Penance Stare doesn't work if you don't care lol
Is this the dumbest page in comic book history? This makes no sense
Penance Stare doesn't work if you don't care lol
Is this the dumbest page in comic book history? This makes no sense
I thinks it a neat weakness for the penance stare to not work on the unrepentant and prevent it from becoming a 1 hit.
On the other hand, I think it would be cool to tie the penance stare's effectiveness to the eperience of the Ghost Rider.
i.e. A Ghost rider with decades of experience being able to dig deep enough into Frank to find a kernel of regret
normies being able to stop flashes is up there
Penance Stare doesn't work
You could have stopped there.
We've had enough threads to show that even in the 90s the Penance Stare ain't shit for the dumbest reasons. This page is just par for the course.
This is why Danny is just the better Ghost Rider
at this point the Penance Stare basically exists to show how cool and badass a character is because they aren't affected by it
a better writer would have it amplify the guilt Frank feels for his family dying
Thats dumb, is like a gun that doesn't work on unrepentant criminals.
man with flaming skull for head
"I bet bullets will stop him!"
"Ah shit those didn't work, but what if I PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE"
Are comic book heroes just stupid
More like, a criminal isnt phased or deterred by punishments
well he is a Marine
No, this is.
Doesn't work on demons powered by evil
Doesn't work if you have more than 2 eyes or are blind
Doesn't work correctly on someone with multiple personalities, liable do damage someone innocent
Doesn't work if someone is covered by a symbiote
Doesn't work on beings without a soul
Doesn't work on beings with divine protection
What a useless power. "I will make you feel bad and go home to think your life over if you are a minor criminal."
at least she's superpowered and not an edgelord in a skull t-shirt
Hey, gotta try SOMETHING when the flaming skull is coming towards you.
She's killed billions
It'd be better if it didn't work on Frank because he has never spilled innocent blood. By this logic, it shouldn't work on Sabertooth but it works on Madcap and his entire thing is making others as insane as he is so they kill each other and he's too crazy to care.
I had no idea Carol was a fedora wearing incel.
billions of potential children
all from me
She's playing the "I'm half Kree" card to get out of jail.
I remember a year or two ago an anon explained it perfectly.
never make an instant win move in comics because that's inviting another writer down the line to view it as a benchmark
I mean that's basically what it is. Frank doesn't just lash out by murdering bad guys but really believes he's doing the best deeds he can. You can't feel guilty if you truly believe everyone else is wrong.
Where as this is just RAH WOMAN STRONK!!
I will give Marvel credit. It has been 60 years and we don't have an Ultimater Ultimate Nullifier Nullifier. Although we have gotten more than one "ZOMG, THE GAUNTLET DOESN'T WORK!!"
Then again, I wasn't much of a FF guy so they may have trumped the Ultimate Nullifier a few times over.
Can a Ghost Rider Penance Stare another Ghost Rider?
Maybe? Probably depends on if the spirit or the host is in control
It being tied to personal guilt is the stupidest fucking interpretation of how the Penance Stare works. Most of the kinds of people Ghost Rider fights, it wouldn't work on if that were the case.
Need a reason for the chains and the hellfire.
What is she even referring to? I admit I'm not the very knowledgeable of Carol's past and exploits, so is she actually referencing something or is this just wank by the writers to make her seem sympathetic?
um akstully morality is RELATIVE, mmkay?
probably nothing specific but Carol suffered pretty heavily in the 80s
Eat a hamburger
Get affected by a penance stared because a cow was slaughtered for your benefit
well that's just Good Place rules
I don't know much about Ghost Rider. Has he ever done this to Deadpool?
Yes, but Deadpool is weird case, as he has Healing factor And merging with Madcap at that point
I think I might have that in a paperback Volume but it's been so many years since I let that one I can't remember it clearly.
Having all these occult guys in the same universe as Spider-Man was a mistake.
This is bullshit. Punisher is just Ghost Rider himself.
I thinks it a neat weakness for the penance stare to not work on the unrepentant and prevent it from becoming a 1 hit.
No, its beyond retarded because the usual victims of the stare are demons. Do you think demons give two shits about what they've done to human beings?
Penance Stare can kill a Galactus. Punsher is just strong.
Them pretending that Harley Quinn was as good as the trio of Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman was pretty retarded.
Tom King is such a massive hack