Why did Pleakley like dressing as a pretty lady?

Why did Pleakley like dressing as a pretty lady?

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it's an Alien thing, you wouldn't understand.

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Not really no. Pleakley is a faggot and he is indeed the shame of his family. In the Lilo and Stitch series there's an episode with Pleakley's family visiting him and near the end they plead with him to STOP cross dressing. Pleakley says he will stop but the experiment of that episode who always rats people out when they are lying immediately goes off saying that Pleakley will continue his cross dressing.

To summarize Pleakley is the shame of his family because he's a faggot. Even by Disney's infantile standards they had a family not agree with one of their own being a homo transvestite.


i like wiiiiine

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I figured it was a Kid's in the Hall reference.

I always thought he was forced to be the girl so they would look LESS gay and raise suspicion about Lilo having a stable family

Characters who like dressing up as women and doing stupid and gay shit, thread?

Disney is full of unsupportive families.

Pretty much every single nu-Disney product is a generational conflict between the backwards parents who are afraid of new and different things and the progressive young proagonist who eventually proves them that the new and different things are better.

Kind of Robbie and Earl's dynamic in Dinosaurs, but done wrong.

Crossdressing used to be funny.

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Pleakley's mother calls to inform him of his arranged marriage, so he lies that he is engaged to an Earth girl. When his family comes for the wedding, though, Pleakley must pretend that Nani is his fiancée. Eventually, the truth is exposed and Pleakley's family accepts him for who he is while revealing that while all are successful, they are actually envious of him.


I also remember in that episode. Pleakley brother reveals his real name is a earth girl name, but on his planet his name means brave warrior.

I forgot the name. It's been awhile.

I always assumed it was a reference to Kevin McDonald's (his voice actor) cross dressing skits on Kids in the Hall.

I fucking love gay aliens (gayliens as I like to call them)

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Males in female clothing means it doesn't count as gay to fuck them. So it's okay to fuck crossdressing aliens and bunnies.

I watched it this year, youre both correct

Sometimes you just wanna feel pretty

Has there been an episode where Roger finds another crossdressing alien who's happily married and it eats him up inside so much he tries to seduce the husband to break up the marriage?

Is this the thread?

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There has never been a female representation of Roger's species, all of them are seemingly gay (Emperor Zing, Foster) and also he's canonically reproduced twice.
So he's clearly a hermaphrodite.

I have no idea what this is but the art style is making me uncomfortable.

So is this crossdressing or is the human a step away from crossdressing?

Man I want to fuck this thing.

Do not the space rats

i would feel similarly if they were better drawn but the artstyle just looks kinda gross

Scavs are pretty gross, imagine a seagull crossed with a rat that loved raw meat and oysters