Why was the original ben 10 so goated????

can actually FEEL the impact in fights

perfect balance of action and comedy

coolest 4 arms design

coolest xlr8 design

coolest heatblast design

had blue heatblast too

no stupid fucking dino to replace 4 arms (best alien)

cutest gwen design

The only thing they fucked up is by not replacing stink fly with another alien because stink fly sucks dick.

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I always wanted to have the Omnitrix as a kid. Or get into Ben 10's world so I could date Gwen.


The kitchen sink setting embiggened the world
The alien retcons KILLED the franchise

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The original series had the best art style and portrayal of the world, but it was a little too slanted towards comedy for my tastes. And I wish they would've done more big stories with a long build-up, they never captured the sheer coolness and anticipation of Vilgax's debut again.
I feel like none of the shows quite hit the ideal balance. I sort of like the darker tone of UAF but I dislike all the retcons and I really don't like it visually, and Omniverse was good at doing these big stories like And Then There Was One/And Then There Was Ben but it was even more slanted towards comedy than the original. And even though they retconned some of the alien retcons from UAF, Omniverse never really felt like a kitchen sink setting the way the original did.

ben 10 was naruto for babies


You must be 18+ to post here.

I'm 25.

Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to /toonami/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

You're an old guy

This ain't true. OV is a best. OS is a second best tho.

Fights are cool

Eh debatable, there's certainly bad episodes too

Id say the ben10k/HU ones are better

Future is better

Heatblast's design in os is probably his weakest imo. The red rocks look really lame. The fire effect was the coolest tho.

The idea heatblast getting sick gives him ice powers is really silly desu.

Four arms kept being used in ua anyways? And the strong guys are always kinda lame.

Future gwen sure, the other one eh.

Its just normal superhero shit, wether you like it or not there's fundamentally nothing that differentiates it from the others. And desu there were only two retcons.
And no objectively ben 10 still made 8 billion dollars.

cutest gwen design

Literally the only reason I opened this thread.

I was so fucking obsessed with Ben 10 as a little kid that I was excited for the day I'd finally turn 10 years old solely because I would then be the same age as Ben.
Of course, by the time I was 10, I'd long since grown out of the show. Funny how a kid's mind works.

10 yo Gwen may(or may not) be cute but Omniverse Gwendolyn is HOT!
I don't have a pic but you know what she looks like.

On one hand I love Gwen but on the other hand I do think that too many Ben 10 threads degenerate into the same thing because of her.

How do you feel about Kai Green? She is my favorite girl and she is from a very famous episode of os.
Also she is the only girl Ben ever like liked for more than one series. It's pretty clear he doesn't care about Julie anymore in UA, because he's a JERK!

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too many Ben 10 threads degenerate into the same thing because of her.

And that is a good thing

And that's gonna make this a dogshit thread.

I prefer the actual alien/show threads, or even threads about the other girls at this stage.

Kai is trash and forced. I'd rather so many girls over her she was bland and not as cool as Julie


I said GwendoLYN and you know it, faggot pedo!

pic related

omnitrix can do more than just 10 aliens


She wanted fo f*ck Benwolf, she's an honorary white girl

stink fly sucks dick.

Nah. Having non-humanoid aliens and a designated flyer were good choices.

The classic Way Big introduction was peak

I still don't buy Feedback becoming Ben's favorite alien
Xlr8 and Stinkfly were perfect for Ben either for combat or Just have fun

Energy addiction justifies it i feel.

How are xlr8 or stinkfly fun?


Most would find just being able to fly fun. Plus Ben used Stinkfly to pull a good few of his pranks.


Come on now. Super speed, especially at the level XLR8 has, in just inherently fun.

being able to fly

As an unagile stinky ugly bug. He can fly as better niggas.

super speed always fun



He grew out of those. And none of them were ever that good.

I mean flyings pretty cool anon, and super speed to go anywhere is great. I think you are overlooking the greatness of having two insane modes of transportation.

As xlr8 you can be on the whole otherside of the US in only a minute and right back in another. What kid or person wouldn't want that skill, you are kind of over looking it because he's not a rizzler as he does it but really that's the fun of ben 10 inhuman designs

Xlr8 was one of his favorites.


He has a hoverboard.

super speed

Still lame and unfun.

I mean the guy saying they were useful or cool powers.
A hoverboard is cool too but pretty sure stinkfly can fly farther and better.

How is that lame my guy it's super useful and would be insanely fun

I can get stinfkly, but xlr8 come on, he was always one of the coolest aliens.

stinkfly can fly farther



Nah because unlike being a bug, riding on a flying skateboard is unironically fun.

super useful

Not really. It's not like he needs to go any faster than the rust bucket can. And in a crisis situation xlr8 doesn't have enough strengths to be high tier.


I still don't see how. I mean I see how it's fun on an overboard, but not magic instant teleport shit like the flash.

Doesn't make him one of the funnest to be.

Tron lights

Gay holomask

tacticool textures

Hell no.