Last thread died out. Anyway, your thoughts on yesterday's episode? And are you ready for the one tonight?
The Loud House
nobody fucking cares
Lori seems like a salty bitch. As a person who does not like Luan, surprisingly really good episode of her. I foound myself laughing at the bingo joke, it's so perfect. Ultimately one of the things I missed is just natural fighting in a family and the fact that end of the day you are family so you make up.
I care.
I haven't caught up yet, will wait until they are available on my go-to website.
No links yet?
Sorry, no.
The Luna episode is the best that came out of this show
Benny is gonna be demoted to extra isn't he...
inb4 the snarky trolls chime in
Yes I am aware this was a sister episode, but having him as a cameo with maybe a SINGLE line wouldn't have derailed the plot...
I'm dead serious about my "make a melodramatic cringe fic the TLH equivalent of 177013" warning I made last thread if Luanny goes away. You brought this on yourselves trolls and will only have yourselves to blame if it comes to this.
demoted to extra isn't he...
quit being paranoid
I thought you guys were banished to Anon Babble.
Main villain: Muahahahaha, join me Lincoln! Together, we can rule the WORLD!
Lincoln: No, I will never join you! It may be chaotic, with just 1 boy and 10 girls, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!
*Lincoln grabs a rope hanging from the ceiling and swings across the room and delivers a chest kick to the villain, knocking them into the pit below, the villain lets out a big dramatic scream*
*Cue orchestral reprisal of Loud House end theme and all of Royal woods and the Louds hoisting up Lincoln as the Hero of the day*
The show is still going, cope.
I wouldn't have even minded a cheesy concept like that for the first movie.
Liked Lana's episode. Was sweet to see Lily looking up to her wanting to spend time with here. She getting envious when started to miss Lily being with her after getting Lily to be Lola was cute. Wished the Lisa and Lana part was a little better, just because I would love to see them do something together for an episode. Still was alright. The episode was fun.
Crap, I missed the episode.
Anyone have the MEGAs yet?
Why so dead? There were literally new episodes this week..
its just if you didnt see it live its hard to discuss or comment on the episodes that theres no links for
Yeah, I mean, what is up with that?
I missed my alarm clock for the only show I actually take the trouble to watch live. Does anybody have a DL for tonight's episode?
Oh, and just so everybody knows, there's a new episode of The Really Loud House premiering on the 26th, next tuesday. Just checked ontvtonight.
That's how the last movie ends?
Didn't see this one, so im gonna guess the plot of the episode, Lori and Luan work at different coffee shops that are right next OR in front of each other, so they get competitive, fuck everything, resolve it with sisterly love and then get fired.
Also, don't know why but Lisa started to grow on me, I dont find her episodes as terrible as I used to, but maybe that's because the new episodes are even worse than the old ones?, I don't know.
Technically we were never officially banished to Anon Babble
Yeah, I really enjoyed that episode too, felt like it went back to some evergreen basics in a lot of ways. A lot of this latest season has felt like that actually. Wrote a big glowing review in the last thread but won't repost it. I thought the established family power hierarchy between them getting reversed for work and Lori feeling disrespected and getting revenge by forcing herself in as the babysitter when they got back home to flex on her was great, especially the pro-beantion bit reversal part where she gave Luan a poor review and sent her to bed at six thirty. Lori is hilarious, I really think she's low key the funniest sister.
Luan gives as good as she gets though, as you'd expect, but any more details would just be a plot summary. Anyway, I thought it was highly enjoyable, funny episode with an excellent comfy vibe despite it all. Felt pretty classic style even. I really enjoy these tightly zoomed-in, character driven plots based around low stakes family drama, I think they really tend to work the best with the show's basic ingredients and are almost always the most enjoyable to watch. Most especially it feels amazing to have Lori so firmly back into the mix of Louds, she gives sooo much to the whole thing. Like I said, with this or her just happening to be laying around on the couch to help Luna in her story, I think it's recaptured something special.
Oh, new Casagrandes comic is coming out. I'm not sure if people already were aware of that but I only just saw it now when browsing amazon. Looks friend-group focused so that's cool, it'll be tight to see Sid and Nikki again, even if not in animation. I wish they'd release season 4 of TLH on DVD already for the US like I'm told they did for France, though. I also just noticed they gave the TRLH Christmas movie a physical release last month, hopefully they do the same for season 2 of the show.
It was just like Savino said it would be....
Nobody cares.... nobody cares....
You cared enough to respond :^)
Looking forward to it
That's how the last movie ends?
nah not like that
they work at the same shop, lori doesnt like that luan is her boss and she gets petty over it, than luan does, they cause a problem they work together to resolve, and then reconcile with sisterly love
Lisa started to grow on me
glad to hear
that gn wont be out for a good while, our next release, a tlh one, is next month though, also cool about alhc release
Just watched Bulking and Sulking. Wasn't expecting anything from it since I synopsis skimmed it was a Lance episode and I thought it was gonna involve that whole side of the family and they'd all need to suck up air time for more development since their current characterization is pretty thin, but it turned out to actually be a Lynn Sr. and his kids plus Lance vehicle (Lance's family being thankfully absent so there was screentime for the main cast). Actually a good little episode. Day in the life of the restaurant; straightforward, classic deception plot but decently done and with a good supporting cast to do it with. As a bonus, lots of quality background qts made appearances. Some nice locations too. Solid outing imo.
You know, I didn't get to watch today's episode but unless it's a real disaster, which doesn't seem to be the case from early impressions, I'm pretty confident in saying I think that's probably the best streak of premieres we've had in a while as far as average quality of episode goes, not counting the road trip arc from s7. They were all at least decent, some quite good, heavy sister focus, even the ANT episode was one of the best of its kind. Pretty nice run. I hope the next one is this good. Personally I think my favorites are either Burnt Bean or the Luna episode.
Still waiting on the dl links to comment but I'm glad the first impressions seem positive!
Have you bought your Leni sweat perfume yet?
Benny sucks dick cause he's a little twinky fag. Built for big aryan cock. He must receive the schwanz.
It's black friday week. People are doing christmas shit.
but it's not christmas yet
People still busy. We can't be there every time.