I'm a casual and don't really know anything about Hulk so it's not really my place to judge...

I'm a casual and don't really know anything about Hulk so it's not really my place to judge, but I recently learned of the concept of the "green door" and I have to say, it sounds really fucking stupid. Like more retarded than the Speed Force and maybe even the whole Spider-Totem Other Web nonsense. Hulk and pals just being mutants from gamma radiation keeps things nice and simple and way cooler in my opinion. But what did you actual Hulk fans think of this retcon(?) when it came out?

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Ever since the Peter David years just about every writer does a variant of "Everything you know about the Hulk is WRONG!" and it gets tiresome that writers always want to have their profound Alan Moore/Swamp Thing moment with Hulk when they have an opportunity to just let loose and have fun with the character.

I like when Hulk hits things hard. Nothing else makes sense.

I'm a casual and don't really know anything about Hulk so it's not really my place to judge

Go read Hulk instead of making threads about Hulk
That is all

you should try reading the comic instead of rushing to judgement based off AI generated clickbait

This. OP is a dumbass as usual. Immortal Hulk was great, and they've been chasing that high since

don't come to a discussion board to discuss

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You could try having something to bring to a discussion, faggot.

Yeah Hulk's supernatural now. It's stupid.

why would you try to discuss something you haven't actually experienced?

It's like going to Anon Babble and saying "hey I learned about bears recently, anyone think they're kind of retarded?"

It's all about good and evil and ultimately forgiveness. It's Christian as fuck what with God, Hell, resurrection, and making friends from your enemies. I'm sure there's some 8 hour Youtube video essay about how Immortal Hulk is all about the Bible and Jesus.

Immortal Hulk was great

it's kabbalistic, not Christian

gamma radiation is actually the powers of Satan
Hulk isn't 'the strongest there is'
Hulk is a pathetic weenie who only exists to have his entire being erased and overwritten by Satan so Satan can have a body to destroy all life in the universe with

the archive says it's been more than 7 years since you did this, but that can't be right

I'll take some crab juice with that.

Discussion implies have two parties with similar understanding of the topic to have an exchange of opinions and ideas. You posted something based off hearsay and stuff you couldn't be bothered to learn/experience yourself, and yet still felt confident in that flawed stance.

In short, you're an idiot

OP admits their being a pleb about Hulk

is annoyed with green door concept

asks for opinions

gets told to stfu instead

This board fucking reeks

gamma radiation is actually the powers of Satan

That's not what it is. Gamma is Gods Wrath, not Satan. Hulk is God's Wrath personified

just read the comic, OP

Yeah, that's an opinion, calling OP a moron.

I got just the Hulk run for OP.

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You really think that someone must 'experience' something before asking about it? No one is allowed to ask

What is sex?
What is skydiving like?
What is the difference between a root canal or a crown?
Is this comic any good?

That's a lot of autistic nonsense anon. If you're butthurt that OP heard something shitty about a run you like just say so.

"it's not really my place to judge"

literally makes a judgement on the next sentence

Maybe you should kill yourself OP

It's telling that no one is actually defending the concept and explaining why it's good and is just saying for OP to shut up
(it's shit)

That's not what OP was asking, OP came in and said, effectively

I've never had sex, but I just learned what a blowjob is, and I think it sounds really fucking stupid. Sex should just be penis in vagina, nice and simple. But what do people who do have sex think?

Enabling retards is above me

all this to justify gatekeeping on an anonymous board

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Exactly an opinion being right or wrong doesn't really matter or need justification when the subject is just retarded.


Nothing is stopping OP from reading a comic and forming an actual, educated opinion over the subject

read the comic, OP

It's awesome because I think its awesome


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Well this thread took an interesting turn. To clarify, I'm not saying the entire run is bad or anything (as I said, I'm a casual, never read it), I just think that singular concept sounded stupid, but I wanted to know what the reception it got from actual fans because even similar world shaking retcons like the speed force and spider totems have mixed reception from the fans like some thinking it's retarded or some thinking it's super cool.

I just think that singular concept sounded stupid

I don't even believe you fully understand the concept itself. You formed an opinion without reading the story, or having proper context for that matter. Moreover, Hulk has had ridiculous magic-tier abilities for YEARS. The guy sees ghosts and smells lies for fuck sake.

You came into this on bad faith.

Trying to make characters more via powerset has led to all of them becoming less interesting.
Godzilla was cooler before he was some hyper evolved extra dimensional being or an ancient tree or a hyper evolved ameoba.
Optimus was cooler before he was literal a robo angel.
Spider-man was cooler before he was a magically ordained dimensional anchor.
Batman was more interesting before he was the world's smartest ninja scientist.

to be fair, most writers either forgot or ignored Hulk could see ghosts until Ewing dug it up and tied it in to the Green Door

Ottley was wasted on that.
Decent save on his part, though.

You don't even have the right to post this. Casual.

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...not gonna go 3 - 0...

3 hours went by in which you could have read some comics and came to your own conclusions, but you did what instead? Jerked off to some onlyfans thots? Fuck off zoomer.

Batman was more interesting before he was the world's smartest ninja scientist.

But that is what made him interesting

So, Spectre?
At least Spectre is fun, with ironical punishment
Cant say the same thing with Hulk

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It made him gay. Being good at solving riddles under pressure> Being able to program a sentient robot clone that can travel to different dimensions.

The only people who ever complain about gatekeeping are those whom the gate is meant to guard against in the first place.
Either nut up or get shut out.

It is stupid, but that's comics.
That said, I think Ewing isn't that good of a writer. If he could either sell me on it as a great run or at least a wild ride, I would have been able to finish it.

Look at this whiny nerd - 'well I can so-solve riddles. that's better than som-some robot and a fort on the m-moon' fucking LMAO