Which Dylan was better?
Which Dylan was better?
This one
Second one. Like the sharp eyeliner over the droopy one.
I liked both, sad her series died so fast. Really shocked she isn't a bigger Anon Babble girl. She definitely fits the creepy/evil/goth girl threads
Right. Squidward nose is weird
Neverwinter Dylan is the clear winner, but in Spiky Dylan's defense, that's because Season 0 had infinitely better writing. Spiky Dylan is in no way bad.
I'm sad that it died after 2 seasons ( and the second season was essentially a reboot) but I really dont think there was a lot of stories one could tell with this show without it getting old.
All of this, also because I liked Mary Mack's voice acting a lot more.
I prefer the second design, but the first voice. I'm glad Mary Mack is still voice acting today.
SB99's profile picture.
hard to say, they were both amazing.
the second series, no. it was already turbo wacky and had no legs. the original? that could have gone on for 5 seasons.
if she were a cute teenager we'd be all over it. but she is baby small, can't for sexual yet.
but she is baby small, can't for sexual yet.
I dunno, the amount of lewd shit I've seen in Harriet threads says otherwise.
True sad to see how it fell through honestly if it wasn't held back by the fact it was a cheapily made adult animation it might have done better. It was made in the age where adult animation couldn't stand out much and had to for the most part follow the family guy format we saw this in the writing shift of the final season.
But she is baby small, can't for sexual yet.
You must be new huh? She deserves more love though
harriet is an adolescent, albeit the last one in her class to get her period. it works. though all the good stuff I see with Harriet is just innocent cute embarrassment, she doesn't work as well for penetration.
Dylan was like 6 in the original and 8 in the second one. She can't read. it's hilarious that she's like that, but the original SA character was a teen (guy) and I think that works better as a cult-of-one in a shitty smiley midwestern town. and then you can have her getting pissed off at her body for changing
what the fuck are these things, they're stupid.
Why was it a reboot? Serious question.
the network probably had notes
Golan needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine
They probably wanted to separate it from that failed block that they put it on, plus try giving a proper introduction, since the "first season" starts with they already being friends.
I tried watching it and it's alright. It falls into many of the usual adult animation pitfalls but it's funny enough. Dylan is pretty cute.
she's great
and original-Golan was great too, had kind of a Strong Bad feel.
His art's the reason I even heard of this show. I then watched it and it was pretty good.
I didn't like how the second one would actually murder people; the funny part of the first series is that she's too small to carry out the edgy shit she's obcessed with.
yeah that might be the most derailed character in recent memory
left. better series, better character and i like the tears more than the claw mark
What even is this?
I liked that spiky Dylan's eyeliner were implied to be scars
So is the edginess the reason why people don't like the reboot as much?
Golan the insatiable. It was originally on the canceled animation block "animation domination high def" (different one from the family guy simpsons block they do currently) and then "rebooted" it, giving it it's own show divorced from the block...and that quickly crashed and burned at like 7 fucking episodes.
edginess is built into the premise. the problem is the second series was completely zany and wacky edginess. It was a bit too 'family guy'
also, it started as a SomethingAwful project. just the funny idea of a demon lord whose only acolyte is a mopey teenager.
I haven't seen most of the show in a long time so I don't remember too much difference in tone. The violence in the original was more cartoony? As in the characters would be fine the next scene. I liked Dylan's original voice more. It sounded like she was a moron who was quietly shouting. That's crazy I had no those two were connected.
Overall I liked right more
season 1
Dlyan felt more like an over excited goth who can't understand Golan is a has been
while season 2 Dlyan feels like she should know better about Golan and sometimes does,
it like they forgot the dynamic of the two and the premise of the show
was the reboot more edgy? i don't remember it being so. i didn't like it cause it had that adult cartoon humor where the joke is that things drag on. it had it's very few moments, but not enough to make it worth watching
Season 2 Dylan (right). Season 2 is better than season 1 in everyway and I like Aubrey Plaza's voice much more than who voices her in season 1.
Golan is also improved as well.
while season 2 Dlyan feels like she should know better about Golan and sometimes does,
That's cause they made the two formally meet in the second season.
I prefer S1 swingly and that Dylan crush on him develops in the episode.
S2 is a joke. The ending joke Swingly being gay. Although I'd like to think it's a Parks and Rec joke on Aubrey Plaza's character April who had a boyfriend who was gay but straight for her.