This is the reason why Bloo was a jerk.
This is the reason why Bloo was a jerk
He can be nicer and still make the show episodic.
So the next best thing was for him to be an asshole because?
I mean, he can be a jerk and still have development
western animation will never evolve to the same level as anime
Sounds like massive cope.
Craig could've just, you know, NOT make him a jerk. Or the bare minimum make him a likable jerk or a jerk with a heart of gold.
Bloo being a jerk was funnier. Everyone in the pilot was an insufferable bore.
it's funny
BTAS is better than any anime series.
once again, good idea is made shitty because of dipshit execs.
The story needs conflict.
We also don't know when this decision was mandated. McCracken et al may have already established Bloo as kind of an asshole with a redemption arc planned before the network found out and squashed it.
...and yet people want to punish the animators.
Fire the executives, distribute their bonuses to the animators, replace the current batch of metric loving suits with people who actually have vision.
Only reddit hates jerkass Bloo
Sometimes, mandates from up above can be very good things. The mandate to change Ben 10's personality ended up being a very good thing in the long run. And the mandate to make Amphibia season 3 another season of Amphibia instead of randomly turning into some other show was kino and based.
BTAS was 30 years ago, there's nothing like it now.
If that's the case, shouldn't he have just stayed a likable guy then?
Craig could've just, you know, NOT make him a jerk.
But the network literally stated he had to be a jerk.
I think they may course-correct that in the new pre-schooler series. Instead of a jerk, Bloo is just going to be stupid and will have to learn lessons that should be taught to pre-schoolers. The caveat is that the show will, you know, be made for pre-schoolers. There's a specific type of Anon Babble autist that will glom onto it, I'm sure, but it's not going to be something that will find a wide audience here.
it's amazing how even as late as that show, execs still believed people don't want continuity
even as japan just steamrolled over everything in the west, for having continuity, even on repetitive monster-of-the-week shows.
now that the syndication model has failed, they're finally not trying that "let them watch any episode in any order" Crap.
exactly, it doesnt really make sense since bloo was chill in the pilot
Yeah this reads as if the real story is "Cartoon Network didn't want continuity" and then some twitterfags ran with it to confirm some weird made up theories about why Bloo was an asshole even though there's no real connection between the two. There's no reason Bloo has to be an asshole due to the show being episodic. That makes no sense.
Doesn't seem like Cartoon Network was even that strict on that rule since Steven Universe exists and that had a fuck ton of character development and a plot that kept developing over time.
Shut up fag
execs still believed people don't want continuity
I don't think it had anything to do with what the people wanted. I think they were against continuity episodes because they wanted the ability to rerun episodes forever in whatever order they wanted and not have to worry about people being caught up on the story. Fosters Home came out well before the streaming era, so TV schedules were still very much in consideration.
Unless CN also wanted Bloo to be more of a jerk. It makes less sense that McCracken would set up the character to be not an asshole in the movie, but then pull a 180 for the actual show. The movie was essentially a pilot and the testing grounds for the idea. It seems far more likely that Bloo was portrayed as originally intended in the movie, but then CN gave McCracken some "helpful notes" that they wanted addressed before greenlighting it for an actual series.
Steven Universe exists and that had a fuck ton of character development
I didn't realize Steven Universe came out at the same time that Fosters did in 2004. That's crazy that the same people in the same time period would have different stipulations for two shows that came out at the same time. It's not like anything would have changed between their release.
T R A N I M E shits out derivative isekai and harem shit
W E S T E R N C H A D N I M A T I O N creates masterpieces like BTAS and Arcane
I like BTAS but that was 30 years ago anon. It's not a fair metric of current western animation. If you want to fairly convey western animation in 2024 you can't use BTAS as an example you'd need to use something like that Harley Quinn show.
In the 30 years since BTAS Harley went from pic-related to a lesbian Deadpool that looks like she fell out of a Hot Topic. Meanwhile Joker became an incel icon and then unceremoniously gay raped up his Joker asshole.
Point is, a lot has changed since BTAS came out.
anime is the reason we have trannies today. It's your fault for spreading Okama in a positive light.
Am I supposed to be mad when Master Shake is up there with Yossarian for my favorite character in all of fiction?
Children find assholes funny (and the show was too soft/boring for kids)
BTAS was 30 years ago, there's nothing like it now.
Irrelevant. In that case Anime will never reach the heights of 90s western animation.
Hardly anybody wants it to
You'd be amazed how many anime companies animated that show.
Mr. Warburton never had this problem with KND. Sounds like an excuse to me.
I hate the decades Foster slander.
When is it going to end?
Doesn’t Bloo get his comeuppance every now and then?
I didn’t know that.
couldve just made Bloo a likeable jerk like Buttercup. Only reason I still watched the show were for the characters outside of Bloo
show Bloo would have kicked stuff out of the way, jumped on Wilt's bed, hands behind his head and gone REEEEEEEEEEE whenever someone had something to say about it until they gave up
Mac was built for Big Bloo Jerk
Bloo being a shit is the reason why half the episodes even have something going on