Called it.
That's not Taskmaster.
Marvel is not above course-correcting when a character isn't well-received, but it'd suck for the actress if Taskma'am is just offed and that's that when even Trevor Slattery wound up salvaged and turned into a recurring character.
whos bob
Olga Kurylenko getting the shaft
What else is new?
I mean she was nearly Wonder Woman, but Snyder went with Gal Godot for god knows what reason.
One of the supposed leaks claimed there is a throwaway line in the movie about how her tech suit is based on a 'real guy'.
Even if it's true though? You know they will still fuck it up.
Taskmaster In Name Only is kill
This movie might be worth it for this alone
That's because he was the most charismatic Mandarin.
They do that kinda shit all the time, what matters is if they follow up and they almost never do
Trust, they're gonna do the same thing with Shalla Surfer in Fantastic Four to go "don't worry, the actual Surfer is out there:
oh my fucking god youre right arent you, it is gonna be fucking sentry FUCK HOW DID I NOT SEE THAT
I only know about Taskmaster because I bullied children on MVC3.
Elucidate me on the character.
A guy who can duplicate moves and skills that he observes as long as they don't require super powers. He's a villain but a pragmatic villain and kind of a smart ass, who is just in it for a quick buck. Hangs out with Deadpool.
So he's a copy-cat jackass? That's kinda fun, I guess.
What do you mean salvage when he was one of the best parts of Iron Man 3?
Jews, the reason is Jews.
Iron Man 3 sucks. Everyone says
you don't like it because of the mandarin twist
When in reality the movie is just an unfunny slog
Iron Man 3 is the best one. Best humor, best character interactions, best drama, and best suits. The only thing it's not best at is action, but Iron Man 2 had fucking Genndy Tartakovsky storyboarding so how can you beat that?
Wait, SNYDER'S to blame for this??
I honestly expected Deadpool 3 to make a joke about it
I mean, no one here even likes this version of Task Master so why would they be mad?
if someone wipes shit on something you like even if its a replica, its normal to still feel some annoyance
It's this more like
they made a replica of something I like made of shit and now they're just flushing it down the toilet
Iron Man 1 is the only good one.
The other ones are absolute garbage and only idiots like them as evidenced by posts ITT.
MCU movies
give an ugly Israeli woman a prominent role
screw over a beautiful Ukrainian
What did Feige mean by this?
guess she wasn't up to task
Your first mistake was thinking that I care about the Thunderbolts movie or any of the cast
Imagine if he shows up in the end credits and never does again
Trust, they're gonna do the same thing with Shalla Surfer in Fantastic Four to go "don't worry, the actual Surfer is out there:
Wouldn't it be funny if they did that and then First Steps bombed?
Why did Feige forced the Black Widow writers to add Taskmaster to the script if they were going to fuck him up like this?
One of the supposed leaks claimed there is a throwaway line in the movie about how her tech suit is based on a 'real guy'.
I guess it's because Ryan Reynolds wasn't there to explain him how much of a shitty adaptation Antonya is.
FF is in an alternate universe and will be brought to the mainline universe after secret wars where they MIGHT include a noran radd surfer
Feige didn't force them. They decided to use Taskmaster because Black Widow doesn't have any notable rogues, and he was originally a man played by this dude, but over time the writers decided Taskmaster needed a stronger emotional connection to Black Widow so they made her the innocent girl she blew up during her red ledger days.
the porn is still the best live action version of tasky
Let capeshit movies die already.
joe MAMA
that was always a rumor and never confirmed
It was confirmed. One of the writers explained their thought process in reworking their original version of Taskmaster, and we have the original casting sides for both Taskmaster (originally a black male) and the character they recast the original actor as (originally a nerdy white male).
What part of 'supposed' did you NOT understand?
He can do some fun shit
In this case he's lying his ass off all this did was burn his hands but their freakout let him shoot them