ITT: let’s come up with our own American Dad episode ideas

ITT: let’s come up with our own American Dad episode ideas

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Steve gets catfished by a Thai ladyboy

Steve quantum leaps into Stan's life nine months before his own birth and has to bang Francine in order to conceive himself.

Stan becomes a babylad after seeing Hailey and Jeff experiment.
Meanwhile, Steve, Roger and Klaus rob a bank.

rogu get ipad

Roger/Jeff roadtrip
Stan/Steve do bitcoin

Stan creampies his own butthole

Francine gets REALLY into slotcar racing, Roger is ex-regional champion who trains her, also turns out Roger is the rival at the competition. Toshi's there and does a joke about Tokyo drifting, or having tiny cars, ends up winning competition while Francine and Roger make amends.
B-plot is Hailey goes carnivore diet secretly until Stan finds out

Steve gets really into Parkour to impress Stan but Stan doesn't care because "it's not a real sport"

Steve makes it to the championships and is about to beat Slash, multi-Grammy award winning artist and also Parkour enthusiast.

Steve is about to face Slash in the semi finals ,but he wins by default because Slash flies off to beat Galactus (Slash has superpowers)

Steve is a shoe in to win because now he is in the finals against zero Grammy award winning Parkour enthusiast Björk.

Steve could easily win with a basic move, but to impress Stan, he risks it all on a "Dark Parkour" technique that only those with pure Parkour intentions can pull off. He fails and injures his hand.

Commercial break

Steve is injured and can't masturbate.

By not cumming Steve is saving up his Orgone, a sexual magical energy proposed by William Reich (They ask Klaus about it and he is like "You know I'm Swiss, right?" but it turns out he actually knows all about it.)

Steve gains Psychic powers and takes over the town as an evil Steve floating around on a cum filled brain.

Klaus gives them a copy of Ben Shapiro's book. Swimming in so much negative sexual energy it will cancel out Steve's cum powers.

The family all suit up Ninja style and try to tag Steve with the book but he beats them all in cool character driven Ways.

Stan is defeated but in a last ditch effort tries the "Dark Parkour" move to throw the book at Steve. Stan pulls the move off.. .and Steve instantly stops him.

Stan cries that he was wrong and that Parkour is cool and he just wants his son back.

Steve is moved by the words and agrees to stop being evil

"But, how are you gonna get that Orgone out and go back to normal?"

Zoom in on Steve "Well..."

Credits are played over a 100 Gecs song and a slide show of increasingly weird things Steve faps to.

Considering all the incest in the show this doesn't sound too implausible.

Klaus becomes world renowned for a book, doesn't want the world to know he's a fish, Roger makes a disguise to speak for Klaus ala Cyrano de Bergerac, Roger ultimately goes off the rails, becomes more successful adlibbing, destroys Klaus's dream.
B-plot: Stan and Toshi go fishing, during the B-plot we find out there's more to the story than an odd pairing and a simple activity.

A little wordy, can you cut it slim so i can present it later?

Stan the rest of the family become convinced Roger is Elon Musk, They decide to try and unmask him, Meanwhile Roger is busy in New Mexico filling out his alien green card.

Yeah I know it's stupid but fuck it

Honestly, I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.

could be funny, lots of red-herrings throughout the episode to lead the family to genuinely believe he is musk. could throw in some jokes about his body shape being the exact same. Instead of New Mexico make it Texas cause musk has a lot of shit there, but have Roger still doing what you said, make it even more mundane, hes got a big mexican family and his biological mexican son who turned 18 can sponsor Roger now. Roger's excitement fuels the families suspicion, all for it to be about Roger getting green card and humble conservative texan/mexan sensibilities while Stan and Feancene get excited and are hoping to do lots of wacky shit theyre assuming they can do with musk.

Roger is iPad

Steve gets a girlfriend, and they actually stay together. Roger and Stan start selling t shirts to prep kids.

Seth MacRobbins, Fund this band.

Something sometimes something futanari giantess.

iPad get Roger

Honestly, I was hoping to keep it vague about him and Musk, hoping the ending would be that not even Roger is sure at this point, but the Mexican family thing is a brilliant addition.

Mind you this ending could work.

Klaus: Wait Roger...what were you doing in 1970?
Roger:Plowing some Diamond miners wife in South Africa, Why?

They already did this one

youre right the more ambiguous the better. I really like that final line you got.
One day anon we will both be in a writing room in Burbank, i will make a very obvious moose-call, seemingly randomly.
This is how we take over the industry.

I like it but this is just a retread of that time Hayley got into bumper pool, if you made it be a fakeout and the champ isn't Roger it might fare better.

Roger's more of a misdirection for Toshi to take the cake, but i know what you're saying how its definitely been done where it reveals its all roger.
Maybe this twist is that Roger organized the entire event, and gaslit Francine into being interested in slotcars, ultimately to distract her while Stan prepares an anniversary surprise, only for the final joke and all of Rogers effort to mean nothing because Stan forgot and was at home the whole time

Steve gets depressed from not having any game.
Roger helps him by doing a Love Connection type show for him to find someone.
Little does he know Roger brings back every single love interest and one-episode stand he's had across every single season and it all just spirals downward.

Okay, but only if I get to invite the Critical Drinker to the writer's room and then pretend I have no idea who this prick it.

i retract my ambitions with you.
that fag cant even chug a real bottle of JD he looks retarded with that mini bottle trying to look cool. Anyone who is a youtuber deserves to be shot behind a rusty shed.

Stan realizes his hairline has begun receding. He enters a depressive state and falls to alcoholism after finding a local bar. His chin begins to recede from a diet consisting entirely of beer and estrogens and he develops sickly jaundiced skin. As his waistline expands he allows himself to become unshaven, unseemly and dim-witted before finally ending the episode as Homer Simpson.

more of a family guy gag

Francine paradoxically discovers what rule 34 is and sees all the existing art of herself. Now insatiably horny, the family has to escape her a la Terminator before joining forces with JD Vance to ban pornography.

Receding hairline

Stan is bald and wears a toupee


He already got turned into a woman with estrogen and Avery tried to fuck him.

Stan turns himself into a child to prove Jeff will be a terrible father to his Grandson, but Jeff turns out to be a great Dad while Hailey is emotionally distant and pulls a Stans Dad and leaves them. Side plot Roger and Klaus try to bring pogs back much to Steve’s annoyance. Francine sleeps in the entire episode.

No I want to embarrass him by wasting his time, give him this idea that he can be big in Hollywood but then pretend I have no idea who he is, it's the worst possible punishment pretending he matters only to strip it away from him.

Roger travels to Quahog and rapes Brian for 22 minutes

plot Roger and Klaus try to bring pogs back much to Steve’s annoyance. Francine sleeps in the entire episode.

Anon that's brilliant.

What season should I start with?

I tried episode one and wanted to kill myself.

Also Steve was the kid in Critters.

Francine sleeps in

Is it just a pure coincidence or is it a "character is self aware this plot is dumb and leaves the episode" gag?

Steve find Stan's bottle of Estrociline.

Hayley and Jeff go to a Dethklok concert

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Steve get ipad

b-story: Stan creampies his own butthole

Roger is the Judge who takes the rules WAY to seriously. Like full-on Judge Dredd and the punishment is usually way to harsh for the crime.

"Alright Billy, that slot car is NOT regulation blue, so I will have to break your left pink. HEY, HEY, Keep Crying and I'll cite you for disrupting a race with an outburst!"

Jump in when the series switches to digital animation around 3/4 if you want but S1 and 2 have a few episodes worth watching

Stan tries to finish his CIA mission at an unknown warehouse but accidentally rips a tunnel

said tunnel opens up a portal to another universe in which Stan accidentally fuses himself into Joe Swanson from the Quahog universe

chaos ensues Langley and Quahog as both fused into JoeStan and ruin both universes into a JoeStan apocalypse

JoeStan then teams up with HyperKahn of the Arlen universe and UltraFry of Y3K New New York universe in a literally Animation Domination

being well aware of the situation, Roger summons his personas to destroy the JoeStan apocalypse and gets help from Steve, Hayley, Francine, Jeff and Klaus but the five are defeated by UltraFry’s Super Apu army and HyperKahn fiery propane explosion of death previously caused by the Mega Lo Mart explosion

Roger now has to team up with Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, Bender Rodriguez, Hank Hill, Bob Belcher, Sterling Archer, Korvo, Schlub and Marvin Flute to destroy JoeStan

Tom Anderson, Randy Marsh, Carl Brutananadilewski, Dr. Venture, The Robot Chicken, Uncle Ruckus, Toki Wartooth, The Warden, Rick Sanchez, BoJack Horseman, Francis Murphy and Mr. Boss also team up in a literal Animation Domination

All of them obtain super saiyan powers to fight JoeStan, HyperKhan, UltraFry and the Super Apu army; of which the latter four have been dragged off of oblivion

The episode ends with Roger smirking at Greg and Tuttle holding hands and both Buckley and Lucky hugging Luanne and then shutting the door before fading to black

Post-credit scene is that of Cleveland Brown returning to the Stoolbend universe to resurrect The Critic, The PJs, Sit Down Shut Up, Brickleberry, Out There, Axe Cop, Golan the Insatiable, Bordertown, Son of Zorn, Bless the Harts, Duncanville, Housebroken, Little Demon, Koala Man and Praise Petey from the dead

This becomes the start of the Animation Domination cinematic universe

francince has sex with me
B-plot: haley has sex with me
3rd act twist: snot's mom has sex with me

A Plot

Stan discovers that one of Roger's personas is a part of a different family that is also harboring an alien from the government, and decide to kill them when they aren't as strict about keeping their alien a secret. The other alien is actually a persona of Rogu and the whole thing has been an exercise for Rogu by Roger to teach him about personas

B Plot

Steve and Haley try to get with the son and daughter from the other family until the siblings dramatically begin declaring their love for each other, only to be cut off by the bomb Stan planted to kill the family and keep the CIA off Roger's trail goes off

There already was an episode where we found out Stan had a secret slot car racing hobby & his slot car mechanic was some super hot 20 year old woman.

Roger runs away from home after a Stan berates him for being himself again and finds a commune in the wilderness of other aliens from other families who were sick of being treated poorly and banded together to support themselves off the grid. Twist reveal is that the whole thing is a CIA honeypot to trap aliens. Double twist is that there were actual aliens in the commune pretending to be CIA agents disguised as aliens, they just didn't want to say anything because of the free food and amazing sex

After listening to too many true crime podcasts Haley successfully robs several banks and becomes addicted to crime with Jeff as her unwilling accomplice.