ITT: Anon Babble characters with surprising ages

ITT: Anon Babble characters with surprising ages

Picrel is only 32.

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According to the creators. Pim is 32, Charlie is 27, Alan is 24 and Glep is thousands of years old

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Considering the dynamic I never would have guessed those ages.

Men used to be men

That's not surprising you're just a child. Everyone in this picture is in their 30s.

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this fucking meme again


Not only are you a child you don't know what words mean.

I assume the white is just a stylistic choice to differentiate his blond hair from Jonny's.

None of those people have stark white hair

These characters are 2 years apart

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Race looks younger in the 90s series but he also has a teenage daughter.

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I knew a guy that went completely grey before he was 27.

Woody was 24 iirc

Aight that is kinda surprising. I put Pim at 20 at best.

Archer is 46
That is quite literally the opposite of what I expected. Except for Glep.

He's supposed to be based on Jeff Chandler

Quagmire is 61 years old. His secret is consuming carrots.

Hank is 34. I think the joke is that he acts like he's in his mid 60s

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Mike Judge always intended for Hank to be 60 but Fox rejected that idea as they thought making him that old made him less marketable/relatable to viewers.

Age is irrelevant. As long as he can still throw a barrel.

Archer always came off as supremely Gen X, but he did also actually age through the story.

Hank is in his 40s

Yeah that's what I always thought. He seems like early middle age

children grow rapidly during puberty

jesus boco he's not donkey kong fuck off

The original casting call sheet for Optimus Prime instructed anyone auditioning for the part to imagine him the equivalent of 35 years old.

Wouldn't think it from the white hair. Looks mid-50s at least

I like how it says "Read Welker!" underlined, like he was notorious for not reading shit.

Anon is scared he's growing old.

it's an instruction to make sure Welker read for the character, but yeah

You'd think someone who fucked all his sisters and mom would be older.

Scott is currently 28

Bobby is a year younger

they started at 15 and 14 respectively

entire X-Men timeline covers 13 years

Bobby starts college and graduates between X-Men #94 and X-Factor #1

this accounts for 8 years

Cable is born, in-universe, shortly before X-Factor #1

he's a year old during Inferno

this accounts for 9 years

Krakoa lasts for 3 years, per the Hellfire Galas

this accounts for 12 years

Everything between Jim Lee's X-Men #1 and HoXPoX takes place in a single year.

Everybody's around hundred thousand years old, but Takua, the most immature one, is the oldest by a short margin.

Makes sense Optimus needs to be like your Dad or the Dad you've always wanted/needed

Better that than fully bald by 27.

Everything between Jim Lee's X-Men #1 and HoXPoX takes place in a single year.

This explains why everyone is fucking insane and Scott is breaking down with panic attacks