First look at the MCU Young Avengers

Where are they?

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They showed avenge deez nutz

Where are they?

Too busy turning 30.

After The Marvels became the biggest box office bomb of all time, I don’t see Disney making an actual Young Avengers project.
At most, they will be players in Doomsday/Secret Wars.

Hailee's too busy sitting on my face to star in anything right now

Ironheart looks like she was around for the civil rights protests. 16 going on 68.

The Marvels became the biggest box office bomb of all time

Still pushing that cope?

It feels wasteful not to, since they set one up in almost every Disney+ show. At least give them a TV movie or something.

What cope exactly anon? Even if it wasn't the biggest, it's definitely a top 15, at least regarding movies of course. And that's still BAD

The two brown girls look too similar at a glance

Even if it wasn't the biggest, it's definitely a top 15

There's something to be said here about goalposts.

Pretty sure you have brain problems.

Who is the nog on the bottom left


I think (this is totally a guess though, and will be wrong) they might end up doing some kind of Avengers: Children's Crusade thing in miniature, since there have been rumors about Wanda being back for the Avengers movies (which certainly seems possible) and they've got that thing from the comics where some Avengers characters would want to find her while others (including Chavez) would consider her a dangerous psycho who is better off not being found.

I don't know how they would get Wanda's kids involved, but maybe they just don't, since as far as the movie audience knows the kids don't even exist.

The Agatha All Along showrunner said she originally intended Billy's boyfriend to be Hulkling, but she was told no because they wanted to introduce him later, so they changed his name from "Teddy" to "Eddie."

Assuming she's not lying (which is possible) it seems like they're in no hurry at all to introduce the full Young Avengers lineup, though I suppose they could be saving them for that Young Avengers movie that has been in development for eternity.

Still BAD
And yeah it seems like it's the biggest box office bomb, at least third one if it's adjusted for inflation. What cope?

strike whilst the iron is cold.

You STILL looking forward MCU trash?

I just realized these girls are roughly the same age as MCU Spider-Man.
Peter could be in his 20's if it wasn't for the blip.

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No skin will be allowed

No point in using Patriot if they're doing Children's Crusade. Sam already stole his shtick in FaWS.
Do another 8 episode series with the girls and the gays and commit to the failing pattern of ignoring their hetero male core audience.

I know this is about the MCU Young Avengers, but were the comics any good? Feels random to just bring in that team for whatever reason.

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A girls team with 2 faggots? Instant classic!

The first arc of the first series was good. The second arc was weak. The second series was delayed for years and by the time it released the hype had died.
It makes perfect sense to bring them in, they've been building it for years.

Wiccan and Speed are the sons of the Scarlet Witch
Stature is Ant-Man's daughter
Hawkeye (Kate) is a Hawkeye (Clint) fangirl
Patriot is the grandson of a Captain America tuskeegee experiment victim
Hulkling is the son of Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) and Skrull Princess Anelle
Iron Lad is a teenage Kang the Conqueror. His armor later gets possessed by Vision.

They could do a movie today.

The original 12 issues were good

But because they wanted to wait for Heinberg to do his finding Wanda storyline they stagnated for years after that
And then Children's Crusade was hit with numerous delays and that hurt them just as much

And then came Gillen's volume 2 which was popular with the Tumblr crowd at rhe time, but was a tonal whiplash from volume 1 and then never really followed up on because Marvel decided they can't make a Young Avengers book sell without a big name writer

Basically they've had an inconsistent appearances and characterizations over the past 20 years and have more bad stories than good

20 years

I hate time so fucking much it's unreal.

So the Young Avengers are all just adults that talk in an affectedly childish way?

Josh pls

Well, they're younger than the 40+ regular Avengers.


They literally grabbed the 3 most unlikable cunts in the entire MCU and said

we're gonna give them a show!

and no one stopped them. Amazing.

It feels wasteful not to

Not really. They're all too old. And those of them that are not will be very soon.

Is Tom Holland too old to be Spider-Man?

Most Young Avengers fans hate Kid Vision and Cassie and Patriot for not being gay and/or in volume 2

Is Tom Holland too old to be Spider-Man?

No, because Spide-man is not indicative of age. Whereas the term "Young Avengers" is. They're supposed to be kids and most of the actors playing those characters are not passable as children. Ergo the whole notion of doing a Young Avengers project is moot when they're mostly old enough to be in the regular Avengers.

Yeah, they hated all those Young Avengers and Kate, right?
And Kate, right?

Jesus. This shit is dead on arrival. Should have done the Initiative instead.

I legitimately don't understand how Disney and Marvel thought Young Avengers would be a hit when most of the team are either ethnic minorities or lgbt. It's literally a DiversiTeam done unironically. Nothing for normal people to be hyped for - except for maybe Kate Bishop because Hailee Steinfeld is hot.