Was she a secret air nomad

There must have been some survivors of the genocide

What gave you that idea? Because she is a huge airhead?

I’m convinced the only reason this theory has lingered for so long is because she looks like Aang in a wig and nothing else

There's some possibility that she is, but she would have come from a line of air nomads that existed before the war, but weren't attached to the main temples. Maybe over time they lost their ability to airbend, but kept their ability to be very flexible.

She also had a nomadic life style (she was a circus preformer)
She doesn't have the same temperament as the other firebenders

Did she make me horny as a boy? Yes.

Just an airhead
Nice tits though

just cause she looks way too much like Aang??

secret airbender survivor

Lame shitty mary sue fanfic tier.
It lessens the evilness of the fire nation if there were survivors.

The creators have confirmed that absolutely no airbenders/air nomads except Aang survived the genocide. It was theorized in fan circles that maybe some escaped and just gave up their air ways and lived/assimilated as non benders but with the creaters later confirming that all airbender+airbender couples have 100% airbender children this doesnt seem very plausable.
The one thing that doesn't nessecaily contradict this is that in the kyoshi novels avatar kyoshis mother was an airnomad and when she started living a violent criminal lifestyle and gave up all cultural air nomad ways even tattooing snakes over her arrows her airbending became so weak she fought with fans instead.

For a short period of time there were 2 airbender characters in the trading card game but noone from nickelodeon contributed to that project so bryke, aaron and all the other main writers and producers were completly unawhere of them.



Then there is the canon comic "relics"


That almost contradicts this because it describes the methods the fire nation gestapo would hunt and find air nomads so it clearly wasnt a 1 hour final solution.

Im sure if the original series wasnt a y7 show then Im sure war brides would have been something discussed.

There is also the thing of the way the series potrays mixed race families. its always potrayed as virtuous. there have never been fire nation/earth kingdom or fire nation/water tribe arranged marriages or coercion so I feel like war brides will never come up.

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No it doesn't, retard. The fact that a superpower attempted a systematic eradication of a race is already one of the most evil things they could do. The Nazis werent successful, and they're seen as the single most evil group in human history.
Maybie. Her grey eyes, physical similarities to Aang, and a carefree personality are all derivative of Airbenders. Its possible she was written to be a survivor at some point, but they pulled out last minute.

The creators are gay and don't understand the world they "created"
There's a YouTube series by E;R that goes over how the lore in the legend of Korra is different from the lore in the original series

This is so stupid. Airbending is the element of "Freedom" yet if you dont subscribe to Tibetan Buddhism it wont work. ALL of the Airbenders are dead, all of them, no exceptions. And the rest that didn't were all stupid enough to fall for relic bait. The death of not only hope, but also any potential exploration of thr Airbenders as a culture and bending style. And a supposedly "spiritual" culture whos death has no lasting consequences for the spirit world, or the regular world. As if they never existed.

What lesson could kids take from this. Genocide is okay, as long as you commit to it.

the lore in the legend of Korra is different from the lore in the original series

The "lore" in both series is told to us by characters who are giving their take on things. Only the writers know for sure how the world they invented works.

Yeah this part always bothered me.
it is natural for cultures to largely disappear but its usually through assimilation not imperialism.

In the new ttrpg book expansion for avatar legends they have a new location called jasmine island, that a neutral island that doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of any of the 4 nations as its just a lone island in the middle of the southern ocean north of the southern air temple archeliopegio. since this is a place that kinda like kyoshi island kinda has its own thing going on i feel like is a little kid like Jinju managed to escape thanks to gyatso i feel like the people there would take him in and hide/protect him.

There are also other places we still know little about. like bhanti island in the fire nation that protected and raised a heard of flying bison, there is also the entire east of the earth kingdom coast outside of ba sing se, whale tail island, kangaroo island, 4 paws island and an unnamed island off the coast of lake laogai on the south east that we still know nothing about.

I think guru phatik would have found and helped someone if they managed to escape the eastern air temple.

Maybe the lion turtle took some of them away to live somewhere else?

I suppose it's what happens when you're building a world mainly for a kid's show, maybe they should have gone full crusader kings autismo on it and expanded on the idea of nations being far more seperated from states, like the various Earth Kingdom polities (since we know a bunch of the settlements and regions within EK territory are pretty much independent) and their relation to the earth king, different sects of airbenders (i for one would like to see an evil Ikko Ikki themed airbender faction) etc.

avatar kyoshis mother was an airnomad and when she started living a violent criminal lifestyle and gave up all cultural air nomad ways even tattooing snakes over her arrows

That's fucking dope but what an unnecessary dead end to force on your world.

Realistically yes their should be. Bending can be recessive sometimes as we've seen like sokka could have a kid that's a non bender but then his kid's kid could be a water bender. So it's a bit weird that in the 50+ years between avatar and korra their weren't at least a dozen or so air benders born.

Just based on the recessive gene thing or ones that didn't realize they were air benders until later in life after the death of the nomads. Or the rare ones that went on pilgrimages like monks do or who left to get married or try new things. No way 1 group of people never once had people that left and lived among another kingdom.

Well I mean we see through zaheer that it isnt exactly a 1 to 1 good vs bad or a violence vs non violence thing. I think the way they describe it in the novels its more of a balance between spiritual and material but you know what I am getting at.

I think an amazing thing to explore would have been if instead of a bunch of randos Asami, and her father and all of the equalists from season 1 also gained Airbending after harmonic convergence. like maybe there is a strong connection between your willpower and discipline and strive to fight and change the world and bending ability.

It also feels weird that Pema and all the other air acolytes who dedicated their life to air nomad ways didn't get Airbending too.

Or it would be simpler if harmonic convergence gave every nonbender for the next 10,000 years the bending closest to their identity or personality or something and if you were biracial it was a coin flip.

It looks like she is filled with more liquid inside her than air, though it can be hard to tell with some people.

I think guru phatik would have found and helped someone if they managed to escape the eastern air temple.

Frankly I wanted Aang to find out about a secret Airbender retreat on an island or mountain the fire nation never found. It would be a much, MUCH better the dramatic if Guru flew when the three nations were assembled in rows in on a sky bison announcing the "Air Nomads from Cloud Sanctuary" or something. And also liberating from the constraints of having to contrive a sudden emergence of airbenders later. Then basically have an exchange that Aang ran off before he could tell him, because that was one big wordly concern of his.

Or maybe I'm just pissed they were treating the fucking swampbenders like their own nation.

It makes sense for her to have air nomad ancestry

some fire nation noble saves qt air nomad by marrying her as a war bride

not for her to be an actual one lol
albeit yeah, there's nearly zero evidence to support this theory but I guess that's the fun in it.

She has gray eyes, in a show where eye color gives away your element heritage

Yet the fire nation somehow missed a secret race of sky bision (technically air benders), and they were fooled into believing the last dragons were gone , but there was 2 living in a secret society. The fire nation is not perfect and they don't know what they don't know

She’s for sure filled with liquid from several of the older fire nation guards haha

The amber/golden eyes in the fire nation are exclusive for royal family members only
that said, ty lee is the exact opposite of being an airhead and she presumably goes to live with Suki and the kyoshi warriors at the end of the series which is neither a pacifist nor nomadic lifestyle so..

Ah yes, only the royal family. Like Mai, or Zhao.

Bending inheritance is related the spirituality of the parents. Its why firebending has the lowest chance of firebenders. Even if Ty Lee was from air nomads, after a few generations they'd probably stop passing it on.

Aang trying to find more Airbenders should have been a bigger thing throughout the show.

you can tell she’s “the Aang” of Azula’s group for balance and assume it means she literally an Airbender

So that means Azula is the Katara and Mai is the Sokka?

Azula and Ty lee..

I don’t think it works that way but its another reason people believe that theory

It's maddening he knows where every air temple is. But only goes to two to check if he could figure out anything. The story that the Mechanist tells about finding the Northern Temple went "No one was here" not "Well first we figured we had a lot of charred skeletons to bury.".

Avatar fooled me into thinking it had more going on with that. And y'know every secondary and tertiary piece of media implied there were some other airbenders didn't help.

Bending inheritance is related the spirituality of the parents.

So all those families that only have one bending kid... what? Did papa forget to shout out Raava while squirting into mama? Or does the soul-crushing reality of raising kids just make the first child more special?


Imagine the titsex

Mai's entire role in second season is to give sidelongs looks, and have onelines spouted at. If she's anything she's the Momo of the group.

Delicious 14 year old titties.

Sokka must've been a mistake and they had to get married and Katara the special one.

Toph's parents? They're the most uptight, silverspoon pricks in the series. You're telling me THEY were super spiritual? Spirits being synonymous with anarchy in this series?

Are we sure Toph is theirs and not just a badger-mole they shaved and taught to speak?

She was a secret cockmilker.


Yeah, probably.

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This scene did things to me as a kid, still does