now, y'see, cocomelon is part of the child's cultural environment, if you don't let them watch cocomelon, they'll be different, they'll be outcasts, and you don't want that. someone might even ask you *why* you're not letting him watch it, and then what will you say? will you suggest that maybe being glued to a screen watching repetitive crap that's been specially engineered to keep their attention and melt their brains isn't good for them? *gasp* no no no, you will think no such thing! for the majority of your life you have been very well trained to consider any kind of thinking out of the norm as being troublesome, problematic, maybe even dangerous. if you bring up any socially disapproved ideas about how to raise your kids, you will be labeled some kinda spooky conspiracy theorist. you might be called a- a- a "kaaaaaaaaaaaren". you might be compared to some no-fun fuddy duddy who isn't letting her kids watch all the fun trendy things, and you can't be seen that way, you're not old and washed out! you still have your bellybutton pierced! you carry a pastel pink collectible stanley mug and put up your halloween decorations a month early! you're a cool mom, a hip mom! and besides, if you say that cocomelon is bad for your little timmy, what will your friends at the book club think of themselves? you'll be judging them too, because they all let their kid watch it. you'll be stirring the pot, causing trouble, making them insecure and forcing themselves to think of the consequences of their own actions as well...
so altogether you have many good reasons to be shamed into never questioning if cocomelon is good for your kid, and in lieu of being permitted to think of reasons why it's bad, you cope with the dissonance by convincing yourself it's harmless. now you have another problem, you already let him watch the stuff, now he can't stop. "but he keeps asking for it!" you say, and yet a kid isn't born knowing of cocomelon, you introduced him to it.