistics of travel in Arcane are extremely fuzzy. That said, the kids hop down a drainage pipe in Piltover and eventually emerge on the docks. I don't remember if it's clear what side of the river they're on when they run into Deckard's gang, and Powder throws the loot into the water, but that's basically the level where Piltover bleeds into Zaun, and vice-versa.

They don't emerge into Zaun proper until they take an elevator down into the fissures.

he looks like he fucks twinks


He looks like he *growls into the ears of a specific half-cyborg twink as he pumps his load directly against the twink's prostate.

Ekko pops out the time wormhole or wherever he is

"Yowza! It's me Ekko! The Boy Savior!"

Jayce snatches him out of the air and pins him down

His cambrian brain tries to decide if Ekko is a child (Kill) or twink (Fuck)

Finally, he settles on twink

If I get what I want, I'll come here and fucking stay 24/7 telling you faggots how fucking stupid you have always been

If I don't then I'll simply never come back here.

oh hell yeah

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Instead of blaming the writer for the writing I'll blame the animators for the writing because I wasn't paying attention during the credits so I don't know who the writer is

I'm a jinxfag that says that she will die cause I know hollywood can't resist death redemption trope.

you mean paralleling exactly Ambessa's MV where a pregnant Noxian takes an arrow to the uterus in battle but still lives to "ascend the throne"

naw, no way would be just a total coincidence. ofc she's gonna mary sue it, 2 episodes left and one is almost entirely time niggas doing their thing

Total Fujo Death

He kills twinks though. He literally just blasted a hole through Viktor's chest.

That shock blast was charged with all the pent-up unspoken emotions he had for Vik.

Are they really killing Jinx? The fuck are they thinking? Wasn't this meant to be the origin story of all we see in LoL related to her, VI and Caitlyn? The fuck happened? What are they even thinking? This is going to be a Joker 2 situation all over again.

Jinx has done nothing she needs redemption for.

Fucks so rough and primal it literally kills you


Oh. Not looking good for Ekko...

Fujos own this thread dobeit

Is she not supposed to chase Cait pussy??

miss ekko and his bf

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the docks are part of zaun, as it's all run down with broken boards everywhere, and Vi confirms they got attacked 'on our side.' Initially I had the same thought, but an elevator from piltover to zaun is harder to place than a random sewer pipe

atleast we're not caitvifags :)

Cope now, laugh at other people who find out about it on the day later.


Viktor is for soft lovey-dovey dates
You are all mongrels

Welcome to the shitshow. It’s okay, you can start coping now, they’ll justify the lore changes with some multiverse shit.

This thread is owned by caitvifags and fujos now its so over

It's never been more over

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No, but seriously. What was even the point of all this shit if Jinx dies? Wasn't all this stupid show meant to be the origin of Vi and Jinx rivalry? The real story of what happened between them and lead them to become enemies?

What the fuck is this shit?

Her mom did it. Its a family tradition

Staff changed between S1 and S2, the first season did too well and drew Tencent's attention directly instead of distantly through Riot as a buffer. Chinks can't comprehend Western media tropes and cultural mores and think this sort of "muh honorable seppuku" shit is satisfying.

sistercest endgame confirmed, they only have eyes for each other. Their emotional issues would be solved if they just fucked.

I want to make him scream

Is this real or AI?

imagine the size and girth.

@Shuploc.jpg - 2174x2799, 775.3K

The fandom seems a lot more antsy than excited

tenderizing victor's purple ass into ube paste

Riot made the mistake all corporations make. Give a bunch of retards a blank check to write whatever the fuck they wanted, and then hoped they could incorporate it into their giant machine, only to realize that they fucked up too late. Expect massive damage control from everyone in Riot all the way to Linke and the owner of Riot to save the MOBA

so the original Anon Babble leaks are all true ain't it

Isn't it hotter teasing him constantly throughout your date with the specific, explicit goal of drawing out the domineering Machine Herald side of him, coaxing it free from the quiet academic persona he clads himself in normally. Isn't it hotter to rile him up so much that when your date ends and you "permit" him to walk you home the door has barely clicked shut behind the two of you before he's already knocked you to the floor with his slender frame and has your pants halfway off before you can muster a token plea of protest? Isn't it hotter for HIM to make YOU scream with his viscerally overwarm and feverish vibrating Cuntblaster 9000 half-meat half-magic all-Viktor cock that he shapes specifically to hit all your sensitive spots perfectly on every thrust? Isn't it hotter to I mean yeah me too

6 months max for them to retcon a Jinx death or alter the lore in some gatcha fashion

Gangplank 2.0

getting the most horrific /erg/ flashbacks rn

The leaks say Ekko goes to an alternate dimension where Jinx is sane and some other stupid shit. Does that mean they're introducing the whole multiverse trash to fix this mess?

If the show ends badly, they'll say it's not canon just like they did SoL. If the leaker is full of shit (which he is) then it'll be good.

Fujos and yumes should be kidnapped away from their computers and put in a colosseum and forced to fight to the death. We can watch them kill each other after Act 3 ends

She killed thousands

There has to be some sort of timeskip between Episode 8 and 9 right? How do they explain long hair Ekko and long hair Vi otherwise?

That's actually good cheesecake, damn

Not even the actual enforcer was going to say it. Vi is literally the only person in two cities that would have sold Jinx out.

I would eat her ass for hours

It's happening again...

Joker 2 was good tho

chad-like statement anon. 100 points.

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AI obviously

get out kojima you faggot

Can someone use the chad filter on Jinx? I've seen it on Ekko, Cait, Vi, Jayce, etc, but never on Jinx.

She is already chad

Not care because best boy already died last season

retconned out of the real versions in a few years

I bet it will be retconned by the end of the year, due to the Jinx/Warwick mains meltdown on Saturday.

How would they melt down in a way that would cause Rito to react?

Total Fujo World Domination

Has batboy shown up this season? Is my memory shit?
Always has been

Will the next lol show have characters as intriguing as arcane? Or did arcane make these characters good?

just more proof Lol *is* canon from which they cannot escape

idk watch it and form your own opinion

Arcane made the characters good.
Jayce and Viktor were the only ones with any depth before this show.

he showed up when ekko first saw a leaf from his tree all fucked up and he was in line when that guy who worked for mel's mom decided to beat up some punk (and isha showed up as jinx)

It's Gangplank 2.0, anon. He wasn't even that popular, and when he canonically died people freaked out enough for Riot to retcon his death.
Now imagine Jinx, a much more popular character, canonically dying in a poorly written torture porn show. This will also hurt skin sales for Jinx.

Sentinels of Light was made non canon. Yasuo mains bitched at the season start cinematic showing him dying so Riot said that it was just a "possible" future and they stressed that a whole lot. They did the same for Jhin's teaser. And obviously Gangplank like anon just posted.
Point is if the players bitch enough Riot WILL bend the knee and walk stuff back.

Just resurrect the bitch with hextech or whatever.

where's the blonde twink

which one

In a jar


when he canonically died people freaked out enough for Riot to retcon his death

No? What the fuck are you talking about? The Bilgewater lore event was planned for some time. The ARAM map was reskinned and there was an additional gamemode added to Summoner's Rift called Bilgewater Brawlers or something like that.

In the lore Miss Fortune's coup attempt was able to partially succeed precisely because she managed to convince most of Bilgewater that Gangplank was dead. Then it turns out he survived the car bomb, and that leads to the current lore stasis of Bilgewater being contested territory.
They had login screens, music, a new base skin all prepped. Riot didn't put all that stuff together(as well as GP's whole rework) in response to a handful of pre-rework GP mains being upset they got locked out of playing him for a week.

Exactly, it has happened three times now, and Riot had to retcon all three deaths to stop the complaints from players.
Can't imagine league players, specially with Jinx's popularity, being happy about not just one, but three characters dying in Act 3.
If the leaks are indeed true with Jinx, Warwick, and Heimerdinger all canonically dying, then the meltdown on Saturday will be glorious.

if the players bitch enough Riot WILL bend the knee and walk stuff back

May every crestfallen jinxer salt the earth.

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They can justify it with alternate universes though

Ekko has him locked up in his sex dungeon

Vi and Maddie need to fuck now.

alternate universes

Riot has explicitly said that Arcane is the new canon. There's no AU'ing this, the league lore will be affected by the show's messed up writing.

You should watch this: .

no lines this season

Arcane writers are human supremacists
May their food rot on their tongues

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Keep going anon, I'm almost finished

The Moba is going to be on LoL?

Bro watch my youtube

I'm not going to. GP's death being """retconned""" was planned as part of the lore event from the beginning.

nah. if its bad theyll say they jumped the gun by making it canon and that its not canon
they can au this. theyve done it before several times

i need to see his batdick

Will jinx and Warwick mains still be mad if their deaths are extremely open ended like the leak and promos suggest?

can't believe i just found out league has a cute shota like this TOT

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that thing was almost going to be a femboy/tranny

That enormous mural always puzzled me. Did someone do that for fun? Was that commissioned by one of the chembarons? Cause that's a lot of work from a skilled artist, I can't see anyone doing that for fun. And if it was paid, I can't see anyone but a chembaron having the funds to pay for a piece that large in the undercity.

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Then no one would choose to see them as dead if it was open ended, ruining the intended impact, rendering it pointless altogether.

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lmao filtered

he was saved by the good hand of a shotacon...

Do you think that is what will happen and is that worse than killing them off all together?

Depends how open ended it really is, but I don't think it will be. Why would everyone involved be saying that the ending is so sad and tragic if both dying is extremely ambiguous?
It doesn't make any sense. Only reason for the ending to be so "devastating" for the normies, is if someone clearly dies. No open ended death.


Improved by the series. Her gimmick was punches hard, lesbian cop. Now she's punches hard, lesbian cop, DEPRESSED,


Improved by the series. She retains the traits:officer, commander, sniper, lesbian, whore and has the additional trait of being racist


Ruined by the series. What was once a cyborg man obsessed with machines like a 40k techpriest is now a hippie twink who more mystic than science


Improved massivly. Is no longer a virgin, kills kids and is constantly angry that he's not allowed to simply be in the lab


MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT. She was a discount Harley Quinn clone before but now she is MC levels of miserable., Every smile can no be captioned "If only you knew how bad things really were"


Improved. He was just some smart brownskinned kid in old lore. Now he's a gang leader and a anti-drug activist. Also beats the fuck out of women 1/3 his body weight


Went from 8/10 to 9/10. Somehow Singed has become even more integral to the plot of League as he is now responsible for Zaun's influx of chemtech, several different scientific breakthroughs and is a father.

Well shit if all it takes to make her good is a kid I’ll make one with her, problem solved.

big disagree but ok

Faking a death by not showing it properly is the most pussy move a writer can ever make. I believe not only LoL players will be angry but also actual critics and writers will lose all respect for these idiots if they do that.

You forgot Warwick, anon.

Warwick hasn't shown up yet

artists paint murals on their own all the time, if even mute kids can do it in-universe then trenchers should be able to figure it out too

iirc the undercity was once above ground, and after it sank the upper crust fled and built Piltover. You also have the temple where the S2E3 fight happens

you wanted him as a tranny? lol

The misery angle will never be brought up again in any LoL product. Hell, this thing was already teased in some LoL dialogue and Jinx always no sold it. It will remain that way.

forgot pic

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He did, but Fortiche decided to turn him into a hairless gargoyle on steroids. He will not be transforming into a wolf in Act 3, that's confirmed by now.


kinda fitting for a frog tbdesu

It's the scale and technical skill required that impressed me.
The other murals, like the one you posted, I know were done for the love of the game.

I think Isha just did the blues, but its funny to imagine her being an artistic prodigy who looks up to Jinx's schizo scribbles

arcane has one leave this poor shota alone fag
let's ignore real life biology for this one

(some) frogs are hermaphrodites, so intersex would fit better. And it'd score more diversity points than a tranny

nah milio should have been a tranny

Jinx is mega dead, yet the ideal of her lives on
I think this is what the creators are trying to convey (if the reddit leaks are true)

we get it bro you like trannies

(if the reddit leaks are true)

anon thats from an episode where she's very much alive

I do.

ftms or mtfs

Do you think Ambessa ever mocked Caitlyn's small estrogenized dick when they fucked?

2 days until honeymoon

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The Moba is Lol

Ambessa is a reddit bisexual who enjoys buff women and twinks. Cait is too dainty for her tastes

that shriveled, atrophied thing cant even be called a dick. its a clit basically.
but yes she did it all the time

FTMs (cuntboys) are the clearly superior option.

trips wasted on pedestrian taste

cuntboy is not the same as a tranny get your facts right at least. also kill yourself

A Riot employee told me they are going to live happily ever after and raise cute latino/slavic babies together

there exists nothing on this beautiful blue rock that would make me touch a cuntboy willingly


no evelynn

mtfs are nasty anon
at least have some self respect and be a trap or futa enjoyer

Why did they do it? Did they think it would sell more skins?


who said i enjoy this shit? i'm not mentally ill i like my girls with pussy and boys with dicks thank you very much

Where can you watch this season for free?

trap or futa

retarded nigger thats what a mtf is

A man with a pussy is not the same a man with a pussy

At least try harder when crafting your bait, anon.

they go down to zaun and adopt at least 5 kids...I think jayce would be a great dad but viktor would need some time to adjust and actually spend some time with them

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Futa is an actual woman with a dick, which only exists in fantasy. Traps are without tranny baggage and don’t genuinely believe they’re female

Who said it’s devastating outside of Jinx VA?

fug, meant to reply to >a normal male body or a female body with an inexplicable penis is the same as a estrogen pumped failed male
If you have a fetish for mental illness and body horror that's ok anon you can just say that

idc what they think i want to fuck a little gay boy who looks like a chick

are you guys all retarded? jinx doesnt have to be alive to be in the game. Not all champions in league of legends exist at the same time in the lore. Some are already dead, jinx needs to die at the end of Arcane. Why are people throwing fits at the idea of a tv show character dying? Have you guys seen tv shows before??

a connoisseur

cuntboy = born male, no tits chopped off, has a pussy for reasons (omegaverse, magic, etc)
femboy = guy looks like girl
tomboy = girl looks like a guy
futa = girl (born female) has cock and/or balls AND a pussy

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the usual pirating sites

this conversation was once about a cartoon

that kills the mc so theres no reason to talk about it now

So you're just like really retarded? They're all alive at the same time.

Too many leaguefags latched onto this statement and won't let it go.

Unfortunately, the cartoon's writing has become so shit that people would rather be talking about cuntboys and futanari.

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Jinx being a constant menace and Vi hunting her down is beloved lore. Arcane was supposed to get her to this point, not stupidly snuff her.

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i want these two to have sex and i want to watch it when jayce pulls out and viktor is left with a wide gaping asshole full of cum

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How tf would Riot benefit from the show if the show killed off one of its most profitable characters? It's not like people would turn up and play the game if they're sad that Jinx was dead. I genuinely believe that the first leaks are true, but I'm just baffled at their decision-making process.

Jinx dies

She gets brought back to life but she only has memories of her time with Isha

She ends up as a light hearted menace like her game version, feeling weirdly drawn to tormenting Vi and Cait in particular

Jinx needs to live. Killing her just makes her entire existence miseryslop that I would never recommend anyone bother watching.

the size difference

Only thing that comes to mind is the heaping helping of edge by having a dead popular character appeals to a lot of people who would otherwise find LoL too lighthearted/childish to play. That’s literally all I got.

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thats why shes getting a gatcha skin? im sure riot has it figured out more than you

She deserves death. In pain preferably.

Which are? 123 movies only has 4 episodes, and I'd rather not make an account on 1337.

you get it

Do people really care that much about what's canon?
I liked Silco, he died in S1. Silco's not a champion, and League isn't my cup of tea, but if it was and if he was a champion, I'd go and play him there without really caring that he was canonically dead.
It's a fucking multiplayer game where people endlessly fight and die, why does canon status matter so much?

If Jinx dies.

Does that mean that Vi's existence LITERALLY ruined everything for everyone?

No Vi, no job in Piltover that sparks Viktor and Jayce working together. The world is safe for another day. PnZ stays roughly the same. A little better, a little worse. With no enforcer crack downs as a result of the explosion, Sevika doesn't question Vander's leadership.

Jinx is dying, impaled on a Noxian spear

Vi rushes to her side, tears in her eyes, unable to believe that she's going to lose her sister again

"Vi, I-"

Suddenly Caitlyn rushes over and captures Vi in a fierce kiss

Vi, desperate for Cait's touch after all this time, is unable to tear herself away

Jinx passes away with her sister oblivious to her last words

Damn, that’s some tunnel vision from Caitlyn.

So fantastic is up on Spotify. You can't listen to it, but the run time is 3 mins. The lesbos are freaking out.

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try wooflix dot tv

It's weird. People (especially chinks) care a lot about what their character's story is. It's why they hide all the (Men)Gay shit from China. If Jinx dies, you might get an outcry of Asian fans throwing tantrums and refusing to buy skins for a "dead" character.

Which considering she is one of the most popular champs might be an issue.

It would be like if they decided that Ahri was a tranny. Technically it changes nothing because shes fictional and she's drawn as a fapbait woman, but it would piss off the chinese market.

nta but it makes sense for some random zaunite or group of zaunites to have done the big mural. Artistic freedom and messy raw self expression seem to be a big cultural thing for zaunites, in contrast to piltover's pristine buildings and orderly streets. It's rebellious by nature and so don't think it'd be a stretch that someone, at some point, decided to do a big grand mural for the hell of it and as an utter flex.

Many are invested in her being alive. Possibly thousands of dollars and thousands of hours of investment. Being rendered dead is also associated with being written out. No future in what was (could be) a fun, lively character.

Also, it’s just dispiriting after two seasons of misery and a bad message with her pointedly being a schizo.

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The pirate bay has been the most giganormie torrent site for like 20 years, doesn't require an account, and has all 15 episodes to date.

That's the entire AU Ekko goes to, if the leaks are real. Vi is dead and everyone is happier.

anime is finished ty to incompetent new animators & braindead spic fans who think shitpiss or edgerunner or dandadan is masterpiece

cartoon is finished ty to braindead shippers, fujos, butches, femcels, nobody watches cartoon any more

tv is finished all they care about is deconstructionism

Anon Babble? brazillian twitterscreencap board now

We had the world, well It's time to pack it up and go Anon Babble

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Can confirm many chinks had also seen the leaks and they’re throwing tantrums at it too lmao

Thanks guys.

Silco's jacket inside Vander's jacket

fortiche brokeback mountained their fucking jackets


We don't exactly know what struggles they might be going through in that AU, so it may not be that much better.

I don't get it, but I get it now
I hope chinks grow up so Riot isn't forced to give champions plot armor

Subtle. Tasteful. I love it.

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Or maybe you can stop acting like you own the characters from a game you don't play. Arcane is the first series Riot has ever done. It came after they already introduced over a hundred champions, characters who people want to see interact with each other. Jinx dies now and she'll never be able to interact with Ziggs, or Zeri, or Zac, or Camille, etc. People wanted to see these things and if Jinx dies they'll never be able to in the mainline universe. The series was literally made for the players, so of course Riot would cater to them. And I say this as someone who never played the game.

Calling it now, Jinx'll die but it'll be ambiguous enough that they can use her later. You won't see a body.

well argued, I'm convinced

Jinx being a constant menace and Vi hunting her down is beloved lore. Arcane was supposed to get her to this point

Man fuck that lore. It'd feel cheap if that was the end game. What was the point of the letter scene if they were going to repeat their fathers' mistakes?

Please get a hobby or learn a skill and contribute to society

that's what the reddit leaker said. "room for cope"

The reddit leaker is fake, the normies have confirmed that that particular user frequently talks about other shit he doesn't understand.
All he did was take the Anon Babble leak and then proceed to add his own fan fiction on top of it.

If fanservice is all that matters they should've stuck to AMVs. It's cool Fortiche got the budget to let their workers go hog wild, but damn what a waste of talent it is to give them a script that doesn't prioritize excellent storytelling above all else.

@MalfoyAbigail.jpg - 1598x2048, 306.72K

I think that’s how it would be turn out for every character “death” in the show: No body for Jinx, Jayce/Viktor disappeared as if they’d fucked off to a honeymoon or sth, and Dinger chillin’ in multiverse.
Not sure about Ambessa because if she died it would be weird for Mel to have in-game interactions with her when Mel was implemented.

Same with Viktor and Jayce.
They'll just delete them from the story until they’re needed again.

Man, these people are hilarious.
Apparently being cucked just reinforces your relationship.
Apparently fucking another woman after the break up just shows you still love your previous partner.
These kids are so delusional.

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fascism is a normal, healthy response to your people getting killed

I think he might have guess it right.
That doesn’t means he’s legit tho.
His word contradicts a lot, one moment he said that the very last scene is Caitlyn’s mansion and then next moment he said that the last scene is a flying hot-air balloon like the beginning of the show. 100% fake

Nah fuck off. This isn't your house. You walked into their fandom. You don't get to be annoyed that Riot is doing things to please their long-time fans. If you want a seat at the table play the game or stop complaining.
That's like demanding that Sony release a God of War game where Kratos dies at the end and the next game follows some random secondary character like Frigga. Good fucking luck buddy.

Women actually believe this

Maybe season 2 was written for women, not for the league players.

Anon reddit is custom built for porn, those are all gooners.

Exactly, I've been saying this for weeks. This show is for teenage women and womenchildren. This is why many things don't make logical sense.

gf the pixie

bonus loli

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She's the last Kiramman(her dad don't count, married into and not Kiramman bloodline, the mom is)

is a lesbian

well so much for maintaining the Kiramman bloodline

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A lot of anons say they can fix her, though.

Yes, pump a baby into her and now she has a kid to take care of (until the kid ends up kicking the bucket again)

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hextech will find a way

No they didn’t this is complete cope. It’s two different redditors saying similar things. Apparently the leaks this time around all come from Netflix Animations having access to episodes. Netflix ruined everything.

I really hope Jinx dies just to watch Arcane onlys suffer. This show was not made for you, it was made for league players.

It's a magical world, I'm sure there's a penis spell or something. If not they'll just use a doner.

League fans would not be happy at all if Jinx dies. Thats where the backlash will come from. Normies will love it if its done well

It’s two different redditors saying similar things
Right, so one random nobody with an alt account to make his fake leaks more believable.
Could you post some links to the specific reddit leaks you're talking about, anon?

It came into my house the moment it released publicly. No art is immune from the criticism of people outside its primary audience.
I don't get pissy when non-SW fans criticize the shows and point out all the deficiencies they have. Member berries are masturbatory and a waste of resources and time—Showrunners indulged the nostalgia of longtime fans rather than focusing on crafting a story that stands on its own two legs, and the shows suffered for it. We all deserve better.

MFW I forgot the green arrow

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fuck that lore

nta, just dropping in to second. I really don't care if arcane is perfectly lore accurate if they think doing something different is better.

And i mentioned this in a previous thread, but the letter scene with vi's tepid withdrawing hand as she fails to reach out to jinx like vander failed, contrasted by her finally choosing not to run away this time, to grab hold of and shield jinx from 'the monster' and from danger in ep 6's finale, is one of my favorite parts from act 2.

"No monster's gonna get you when im here."

I seriously doubt they're gonna undo this. Vi is no longer gonna be gungho on killing jinx or adamant that her sister is fully gone. Never the same, sure, but a relationship more akin to the stuffed bunny comic.

vireachesout.webm - 1920x800, 2.36M

As someone who knows nothing of the game lore pre Arcane, wasn't it just small blurbs of flavor text? Was there even anything to overwrite really?

whatever dude. i guess its just not the show for you.

we all deserve better

nah they got what they wanted. you're the one bitching about champions with plot armor. and you dont deserve better so whatevs.

I kinda respect it honestly

could go the safe route, have everyone be happy, have new skins to sell, be faithful to the lore and stuff

nah the show is our own thing, the games and lore won't allow us to kill the champions? Fuck the games and the lore we do what we want

so are those leaks with jinx dying true?

Like everything else it depended on the culture and time, but it's not uncommon for nobles to adopt heirs to maintain their dynasties. Ancient Egypt, feudal Japan, and Ancient Rome practiced it regularly.

There are comics and ministories, the same way that Overwatch has "lore" but most to all of it is outside of the game and you have to go find it.

Presumably, yes

for the last time no

yeah, it's the kind of pretentious thing riot would do

nah they got what they wanted

Did they though? I hear a hell of a lot of screeching from lolfags for that to be true. If they were gonna piss them off anyways they should've put their whole pussy into it.

Yeah she's torn apart like the main character at the end of Perfume

It's over anon they're taking Jinx out behind the shed then League of Legends is next

just realized the scene of Jinx killing herself and Ekko rewinding it is just straight up in the act 3 preview

Yes, she's going to die. Even the writers confirmed it by saying they've had a very specific ending for her since the beginning of Arcane (with that one storyboard image that was taken down).
Heimerdinger dying was also confirmed because of that photo of Amanda with his Act 3 story written in the whiteboard behind her.

It's over for Jinx and Heimer.

i mean you were the one getting uppity about not caring for the game. idk

Yes, so the claim that someone made up a fake leak just because they got to watched act 2 and act 3 preview in advance still stands.
Major things that are not in the preview are Caitvi prison sex, Heimer sacrificed himself, Viktor being the mage, and Jinx’s death. If those are true then it’s completely over.

Heimer dies

Jinx dies

Is this photo taken before season 2 aired?
Someone could just predict the plot based on this photo if they’re a lurker on Anon Babble.

i bet they are only making all these champions die because of all the people bitching and moaning that it would be lame if no champions died cause theres no stakes and all that. they brought this on themselves

make poster of character needing to save another character

she doesn't get saved


*sucks your dick for sport*

yeah no i still dont believe and you're never going to convince me

It's over, anon. Even if all the leaks were fake, at least two champions will definitely die. Only one missing is Warwick.

Read and . If you still don't believe then you're just coping really hard at that point.

the end state was mapped out from the beginning, fan input had no role in the matter

got a friend who thinks they are gonna pull a joker 2 and have arcane jinx die and some copycat shows up years later calling herself jinx and that's the one thats in LoL

tell "your friend" to lay off the crack

no i dont believe your shitty fanfic you schizo

the one in LoL right now is literally Jinx in her shimmer frenzy, when you kill someone or an objective in LoL she starts to move really fast with pink effects just like in the show, faster and faster

They've pretty much laid the groundwork for that. But it also makes all her league canon interactions nonsense.

and from the very beginning, since we started working on this project

we had a very specific ending in mind

It's so over for Jinx. She's 100% going to die, isn't she?

Yeah you’re right. Everything somehow has aligned with all of the outrageous claims from the first leaker so even if they’re fake they still guessed it right.

yall such doomers. and supposedly it's not just Jinx,
Ambessa, Jinx, Warwick, Heimer, Jayce, Viktor all within 3 episodes, 1/2 the fkn cast.

c'mon really? death for a champion they just released, one that's getting a VGU just fucks off into outerspace, the actual game mascot, and the wolf-man, hamster & science bro, all just gone?

shitty fanfic

except, that the writers themselves have said it

Holy shit, this cope is incredible. See you on Saturday.


Riot should have paid for better writers.

tbf that says "sacrifices", bro could just be AU chillin, like he had to stay behind to push the button and zap Ekko back. technically is a sacrifice since he doesn't get to go home.

and really why does anyone have to die to get sent home, 5 Jayces just reappear into one Jayce but he went in alone and came back, sup with that?



Fuck off, Rammus.

I thought Pirate Bay was a glowie trap now? I use Triblr for anonymity, but I thought as soon as you download something from PB now you're tracked? By the FBI?

<3 Jinx <3


notjinx.png - 526x645, 374.42K

the fbi literally does not have the manpower to do anything about it

looks really cool I'm glad she's moving past her slut years

technically is a sacrifice since he doesn't get to go home

Well, that means the arcane universe will go on without a Heimer. It's just as stupid as Jayce and Viktor disappearing into their arcane gay honeymoon, never to be seen again.

You could argue that it's technically not the same as dying, but he's still gone from the canon universe.

no no no this isnt the erp thread

eh, i'd french her turd-cutter

Won't be a problem if they're planning for some Arcane/League multiverse in the future.

Arcane/League multiverse

It makes no sense though. Why even claim that the arcane universe, specifically, is the new canon now if they're just going to bring a (supposedly not canon) multiverse into it?

Something very funny about asking this a few days before the final eps premiere and dozens of threads deep into arcane generals

I just wanted her to be happy.

loras.png - 1000x500, 923.68K

Caitlyn sleeping with Maddie strengthens Caitvi

What kind of mental gymnastics you have to do to reach this conclusion? It's like they enjoy being cucks

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That was so gay I can't believe almost no one noticed. Vander and Silco are never shown with children nor with partners for a good reason.

I don't fully trust the leaks but I think Jinx dying is a very big possibility.

is anyone in this show hetero

Ok so what I don't understand is that we are supposed to see Ekko coming back from that AU world to save Jinx but it says right there that the first thing he does is saving Vi. What if the leaks are total bullshit and it's actually Vi who dies
I personally use flaresolverr + jackett so I scan all these websites simultaneously and pick up, usually the same file (same hash) from multiple trackers so I get way more seeders. Also helps me to narrow it down more precisely.
I recommend the hevc|x265 version, use MPV to tone map it to sdr.

Because Arcane is the most popular animated title for League rn & People are losing interest in League. If Riot makes Arcane canon at least there will be newcomers from the show to play their game. It's all for the longevity of the IP.

Noxus/Battlecast legendary

No, even Jayce is a pretend hetero with Mel. In reality he wants Viktor, which is why both fuck off to their honeymoon in Act 3.

But from what I understood no one is 100% confirmed dead.
WW and Jinx ""die"" together bit there are no bodies.
Jayce and Viktor disappear > no bodies
Idk about Heimer but maybe it's implied that he remain in that AU world forever > not dead.
Btw and ending where Jinx is presumably dead does make sense in the context where Vi is constantly looking for her but unable to find her. And it gives room for Jinx to appear in other LoL adaptations.

Harass people online including the writers for wasting my time, $250 million, and the talent of fortiche

Well they should have thought about that before they killed half the cast because I'm pretty sure everyone will drop it and never think about it again.

Out of the main cast? Only Mel, Ekko and Heimerdinger I think

Is that Vi lore in league?

yeah, them not showing bodies is on purpose. they can always backtrack.

If going by game lore Vi is obsessed with catching Jinx. What if instead of wanting to catch her, in Arcane she's obsessed with finding her in a world where Jinxers still remain

I actually quite like the ending that was leaked. It could be a lot worse (GoT)

If Riot makes Arcane canon at least there will be newcomers from the show to play their game

MC suffers entire series, dies at end

come play our toxic moba so you can suffer & die there too

worst or most genius marketing ever

Where is the "no bodies" cope coming from? It would make the writing worse, like they wanted to kill the characters but couldn't commit to it.
Either kill the characters, or just don't. Everyone simply disappearing without a body won't make the story any better.

Same. At first I disliked it but looking at it now it's not that bad.

People are mostly upset about Jinx I guess, but she could have never gotten a real happy ending anyway. This is the closest they can come to somehow redeeming her character. Same with WW.

Killing Heimer was unnecessary but who knows if he survives given he's a yordle.

The Ekko stuff seems fine.

CaitVi ending up together was clear from the beginning.

Jayce/Viktor ending is the one I have an issue with, but I'll wait until I see it.

Starting something but not committing to it is season 2 in a nutshell.

It's a way to be able to kill off champions without losing profit from the gamers who can still fantasize that their favs are alive.

The Jayvik ending would feed the fujos for a lifetime. Nothing more romantic than hugging it out and disappearing together. They're implied to still be alive in some other universe (and lovers)

I like the ending too but would like it more if they would actually commit to killing off champions.

Also if Viktor is somehow revealed to be the mage that saved Jayce when he was young the fujos would have a riot on xitter lmao nothing seems more pandering than this

Yes. Everyone will see on Saturday that the show will suffer from Rito and not the writers. There is a world where this show has an amazing sad ending with Jinx dying in Vi’s arms or something like that. Instead they will pussy out and have 4 champs just vanish. Not being able to kill anyone outright is the downfall of the show


Post it

S1 felt tragic because it felt like it was all inevitable because of bad circumstances

S2 doesn’t pack the same punch because its a result of people making a lot of retarded decisions.

People are mostly upset about Jinx I guess, but she could have never gotten a real happy ending anyway

Are you 3. Why does she either need a "happy ending" or to die? They could have simply just let her be a terrorist and problem, but you can tell they were terrified of that direction so they attached isha to her to undo her s1 development

But why would she remain a terrorist if she hardly cares for Zaun after Silco's death? The reason even why you needed someone like Isha so she could care a little.

KEK so I'm not the only person who thought of that. Was thinking that even with the ambessa mv

The leaker I talked to gave me a photo of their Netflix and they are legit. Every death is open ended. People might be upset by Jinx dying but most will probably cope that she is still alive with Warwick

Its a split between people who want the show to be a setup for future stories vs people who would like to see Jinx and Vi story concluded in the show.

Jinx dies, Vi and Cait marry and have a happy ever after, its tragic, its romantic, people clapped.

They could have simply just let her be a terrorist and problem


Could be that both Sky and Jayce’s visions are parallels, showing the depth of their mind, their subconscious, one being more stable after having first fucked up the other being more unstable after having first succeeded. It’s better to consciously learn from your mistakes to become a more stable person.

if it's the anon that was DMing ppl they prob said something like xyz happens but we never see the characters after that

which is what all "leakers" say when they don't have a definitive story to feed, like "Vi holds Jinx in her arms, she dies and they burn her body"

How about you share that photo you faggot?

Share it with us

So everything from the Anon Babble leaks before act 2 premiered is true then?

4 champs just vanish

white robe niggas huddled around crystal balls

I'm putting together a league intensifies

summoners made canon again

They really are scared of their own characters. Unhinged anti-Piltover Jinx? Nope, pacified. Dictator Cait? Got cold feet last second and dropped it. Viktor transhumanism? Nah, let's have him be magic Jesus with no agency.

Jayce impregnates Mel putting a magic baby in her then fucks off with his gay lover to be spacefags together. wtaf is this shit

Jinx and Warwick fall to their “deaths” and you don’t see them again. Now what.

They wanted to please the Jaycemel and Jayvik fans

gave me a photo of their Netflix and they are legit

kek timestamp tits of gtfo

Why is she like this?

IMG_4820.jpg - 1095x1436, 217.85K

don't be a pussy and post your screenshot

I would rather tell you the description of episode 8. When you see it on Netflix you will know that the leaks are true. Fine with that?

Are you the anon from the last thread?
I'm fine with that tho.

people making a lot of retarded decisions

Like? S2 just feels like an extension of s1.

I don't believe you but go ahead. I wanna be entertained

really that's the ending, they just fall into a pit, roll credits

worst way to wrap a show by leaving it basically a cliffhanger. it's s1e9 all over again. which was understandable cause you knew they were going to continue it

Jayce is the left hemisphere Viktor is the right.


A brewing storm fuels a series of startling transformations. Elsewhere the spark of rebellion still burns.

Title: Killing is a Cycle

7 and 8 episodes are quite good. Finale is disappointing as the writers really wanted to kill off characters but rito didn’t let them

Don't hold back

Most disappointing thing is how Warwick looks lul

making a lot of retarded decisions

Not only that, but most of the decisions only last 10-20 minutes at best before the show completely moves to another plot point and forgets the previous retarded decision.

they never even call him Warwick once, it's Vander or beast. talk about spitting on WW mains

He looks more like a ram than a wolf lul

A naked hairless gargoyle on steroids. They really did ruin his character design.

falls to her death into the clouds of smoke

with a rocket strapped to her back

She'll be fine.

But why would she remain a terrorist if she hardly cares for Zaun after Silco's death?

There was the whole "jinx is an undercity hero" arc you forgot about

Agreed. Funny to how it's mostly the zaunite characters who have the least agency. Something to say about the writers wrt for sure

gave me a photo of their Netflix

Where is it then? Prove yourself, leddit troll

contribute to society

lol faggot