New elio teaser

DOA trash.

We want the DANDADAN audience

(Almost every line punctuated by a joke.) And these aren’t even new ones. I feel like even their target audience, young as they are, has seen a gag like “uhm Earth” before. And oh … toilet humor. Yay.
Is it crazy for me to think that kids (and definitely adults) might want to see an adventure that takes itself seriously for once? We know it can be done and that children aren’t opposed to it. Star Wars didn’t have a like “The FORCE? Don’t you mean the FART?” and it supposedly did OK with kids. How about somebody tries that again? I don’t think it’s been attempted for a good 20 years.

Toilet joke


They did a 180° on Elio's personality. In the previous trailer he was a frail little boy that was completely scared of the aliens that abducted him and missed his mommy, but now he's a generic "quirky MC" (see Star, Anne, Mabel, Luz, Molly, etc.) that literally begged to be abducted and is treating space UN like a theme park. His design and the movie as a whole still suck tho.

What is this art style? Because I hate it.

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It's the bean mouth in 3D

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""Elio" was originally scheduled for release in March 2024, but due to delays, it is now set to come out on June 13, 2025"

Took'em long enough.

theater release



All these movies with hyperrealistic rendering and an overly cartoonish art style are so ugly. Why did studios learn all the wrong lessons from Spider-Verse?

another pixar slop flop


What happened to the cool alien designs?

Well I think they look cool. I just need some sexy aliens too, THAT would make me go watch Elio

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Considering the uptick in fervor for Dandadan is a fairly recent thing and this would have been put into production a couple of years ago, I highly doubt there's any correlation whatsoever.

Now listen here mister. Americans didn't have 50 odd something death cults revolving around extraterrestrial life forms back in the 70s, just for the Japanese to take credit for aliens being mainstream.

I thought the toilet joke was funny

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He might not be the perfect Disney shota since Hiro has tha honor, but Elio is pretty damn close

his belly looks soft

Trailers can lie.
Wall-e's trailer was set up to make it seem that Eve was kidnapped and the captain was the main villain.

Didn't they already make this movie? Like, at least three times?

They have just completely changed the tone of the film haven't they? No wonder it got delayed so long.

Did they toss the part where the aliens abducted him because of a mixup involving his mom’s glowie job?

Also this .
I liked the first teaser better because it felt like there might be some actual drama, a bit reminiscent of Lilo and Stitch. It was the one thing it had going for it.

Just imagine Chris Sanders doing the mum and female aliens...

This movie's production has been a MESS and it's starting to freak me out. How in the hell did one of the Coco directors lose control of his own film? I want a documentary on this shit

How in the hell did one of the Coco directors lose control of his own film?

fart-sniffing execs who want to chase trendy taillights start thinking they know better, so they wrestle more control away from the creator until the film gets frankensteined together in a board room by people who think if they just copy enough other random shit that it will be a surefire hit.
And they'll probably fire more animators when this takes a nosedive and award themselves even bigger bonuses. And Anon Babble will blame animators and writers as if they had any control over this dumpster fire.
We've tried firing animators. We've tried firing writers. FIRE THE EXECS. Clean house upstairs and get people who know that making big bucks involves some semblance of risk. Trying to play it safe by copying a bunch of trends that will be dead by the time the film comes out hasn't been working. Why the fuck do they keep trying that tactic and then end up blaming everyone else when it flops?

Wouldn't be the disaster from Pixar. Brave allegedly had a much less Disney friendly story before Lasseter stepped in and fired the director/writer.

Apparently the spell explosion secretly transported Merida and her mother to the future without them knowing. They discover that the ruined kingdom was theirs, it had been destroyed in an all out war between the clans that originated from Merida's refusal to do her diplomatic duties as a princess. The monster bear was the mother in the same future.

Comparing the two feels like a result of taking all the wrong lessons from a test audience. It’s like they sat a five year old down in front of the first trailer and the five year old said “The parts where Elio was sad made me sad. And the scary parts were scary. And the jokes made me laugh.” And some suit nodded and said “Right. So the kids don’t like the scary or sad stuff. Put in more of the main character having fun, and triple the amount of jokes.”

Extreme Beach Volleyball wasn't that bad.

3D CalArts.

Just changing the dialogue is much cheaper than re-doing all the assets as well. They're stuck with a bland concept and uninteresting designs.

"I always wanted to be abducted"
"look at my belly"

They aren't even trying anymore to hide the pedo.

What do you mean? All of the alien designs in this new trailer were also present in the original trailer. I think some of the backgrounds and the ship are the same too.

been going to the movie theater more lately, just to get out of the house regularly

be earlier today

look up upcoming movies

see Elio poster

”Oh right. Well, at least it’s original. And it didn’t look that bad in the trailer. Man, it’s been a long damn time since I’ve actually planned to see an animated movie in the theater again. Even though it seems kinda mid, I’m actually starting to look forward to it.”

see new trailer

Well, fuck that I guess. It looks even shittier now.


Every fucking time I go to the theater, I'm stuck next to some dickheads who decide it's the perfect place to catch up and talk about what they've been up to lately and refuse to shutup no matter how many requests I try to make. The only way to actually deal with it would be to leave the theater and fucking tattle on the assholes to get them removed.
I know it hurts the box office numbers, but I wait for things to come out digitally now. Tickets are too expensive to have to deal with that shit.