MOANA live-action set pic
MOANA live-action set pic
The Rock's head is so tiny.
Rock with hair will never not look unnatural.
Yeah, that look happens with really jacked dudes with wide shoulders.
Isn't half the reason why they're doing because Disney's desperate and the other half is because the Rock's ego was hurt after what happened with Black Adam?
I did the voice for the character so that means I the most indicated for the live action
Isnt moana 2 just not coming out and they are already doing a live action version?
No one likes these live action movies
Moana 2 is out in two weeks.
Moana live-action in 2026.
stop it with the anti-Semitism
Dammit I wanna see her feet
rock should have worn a wig for black adam
Joke all you like but I’d bet dollars to dounuts he would’ve been fantastic as Darth Vader.
Is that his actual body or is he wearing a muscle suit?
isnt that the new hero from overwatch?
mauga or something
Rock is almost 60, his star is fading and he wants to get into politics.
What if Dwayne just wanted to do a lore-accurate Maui who doesn't dance and sing like a Disney character?
You're years behind. This is the newest Overwatch hero: a revolutionary scotsman on drugs.
He DOES use a roid blend...
Does he die in a vagina as well?
The Rock never emotionally recovered from The Undertaker chokeslamming his rock bottom ass out of Philadelphia.
I wish footfags would be permabanned.
First movie isn't even 10 years old
This shit is sad
a revolutionary scotsman on drugs.
so trainspotting?
It will be when this finally releases.
Basically, yeah.
california needs to make money
fuck fuck fuck we need ideas for movies
original ideas are too risky
i know, let's remake old movies
by old you mean 20-30 years or more, right?
I for one am looking forward to seeing Dreamworks make a live action remake of Madagascar
california needs to make money
A big budget cg movie is only going to make them lose money.
But Moana already looked like live action, which is mostly CGI nowadays anyway. The only part that looked like animation was also my favorite part by far.
the reason this movie exists is to promote the park that will launch on the same year.
Only if they get Borat to play King Julian again, this time in a giant Lemur fursuit
Should have kept the hot original voice actress to star in LA.
They're as annoying as mommy-fags.
Wow, Overwatch is still going?
I could have sworn she was offered, but turned it down.
Might as well post the non-Rock cast so far.
Catherine Laga'aia is playing Moana.
John Tui is playing Chief Tui, Moana's father.
Frankie Adams is playing Sina, Moana's mother.
Rena Owen as Gramma Tala, Moana's grandmother.
The Rock will tank this. Dude just isn’t a good actor. None of his live action films ever get over a 60% RT score.
Hope it fails. Moana has always been a boring shitty movie. Moana is shit. And I hope all these sequels like Moana 2 end up failing as well. Fuck Disney. And any normie who supports Disney should be burned to death.
how retarded are you
I wonder if Disney understands that people don't care about The Rock anymore. After all he's been fully exposed as a fake especially who sells fake products. And he's been exposed as a full blown liar regarding how he's able to stay in muscled shape. So I have to wonder if Disney knew because Black Adam's failure happened a while ago more than enough time to realize no one cares about this phony charlatan anymore. Doesn't help the Rock is also a cunt in real life, he's not a nice person.
Calm down, Vin.
James Earl Jones in ashen grey makeup as Anakin would've been fine. The idea that the Vader voice was a filter is lame.
That ignorant shit head doesn't want to do anything honoring the myth of Maui. All he understands is Disney's Maui used to be beloved and Rock wants to steal the live action Disney role so he can simulate the whole being beloved by the masses element where Maui re-establishes himself as a hero of men and women yet again. It's all about The Rock's ego. You can say pretending he is Maoi is The Rock's therapy session because he knows by the end of the story Maui is happy which means The Rock will be happy.
The only reason I would actually want to see a live action remake of anything and she's not in it. This earth is so gay and actively makes itself gayer.
But we already had Junkrat
Moana 2 will make a billion and you'll be malding
You forgot the part where Disney knows normies are STUPID and will automatically buy refried beans because they recognize the old brand. Whenever you see remakes, prequels, and sequels remember it's all about Normies Are Stupid Who Will Buy It.
I know there's a good chance of success. This is why normies deserve to be spammed with as much shit as possible and their children molested by Disney Employees. Normies are shit for brains so they deserve any and all things bad happening to them.