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Arcane: Jinx Dies Edition
Jinxes her own show
How can one character have such powerful aura?
I'm gonna miss this little brat like you wouldn't believe
Same. She is one of my all-time favorites.
Ekko will save her
S1 pure unfiltered kino with sisters as the focus
S2 pure unfettered ass with shipping and marvel multiverse garbage
Jinx's gonna fall down a well
s1 is about fathers
it's phenomenal
s2 is about mothers
it's dogshit
Really makes you think
Qrd on the leaks?
So, there are more women in this thread huh?
What other cw shows have you watched? My fav was actually Flash well first 3 seasons.
Someone posted this in the Anon Babble thread.
I'm guessing this is supposed to be art for Wild Rift? Ambessa's skin in that is the look in this image that'll be in Act 3.
Ekko though is interesting. He's got some kind of weird shimmer infused sword? In the trailers we only ever saw him with the pipe with the gear on it, nothing like this thing.
A twitter tranny made up a bunch of shit
Then he deleted his reddit profiles out of fear of being doxed
Fuck off with your ERP
I guess he gets it in ep 7. It’s gonna be the pit fighter Vi sequence all over again.
I hate seeing her in League.
Feels like a lobotomized caricature of someone I grew to really like over the run of the show.
A shame they decided to off her instead of update her League personality and allow her to grow as a character in future stories.
honeymoon and gay sex in 2 days
Reminder leaks still can't explain where the four different Ekkos fit in each episode of Act 3
Did Season 1 have leaks?
You see guys, caitvi sex while Jinx is kysing herself is actually kino! It's the juxtaposition of two characters starting a new life while another character ends hers that makes the scene so poignant!
I thought editions weren’t allowed? Or can you not just call it general
Piltie clothes Ekko is chapter 7, sword Ekko is chapter 8, battle ekko is chapter 9.
Generals and editions are allowed but only during the two weeks every three years between the first and final acts of the season being released.
Isha is important to the story
My body is on the line now
I can't fight this time now
I can feel the light shine on my face
Did I disappoint you?
Will they still let me over
if I cross the line?
Take a seat
but I'd rather you not be here for
what could be my final form
Stay your pretty eyes on course
Keep the memories of who I was before
So stay with me because
My body is on the line now
I can't fight this time now
I can feel the light shine on my face
Did I disappoint you?
Will they still let me over
If I cross the line?
Honestly, I thought I was fully prepared for
the threshold in store
Stay your pretty eyes on course
I guess I never really faced my fears before
So stay with me because
My body is on the line now
Pull the blanket tight now
I can feel the light shine on my face
Did I disappoint you?
Will they still let me over
if I cross the line?
Please don't let them see me
Show there's nothing left to try
I can feel the light shine on my face
Did I disappoint you?
Will they still let me over
if I cross the line?
If I cross the line?
If I cross the line?
Guy on twitter posted image of Warwick and Jinx allegedly falling to their death (he claims we see their corpses, but Warwick survives and singed hauls him off, presumably to finish wolfifying him). Jinx dies for nothing, there is no redemption.
Viktor and Jayce both dust each-other and die.
Cait gets her eye hurt but it gets better (?), she and Vi get a happy ending.
People were saying image is AI, so I compared her nail to one from a trailer and it looks convincing. The options are
1) The leaker has the images and has seen the show
2) The leaker has the images only but not the show
3) The leaker made extremely convincing fakes with great attention to detail
We wont really know for sure, but I am cautiously pessimistic that it might all be real and we might get complete ASS this weekend.
Can literally rewind time
Leaks don't talk about him doing anything special at all
It would be kind of lazy of the writers to have the development of their relationship done with an AU Jinx.
I don't watch cw shows.
Wont be the first negro to pull his wife out of the afterlife.
Blacks in Runeterra are built different.
Idk why there are still copers like the leaks are real, those images are not AI
Imma miss that little retard
Your leaks are dogshit, bro
She got supercharged by hextech and is as strong as VI now
It was embarassing what a walking fridge this thing was
Absolute amateur hour.
To be FAIR, those pants does remind one of a circus, let’s keep it real
Is it true that she had 10 minutes of screen time?
Cait and Vi: lovers or ex lovers
Ekko and Jinx: Former close friends, will probably be on good terms at the very least before the show ends.
Jayce and Ambessa: ?
It's so embarrassing being in a thread where people talk in tvtropes
Maybe there are actual women here
I honestly don't really give a fuck about Arcane anymore. Anything after S1E9 is not canon.
Do you think they'll tease the new show at the end of the series?
She has hard hearing. She also uses sign language.
Definitly I am one
He calls me mommy too.
Haven't checked but its entirely possible. Cant believe the same team responsible for S1 delivered this slop
Sure you are, bro
wait until you find out the majority of people on Anon Babble are women (and the majority of them are trolls)
he's still posting his own tweets and pretending to be a leaker or at least "extremely convincing"
lol, lmao even
We’re everywhere in this hell site even Anon Babble.
Thanks bro
Sorry to disappoint
32 hours until Arcane ends for eternity
Considering S2 - thank fucking god for that
So where are the reviews for act 3
Good riddance
In the end it really was just high-budget Korra
In the leaks Singed just leaves and keeps doing his fucked up experiments
How is this man so based?
If it's so bad why are you here posting?
The leaks are fake. Isha lives.
extremely convincing fakes
Vanderwick's face looks like it was made with paint.NET and shooped into Jinx's hands.
Isha is too based to die
Because I loved S1 and might as well finish it
besides the animation is still great and Jinx still cute.
Not cool, sister
why is she such a cute retard?
Yes, I am one of them, and I hope there are more women. It terrifies me a little to be surrounded by all men in this thread. Who else is one of us?
maddie mocks vi for having her named tattooed on her face
jinx does too
You retards do realize you're not on Anon Babble anymore, right
Nobody falls for your I have le boobies act
let's find out the truth
Perfect blend of looks, style, shimmer and mental illness
The 4 genders
Pure sexoooo
at least no trannies
Ekko dies, Jinx lives
Silco is pure sexoo
Post a screenshot of the results I’m not clicking that link
Did anyone else find the fallout 4 Vander memory search sequence a little corny?
Ekko fucks Heimerdinger
will ambessa get a skin? seems unlikely since she launched with a legendary
I would let her wring her sweaty post-fight rat-tail mullet thing into my mouth
I fast-forwarded. Dont give a fuck about this sappy shit anymore.
i really hope people just think she is dead but she escaped to live elsewhere
It was dumb as hell, yeah. The music was ass too
this one?
if I'm a bi woman, do I vote for dyke or woman?
no fags
Place must be full of fujos.
All we did was freak out about leaks and we didn’t discuss the preview at all I miss when we actually came up with theories
It depends.
Is Jinx or Vi hotter in your opinion?
Son in law and mother in law.
I already miss her.
I miss Powder as well
Ok let's theorize. What did he mean by this?
A shame they decided to off her instead of update her League personality and allow her to grow as a character in future stories
That's League for you.
Plenty of potential, never to be seized.
At least we can dream and draw fanart though, right?
VI is hot
Jinx is sexy
The post credit scene will save us Jinxfags stay strong
Was S1 writing really due to him? Because everytime I see him talk, he sounds like a retard
Just vote fag to be on the safe side
Now what about Caitlyn, Viktor and Jayce?
11 women vs 4 men
genuinely the world they have created seems like such a fun world to live in, if we ever get full dive VR or matrix like simulations i would love to enter this world (and make jinx fall in love with me)
Caithlyn is cute
Viktor is best friend material
Jayce is just weird
cucks her own daughter
pure evil
So this is another foreshadowing moment that Caitlyn will lose an eye
Pretty sure the general character arcs are his idea but he's not one of the writers.
Okay Silco and Vander.
At least she isn't Viktor
He is just a completely different character and at most we will see him in full augmented mode for a couple of episodes and then he just fucking dies?
How disappointing. I wanted Arcane to be an origin story and a setup for how these characters came to be who they are, not a complete biography where we just close their stories forever.
more women than men votes
Either you're lying or I picked up another shoujo series
I can see why Vi would look sexy for homosexual women.
For a man, she doesn't appeal to me at all. I'd rate Arcane girls based on attractiveness:
Mel/Jinx (can't decide)
Ambessa (but the sex would be good I guess)
Silco is the creepy but cool uncle
Vander is pure daddy
Dyke is more apt
Vi is hot
Jinx is perfect
Silco is kino
Vander is chad
Arcane is a josei weeb.
Silco is kino
How's he doing it?
Sublime taste
I'm asking the bi woman.
I hope she does because she needs some narrative consequences.
Huh. You're probably right. Always thought that was some fag shit where caitlyn was "mirroring" jinx but the eye is pretty red and angry looking there
where tf are the fags is the real question
Purpose built for taking dick
Vi would look sexy for homosexual women.
Correct. She was designed for our eyes. Haven't seen a character series than her in any media.
Jinx dies, Warwick lives
Jinx in the afterlife, watching people flip their shit about her death
All trannies, aka men
I'm bi, does that count?
Caitlyn was also designed for women. Especially her dominant side.
How can we know when there's no option to select that
Female characters I find attractive: Sevika, Mel, the pretty Chembaron, picrel version of Caitlyn. Jinx is pretty too, but I see her as a little sister type of character, I can't sexualize her.
Male characters: Jayce is hot but I'm not attracted to him. I like Viktor's ethereal beauty but I don't want to fuck him or date him, I just want to look at him from afar.
Jinx is hotter, but I would drink Vi’s bath water
Imagine her overpowering you
Build 100 bridges and suck one dick - you are not a bridge-builder, you are a dick-sucker.
as a bi woman, Caitlyn was definitely not designed for me. yikes.
I think Caitlyn appeals to both genders
This image of Caithlyn does nothing for me because it clashes so hard with the way I perceive her.
She is the cute rich girl not some sexy women
Can you redpill me on why you dykes like the "truck driver" type so much?
Not blaming you but if you're a lesbian and dislike men wouldn't that mean you'd prefer women very feminine and not having male traits like Vi has?
Yeah, I know a lot of women who find Cait sexy as hell, they even find her tooth gap charming.
and regular clothes Ekko?
I'm a lesbian and she was very much designed for me.
Cait and Vi really dont work for me.
Jinx and Mel though....
her accent is kind of sexy ngl
Depends on the dyke?? If you are feminine you like the dominant type
If you are Vi you want to fuck Jinx
Oh no I'm not attracted to her, I want to BE her while recognizing shes objectively the most gorgeous woman in the show. Caitlyn, Mel and Jinx are more my type
That might change after the sex scene. Apparently, she's a player.
how do you feel about Mel, out of curiousity? because I'd take Mel, and Vi-- Even Maddie. She's cute. But I really don't like Cait's looks.
Jinxbros, how are we gonna cope after she goes?
I am legit missing her already.
Vi is the bottom...
Draw porn
Find a schizo girlfriend
the mutation must survive
Jinx is jinxd
tbf as a the story goes it's actually consistent
idk but if true then it's kinda open ended cause future WW and they could make up anything they want about Jinx to bring her back
vi is supposed to be the butch but has the most feminine face out of them all. her features are way softer than cait's or even jinx's.
Jinx is the hottest out of all the girls
how do you call this kind of gap between tights on women? I know the fetish has a name just can't remember
There are elements of masculinity that some lesbians are attracted to without being attracted to men. Like you (most likely) don't find feminine men attractive, but find femininity in women attractive, some lesbians find elements of masculinity in women attractive.
Also there's the element of someone looking actively gay/not straight. It's safer to approach someone like that. Butch women don't look or act like men–they look and act masculine.
Is it just me or does anyone else not find any of the female characters particularly attractive?
Hetero guy
What you dont like about Caits looks? She's got that black hair blue eyes combo with the British accent and bombastic body. She's irresistible
I'm just going to guess that Ekko and Heimeldinger are going to save everyone close to the end by turning back time
Yeah, I'd let her boss me around.
I think in S1 she was a self-insert character, but in S2 she's this hot british dommy mommy.
Its called a.... thigh gap
Maybe it's the high cheekbones for you? Cait, being that tall and someone who can easily pin you to a wall, is super hot. Also, I like the fact that prim and proper is actually an animal in bed.
Jinx, Cait, and Mel are the characters the built the most for the male gaze, but if you're not attracted to any of them you're shit out of luck for waifus.
I like how we went from depressed about the leaks to horny hour
the most attractive character to me in the show so far is herald Viktor
bi guy
It's probably going to fuck a lot of shit up too
Are you kidding? She's canonically horny and freaky
I don't know, it just really doesn't do anything for me
Cait ain't for the man's gaze. She's too masculine with the way she acts, despite how she dresses. Most women I know want her to pin them against a pillar.
it happens but WW breaks her fall, Singed hauls off his body, Jinx appears elsewhere some time later mb even after the show is over
now if he lands on her and squashes her then idk what to tell you
Arcane Caitlyn is definitely for the dykes
LoL Caitlyn not so much
This whole webm told a different story to me
Look at he way she reacts to Mels touch they way she smiled
She is such a bottom innocent little princess
This its the opposite of Vi. Cait dresses femme but is more masculine while Vi dresses Masc but is more feminine.
Vi is actually the both gender gaze.
In S1 I didn't really feel attracted because she felt too childish and her actions too driven by others
With her having her own agency in S2 (and being a lot more smug), she instantly grabbed me
I don't care about Isha and Warwick whatsoever
more ass-backwards storytelling and directing
s2e9 oh it was Viktor along starting from s2e3 and before that s1 nose bleed
I think I would have found Jayce quite attractive if I were a woman.
Not Isha
Don't say that anon there is a spot in your heart for her
Like her since the beginning
I want her to pin me to a wall so badly. Girl even wiped spit onto her lips.
Somehow, this does not surprise me at all (I'm a bi woman and I agree he looks cute, don't know if most attractive to me, but definitely cute)
But do you find them attractive?
More than the shipshit they ruined the show. I would have rathered watched caitvi timebomb sex marathon than their shoved in bullshit.
are you guys gonna binge the 3 episodes or whats ur plan
Vi is actually the both gender gaze.
She literally binds her tits and walks around like that outside the fighting pit. That goes far beyond the cute tomboy look some guys like
And they absolutely nailed it with my taste as another bi woman. Even more than Vi
strapped to theater seat with it beamed into my eyeballs with no power to stop it surrounded by clapping plebbits.
Open last episode
Screencap the ending
Post memes about it
Watch the meltdown
At that point I am completely disengaged from the show, I am more entertained by the public reaction
There are dozens of us (three people)
Early day of work for me. Gonna binge watch from the start of Season 1.
she's acting like a typical dude who doesn't want to deal with a girl and rather work or play on his Xbox.
I know the leaks are real, etc, etc, coping, etc.
But man, for having a higher budget they didn't cook a whole lot with backgrounds these season. This looks like a picture rune through one of those old windows movie maker filters.
how long for the bullshit ending to get spread around the internet? I dont want to be around for it
This would the AU Plitover right?
So, by my calculations, this thread has:
roughly 10 bi women
1 bi man
1 curious (possibly straight) guy
1 straight guy
that it?
Wish I could be there for you so we can disintegrate like Jayce and Viktor once the plebbitors start howling that their retarded ships are the main focus of a quarter billion dollar production and the most engaging characters get shit endings
AI Piltover
12 hours....for this bullshit ending
What about me?
No, like seriously her height, her playgirl past, her assertiveness, her mommy issues. Like pls, Cait is literally a lesbian's fantasy come to life.
I knew there was this animal in her waiting to bust out in season 1 and boy did it bust out.
if the "leaks" are legit, yes. it'd be AU piltover where hextech never existed.
Yeah, I think they went too artsy with it. The banners seem to say they have some sort of innovation fair, progress day maybe?
Of all the pics, this one looks kinda questionable. The Jayce one for ep 8 also looks weird, he looks too white. It might be the shitty camera quality though.
She is a perfect mix of both worlds. She is strong and muscular, but still has feminine traits. Still if she was really huge and manly like some fanarts portraits her then I wouldn't find her attractive at all.
My guy friends find it hot, actually. Like this girl is trying to be tough but is actually submissive softy.
Show your work
Don't think it's AI, the flags both say "innovators contini(?)" usually AI fucks up words.
You wouldn't last one second without your ugly gadgets and chicken shit tricks
HA, what about those over-designed bitch mittens you didn't even built yourself
And what about the shimmer in your blood stream you didn't injected yourself?
What about the years of training both you and Vander did
What about your enhanced reflexes when you get crazy?
Vi and Caitlyn die
Hey I'm a dyke.
now we're just playing telephone, they sudoku each other by disintegration now?
I thought they float off into outer space together
Prove it say something only a dyke would say
They'd deserve it for not going after jinx to help her if the leaks are true
She's too masculine with the way she acts
??? Caitlyn??? Anon what. You can’t be serious the Masculine one is Vi just look at her body language the way she sits walks and moves
Me too, anon, me too
Why didn't you count me?
They probably would have killed on of them too if they were allowed, but they got scared of "bury your gays".
Character designers pussied out by giving her longer hair and makeup. She isn't butch enough if het men still like her.
They cancel each-other out and disintegrate according to the leaker who posted the new images that may or may not be legit and he may or may not have seen the show. We see Jinx corpse, Warwick survives.
Might all be bullsiht, we will find out soon.
Maybe actually every champion dies, and the post credit scene is them waking up in Summoner's Rift with the promise of being brought back to life if they win enough games.
I'm a full blown fem les. I like both cait and vi evenly. The only girls I don't like are the "hey mama" lesbians. Shits annoying.
I think it says innovators contest
I'm going to need a poll of lesbian vs cishet male opinions on Sevika. Let's hear them.
Again, I'm talking about the way they act. Cait acts more masculine emotionally and how she sees things. She has that regal prince energy dude.
So maybe ep 7 starts in AU Progress Day?
can you include bi women too?
I knew the beast was there from the moment of this scene in the brothel, where she persuaded the worker to take off her mask, and when I read the script of this scene and her thoughts... Everything became simply obvious and I am glad that at least 3 whole years later, most of the fandom shares my opinion that she is TOP and Dom.
Yeah, that too.
It doesn't fuck up if you tell it what to write.
Hello, I spent the whole day saying the leaks were fake, but they’re true. End of statement.
assymetrical beard
greebled nonsensical collar
We know it's ai, dude.
Hello, I spent the whole day saying the leaks were true, but they’re fake. End of statement.
silco x jinx....
Nothing bad happens.
Vi needs a training that involves a lot of spanking to make her a proper, feminine girl.
better late than never man
I only like it when jinx has a penis and silco has a vagina. Unironically
God I want to slap my dick on those cheeks.
It's like Anon Babble doesn't understand what real masculinity is. It's not about the shallow surface of their looks, but what's underneath. Caitlyn, compared to Vi, is a lot braver, assertive, calculated, daring, vengeful, and dominant.
Ambessa could see she had the potential to be a warrior, unlike Mel.
Vi is a sissy follower who get swept up in the flow.
Here are the alleged leaks. There is more on the person's twitter.
If the names of the episodes tomorrow fit - we know we are in for some real fun in the weekend.
Ambessa could see she had the potential to be a warrior,
Vi, I like ya and I want ya now we can do this the easy way or the hard way the choo'se is yoo's
one night of bottoming for cait and we already got so far.
1 straight guy
I'm HIM.
Get him!
Exactly. I just never understood these people thinking Cait was innocent. Like did we not hear that she snuck girls into her room on a daily?
Was all the misery really necessary?
Bend Over. Now.
There's one jilco fic with this premise and it's the best written one in the tag. I still don't ship it, but I get it now, I really do.
Vi is a beta follower.
You sure you are not the curious one?
Game if Thrones and its consequences have been a disaster for the modern writer
Only lesbians get to be happy
What did Amanda mean by this?
she is just one writer
She said to blame her if the ending is ass (it is ass)
Both women are Alpha's. Something I think Caitlyn appreciated while under Ambessa's tutelage was being able to branch out and cultivate her more aggressive and physical potential. Something Cassandra more then likely dismissed as being "unlady like" or "unbecoming of a women of her status". Yes Caitlyn is far more masculine then people give her credit and drives me nuts that these dykes only see skin deep on her potential.
"Ma Meilleure Ennemie" by Stromae and Pomme
My best enemy is you, then me, the worst is you and me
Are you still looking? Forget me, the worst is you and me
ywn braid Jinx’s hair while she braids our daughter’s hair
Dune is more to blame for this
french will save this show again
I miss when Anon Babble used meme on and actively contribute to tvtropes. I miss the "i'm going in" posting. 00s Anon Babble was truly the best era.
Absolutely this, and in fact, even if purely appearance is taken into account, V has the most feminine features and figure (- muscles) of all the characters and wears a ton of makeup. I actually like this twist on typical female couple tropes.
Shut up Ekko, go lead your firelights to their deaths (again)
I've heard this before. Was it posted here?
Some men don't get it either, dude. I always thought Caitlyn was far more tomboyish than Vi being into shooting and wanting to be a cop...I knew the moment Ambesssa took interest in her we'd say goodbye to the hyper-femme outfits.
Cassandra really wanted her to be a prim and proper but...NOPE.
Stromae and Pomme
This the new Timebomb theme?
That one owns for sure. Such an underrated concept, I'd draw it myself if I could
Yeah it leaked
around a week ago
I gotta go crash, but this was more fun than usual. Thanks for the laugh, guys, have an excellent rest of day/night
The timebomb song.
Ah yeah that must be it.
Wild Rift
Do people really play mobile lol?
<3 Jinx <3
I did fir an hour after I watched season one. Never touching that thing again.
Thanks bubbie.
Where the fuck is Fantastic
Timebomb doesn't exist and will never be canon
I do to but we should've seen this coming with how tall Cait is.
No way
To be fair, this was more of a hint from the writer on Twitter, but it should have been obvious from that scene. No one without experience would sit so relaxed next to a brothel worker, charming her into spilling all her secrets in a few minutes.
It's actually better than the desktop version.
It's in a new engine that has no bugs and allows for more features.
The entire map is flat so no more misalignment for your skillshots.
Champions are reworked a bit, not identical to the desktop, towards being better.
Map is smaller.
Games are shorter, like 17m on average.
Otherwise it's the same, servers are the same, high quality, low ping for each region etc.
It's all because of that 'You're hot Cupcake' scene. A lot of people are latching on it, as if Vi was a huge stone top butch player to innocent Cait, when it was in reality it was just an attempt at bullying the enforcer topsider who was in unfamiliar place and trying to get her off her tail.
While this scene also meant to lessen the subext in the show, it also was a tiny bit forced by Amanda for the above reason, while it wasn't exactly in the character for Vi.
This will play while Ekko tries to keep Jinx from exploding herself over and over.
Think of it this way. Cait after leaving, Vi buried all of her emotions to focus on getting Jinx. depressed.
Cait doesn't show her emotions often, only towards Vi because she trusts her so much. Do you see where this trope is coming from?
Last Cait even in season 1 just felt like she knew how to get a girl to fall head over heels.
Vi parents were so poor there were living on the outskirts of the fissures which are the asshole of Zaun, the poverty struck shithole of Piltover?
A month ago actually
Made me frown irl. Thought her gloves were poop at first glance
No, I believe her mother hinted at that. Cassadra actually looked so done when she saw it was a girl in Caitlyn's room.
that's a yes then
All good things are male traits
Incel detected.
Busy rn but check the jilco tag in like a month, I'll have some pieces up
Cait is more caring, compassionate and nurturing. alpha female.
Vi is a beta male. Aggressive, rash, still a leader but there's lots to improve.
Yeah people forget the you’re hot cupcake scene almost didn’t make it because they thought Vi should be more guarded. Only reason is there is because Amanda forced it so bad
Yeah. And were about to get a scene in ep 8 where silver spoon cait yells at her about how hard her life has been, LEK
Just the same clip we've had for a week
Where's the whole song already?
Vi is a beta male. Aggressive, rash, still a leader but there's lots to improve.
dykes are just beta males
Oh hell yeah, looking forward to checking it out
The Line confirmed Viktor.
Wasn’t someone saying this was Jinx sepoku song??
Predict the line that will make us go "I get it"
I think it fits Vi's bravado.
canonical character with time travel mechanic
main character still slated to die
spoilers in the title
I can tell you have no friends OP.
I have a 4th option. The leaker has seen the show but is trolling with false theories.
Who gives a shit about a sex scene?
I want to know if we'll get the L word out of one of the two.
Cait is still the more masculine one.
I always thought Caitlyn was far more tomboyish
You have no idea what a tomboy is
please god don't kill her
We get it your mother often told you she wanted to abort you.
She's more like Athena from the Greek mythos. Not really a paragon of masculinity.
The mage is Jayce and Mel's son. He is named Viktor
Are the reviews for act 3 out?
it would be way hotter if cait got fucked by a dude maybe like jayce or something idk but you have to admit it would be hotter than lesbian sex which is canonically lame and not hot....!
I knew you were right, that I was becoming like her. Then I wondered if that was why you liked me in the first place, and I couldn't stand it. Being a second rate version of her.
Dont cri becus its ogre.
Smiel becus it happened :)
I mean the mel/jayce scene was lame af
i wonder if any character is ever going to say;
"We are a league.. of legends!"
it would be way hotter if cait got fucked by a dude maybe like jayce or something
Imagine the shitstorm.
ezreal after doing a backflip
I have five times the social life that you surely have, friend.
Isha's first words
He's too busy fucking Viktor
i fuck maddie, but it didnt mean anything,
bc he didnt go through the warpgate thing imagine it now he would be like a wild animal and it would be hot
I am willing to accept Caitlyn again as the best character if she's reformed by the end in a meaningful way.
I have a social life!
Doesn't answer my question anon.
Sorry but the type of person to put spoilers for an anticipated show in the title thread is the kind of person that has an inherently unlikable personality. I don't make the rules anon.
I hope it's not underwhelming because I'd hate for Cait's arc to fall completely flat on it's face.
was i the only one hoping isha was going to die
Ella warned us.
She did her best to prepare us without breaking NDA
Vi is a beta male. Aggressive, rash, still a leader but there's lots to improve
Vi is a puppy
I swear this person is the biggest troll ever
They killed all these champions but could not kill Warwick to give jinx sacrifice meaning. Like who wrote this shit
She's going to qoute him, isn't she?
So what scenes can we best use to indicate whether the leaks had anything to them once we have the episodes?
One of the best characters in all of animation.
I refuse to believe Singed would leave her corpse. Either it's implied he revives them both or that was that leakers fanfiction.
There's is not a single goddamn thing she could say that would make me sympathize
Translation: the ending is so bad I cried, no one will feel any emotion other than rage, betrayal, and bitter disappointment (towards the writers, of course) after seeing it.
I would kick this puppy and laugh maniacally.
No, no review copies were sent for act 3.
Any leaks are from Riot, neflix, or relatives/friends of people from there
Any scene with Isha.
Me too and I think Caitlyn confesses first
Btw I think we are owed that sdx scene due to that completely unnecessary shoved in our faces Caitmaddie scene
I'm one of those women
or maybe you don't. tomboys have become more saturated as of late.
We're supposed to believe this is Jinx at her most suicidal according to the leaks? If anything she seems more determined than ever to fuck up Ambessa's plans.
In terms of raw intelligence
Singed and Ekko trump everyone else.
I'm taller than Vi.
My immersion is fucking ruined.
in ALL of animation???
I'm not sure what we're supposed to "get" unless it's revealed Caitlyn had a plan or other motive besides revenge.
Suicide bombers can be suicidal while still wanting to fuck up others
Tf? Obviously this would be later or AU shit.
But Cait is gay...
This is her after Ekko convinces her to fight. Thats why she has firelight colors.
Vi tries first but Jinx pushes her into a cell and locks her up.
Vi didn't even say it on screen to Vander or Powder/Jinx, the two people in her life she cared about the most. Doubt she'll say it to Cait "It's Great to Hate" Kiramman.
no one actually wants to hear it
like the Heimer musical song which no one leaked either
we are... the league of legends
This is true. Everyone involved has been blatantly telling people that characters will die, the writing is ass ("50 pounds of stuff in a 10 pound bag" "we're drowning our baby in bathwater"), and that the characters won't end up in their league states. But many people will cope and deny this despite it being spelled out for them
Singed, Ekko, Jinx, Jayce, and Viktor are all on the same level
The Last Drop scene is a dream.
Caitlyn is fucking tall for a girl. Is she dutch?
Wtf? Fantastic is one of the most anticipated songs of the soundtrack
Athena always seemed masc to me.
so who died in good ending AU, only vi and jayce?
there is some timeline fuckery going on here right? since jayce seems to have tried to kill victor before in another timeline and failed
i'm the same size as jayce
She's a Hapa.
No way.
Singed and Ekko employ high level deduction consistently and without effort with accurate results.
Jayce cannot even grasp that someone is at that level, it was very stupid to ask Ekko how he knew all that.
She'll say it and you know it.
I fell in love with you on that day
Then flashback to the bed scene in ep 8 of S1
vi is fem wolverine
Scarier than a tall vi desu
I think Vi will say it first. Cait is more of a physical person.
Viktor and Heimer, if they actually die, are the most disappointing.
Might as well have made up different characters instead of killing of a League champion.
Viktor will be in his final form for like 2 episodes. And he is some weird void magic weirdo instead of a cool roboman. Its trash.
She was more suicidal in Episode 4.
Narratively why would Jinx give a fuck about what Ekko thinks? They were friends at kids, then he becomes a hoverboarding terrorist and almost kill her. They haven't even interacted since then.
Whatever happened to Jayce, he's got someone else stuck in his head. Given the Hexgate shit seems Shuriman in nature and the gem embedded in Jayce's flesh, I'm betting AU Xerath.
there is some timeline fuckery going on here right?
taller than anyone but Vander
imagine being a manlet
I guess it does because she’s cringy
Viktor and Heimer, if they actually die, are the most disappointing.
What was Dinger's purpose in this show?
inb4: he sacrifices himself for ekko
Narratively why would Jinx give a fuck about what Ekko thinks?
She's cares about him enough to always miss and not tell Silco who he is
no way they would do something that cool
interesting... if there is timeline shit than that can be an out for jinx dying no? if shes dead in one timeline shes alive in another ect
main plot is mainly about trying and failing to save their Father
Did you even watch?
husband was ok with another guy naming his kid
No way he was vi's dad lol
The CHAD isha: ready to kill on purpose at 10, successfully completes her suicide first try
The INCEL jinx: first murder an accident, has tried to kill herself 1000 times keeps failing
Yes, but its ultimately inconsequential according to the leaks. And doesnt make sense, future Viktor has to save past Jayce so that they can self-annihilate in the present to preserve the future (thats what I gathered, sounds totally retarded but hey, its season 2)
Cait was only caring and compassionate towards Vi to an extent. The truth is, she's ruthless.
The leaks are so wtf. Jinx dies after ekko convince her to fight? And her sacrifice meant nothing. Vector jayce die. God I hate when writers go on their deep misery loop power trip.
Tiddies at face level
A taste of heaven on earth
Episode 6 is a bad ending, Ekko has to reverse it when he comes back with Heim.
"Well shit, just what happened here?"
"Oh dear, this is quite troublesome my boy. Quick, we need to go back in time and fix this. We should have enough juice!"
The "woman cuts her hair to symbolize character growth" is the most boring and lazy trope in all media
why leaks doesnt talk about this?
they could still be bullshit or at least communicated extremely poorly and with a lot of bias
Vander was his daddy too
This. People don't seem to get that Vi opens Caitlyn's heart. Even in season 1 before she met Vi, Cait was more into the investigation.
This. Actually Vi is much more caring and emotional than Cait
gains the power of a god only to use it in the most mega-simp way possible 20 minutes later
bravo Rito
she traveled all that way alone to the Last Drop? And came home alone such later after they've closed it down? What kind of nu-male husband allowed that?
This is Viktor btw.
people think it won't end as open-ended as possible for continuing game plot and future story crossovers
Why are you all so dumb?
how many times have you guys watched the series?
mfw episode 7 opens with AU piltover/zaun I wish they would depict her real height more often, and not squeeze it for the sake of a beautiful frame composition, eh
The final scene will actually be Jayce meeting with Demacian ambassadors saying "I'm putting together a league."
the leaks talk about time travel and AUs
What was Dinger's purpose in this show?
It was originally not supposed to be canon, so I assume just to have a recognizable character.
They had no plans to develop him further as an inventor, though, so he just kinda dies for nothing and is a total non-character.
Any lore he gets will be some backstory but it makes no sense, because in the game he has hextech weapons and technology, which wouldn't have been invented yet. And he is against them in the show.
I dont know, its a mess. They really should have ended it with S1 or let S2 end as a backstory for these characters instead of trying to be le mature GoT Red Wedding and killing off half the cast.
But I guess reviewers will clap that they were brave to kill champions and to have lesbians scissor on camera.
too much
Makes her much taller than her League counterpart
Barely commits to it.
What was even the point? Does her VA just happen to be tall as well?
I laughed so hard when I read that line from the leak but then I became alienated with Anon Babble once I've noticed how many people went with it....
If ep 7 is entirely AU shit i'm going to roll my eyes. Waste of precious screentime.
Ye, how that explain this. whats the meaning
I opt for the former
Rewatched S1 E1-5 today for the first time since I got the 4k disc. Will watch the rest tomorrow and depending on how S2 plays out I might watch that too.
The season REALLY NEEDED another act.
Narratively why would Jinx give a fuck about what Ekko thinks?
No clue, but the fact that he was able to convince her to play one last game with him on the bridge tells me that it's a little more complicated. If he was just some guy she used to be friends with as a kid then she would've shot him to wipe that smug look off his face.
thanos snapped, megaLUL, tell me it's not reallllll bros
I'm not a Jayce or Viktor main but fuck me, that's even worse than Jinx/WW ending. your favs just disappear into dust
It was originally not supposed to be canon, so I assume just to have a recognizable character.
Is it even canon at this point? The devs said yes but the circumstances suggest otherwise.
instead of larger than life heroes raising against the shit life throws at them and triumphing in the end despite the misery, we get suicide and poorly written romance
Honestly - this is what we deserve
Yup, cait is way more masc.
Ep 6 happened in an AU.
E7 shows Ekko and Heim watching what happens in E6 through a break in reality
VA is cho chang.
how u know this
oshi no ko?
Jinx starts talking about her ex (sister)
Isha immediately starts putting together a bomb
there is no redemption.
Redemption by death is the most common (and least annoying) form of redemmption
Anon, she was grabbed by it twice in one act in battle...having hair like that and often getting into close combat is a level of psychopathy that even Jinx hasn't reached, she was just lucky that no one took advantage of it before
Singed makes WW from dead VW.
Singed revives Viktor with WW's blood.
Viktor revives Oriana.
Jayce becomes mad jealous at those Powers.
War ensuies, that ends up on a cliffhanger.
no joyfull ending.
Now, if you ask me, we all know that we are going to invade Ionia now.
what did i miss?
World cold and hard. Tiddy warm and soft.
Women hot.
Watch naruto.
S1 ends with jinx accepting being a jinx. S2 starts like this never happened and introduces a new character to be killed of to remind here that she is a jinx. We already been there and done that. The writers are on crack this season.
I know, but Katie Lung is only 164cm, so I have no idea why they would make Cait this tall in the show.
That better not be the case, I'll punch a bitch
Caitvi marriage when?
Episode 6 was total ass so I'd welcome a twist like this.
because women want to be pinned, that's why
and introduces a new character to be killed
who approximately only has 10 minutes of screentime btw
A year after everything settles down and peace is restored.
Which is approximately 9 minutes more than heimer and ekko combined btw
Vi and Cait split up - no problem Jinx kidnaps Cait and brings her back to Vi
Cait hits Vi and becomes a dictator - no problem, they reconcile, Cait realizes her mistake in 2 episodes
Cait has a new fling - no problem, it was also just a waste of screen time, Maddie is actually a spy
Vi split between Cait and Jinx - no problem Jinx dies
I hate how the entire time, no matter how much time is wasted showing the difficulties in this relationship, you just know the story will conveniently make them end up together.
The exact opposite of Jinx and Vi where unfortunate circumstances (Power overhearing the wrong thing, Ekko interrupting their reunion, Jinx seeing her and Caitlyn at the exact wrong time as they are parting ways, etc. all the way up to Singed managing to inject Vander just as Jayce blasts Viktor and nobody is in the room) always keep them apart.
Neither of the two feels earned to me at that point. Its like its all... fate.
timebomb gonna be forced in the span of 5 minutes. idk what they were thinking.
No, it really needed to not waste screen time on stupid bullshit filler that doesn't advance the plot.
They probably decided it suited her character and planned arc better. because if with such height with this vampire cloak she looks... well, like a vampire prince, then if she were below 170, I personally would not be able to take it seriously. Well, and this whole topic with misfit
I'm happy in any case, I hope the game will also make such changes, to be honest, it suits them better
You’re insane
imagine talking SF with two women who don't care at all, while mimicking great interest, and a talking monkey.
I don't like Hailee Steinfeld's attitude. She acts like she's too good for this when she barely acts anymore and is focusing on making shitty pop music.
At least a dozen. Tomorrow I'll watch S1E1-S2E6 in preparation for act 3, same as I've done for each act so far.
Ella at least tries and is fun. Hailee could not care less.
I havent even watched 4-6 yet
Watched S1 3 times back when it came out but S2 sounds ass so I will wait for the last 3 before I waste my time
It's a good fit for Vi's personality.
jinx is so jealous of caitlyn in s1 that she kills a bridge full of enforcers, her own surrogate father, and bombs the council
caitlyn kisses vi as a reward for choosing her over jinx according to linke
caitlyn so insecure about the blood bond vi shares with jinx she goes insane at the end of the ep 3 fight
caitlyn and vi may consummate their relationship in jinx's jail cell, a final act of vi choosing cait over jinx
The siscon isn't even subtext.
No but he wrote episode 1 with Alex.
But he had more influence over ep 2, 3 and 4, to what extent we do not know but then after ep. 5 they've hired Amanda which took the leadership role for everything in terms of writing and they said that they threw all their ideas to trash because she had impressed them that much.
The way Vi will be thinking about Jinx the whole time.
But really, how can this be real? Vi has sex instead of going to prevent her sister from killing herself? Why would they do this?
She was nurturing towards the goon Jinx shot. The jawless dude.
I watched the first season like 12 times, no hyperbole. I kept finding new stuff tucked away in each scene. It also helps that my three favorite characters in league to play for the past 10 years have been Viktor, Cait, and Vi, in that order.
She was kind and compassionate to Huck as well, and intentionally let Sevika live even though she had a shot at her head.
Amanda made me
My schizo theory?
This is not the first loop for Heimer. Thats why he knew that the hexcore is dangerous and needs to be destroyed
was the dialogue about as corny in S1 or am I remembering it wrong? i've rewatched S1 three times but that was all back when it came about.
and yet no one leaked it besides KP herself
we got c-pop sudoku ballad, Ambossa, k-pop ganganstyle before Fantastic cause it's so in demand ofc
garbage after garbage: the pile of garbages won't let us up from the garbage.
Are we Higurashi now
No in 1 dialogue was rhyming in s2 it's dissonant.
we killed your fav character
come play them in the game
are they actually stupid or what?
then dies exactly 1 episode later
Clexa 2.0
Jinx telling people she'll never be Powder again for the 100th time: The Musical
Gotta sell these figures man
He just saw it before magic was banned. You think your vet grandpa is a time traveller or something?
It's only Clexa if Vi or Cait dies.
Because Fantastic is too big of a spoiler of one of the most anticipated romantic moments of the show.
Neither of the full songs were leaked. Idiot.
doesn't matter as he won't ever appear on any show no more
It's not a trope, it's what women do when they go through stress.
Just caught u0p. Why did powder 2.0 allah acranebar herself?
He is a (((yordle)))
Art is a bang
Dumb writing. Gotta pour in more misery porn.
Thats all that the show will be up till the ending.
BooY Girl
American toy companies are weird.
Determinism is literal loser mentality.
Fuck fate, change the world and take names.
It’s also a common device to lazily explain character growth. Fucking Sakura did it too.
People were speculating this is Mel's brother but now that we know his name is Kino
Can Mel be pregnant and this is her and Jayce's son?
Any chance this somefuckinghow turns her into teemo?
Also is Mel supposed to be LeBlanc? Because I see a glaring issue with this.
damn he's ugly
gfd more ass-backwards story-telling
at least this might be kinda cool. so ep 6 opening is Ekko rewinding everyone.
so what happens to Isha if he undoes her sudoku? there's no mention of her in act 3
certainly looks the part, race wise, but LoR is ironically enough worthless to get your lore facts from.
That doesn't seem the story they want to tell, though.
That's Morde's mentality. Died and literally decided "nah, that shits retarded" and just took over the realm of death as its new lord instead of fading away like other souls.
Determinism is something you teach to the children of your slaves. But not your own. Fate is not determinism, however. Viktor merely sees players and agents beyond this realm. The perspectives are not mutually exclusive.
I hope this won't be the case, but I think the writers will try to justify it by having a handful of hours pass if jinx actually pushes vi into the cell and traps her once freed. Wouldn't make it feel any less ooc or insane, s1 vi would definitely go after her even if a smidge of time had passed. But s2 vi only cares about cait
Thats a third party company (I think) that didnt get the license to LoL or Jinx. So they made their own and ostensibly are good to sell this as long as the name is legally distinct. Hot Toys actually got the license and will be producing the “legal” version. Probably for $500
the depression is hitting (and I was already depressed)
So in the end they did not make jinx a villian or givr her redemptio ( either lives or a heroic sacrifice). Instead, she dies a meaningless death and her sisters is fucking instead of trying to stop her from killing herself. Why so much disdain for your most popular character.
Any chance this somefuckinghow turns her into teemo?
No lol.
Also is Mel supposed to be LeBlanc? Because I see a glaring issue with this.
Also no. She will be a new champion. Its unclear where her powers come from, apparently Ambessa had an affair with someone and LeBlanc wanted the baby (Mel).
Have you seen act 3?
Probably a cousin or some shit.
This isn't the hot toys one right? Doesn't really match their usual quality if it is, I am disappoint.
After Jinx's funeral
I do not like legally distinct Jinx
wtf, how? we've been following Jinx/Vi prime the entire show even up to s2e6 no?
Lol don't believe that dumbass attentionwhore redditor leaker. Caitvi sex will be in prison but it won't happen as they describe it as.
1) subversion of expectations
2) miseryporn
3) "anyone can die at any point! like in the Red Wedding!"
are what people consider to be interesting and good writing these days.
Or at least they did 6-8 years ago, when the show was first being written and produced. And Vi and Jinx had a set ending since the start.
Nah. Pic related is the Hot Toys one, but the back is the only one that we’ve seen so far.
Couldn't he just be her dad?
the cancer has begun
the series has been permanently enshitified
We'll get through this, anon
I was going to pay whatever they asked for this but if they kill her I'm not. Hope their drop in profit makes them go "just kidding" about her death.
That's a knockoff. Hot Toys teased an official 6th scale
There's nothing redeemed through this death because she's not going against what made her irredeemable in the first place.
Her crimes were clear. A) She aggravated the war between Piltover and Zaun which lead to a war where (I suppose) many died. B) she severed her bonds with the people that cared for her the most to side with a person who was their enemy. C) she killed Vander and her family in many accidents that she believes are her fault which means she believes she has to pay for them
So redemption for B and C here is achieved by making amends with the fact the death of her loved ones was a horrible accident and she was not at fault for it, and by making amends with the people she betrayed and being honest with her sentiments toward them
Only A) can be achieved with death but the death would have to have meaning to the people she killed. Let's say she dies to save the firelights. She dies to save a politician that makes Piltover change their ideas about her. She dies to save Caitlyn which makes her find closure to the death of her mother. These are the scenarios whee death would equal redemption.
Dying to kill Warwick doesn't redeem absolutely anything. Dying to save Vi is stupidly pointless because we spent a whole fucking arc to explore the idea of Vi forgiving Jinx and nothing happened at the end of said arc to reverse this. All that was needed was a conversation between them. Death would be overkill and completely unnecessary. One would say just a gimmick to bring more misery to Vi which is already dumb because her life was miserable as it was already.
tl;dr Jinx death, as described in the leaks, doesn't redeem shit.
I’m just gonna go into this with no leaks in the back of my mind. There will be no dyke sex scene, no death, no copout shit.
He got really unlucky with genetics if that's the case
He is a Piltover card, not a Noxus card, and he is a treasure hunter/adventurer.
So I think it fits being their son the best, but thats just speculation.
Mel does look pregnant.
The fuck this pacing in S2 even is. Not to sound like Reddit, but I get Star Wars prequels vibes out of entire S2.
Like they clearly had lots of material and ideas yet compiled it so uncomprehensibly that entire series becomes just a source of memes and shit
Like bro I don`t even know the name of the kid and now she dies and I feel nothing wtf
Nah its not for redemption. Jinx dying to save Vi is a parallel to S1E3 where she will actually be successful this time instead of failing hence she's not a JINX anymore.
Basically her whole character is just being reduced to her relationship with Vi.
This there will be no sex scene.
rhymes, character cross a threshold only to be killed moments later. gays, meh
Let me make the new OP or at least use the webm I'm going to make soon. It'll be mind blowing and hopefully it'll provoke good discussions. I'll return asap once I'm done matching the scenes and encode them.
I know Act 3 will be disappointing
How do I cope anons
I always say that for Jinx, her redemption should be dedicating her life to helping those people whose lives she’s changed. Like Yusuke or Kenshin. I think its a lot more interesting to take her down that path rather than “her only out is death.”
You'll kill yourself if Jinx dies? I'll kill myself if there's no caitvi sex scene.
the kid is so tacked on and so unsubtle about her purpose in the story it's kinda tiring. cliches can work but not like this
Yo, do the episodes release at midnight? I might fast forward to the ending if so
no but they're saying now that ep6 was AU thread and Ekko rewinds it all for reasons
"leakers" make zero mention of Isha in act 3 so I assume she still dies or stays dead or what and how?
Did you see the chef's kiss gesture KP did when teasing the caitvi sex scene? Idk if she's allowed to do this but maybe she's just running with it since it's in less than 2 days.
Ending I want? Jinx continues to be a pain in the ass in an never ending cat/mouse game
What timezone's midnight? You have plenty of time anyway
All the leaks are fake. That's why you don't see her in the act 3 teaser.
Treat it like superficial TV, don't expect anything deep or amazing.
So Ekko stops Jayce?
how often do we have to go over this. the creators confirmed it, amanda confirmed it,
netflix rating confirmed it, everyone is teasing it, like just accept that the dykes are gonna fuck.
Fitting for a half breed
Quads of truth
seems that we will survive, sex scene its a facto
but which Jayce is the baby daddy, there's like 5 of him in there
There is no sex scene the leaks are fake.
the creators HEADCANON
So no sex scene? Wow what a waist.
The sex scene is a fact. The leaks are fake.
leaks are real and also KP is teasing.
If the leaks are fake so is the sex scene.
Cope, the dykes will never fuck on-screen. Men don't even know how lesbians fuck.
Agreed. Much more interesting and with a lot of potential for expansion
Ko doesn’t know shit about the scene.
they are so fuckin on screen
Artists don’t know shit. I mean the line is apparently about Family but people think it’s a Viktor song.
Yeah yeah I've heard this argument about the caitvi kiss and yet here we are
sure she doesn't kekekek
Dilate harder.
suppose you could call it that, more like Heimer/Ekko are looking for the optimal outcome in their looking glass
which makes sense ig since they've been gone this entire time and likely have already built the z-drive
but now I see it side by side, ep 6 opening gear is where Ekko rewinds, the falling gear AU is another outcome end of ep 6
this also debunks that Ekko has a limit on his z-drive of seconds cause that entire sequence was way longer than seconds. would imagine he need much more than seconds to find optimal outcomes in entire AU threads
So this theory is dead and in the end Jayce still shot Viktor.
She has to die eventually, but it never even getting to such point sucks
oh shit jinx is gonna carry isha to singed like silco did with her since she knows he's there
Season 1 managed to deliver tons of tension by making the story feel as if everything could have been different if only there was a little bit extra time between the sisters, if only there wasn't an interruption, or they could spend some time to share their woes and forgive each-other.
But they never did, things snowballed, and Jinx leaves one last scream of anguish as she aims for the physical manifestation of their oppression.
Season 2, on the other hand, gives the characters more time to breathe. They get to make their own choices instead of everything being down to bad luck or missed chances. But honestly, that’s part of why it doesn’t feel as tragic. A lot of their decisions feel rushed, their arcs don’t really go anywhere, or they just loop back to where they started. Because of that, the emotional punch isn’t quite the same, and it kinda takes away from how perfect and devastating the S1 finale was.
Isha is a perfect example of how hard they are trying to bring the tragedy back, without understanding how it worked.
people think it’s a Viktor song.
it IS a Viktor song
Viktor's visual rework being well received by the community
Top kek kid
Like I said, it's the Wild Rift (the mobile version of League) promo.
In Wild Rift, Ambessa didn't get the same skin for her release. Instead it's her look from the war she'll be waging in Act 3.
Viktor VGU looks like a leshen from the Witcher 3.
depends. every time Ekko rewinds does he create/travel into another time thread? or is there just one main thread ever and the others are deleted (obvs not what they're goin with since there's like 5 Jayces)
ie the thread where Viktor killed by Jayce happens and it resolves as it does and Ekko prime goes backwards to find a different more optimal thread, whatever they think that might be.
one where Viktor lives but Isha still dies or any permutation one could dream up
This season should have dedicated at least a whol;e episode to the piltoever invading zaun, the crack down on people, the last 3 chem barons being the defacto heads of the resistance and failing, leaving it on Jinx and Sevika shoulders. Vi seeing that Jinx is leading the rebellion further convincing her powder is gone, jinx seeing vi being apart of the enforcers invaders. They should be actual enemies, forced to get along with the Vander/ Warwick reveal happens, instead of it being a 'vi chokes jinx for 5 seconds and they get along' its 'im not trying to kill you right now because I found our dead dad'
That sounds too convoluted for me…
Where tf is my silco figure i am ready to drop $500 right fucking now
ofc it's convoluted since time travel doesn't exist as far as anyone knows
It’s too much for 1 act.
Isha (alive) hits so good.
Considering her name sake her soul has probably been taken by the void due to ehjr dying in Viktors cult camp, for her to be a tormented prisoner forever
Alright Anons.
I have bad news. VERY bad.
I was the one discussing with them debunking htem on twitter. (SoulBurn)
I got a hold of them in reddit again and they sent me a 2 clips. Swore I wouldn't tell anyone but i'm sorry to confirm we fucking lost.
This shit is so fucking bad and i'm so pissed.
We get to see jinx body but not directly she is more to the side and not in focus. We don't know if singed grabs her but she does take WW. Which we also dont clearly see because of how the shot is angled. We only see singed reaction.
Sex scene DOES happen almost at the same time as Jinx going to do you know what.
Watch anything this people produce. This is so fucking bad. And whoever said that "END" thing happens with jinx letters is either lying or I missed it.
This one scene mogs all of S2 put together.
go back there and never come back faggot
Ok share the clips then faggot
Show us something?
No mention of Isha? Fake.
post clips of gtfo
told you copers but you didn't want to listen
3 minutes apart
AI bros not like this...
I don't want to believe you, but something tells me I should. Look, how did you communicate with them? I don't want to get involved because I'm a recently known account with a good reputation, but I really want the clip, so since you asked them to tell a friend to do it
Dying is the end to every story. The point is leaving the show on a high note where Vi and Caitlyn run off to apprehend Jinx in a never ending chase
This person is under NDA.
Go ask them yoruself to send you the clips.
I do not want to be involved in sharing this clips. Be like me and go down the rabbit hole to track these people.
Either way i'm so fucking devastated I don't care.
Why would they even make us care for her and SHE LOSES A FINGER, ISHA, SILCO, VANDER. AND ALSO DIES.
I wouldn't be mad if it was left more open ended but we can makeout its her laying next to WW.
This shit is a spit on the face.
VPN, catbox, etc
kys you pathetic faggot
Then give us a name
what clips did you see. is sex scene really happening with jinx trying to kill herself at the same time?
Is this person who I think it is? If then yeah. I saw it too, never thought i'd see you here lols
Describe the clips then
sorry but fake
post them or shut the FUCK up everyone in anonymous here you new faggot
Who tops. Vi or Cait?
This shit is so ass.
Is the sex any good at least..? Fucking montages man.
When will you fags learn to stop giving "leakers" attention?
nigger faggot commit a jinx
asking the important questions. show has gone to shit, are the dykes at least worth the watch.
You all have the habit of believing anyone who claims to be a leaker here, wow
They are literally third worlders. Look at how they write, most likely filipinos or pajeets. IQ probably sub 80.
Just ask them about Isha.
If u can't share the clips describe the sex scene we want details
Ok, but what's the line Caitlyn says in episode 8 to justify her actions?
Stop making threads before page 10
she's burying her feelings of love to pursue peace, but she wont find peace that way and thats what she realized with singed
If they're gonna have Caitlyn explain her actions to the viewers I'm gonna throw hands.
Stop making threads
So he just disappears? What about the fucking glorious evolution?
that's exactly what's going to happen. the moment you have to spell it out to people like this, the writing has truly gone to shit.
bro just give up, you dont even have to watch leaks, linke said that he only created aisha so jinx would suffer
I told you fags jinx is gonna die way back in S1.
Her arc has nowhere else to go.
Maddie sucks in bed
lmao assblasted jannies
It makes me nervous that the supposed anon who has seen the clips only says he can't show them but doesn’t describe anything about what happens in them... no details, nothing we don’t already know.
Do schools not teach kids how to evaluate claims and the credibility of sources anymore?
i am the ANON FROM TWITTER whoever said no proof it was me.
The power of love made him change his mind.
Can u describe the damn clips
tweet: "Hey"
if by glorious evolution you mean gay sex
Ok please go back to xitter and never come back here you cocksucking faggot
You all fall for the same crap because these supposed leakers supposedly confirm 2 things: Jinx dies and caitvi sex
This is why you're all dumb as shit
Hardcore leak denyer turned into leak believer. You do the maths copers.
What about the fucking glorious evolution?
light mode twitter, are u right?
Hetero male audiences are not ready for full frontal tender gay sex
not shopped whatsoever no nope
Unless you post something right now I can't believe you.
end yourself
Describe the sex scene thank u
tweet "fuck you Anon Babble" right now
were is the fucker who claimed viktor wouldn't have his third arm?
zoomers gonna zoom
tweet: "jinx is dead" or fake
Captura de pantalla
fucking third worlders
Jinx decides to sacrifice herself to save VI. She falls with WW from piltover tower into a pit or hole, she smiles and cries while grabbing his face. He also cries a tiny bit. It looks like he wants to say something, powder takes out her grande with hextech. Grenade hoes off. Smoke. We then see vi screaming like crazy. (The trailer scene) and singed finds WW, and in the back near you see her body. but it's not focused. The scene is mostly angled so we see Singed reaction. He most likely will turn him fully into League WW.
I was so against this leaker person, but I also said I'd admit if I was wrong. And I was wrong.
I think it's wise to know when to admit it.
I am more mad than sad. Jinx is the best character of the show. She was better to me than Vi. Also Sex scene is whatever.
for the love of god shut the fuck up and hang yourself you mutant reject faggot larper
Show me your likes.
rip vikMains, aint no one safe out here
ok what about jayce
tweet something you faggot
you sound like such a whinny week faggot
Fake. Guy who leaked the episode names said it was an open ended death
he just tweeted this
I don't care about Jinx's death, I want to know about the other clip or things we don't know.
PS: she is
Sry but the switch up lmfao. This is gonna be this thread tomorrow.
Jinx fell down a well.
It was obv she was gonna die
Kudos to them for daring to show a body rather than letting people cope
I'm gonns put some dirt in your eye.
nvm I believe now
My guess is he somehow missed the singed scene or saw a clip like me that did not involve it.
Also that guy was the one who originally added to the original leak no? the one who said that.
its so fucking retarded, he got hacked or was playing with them all along and you fuckers will fall for it again
Why the fuck would you ever post your social media account on Anon Babble
did they ever? schools are made to keep people dumb, not enlighten them with critical thinking
So this is all happening at night
I don't believe any of this shit but I can accept it as a theory for what's happening in pic related.
massive, gigantic amounts of cope. tell me honestly. if the episode titles match, will you still find excuses?
1- How the FUCK is Riot gonna justify Arcane being canon now?
2- What do you mean sex scene is whatever? It’s supposed to have been built up on for like 3 years..! That shit better be good and appease the shippers and yurifags
Linking your twitter faggottry will never be acceptable here.
Now how about you gtfo Anon Babble, co suck a black cock, and get the rope, you utter subhuman faggots?
OK I synced the intro frames with the ending frames, one by one, adjusted the times perfectly for everything even for the cog thing (which uses different angle sometimes).
They perfectly match, there are no parallel universes it's just bait from the animators. I'll share the webm asap. Everything is identical.
ooh boy critics will lap that up
Probably on the Discord.
VR chat streamer
arguing with an AI art creator
How else would they know about this thread if not for the trooncord going schizo?
society abandoned him and he seeks attention
Why wouldn't it be canon for a character to die?
I feel so hecking vindicated right now.
Never doubt me again.
Because Jinx’s bio just got updated and talks about her troubled past and shit like that. Why update it mid season instead of waiting until the finale..?
Also that guy was the one who originally added to the original leak no? the one who said that.
Yes that one. I believe you
I don't mind Jinx dying, but like, no Vi in the AU? They couldn't at least give us a happy version with the sisters together?
jfc it's so bad....
I went to a mid school district and it was taught pretty much every year from third grade to twelfth
I never understood why they hammered it into us until I graduated and started working with other people
So then whats in the epilog?
Also Sex scene is whatever.
Sorry.. what do u mean? Give us details on this
Why wouldn't the death of a character be canon?
Actual leaker here.
Episode 7 is only half AU focusing mostly on Jayce retelling his tale to Cait after Mel shows up after a few months have passed. Jayce and Mel have a touching reunion, where she says she has to tell him something in private but they can wait for later.
We cut to see Ekko and Heim, who are seeing these events in shattered while in an alternate present where Jayce died on the mountain. They are trying to find a way back, when they run into that AU's Ekko who is an inventor and student, who brings them topside to Powder, who was AU Viktor's science partner before he died of his disease. Long story short, they manage to finagle a Prototype Z-Drive together using scientific mumbojumbo but it only has power to send one of them back, so Heim tells Ekko to go.
Ekko promises to come back to rescue Heim before he uses the drive and ends up right before Episode 6 is starts, where he ambushes Ambessa and Co before it cuts to Episode 8.
fr they couldn't even please the caitvifags? what is this got misery porn ending.
Tell us what Cait did?
He refuses to tell us who the top is in the scissoring scene
That makes no fucking sense.
This sounds so so bad
no isha mention = fake
Stop saying "leaker here" without proof
Not a soul dropped a single detail about that ubiquitously described scene other than the location. Very strange.
So will Viktor and Isha be alive what!?
are you for real with the aisha bullshit? she is fucking dead and you dont need a single leaker to say this to you
show AU Powder or fake
There is no way Ekko can defeated Ambessa.
omg just trust me the scene is whatever and boring, who cares who tops. im just so upset, i mliterallty crying.
Oh no it's more complicated than that.
They have identical starting and endings but at the very end of the episodes there's a extra scene where the cog indeed falls faster.. this implies that this is a different universe that we'll continue from in the next episode.
No leak is real
Idiots, stop feeding (you)s to them
If Ekko returned into the beginning of ep 6 and ambush Ambessa that means Aisha is alive. Which is why I call bullshit on this guy.
how does the argument between caitlyn and Vi play out? what does caitlyn say to her?
So isha is gonna die twice…cool I guess.
The leaks the soulburn guy posted are real and have been circulating between DMs of people in the know for at least a week.
If Jayce died on the mountain, how the hell Viktor got the crystals to make hextech?
soulburn guy
At this level, about a dozen people already claim that they saw the leaks, but no one even posted a small clip online, although they apparently have no problem passing them on to each other in private messages.
And you still believe them without the most basic thing - evidence
I’d rather believe that it’s the same person answering himself than that you’re all so stupid
Go t.
It's very difficult to sync them properly but you can see Viktor dead and the cog bouncing like in the intro but at the very end the cog falls again and falls flat, implying that this happens in another time/universe or w/e.
These threads became boring after those fake leaks
what they will guaranteed not do is actually remove any of those dead in Arcane from LoL, LoR, WR
too many people play Jinx, WW, etc for that to even be a possibility, especially Jinx who is picked in pro play a decent amount, far more than WW or Viktor
so now Rito has to square that, explain why the characters are even in the game, which is their main focus and cash cow
The guy who was cooing earlier but now turned coat
So everything that happened on 6 is nothing…wtf.
also I MUST confirm there's a stupid sex scene
Every fucking time you idiots
I'm sorry, but if you don't post a scene of the Maddie traitor scene, I can't believe you.
These fake leaker trolls all end up naming themselves too "cardboard anon" "titslash anon". New levels of pathetic samefagging.
says she has to tell him something in private but they can wait for later.
Man the final nail in the coffin is going to be seeing the episode titles match the leaks. But it's going to be even more disorienting if the titles DON'T match the leaks. In which case no one will know what the fuck is going on.
Good thing tomorrow night a good bunch of people will attend the premiere.
How much would you be willing to bet?
So Vi having a scar on her chest is still a mystery
I caught the "parallel" too... this shit is so cringe
New thread
One it’s obvious with the screenshot. But this is a fake leak. No fucking way Ekko can defeat Ambessa and her army before ep 6 shit.
that is why the leaks are fake, if ep 6 doesn't exist then the teasers make absolutely 0 fucking sense
It could be that the ending and narration picks up from the universe where Jayce doesn't go to the commune at all and Viktor is persuaded by Singed resulting in his corruption for Jayce only to be teleported there in its future where everything is apocalyptic.
This season is nothing more than a big fat wet fart to make jinx suffer as much possible before suiciding so vander can die for the ten thousandth time
But why would they remove a character from a MOBA or card game just because they killed them in a series? Hahahahah
Stop crying u faggot. Go play League.. Jinx is very much alive on the game.
We all thought Vander was dead in s1e3 and see how that turns out.
Just wait for the new Jinx Bio
Huh? I that huh? That doesn’t make any sense.
does caitlyn lose her eye? and also what happened to sevika like she has her own poster and for what
The problem is Ekko can’t beat Ambessa. In fact his meddling might make everything worse.
Ekko promises to come back to rescue Heim before he uses the drive and ends up right before Episode 6 is starts, where he ambushes Ambessa and Co before it cuts to Episode 8.
honestly that sounds kinda cool, timenigga saves the day
It doesn’t make any sense though. Like zero sense.
Ok we know u are sad but stop being a baby and describe the goddamn scene.
Let me guess they are gentle with each other and Cait leads it showing Vi how much she loves her?
if you read the thread slowly you'll se that the supposed leaker just combined the theories from this thread into one "leak"
That's why he ambushed her. The z-drive is probably the strongest hextech weapon/tool.
Soulburn accept DMs or you're a faggot
what sense does it make to have a character dead in the main canon timeline yet alive and doing all kinds of stuff elsewhere in games, promos, whatever?
they might as well not be dead then
Because it's not really dead.. if u see a body then it can be use.
Because lore is not important in a moba
He is a faggot. Cant deal with bad endings
stop stop stop this cant be right dude Jinx cant die
how tf is vi getting the best ending man??
and how does Jinx, who's now canonically dead, appear as a much older version of herself in the moba, card game and fighting game?
Because no matter what i do .. i just can't seem to die.
If we get to see a body or not she is pretty much alive
Lesbian plot armor
but these leaks cant be real
like im so fucking serious
ive been here since August
this batch of leaks were some of the worst
how are these ones the real ones??
I know this is stupid of me but I'm still trying to cope that it's not real
Caitvi fucking as Jinx dies is comedy level of writing
People will play and ban jinx because is the meta, or not play and not ban jinx because is not the meta. They don’t care if the character died in a series, they’ll care that in that patch, the character has 1.5% more attack speed
Arcane is a story about two sisters
One of the sister orgasms as the other dies
KEKKKKKKKKK based Amanda and Alex
The Viktor's
"I see it now.
I understand now.
The message hidden within the pattern.
The reason for our failures in the commune.
The doctor was right.
It's inescapable.
Our very essence.
Our emotions...
Two sides of the same coin.
Inextricably bound. “
Possibly this is a monologue that happens inside Singed’s cocoon.
And the
"That which inspires us to our greatest good… is also the cause of our greatest evil."
happens in another timeline.
I’m solely judging by the way the cog fell.
It's Vi season.
Lose her sister and her virginity
they truly said "alright we made this bitch our punching bag for two seasons, Jinx 's time to suffer!"
"it's vi's season" just mean she didnt die kek
LADS you won't like it... it's 3 UNIVERSES.
The coin at the intro of episode 1, makes a round trip. 00:00:38.000
In the middle it bounces on the spot. 00:33:35.458
And at the end of the episode it just falls flat. 00:36:09.375
She's gonna kill Vander and that Loris guy so she's even with Jinx
And she gets laid
They are in a time loop?
Real leaker here
Ep 07 starts with Jayce panting heavily before a weird void disruption thing echoes (like you see when hes walking through the camp), camera goes into his eye and we see Heimer and Ekko caught in the prism as they discuss whether or not jayce has been successful, they are aged/fucked up a bit like jayce was.
The following scene is jinx stripping for the noxian soldiers (shes been caught and is now being bred)