I had the weirdest fucking helluva boss dream that I.M.P. was in a high speed chase over a prematurely born baby and it ended with them getting mad at the intern for refusing to shower in a locker room with an obvious hole in the wall.
I had the weirdest fucking helluva boss dream that I.M.P...
I been noticing a pattern in my dreams. Usually location I know, or think I know. Then while walking usually ends up in a bigger space/another location.
Also in my dream is a primary task I want to do. But everyone in my dreams is preventing me from doing my task. I think this might be my subconscious trying to force me not to wake up.
Great dream
Damn thats crazy
I.M.P. babysitting short
baby dies anyway
Don't let vizzie steal this idea.
I've been having fucked dreams ever since eating a specific type of chocolate before I sleep.
The last weird one
Started in a pixel snow fog world
I make my way into a Apartment
Fine a smg
Make my way into a unit I was supposed to go
The whole cast of Icarly was there
Lights go out and some fucking shadow demons attack
Run out and I trip and fall
Awake up
Run out and I trip and fall
Awake up
Yeah I think a lot of dreams end up with a fall.the idea you going to hit the ground probably breaks you out of sleep paralysis.
A few times I was dreaming and I hear a crush. I rush forward wake up in my bed legs kicking as if I was actually running.
I don't dream about cartoons. Last night I dreamed I spent $28,000 on a mattress.
go to sleep
dream about enhancing sleep
had a dream about the moon was going to crash into the earth. the moon was red and it was completely dark outside. but somehow i could also notice that a satellite fell from earth, and i tried to get to it.
before i completely woke up, i was half asleep. i can kind of see my bedrom, so i try to get up but i couldn't move. guess i have sleep paralysis. then i start thinking of mickey mouse for some reason. and THEN, i see this big blue light shine into my eyes, and i hear this loud alarm noise. then i wake up. i think something like that is called exploding head syndrome.
Last night, I dreamt that I was back in high school and watching poorly-made furry brap animations with text-to-speech voices and characters based on vtuber models on a wall-mounted touchscreen in the hallway.
I had a dream a few weeks back while I was ill ill that there was a new episode with the A plot that every imp had a cherub equivalent and cherub Moxxie had become a "incel terrorist conspiracy theorist" because for some reason cherub Millie just didn't exist and he learned about imp Moxxie's life, and the B plot was a group of angels were plotting to dilate Blitzo's anus until it could fit three coke cans because God spoke to them through TempleOS and told them to.
Kek what the fuck?
I'll keep it close to my chest bro
I had a dream that I was in a burger shop called "McChuddies" and they just sold normal burgers
The whole dream was just "Huh, It's kind of weird they made a whole restaurant themed around soijaks" and then I stood in line for a burger
What, lmao?
Cont from last time...
You hover your finger over the send button, concerned about perhaps the way it may come off.
You push it anyway, scared to death.
A noise confirms the message is sent, "Hey, can we talk? I dunno if maybe I did something wrong, but I felt like we were having such a good time."
"Read, 6:21"
You wait patiently, to see a bubble or something.
But there's nothing.
You flick off your screen, dissapointed.
You feel your phone vibrate, and eagerly pull it out of your pocket
It opens before you can see your notifications, so you scroll down to check them.
It's sinstigram...
And It's not even her.
You have to admit, the crushing weight of this wears you down.
You're not.... weird or something are you?
And It's just a girl... It shouldn't hurt this bad.
But it does.
And for once, hell feels like hell.
You stare out your window, as a homeless man jumps off a building.
"I get it man." you say, shutting the blinds.
You flick on the TV in hopes of finding something good to watch....
*Bzzt* your phone buzzes again,
You wearily take it out, all hope being lost.
New message from "Loona Buckzo"
"I'm sorry I'm a fucking mess but I don't wanna feel like I'm holding you back you deserve better than me."
Was she drunk? There was no punctuation in that text.
"What are you talking about?" you say, "I was having a good time."
"Yeah for now before you find out I'm a fuckin alcoholic who can't deal with her own shit."
You sit back for a second, puzzled by this.
"It's hell. I was addicted to coke." you type, "Listen Loona, I really had fun. I dunno what's going on, but do you want to talk about it?"
"Yeah...." she replies.
"Do you wanna get dinner and then go to the park or something?"
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay, but just don't do me like that again."
"What day/time?"
Anon better seal the deal. Poor Loona, she's her own worst enemy.
What would you do if you found out your homie was a hellhound living on Earth this whole time?
Ask him if I can visit hell to get some demon pussy or wolf tail. Duh
hot topic is selling Helluva Boss merch now
Ba ba ba sed
We did it reddit, we went mainstream!
I could use a hellhound wingman.
so cherubs and imps became like fairies and anti-fairies
this reminds me that anti-wanda has a southern twang like millie
but moxxie doesn't have a posh accent like anti-cosmo so the comparison ends here
so cherubs and imps became like fairies and anti-fairies
Could be funny if they don't milk the concept too much.
Nick & Lever bumblefuck their way into Hell, what do they do?
Had another nuclear war dream last night, I've gotten them very sporadically for a few years now it feels like, so glad Trump won here's hoping he keeps us out of war with Russia and China
Maybe they are all selling human meat. And all are actual CHUDs. Asin
Damn, that fucking test footage pixar released looks less uncanny than that.
I dont know how anyone could think girls fighting each other is hot
Bodies moving and sweating, it's kinda like a pillow fight but hitting a lot harder.