Do you think Max's old cartoons still hold up in the face of the modern internet?

Do you think Max's old cartoons still hold up in the face of the modern internet?

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Not really, they are for edgy teens from the the early to mid 2010s, it is hard to find them funny today cause they are trying too hard.

He's blacklisted from the entire industry, right?

Say what you want about his script, the animations look pretty good still. He has a stylized way of doing things that is at least not badly done. He was just too edgy and can't cope. I wish him well though. I like him.

tbf saying "haha you're blacklisted from the industry because of the media you made!"
is like saying "haha you're banned from pic rel because you curled 5 kilos at the gym yesterday!"
like it's not impressive or hard to accomplish but it's not exactly an incentive of anything other than how pussy the thing you're banned from is

Every great once in a while I rewatch Mickey the Dick. It's got a nostalgia trip and holds up as well as most youtube indie animation. 8/10.

Yeah Idk why everyone is acting like it's an own of him when we all know what the industry is like.
Getting blacklisted from there before even officially entering as an actual working animator should be a sign that you're doing something right.

No, he has fibro-nostalgia and it hurts to animate, so he does streaming now.
Basically no one gets black listed from the industry unless they actually rape or murder someone.
Even cooking up false rape accusations and framing other animators doesn't get you black listed. Animator Kittensneeze fabricated a rape claim about another animator on twitter with zero provication. She just felt like doing it. Later on Vivziepop hired her to work on Helluvaboss.

I find it funny how his stuff is more memorable than most indie cartoons coming out today.

You guys overhyped this dudes art like he's like fucking di Vinci or something, he just does shit fluid doesn't mean he's anything special, stop glazing this drug addicted retard

Animation wise? Yeah. Writing wise? Eh…

Holds up better than meatcanyon that's for sure.

Out of all the indie animators, I personally respect Max the most as an actual human being. He seems like a genuine guy and even with the setbacks he's faced in life he hasn't let it destroy him. A respectable fellow even with all his edgy stuff. Looking back on how he's evolved as an artist is honestly fascinating

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i wonder what he thinks of scott pilgrim now that it got a whole ass show ~15 years later while max's nickelodeon pitches failed and brain dump went on indefinite hiatus..

fuck forgot file

the 'lost zim episode' never fails to get me to crack up laughing at Gir's TTS saying 'allah is the light' while producing a handgrenade, NOT WHOLLY UNLIKE a scene from the actual show:

Zim: GIR, you may now selfdestruct.


His yellow horse shed video aged like wine now that Cosby in general is viewed in a negative light.

Using the words "retard" and "faggot" is enough to make you auteur in this day and age of blandness and safety.

Shut up e-celeb posting faggot

What happens if he takes off his final piecing?

I think that Max should return to making animations, I'm not even interested in his streams and wouldn't watch them anyway. His PONY.MOV and story about Jerry were great, now Tamers12345 is taking over his career.

It would be extremely painful

WGJ4K and his parodies of Animal Crossing and Invader Zim were good too. Really his only shitty videos were the pandering bandwagoning ones like FNAF, Undertale, or Mario.

He follows trannies and is a cringey reply guy on twitter. Instantly lost all respect.

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What trannies does he follow though? That's important. I wouldn't bat an eye at someone following Goose.

They didn't hold up a week after they came out. I like max but MOST of his cartoons are pretty bad

Max is talented at animating but his writing is so awful that it makes his animations also shit. So much talent wasted on stupid shit.

Shut up e-celeb posting faggot

said this in a thread defending a failed e-celeb figure

Good job retard!

He follows grannies!? EWWW what a sickening "person"! Unfollow!

He follows neo nazis? EWWW what a sickening "person"! Unfollow!

No, he has fibro-nostalgia

In other words: hes a lazy faggot.

t. anon who stopped watching when he was blaming his lazy attitude on "long covid"

At least Max is an animator

Honestly, yeah. They’re really not that offensive. I still see hyper progressive zoomers today who look back fondly on despite all its “problematic” elements. You guys really overblow how sensitive the modern internet is.

They aged much better than shit like dbz abridged.

I watched his horse show cartoons with my uncle a few weeks ago and we were laughing our asses off. They're pretty funny.

make an entire youtube unfinished youtube series where the whole point is just saying that video game parodies arent funny at all

end up making the exact kind of unfunny video game parody you would have mocked years later



Isn't bro a millionaire off disinterestedly rambling about whatever is current?

I challenge the notion that there's a "modern internet." People who use X, Anon Babble, or Newgrounds might find them hilarious while wokescold wet blankets will predictably find them offensive, because they suck.

wgj4k guy

The only funny episode was when /ourguy/ made his own episode for that show

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I still quote the Zim short he made

Cory did an episode for Wacky Game Jokes?