ITT the horrors of childrens' cartoon

I just can't believe that despite everything we already know about the way so much kids media operates and what it does to their brains, parents still let their toddlers watch this crap. At this point it can't be attributed just to "they're busy" or "they don't know better" there has to be some kinda deliberate incentive to ignore all the faults. Are they being strong armed into not seeing or talking about it somehow?

Also post more terrible kiddie slop

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there has to be some kinda deliberate incentive to ignore all the faults

let me take you into the mind of a normalfag parent for a moment
you're a first time mother at the age of 25, that means that for the majority of your adult life you had constant media entertainment on demand, ever since the first iphone came out you have forgotten how to exist without it for even a moment, you look around you and see kids consuming entertainment at all hours of the day on their parents smartphones and tablets and you think it's as normal as wearing socks or eating, you can't visualize a life without it, the smartphone is as integral to your daily existence as the clouds in the sky, you might even emotionally feel (even though you rationally know better) that the world didn't truly exist before it, how could it have? netflix and tiktok make up so much of your day that visualizing a world without it feels like trying to imagine a new color that humans can't perceive. so that's step one- why give little timmy an ipad? because it's non-optional not to, he can't exist without it
now little timmy is crying, maybe he's bored or lonely or wants attention, in the long run if you just teach him to play and handle his own boredom he will develop emotional maturity, but you don't have the long run, you're not used to thinking of life in concepts like long term accomplishments, you view your days through instances of 10 second tiktok dances and youtube short clips, you consume instant shake meals that take a few seconds to gulp down and whip out the vibrator when sex with your husband takes longer than a minute because you don't truly appreciate the experience, you wanna get everything in life done with as quickly as possible. so you look at what all the other adults are doing, you see that they all let their kid watch cocomelon, their kids don't cry while watching cocomelon. nobody tells you that they start crying even harder when you take the ipad away.

now, y'see, cocomelon is part of the child's cultural environment, if you don't let them watch cocomelon, they'll be different, they'll be outcasts, and you don't want that. someone might even ask you *why* you're not letting him watch it, and then what will you say? will you suggest that maybe being glued to a screen watching repetitive crap that's been specially engineered to keep their attention and melt their brains isn't good for them? *gasp* no no no, you will think no such thing! for the majority of your life you have been very well trained to consider any kind of thinking out of the norm as being troublesome, problematic, maybe even dangerous. if you bring up any socially disapproved ideas about how to raise your kids, you will be labeled some kinda spooky conspiracy theorist. you might be called a- a- a "kaaaaaaaaaaaren". you might be compared to some no-fun fuddy duddy who isn't letting her kids watch all the fun trendy things, and you can't be seen that way, you're not old and washed out! you still have your bellybutton pierced! you carry a pastel pink collectible stanley mug and put up your halloween decorations a month early! you're a cool mom, a hip mom! and besides, if you say that cocomelon is bad for your little timmy, what will your friends at the book club think of themselves? you'll be judging them too, because they all let their kid watch it. you'll be stirring the pot, causing trouble, making them insecure and forcing themselves to think of the consequences of their own actions as well...
so altogether you have many good reasons to be shamed into never questioning if cocomelon is good for your kid, and in lieu of being permitted to think of reasons why it's bad, you cope with the dissonance by convincing yourself it's harmless. now you have another problem, you already let him watch the stuff, now he can't stop. "but he keeps asking for it!" you say, and yet a kid isn't born knowing of cocomelon, you introduced him to it.


there has to be some kinda deliberate incentive to ignore all the faults

It's Lord Moloch's will. Humanity's potential needs to be permanently extinguished so that all humans will be reduced to mindless cattle that exist only to eat slop and be eaten by Lord Moloch. That is our destiny, to be devoured by the One True God. You cannot stop it from happening. Your children WILL be fed to Lord Moloch.

t. A kid raised on Cocomelon

I predict that in a few years the official metrics of what's considered normative childhood development and healthy cognitive abilities will be lowered so that kids who were raised on this trash will be seen as normal.
"A kid is supposed to start talking at 8 years old now, actually, so I think you'll find my child who started at 7 is ahead of the curve even! So there!".
They might even invent some mental illness to pathologize and medicate kids who didn't get their braincells beaten out of them by 8 hours of BABY SHARK DOO-DOO-DOO-DOO BABY SHARK DOO-DOO-DOO-DOO BABY SHARK DOO-DOO-DOO-DOO BABY SHARK DOO-DOO-DOO-DOO a day.

At this point it can't be attributed just to "they're busy" or "they don't know better"

No for the most part this is still it. The average person doesn’t know where email goes when you send it.

there has to be some kinda deliberate incentive to ignore all the faults.

No most parents make stupid decisions because they are busy and ignorant

it's already being done
the CDC just recently updated their list of childhood development milestones

peep this change on the list of milestones typically seen at 6 months, left is the current list, right is the old version from 2020

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"A kid is supposed to start talking at 8 years old now, actually, so I think you'll find my child who started at 7 is ahead of the curve even! So there!".

What's more likely is that kids who are already talking by 4 will be shunned and ostracized, their parents even more so.

2020s, the decade countless scifi novels came true...

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a handmaid's tale

lord of the flies

idk what's dumber, your idea that these 'came true'... or you referring to them as 'sci-fi novels'

An insidious plot from the adults to keep the little shits brainrotted? Better foward it to numbah one den

In what fucking way is our society anything like A Handmaid's Tale?

This made me think... Are kids nowadays more rebellious than kids their age were in any previous generation? Everyone claims kids now are more "activist", but that's not actual proof of rebellion, just an occasional symptom of it in an environment wherein activism isn't incentivised, which means kids who partake in it in an environment where it IS incentivised would actually be doing what they're expected to do and not rebelling
Is there an actual way of telling if kids now are more or less susceptible to abiding by social normas and authority demands?

One common trait of developmental retardation is a lowered ability or desire to rebel, especially during childhood and one's teenage years

look at the fucking crust on that image
anon probably got it off of instagram or something

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The average normalfag man and woman literally completely deserves to be a slave. A serf. These people are filth, and they don't deserve freedom and liberty. Let them work the mines and the fields, it's all they're intellectually good for.

this was fine as long as they understood their place isn't in making art, only consuming it
unusual, weird and autistic people have always created the best media out there and normalfags only got to pick n choose from the lot, the reason why media sucks now more than ever is because normies suddenly realized what kinda "icky" people make the good shit, said "we don't need those guys, we can make out own!" and took over

normalfags are spiritually children
y'know how you'd give a child the illusion of responsibility by letting them pick out their own tshirt in the morning, but only from a selection of 3-4 shirts you laid out on the bed? because otherwise they'll try and wear a bucket or something
that's why normalfags need in terms of art, they can choose but only from a selection curated by those who are capable of properly perceiving art

The opposite of this is making a cartoon entirely out of nostalgia

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Are channels like TroomTroom and all those surprise egg toy opening ones still around?

yeah but these cartoons aren't made for kids as their primary target audience

also idk if that applies to your pic rel i never watched it im just speaking generally

Saying this from a misanthropic pov, you’ve really let things get out of control from the point we can’t even go back for this next generation of children.

You’ve all fucked up to the point no one really has free will or even freedom anymore and damned yourselves to a idiocoracy society of Commericalism, Corporation Capitalistic reigning supreme, and just damn idiotic jokes.

And now children atp are turning into big rotten idiots, I’m not surprised if at some point I’m dying to a dumbass assigned to the Big Red Button…it’s at least a interesting way to go out.


No no no buddy, you don't make this a "you all, not me tho" issue
It's either none of us since no one here has the power to do this
Or all of us, if you're referring to "us" as society and the world at large, and that includes (You)r dumb ass

Change it to Total Recall and A Scanner Darkly

there has to be some kinda deliberate incentive to ignore all the faults

when you put on the videos your child stops screaming

its primarily haplening duento demographics, but rhe cocomelon ohenomenon is ALSO a demographic issue.

This is because of India, the middle east and South East Asia, the west, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan avoid this shit.
Debunked years ago.

normalfag parents don't want to raise kids anymore, so they offload it to the screens

everything we

The average parent doesn't know, because they don't care to. That's not entirely new to be fair, it's just that content has changed, so the people who think

it's children's media, most of it is slop

Are thinking of "slop" as cartoons designed to sell toys and shows with gross out humour. I don't think the majority of people are tuned into just how bad it's gotten with the internet. It may seem like a lot of people to you, but you're posting on Anon Babble so you're more online than the average person.

Yes they do, and if they want to give a kid a screen they give them a Nintendo Switch, once they turn 5.

The average parent does know and does care, it's how MeTV Toons got created.

One of the worst viewpoints I've ever read. Gatekeeping art is one the worst things you could ever do to a society and one's capacity for thought. Everyone should create in some form, the world is worse because they don't.

Don't masturbate while you type, anon

I don't think the creation of a single channel is evidence of that. If the average parent both knew and cared this would stop being an issue very quickly

Debunked years ago.

Nah, double check. It's been rebunked

Yes it is, plus this is India's doing, the first world would've already stopped it by now but the third world is why we have this problem.
Yes it has been debunked.

sorry famicom, it has been rebunked.

Famicom has nothing to do with any of this, it's been debunked years ago and if been outside recently you will understand this.

I put it on Cocomelon for my sister (she was like 3 or 4) once. She must have watched like 10 minutes of it before I turned it off. When it went off everything seemed normal at first, but then she started crying over everything, and not a normal annoying toddler cry either - like infant crying. It was unsettling. I quickly realized Cocomelon was the source of it but no one believed me, my dad put it on again and the same thing happened and now Cocomelon is banned from the house.

Troll post.

Muh next generation!

Who gives a fuck how they turn out? They're the last generation that will reach adulthood before global society collapses under the weight of natural disasters and trade failures

Weird sidenote, but as somebody who can’t drive, this talks about smartphones the way I feel about cars. Sometimes a technology gets introduced into a culture, and relatively quickly people become so reliant on it that they can’t imagine life without it. And everything becomes structured to accommodate that technology instead of the technology being a simple tool to make people’s lives easier.

Troll posts.

third world is why we have this problem.

If parents actually cared it wouldn't matter that the third world is doing it.

Yes they did, and yes, it does matter as the third world lacks the resources to fix their own issues so they beg the first world to fix their own fuck ups for them.

corporate fucks systematically lower wages and benefits and raise prices such that both parents must work to afford raising a child

People are shocked when neither parent has the energy to actually parent their screaming little crotch goblin after 9+ hours of work

It's almost like raising kids is hard work that takes time and energy

You wish it were a troll post
Blue ocean event is happening in the 20's
Jet stream and AMOC breakdown soon after
Enjoy your superstorms and billions of refugees

this is what children are actually watching

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Kids are not watching that, they're watching this.
It is, you just don't go outside is all.

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When the waters rise all the accumulated scum and filth of the city will flood up from the gutters and you'll look up and shout "save me!"
And I'll whisper:
"lol, lmao"

Reminder that Trump won to avoid such a thing from happening.

Alright I will admit then, I want to be a human but not a human on an earth with these kinds of motherfuckers.
I don’t want this kind of society with this kind of media/entertainment

We’ve gone too far

Electric crack is a hard drug that needs regulation because stupid monkeys.

Since when did famicom start coming into threads like these

He hasn't.

what's the alternatives 'cuz Communism worked like a wool diaphragm. Iron Curtain, Great Leap "Forward", Khmer Rouge, Chernobyl, Ceaușescu's regime, etc

You’re a 40 year old brown bastard attracted to little anime girls

Why are Zoomies/A watching this? They should be watching Beanmouth soap opera #2535 instead of this inferior tripe.

Gee and industryfags wonder why they're all losing their jobs and getting replaced by Rakesh in Bengaluru.

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I want to be human

Clearly not, for you reject humanity.

you're definitely right, when I was a kid if you couldn't read by the time you were in elementary school that was unusual, nowadays it seems like lots of kids can't read at all until middle school, and even then just barely.

Horrible monstrosities happen under every kind of rule
Throwing out all aspects of planned economies because Stalin existed is fucking retarded, it's the kind of thing only a complete moron would say with a straight face

He's 34 years old white man who has a wife.

I'm also white too by the way.
They're not.

No he isn't, he is lying.

nowadays it seems like lots of kids can't read at all until middle school, and even then just barely.

I’m always curious if this is coming from some kind of actual report or if this is just Anon Babble schizing

Kids are reaching middle school without reading!

Why do you insist on pulling conclusions from your gaping anus
Mist kids are reading properly before first grade, a large part of kindergarten is ensuring that.
Go outside

Trump le won. Right wing life squads roam the streets, forcefully impregnating any women they find

Do normal people even consider Fahrenheit 451 to be a dystopia anymore? Preservation of media seems to be taken less and less seriously and people literally want to be protected from dissenting information.

I hope Fami draws Laura getting railed just to see you seethe.

They are, the entire industry is getting laid off and all of them are complaining about having to bag groceries. You can play make believe and act like everything is fine, but you know it ain't.

I think there is truth to the idea that society constantly incentives short-term gratification to the point where it's harmful to people's lives, and I especially agree with the bit about social pressures at the end. But your concept of "The average person" is just ridiculous. "The average person would prefer a vibrator over sex with someone who loves them, because it's shorter" is an absurd idea.

These problems are real, but making a version of the average person who has the mind of a goldfish is just stroking your ego by comparison. And, more importantly, it prevents you from getting to the heart of the problem and understanding it properly.
These are real problems, dehumanizing the people involved will not help anyone solve them.

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Then do something about it instead of spamming faggot. Stooping down to their level ain't gonna do shit.


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That happen before 1980s, John K brought back them into the industry with Ralph Bakshi but after John K got exposed they got shoved back into being bag people because theres no one defending them anymore.

Apathetic, submissive citizens is a hallmark of dystopia, so yes


Also I'm Hispanic and I hereby ban you from using DBZ reaction images.

why does Anon Babble feel so horrid to use compared to every other blue board, even Anon Babble isn’t this consistently bad

The problem is maybe we have too much people, too much issues with letting our behaviors/social interactions or whatever cause this. We could accept a semi capitalism with semi socialism
I reject humanity in this universe, but I know the true universe where I am the real me of a real humanity is out there.
This world only asks for extinction atp.

I think god might’ve lead things to go too far for too long now

why aren't kids drinking from the water hose like I did??!

They never did, they were drinking Dr. Pepper.

Why is the 30 year old having a panic attack ordering Starbucks??!

Anon Babble has more women and numales than most of the other boards.

You basically described my older sister.
Whenever I try and bring up that all those tablets are rotting my niece and nephews brains, she scoffs and just says I'm being paranoid, that I'm a conspiracy theorist, that they're not my kids so don't raise them like they are.

Making up relatives that don't exist.

Come on now.

Just say Bluey is better

I'm referring to how the average person perceives it. It's obviously objectively a dystopia. But would the kind of people who downvote on reddit and support Internet Archive being taken down really find the content of the story to be that disturbing?

I am the youngest of five. Two brothers, two sisters. I don't need you to believe me, but I've seen this first hand. I am horrified by what will happen when they make it to school.

Kids YouTube is an unnatural hellscape.

You imagine humans (including yourself) to be greater than they are.
Ironically you do this precisely because you are human. It's part of the way we build stories out of the chaos our senses present.
This is our best. This is all we've got.

Unless a new world order takes over and turns every citizen into a subservient sheep, I don't see how thay would invalidate Fahrenheit as a dystopian story

I’ve long since held that out of every board, Anon Babble got rocked the absolute hardest from the COVID era, like the board was already visibly declining before then (this place has always been very autistic even compared to the others), but around 2020 this board backslid several magnitudes borderline instantly

It all started going to shit when Tumblrfags came here and brought their drama.

Is there a way to reverse this?

To be fair, I inferred that with the “visible decline” part
Nah, Anon Babble basically has the Anon Babble problem where malignant schizos will bunker down indefinitely except even worse, because Anon Babble autists at least stick to their general of choose (or even at worst, orbit 1-2 other very closely related generals, like the various fighting game stuff), where as Anon Babble keeps attracting retards that actively dogpile on several threads in the catalog around the clock

Then there is no hope.

Well maybe we’d stick to our favorite generals if we were allowed to have generals here.

Maybe we could have a /cog/? Anon Babble has so many branching boards, we have but two, us and Anon Babble.

Zoomers who genuinely feel the urge to rebel against society are turning away from technology and social media.
It's just beginning now, but there is a growing portion of teenagers and young adults who are stepping away from the constantly plugged-in way of life that is expected of them. It's even becoming more popular to get rid of your smart phone altogether.
Of course, this is still a minority.

I wish we were in fucking Gattaca