Arcane: food edition

Arcane: food edition

In S1.a lot of the drama between Jinx and Vi was down to the fact they couldn’t talk things out. Something always got in the way, so Vi couldn’t explain herself to Jinx and it always seemed fro Jinxs perspective like she doesn’t care about her. So the finale felt very devastating with the “What could have been” song.”

In S2 Jinx just goes CUHRAZY again because of Isha, which was destined to happen because she is just a jinx who ruins everything. There is no “What could have been” - it was always destined to go to shit and there was never any hope.

Really feels like a shit sendoff to their most popular character.

Isn't Noxus asking where that bitch they stripped all her possessions from Ambessa fucked off? She left with a bunch of giant ships full of soliders.

I have screenshot do I post screenshot…….. I just don’t want rito to find me lul

If Jinx dies I'm bombing Piltover

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So... where is that description of episode 8?

If you really have one then just post the screenshot, anon.

A brewing storm fuels a series of startling transformations. Elsewhere the spark of rebellion still burns.

Title: Killing is a Cycle

7 and 8 episodes are quite good. Finale is disappointing as the writers really wanted to kill off characters but rito didn’t let them

No one take Anon Babble seriously lol just post the screenshot

Put it on catbox and post a link

she don't die, she just falls into a hole with WW and never seen again. the main fkn character, megaLULZ. is worst than actually killing her dead

Catbox. NOW.

Heimer and ekko inside the hexcore

"noxus and viktor are becoming too much of an threat my boy! We need to form and league to stop them ... An league of extraordinary gentlemen!"

"I like the idea of that professor but ... The name needs to be worked on ... How about ... An league of legends!"

"Hmmm my boy , i do like the sound of that!"

please tell me this isnt true fucking hell

So is that guy from reddit legit or no?

this is worse than her dying. riot is such a greedy ass company, ofc they couldn't kill their cash cow.

Yeah good for riot and league players awful end for arcane

Show is about sisters on opposite sides of the conflict

Give the shiptard writer an expanded job for S2

Show is now about shipping

jesus fucking christ

The Jinx stuff I get - she was set up as a tragic character.
CaitVi - I get. Its shippy, but they have been a duo for years.
The Jayvik shit feels like pure pandering

Nigga she won't
No one is dying other than isha
The only one who dies are the random no name NPCs or show original characters who are not planned to be added

This is episode 8 title and description

matches with the title from the reddit leaker

top tier trolling, will make midwits shit these threads until friday again

We have to crack those two leakers before appearing of act 3 or we'll lose this war and brand ourselves idiots

No one is dying

Ah, yet another cup of cope in the morning. Mmm, delicious.

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Didnt reddit lear say “pretend like its the first time”?

Are you serious or are these line really from the fucking show

Did u watch the episode? Care to share?

She really went chaotic evil.

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yeah anon, its written on the ceiling, take a look


[Spoiler] ".... *silence* .... *Battlefield filled with dead people* ... *We see the corpses of a lot of characters including jinx vi warwick and cait* ... *A small yellow man says* "what a tragedy my boy ... But you can fix it" ... *A teen black boy says* ... "Yes professor... One more time!" ... *Rewind to a few mins before the attack* [/spoiler]

I wanted jinx to die gloriously not fall to her death like some npc baka

reddit leaker said:
pretend like it's the first time ep7
killing is a cycle ep8
the dirt under your nails ep9

Where's your screenshot anon

daily reminder all theses """"leaker"""" faggots (more like r.eddit attention whores) never shared any screenshot or image to prove their tranny claims.
And faggots here suck their dick 24/7

Man i am fucking retarded oh welp you get the point
Fuck Anon Babble spoiler man why is it so complicated for an retard like me :(
But yeah that's what the leaker said the other day and he got most things right like episode 6 and teaser for 7-8-9

Probably doesn't have the courage to post the screenshot.

Caitlyn is a decent human being s1, heals the wound of Vi

Caitlyn is a retarded inconsistent mess, random af in s2, she opens back the wound she healed in s1

What justifies this? Nothing, do not bother to answer it's just retardation.

what media are you returning to after this shitshow ends?

We know, look at the last second of E6. Time stops and there's a distinct sound of the Z-drive.

well guess I'll have to call them a troll before they post anything lmao

Your opening tag has an uppercased S, Spoiler. That's why it failed, this shit is case sensitive.

I love writing fanfics of heimer and ekko and pretending it's true :trans_heart: i feel so gender reaffirmed so wholesome xir

Heimerdinger doesn’t die. He instead stays in the AU.


kek as if riot hunts down people who share text. it's the leakers who actually share the video files that get it, and even then it's unlikely.

Oh i see , thank you for the explanation!


Jayce and Viktor disintegrate and Warwick and Jinx fall from a great height

Episode 7 - Turn Back The Clock
A shattering truth shows Ekko what he needs to do. Jayce converses with dark powers.

Episode 8 - Edge of Oblivion
Things come to a head as the Arcane reveals its truths. An old mage arrives in Zaun to assist.

Episode 9 - Rioting Legends
With the threat reaching critical mass, everyone bands together. Magic returns to Runeterra and nations take notice.

Do I do it…. Things will never be the same…… the ending will be confirmed

Just do it. The show is doomed anyway so who cares

blahblahblah, ep 9, how does Ambessa die, who kills her and what happens to her body?

There is NO multiverse (just yet maybe in a decade)
It's timelines (future but something happened to change it)
Heimer and ekko go back to the original timeline at the beginning of episode 8 with an teaser at end of episode 7
Then they both see the massacre of noxian and cultists and just realise how bad the situation is and they team up with everyone to stop the noxians and singed and Viktor. With Warwick not having an major role in these episodes anymore as he did in the last few but he still help but he dies once more being transformed in to his full wolf form.
There is an sex scene most likely because fag shippers
Jayce which we see is future Jayce and he dies but our jayce returns from the future timeline.

heal Vi wound

hits her in the wound

Vi injured in the same spot again

Cait patches her back up again

Stop posting your shitty fanfic here for god’s sake

2077 to clean myself of shit and block out impressions, then manga

Anon, if you really have a screenshot then just do it. You can't keep edging us with a single screenshot just two days before the episodes release.

She is alive but hurt, she is chosen by the wolf after all.

What THE FUCK was up with the focus on the weird fruit?

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Dandadan. Give me comfy kino that isn't just miseryporn any day of the week.

just accept it bois. the writers said they always had a specific ending in mind. makes sense that they would foreshadow it like this in s1.

and what happens to her body?

Knotted by Warwick, obviously.

It's so fucking over

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the wild rune (the anomaly) is a work of Viktor.

More like the world runes, which were hidden by celestials per canon, got touched by watcher goop/voidstuff since it touched Shimmer (which is made from voidbeast guts, thanks Singed) and Viktor just "rediscovered" it. Hence the Shuriman chants in Ashes and Blood, and the whole Icathian/Shuriman aesthetic of Viktor's camp/followers.

Vi is a hardcore sub who lives for suffering and getting cucked and beaten by Cait

It's corrupted that's the reason
It's not natural
The visions of metallic humanoids Joyce keeps having is of what happens to viktor cured people
The anomaly is corrupting them including the fruits

Huh? I am different anon. I had a source that I trusted for weeks but just got the screenshot. Every other anon has nothing. I can promise I am not trolling, just weighing the consequences. Convince me to post it.

you mean VanderBeast

I think it's a fruit of the tree of knowledge symbolism (since ya know, Viktor looks like Jesus but is turning evil)



bruh what consequences.

Vi and Jinx both eat them

Warwick rejects them

It means… something

Nigga that's stupid

Jinx sure seemed to like 'em

Lore details that might hint on who survives act III:

Singed's involvement in the Noxian invasion of Ionia

Singed needs to live to develop chemical weapons for Noxus to deploy in Ionia, a lore detail that is absolutely critical to the backstory of a handful of other champions.

Cait and Vi arrest Urgot

Has to happen after the invasion as Urgot is sent to Zaun as part of the coup against the Emperor of Noxus.

Jayce funded by House Ferros

Jayce is shown to be funded by the mercantile clan Ferros in the card game, as opposed to being funded by Cait's family. Arguably huge cope but one of the voicelines on the new Arcane map in the LoL event mentions Ferros despite most of it's lore being defunct with the brackern being retconned.

Viktor funded by Renata Glasc

one of the newer Zaun champions is a chem baron who seem's to have filled the silco power vacuum, and reminds viktor in game that she funded his augment research after he was banished to zaun.

Just make sure it can't be tracked back to you, otherwise who cares

It means he is turning away his more human nature
Symbolising his eventual transformation in to an furry

Convince me to post it

If you post it right now two days before the release and it confirms one of the leaks, then we're going to have a very entertaining 48h of everyone here coping about it. These threads will move faster than we've ever seen before.

If you don't post then nothing happens and you'll forever lose the opportunity to ever do this. Just some boring 48 hours waiting for the episodes to release.

Because she has been injected with shimmer multiple times


I hate how the ruined Warwick and made him into that thing. Where the fuck is the wolf, Riot?

I agree with a post on Shitter that said Cait was surprised at how turned on she got by Vi's gesture and accidentally hit her too hard.

There's also implication that Jae Medarda is Mel and Jayce's kid

Heimer is gonna build an army of automatons to help the fight against viktor and the noxians
Emphasising the teacher against the student
The "final glorious evolution" vs the next step of progress

If you don't post it just tell us which version of the leaks is correct. Are they all troll or are they legit?

So... no screenshot?

"Heir apparent to Piltover's prestigious Clan Medarda, Jae preferred hunting ancient artifacts over managing the family business... much to his father's chagrin."

Yeah I can see that to be honest.

No nigga i am passing my fanfics here for facts and leaks because it's funny

when is silco coming back?

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he a mf wolf monster, ofc he wants meat

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Give him the Vander treatment and make him Twitch. Twitch's current snippet of lore is stupid anyway.

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This thing has rabies

When will the title for the last three episodes officially drop?

I don’t have an NDA. I have a screenshot from someone else. Am I in the clear?

That's the fucking ugly ass small guy brother of jinx and vi
Clagger becomes zac

Some of the concept art had him as a white kid

Screenshot_3.png - 987x479, 513.15K

Anon, we've already had Twitch in Arcane. Remember the rat hopped up on Shimmer?

Two more days

Give him the Vander treatment and make him Twitch

NO, DO NOT. They've already ruined Warwick's wolf character design, turning him into a naked hairless gargoyle on steroids.
I don't want them ruining Twitch's rat look too just to show Silco's human face.

I have it in cat box and am about to post. Just need a little convincing

You'll be fine anon.

how about you kys you fucking aw

Make sure the screenshot you send doesn't contain any information from your source and put it on Catbox

Do a better job bitch


What do you want me to do, anon, get my dick out?
That's a little gay.

Upload it to catbox and post the link here.

Just need a little convincing

Weird fetish, anon. You don't actually have a screenshot, do you?
You're just edging us for your own entertainment. Just fucking do it, or shut the fuck up.

Should I use vpn


You can if you want to be safe.

Oh yeah 100%
Like they can't legally stop you straight up if you say you found it and don't say from who or how then you are perfectly clear, niggas post leaks all the time even if they are in the partner program
Just use catbox however

Yes because you can get your catbox banned

S1 Powder fails to safe everyone

S2 Jinx kills herself to save her sister

It's like pottery

If you havent signed anything and its not CSAM or some weird illegal shit, you are in the clear

Anon, there's no point if you're not already using a VPN. All of your edging posts already have your real IP attached to it.
If you actually have a screenshot and want to post it, then just do it already or stop edging us with it.

It's to show how generous the commune is, it's built on virtue.

s2 in a word

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What do we think happened to full episode leaker lul

Leak it, babe

I don't think that the religious symbolism is anything but surface level and pop based like Milton's Paradise Lost. The animators are dumb fedora tippers.

RITO death squads

Vi's pussy is food.

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He's facing serious charges and will probably end up in jail.

yall had me tripping like it was zombie fruit or sm shit

Noooo I will die at hands of Rito what should I do anons

What’s the difference between that and a screenshot

they can't even afford artists now they're gonna John Wick someone with what gold coins?

Marry Warwick. He won't let the Rito hurt you, obviously.

No one's going to jail just because of a screenshot lmao. They would more likely get a huge fine and get their asses fired but that's it.

I’m genuinely not trying to edge you anons. I feel miserable I want chaos. I just didn’t use my vpn when I started posting today.

Nigga lied for attention

He doesn't actually have a screenshot. It's just an idiot edging us for his own entertainment, anon.

Brother, if you signed nothing - nothing is gonna happen.

Do I get fine if I don’t have NDA?

I’m genuinely not trying to edge you anons

Then post the screenshot on catbox and leave the link here.
If you don't want to post it and are not trying to edge us, then shut up about the screenshot. If we're never going to see it then what's the point?

He's lying, he doesn't have a screenshot, he's making fun of you.

You'll be fine. There was some guy who got act 1 early and posted a pic he took on his phone of his tv with it in a way that identified him easily and I'm pretty sure nothing happened to him

Answer this :

No. Riot is not going to give enough of a fuck about a single screenshot less than 48 hours from the episodes to spend the money/time hunting you or your source down. Don't worry.

Lul that’s exactly what the photo I have is. Netflix messed up.

Literally for what

Stop giving that anon attention they're just some weirdo with edging fetish

Nothing happened to that man. He has x account and continues his normal life

No you don't, if you didn't sign anything. Otherwise, everyone sharing real leaks on lebbit would get fined to oblivion, that obviously doesn't happen.

I can't for Timebomb moments in Act 3 bros

Timebomb kiss.jpg - 1080x1158, 81.81K

If you aren’t working there and havent signed an NDA and haven’t acquired the picture by hacking them or smth - they cant so shit, and even if they could they wouldn’t care to.
Nothing happened to the original leaker.

Just got caught up on the show, what the FUCK was that last episode?

Why was Warwick melting? What is all this Cosmic shit?
Is Victor playing with Void stuff or whatever without knowing it?

nice AI

Tell me what happened in the finale. Are the leaks real?

One of the big things with the fruit is that it shows both the commune's ability to be self-sufficient and stable, as well as their prosperity and abundance. Fruit is generally a "luxurious" coveted food, and so the commune isn't down here in the pits of zaun sucking on the marrow from other's bone scraps, but thriving with delicious comfortable fruit. It also is undoubtedly invoking religious symbolism, the "forbidden/corrupted" fruit of the weird cult thing they have going on, even down to the commune people having been "enlightened" by victor/the arcane and now living out their lives in this place subsisting on their fruit.

Agriculture is also just a big symbol of being a "civilization/society" and so vander's rejection of it seems to imply his internal "beast" fighting against the return of his own humanity. It's then kinda interesting that jinx is once again selfishly overindulgent, her overeating of fruit, even throwing the last one away after like two bites, like a leech to this society while we only ever see vi munching on her modest one.

wth why is Jayce look like that

Singed injected WW with the serum, you can see him in the burning building Warwick bursted out of.

We dont known about Viktors whole deal yet but definitely looks voidy.

Explain the ending

Arcane Neckbeard Jayce Skin, $249.99.


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the invasion is building in intensity
jayce and cait cant hold back the flood of viktor bots and noxians
jinx is about to seppuku
vi and ekko race to stop her
all seems dire
a massive rift opens in the sky and a hero emerges

thethex.png - 1840x916, 2.91M

Why is it a screenshot of a camera photo?

Exactly, there's nothing new there other than a weird looking Jayce. You could make this in less than 5 minutes with stable diffusion.

tell me what happened in the finale

It’s exactly what was leaked. Great 7-8 episodes, 9 falls flat due to Rito preventing champs from being fully killed off (no body for Warwick, Jinx, Jayce, or Viktor, but Jayce and Viktor disintegrate)

Falling on hands and knees
Tears falling to the ground
This is so fricking epic

wdym they disintergrate

This thread has the lowest collective IQ thus far.

you faggots are so retarded it's not even funny

It's code for they have really intense gay sex

shut your ass up fk coper. can't wait for the coper tears in 48hrs.

Everyone is falling for the edge troll and his AI generated Jayce.

Wtf is going on with this? This picture is all kinds of weird. If it's supposed to be a screenshot of an episode what's going on at the top?

they really turned jayce into a fag

Just as we finished talking about AI generated Viktor

Are the rumored leaks real?


It did have the same hairstyle tho

What do you mean turned?

Okay edging fetish anon do you really think this AI-generated screenshot could get you into trouble it looks so ass

most beloved character

not even a body

Jinx won bigly

If anons on Anon Babble can prompt stable diffusion to give them hyper-realistic vaporeon cloaca sitting on a horse cock, then I'm sure some random idiot can figure out a prompt for Jayce with different hairstyles.

Oh I have more photos. I have one jinx fighting Warwick.

Post what you have, we can make a collage later.

Deep down you know the only way to end this show is by killing Jinx. Like in greek tragedies.
All the best waifus died virgin too.

Is there vi too or is it just jinx and ww? because there is also a vi in the leak

Share Caitlyn vs Ambessa or having sex with Vi.

The edging must continue, uh? But why are you taking so long, waiting for the GPU to generate another image?

Post the caitvi sex one

It’s a photo of Warwicks face (he actually looks more like a mech than a werewolf worst thing about act 3) and you can see Jinx’s hands

No new leaks?

Do you have one of your mother's asshole?

upload screenshot to prove previous screenshot is not fake

He's gotta wait for his GPU to generate it. Give him time.

Leaking episodes, even if you didn't sign NDA, is a crime.

Post it. People are already coping hard after you posted your screenshot. Imagine the shitstorm if you got more.

Nothing new, but no one has debunked the previous leaks yet.

if jinx is blacked.... idk if i can evr watch the show again....

Calm down, anon, he's still refining the prompt and waiting for the GPU to generate it a few times.

Tell me which one tops. Cait or Vi?

kek nailed it

save us anon

The only real leaker came here on November 15 and pointed everything that happens in 206 100% correctly. Guy before him was 60% correct with his assumptions, didn't see anything with an exception of a teaser and simply collected what we spoke here about.

The only real leak we might get right now will also appear on Friday, after or during the screening of Act 3 in LA. Literally no one had seen it yet, not even early reviewers. Not even this "precious netflix group". They only had an access to 1st act, nothing else. Journalists were given early access to act 2. Nobody got it for act 3 yet. Do NOT trust any "leaks" at this point.

Renata released after Arcane was written

In her lore she funds Viktor

Viktor disintegrates before he ever meets her

What did RITO mean by this?

killing jinx would be so lame just dont do it... and if its already done then they should just cut the fucking episodes and do somethng different

hes not dead, jesus rises from the dead did u forget? viktor is a jesus parallel but he will become evil upon rejecting the flesh

he came back fruity from the wild rune?

Let it go bro. In 48 hrs we'll know and leak is 90% legit atp.

Why? She is a tragic character, thats how it ends for her.

Cait and Maddie have sex while a collared Vi licks their feet like a dog

where is the screenshot? Does it take long to make an AI image?

This is the type of SOVL patently absent from S2

bc shes the best character in the series and it would be a waste, tragic character =/= death must occur, other tragic things can happen

It keeps giving Jinx six fingers

Ngl that screenshot looks a lot refined than the ai viktor one so I’ll give you that.

Where is my nigga Thieram this season? He hasn't shown up at all

Sorry, evil people get killed. It's the only way they can be "redeemed", it's a cornerstone of good writing.
She did bad things, she killed people; that she's a "hero" now only means she gets to atone for her acts and then die so that the audience knows that doing bad things results in a bad end (death).

in 26 (eps titles)

"tragic" literally means "ends with death" you retard

Apparently not.

where is the screenshot?

Anyways, he doesn't have a screenshot, these are AI generated. Jayce looks like a neckbeard in that "screenshot".
This is just like the AI Viktor screenshot from yesterday.

That's non virgin after sex Ekko

Episode titiles only release when episodes aire.

He found Ezreal?


the fake leak period is fun

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do you think theres a chance for yasuo to be in the next adaptation or is he too anime?

There won't be another adaptation. It's too expensive. Despite what Riot claims publicly.
Maybe w'll have some feature films or some humoristic cartoons but that's it

How long until the episode titles are released?

But does this image mean you have the episode, that you know things, or is this all you have? Because this image doesn’t say anything

Have fun leddit troll, and all you retards feeding it. I'm out.

1 day

Looks like Anon Babble is slow enough to predict post numbers. This post is replying to itself.



I understand why they want to make Viktor more magical and not just a crazy mother fucker whose purpose or addiction is making himself a cyborg using prosthetics that any shithead can do. Though I dont agree with the direction, he still looks cool without needing magic.

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I'm a time traveler so I predicted my own post number.

did you quote yourself? I kneel before this prediction

I was just trying to find your parent quote so I can hide the entire chain, but woah!


none of the leaks yet talked about the time loop established by ep6

I could understand if Cyborg Victor is the manifestation of his pursuit of the Arcane after he gets BTFO in S2. I assume the true magic will be locked away, and he just tries to emulate it

Are they idiots? You can tell that those Jayce lesks are a Whore AI, morons

People have already watched episode 6 and still think Viktor's death activated Warwick instead of Singed. Don't expect people to pay attention to the episodes.

Just watched it today. Episodes 1-3 were pretty dull and I was so disappointed midway through ep2 that I paused and went for a walk outside. 4 is farrr better and the WW scenes were kino. 5-6 were also a whole lot better but the action/fighting were not well directed at all. Record of Ragnarok ass fight slideshows man. Hope it's uphill from here, storywise it should be but so far the pacing has been immensely fucked.

Will Jinx die?

Inb4: "I can only time travel 5 minutes into the future."

At least he has the same shirt's collar

post the prison cell sex scene

When Isha died I cried so hard I literally shit myself

Pregnant Furry Jayce

Anon, I...


Sorry, yes, you were right

When I watched episode 9 for the first time, and just as Ambessa was about to kill Cait prtals opened and Ekko came back with Warwick, Isha, Benzo and Silco, I clapped.


zoomer IQ

Isha has one massive ass

linking chinktok


No, you can literally see that the episode titles have always been revealed a day before each arc.

Off by one

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Technically that's how you're supposed to watch them.
1-3 take a break then watch 4-6 take a break then 7-9, like ancient tragedy, all in the same day.

It should've been only one season.

Nigga present day in an alternative universe with no hextech

Not exactly a day before, more like around 8 hours before each act.

That could be the play, but based on the leaked icon and possibly his VGU, it might be slightly more arcane. Hopefully, the VGU will make him more robotic and such.

Ye, 9:00pm CET

I'd love to watch a re-edited version of this season. Genuinely felt like a lot of 1-3 can be summed up within 50 minutes.

He somehow looks way too skinny

Arcane Abridged

We need this.


not clicking that shit, chang

So which song will be released today?
I hope it's Fantastic

if there's an AU where Jinx does not Jinx everything, then she cannot be called Jinx in this universe.

you can't debate me.
can't go against Fatum.

They said “The Line” - Twenty One Pilots

leaked ending guys I loved ep 9 so much at the end after they beat up ambessa and vi says "wow that battle was legendary but there really is a rift between us and noxus" and then viktor says "we should make a team of sorts... a league to fight this rift" and caitlyn adds "a league of legends! we can be summoned to settle things. it will be a summoners rift" and it fades to black

Any info on when?

I think it depends on what they want to do next, what they think will have sticking power like piltover/zaun. Ionia could work but it's also some what distant. I imagine they'd want to introduce demacia first.

Jinx dying makes me not wanna play the champ anymore because there will never be more cool lore or stories with her so I feel less invested.

Same reason why I dont wanna replay Cyberpunk- you are fucked no matter what except for some extreme copes.

On the 18th, they said this week, so I guess today, because the titles come out tomorrow.

I just play champions based on their gameplay and nothing else. I never buy skins or things like that.

I want a longer kin of the Stained Blade and I'm not ashamed to admit it

Look at this loser, she has no friends. LOOL

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Just like me. But I don't feel anything about it.

Pengu is right there

I got a friend for her alright.

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For me the fantasy behind them is important as I like their shorts, seeing them in cinematics, wondering how they will interact with new additions to the cast, etc. if they are dead I am not really motivated to get invested

Uhmmm, are you still there?

Jinx dies, here's the proof

He is trying to create a good prompt

After Ekko and Silco's. Jinx has to wait patiently for her turn.

Episode titles!

ep 7: My best enemy

ep 8: feeling' Fantastic

ep 9: Wasteland

since Linke is a Dumas fan, and that i've read a lot from this author, and that i don't find so much clue of Linke using characters or situations from Dumas in S1, i am now starting english authors.
There is 0 piece of David Copperfield in Arcane S1.
though i didn't waste my time since Copperfield has a HUGE legacy, fact that i was totally ignoring, from head to toes.
i will try Oliver Twist in a moment.

Edmond.jpg - 1920x1080, 573.61K

That's an imaginary friend. It's not real.

Only the first episode of th Act gets a song title. Try again.

You're hurting Pengu's feelings. Not cool.

Episode 7: Oh the misery

If he's a Dumas fan then there's no way Jinx dies. The core theme of his most famous book is that it gets better after all the suffering.

I haven't played a single Arcane champ outside of Vi after the show released. She's the only one that's fun to play.

yes Vi is really fun to play, she's the one champion where I can have shitty K/DA but win most games, my suicidies are impactful with her

Episode 8: Spare the sympathy

Jinx won't die dude. Chillax swagdog.

She'll die, we have proof now

I just like she's unga bunga
this s1 scene captures her core gameplay perfectly, you can feel everything about her kit go off in that animation lol

Lady de Winter, Milady, dies.

This. The long haired hobo with a following of former outcasts being hunted by soldiers in red while a creepy old man who talks about mortality to him is very biblical. Not to mention Jayce "Judas" Talis.

Episode 9: The League of Legends

Milady's an antagonist, Jinx is a protagonist

says who?

The right music choice

Actual onscreen action

Liberal use of slow-mo

Few impact frames

Just a raw animated fight

God I miss s1 so much.

60% of 4ch posters were saying, after S1: "she's killed too many, she deserves to die.

aa, aa, E + passive aa


aa, aa then charge Q to unload passive for execution

nice combo

You think Singed is creepy???

kill people who continually oppress Zaun

people responsible for her mom and dad dying

Didn't kill enough

Yeah except that fight actually makes Vi look intelligent and not turn your brain off and mash they keyboard with your face.

Jayce is throwing Qs like cooldowns don't exist.

Vi is constantly intelligent in her fighting and how she strategizes for fights all trough s1.
Look at the memory of Vi while Jinx punches the machine, the ghost memory of Vi is holding perfect position while Jinx is doing something akin to rolling your face over the keyboard.

Jayce is a noob carried by the Vi jungler ganking him. He focuses on farming minions on lane while Vi kills enemy champs.

And yet when I play Vi I'm pressing 2 buttons while shitting myself and drooling at the same time and still getting kills.

His hatred for Zaunites is stronger than any cooldown

It's possible you've internalized her rotation and you do not consciously think about it.

i won't contradict you.
how many channers call her a terrorist? 60%? 70%? 90%?

60% of 4ch posters

Ah yes 60% of completely anonymous posters

I'm just joking she's not that braindead to play

Could be his ranged auto attacks.

So Ambussa is def gonna stab Cait in the tummy and that's why she's hunched over in the trailer right?

No those attacks had an aoe so they are his Q.

Bald, old, fucked up eye, skin color destroyed by constant toxic fumes.

tailor my view history to only be Arcane

youtube keeps recommending me Sonic videos and Chinese ones

how did you tag yourself?

hq720.jpg - 686x386, 26.63K

Mfw I'm literally Singed.

Try it

He's literally just a guy, what's your problem?

He smells.

You smell

Off by one, classic.

That's a time traveler, obviously.


Why did you quote your own post number?

I dunno, why does Jinx have a fat dick?

Because I was sad.

Because Anon Babble is apparently slow enough to predict your own post number.

Black and white comics suck btw.

Ambessa deserves to die more than Jinx does. Hopefully she does.

She will live, believe in Shimmercoin.

Reminder Ella said nobody will feel good about the ending and that it’s devastating.

I hope Jinx dies and Vi kills herself

that's not what makes singed creepy
it's that he keeps severed heads and does fucked up experiments on humans and other animals

He also makes toy clocks!

I am racist but Ekko is one of the good ones.

Because he's very smart.

Finally, Anon's racism was cured.

It did not stop him from calling Ekko a faggot though.

if he'd do more of that and less human and animal rights violations he'd have a hundred kids and grandkids to dote on

Imagine Jayvik and Vander x Silco sex scenes



So what is the ship name, Anon Babble?

Predict the title of the next show: go!
Mine is The Tidecaller.


Corin strikes me as a mega autist like there's no way this dude isn't on the spectrum.

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Chainlight. It will let us see a proper anti-Demacia revolution and S2 will pickup where the Warriors cinematic left off.

Mageseeker. There's a story game about it, so might as well make a show too.

So many söy faces in thumbnails with the title "reacting to Arcane"

Keeping the title the same seems lazy so while I accept your submission I'm not happy about it. >_>

Leaked final pic.

file.png - 720x405, 328.66K

Jinx dies in 44 hours

Very dykey

Short hair Jinx


I really can't think of any mad scientist character that isn't on the spectrum, it's pretty much a requirement to be one
zaundads if we're going with the timebomb naming convention, vanco for the jayvik type. The former is more commonly used for this ship

The clothing is looking very AI generated. The more you look at it, the worse it gets.

God forbid a man have hobbies.

You suck ass btw.

Tinkertwigs > Timebomb

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A man can have hobbies that aren't the reason we had to create IRBs

Her being a terrorist is what makes her based and a cool character

Magic returns to Runeterra and nations take notice.

*Spin 2 Win intensifies*

Fantastic is going to be released tomorrow? they release the songs in order right? so it'll most likely be ep 8 song

Think about which characters I would like to see next

Realize their story will get turned into globohomo miseryporn

change my mind

Keep Jarvan, Trynda, Swain and Pantheon out of this mess. I like my characters heroic and larger-than-life.

when they fuck all we hear is the sound of bones clacking

Vander, Silco, Ambessa, Singed, Marcus

Moral of the show is actually that daughters ruin their parents

Jinx is just next in line


Women ruin almost everything in this show.

Checks out.

socially rejected retard makes fake screenshots with AI

literally just "make a screenshot of arcane season 2 act 3 leak" prompt

everyone here buys it instantly

jesus fucking christ you all deserve to fucking hang

Looks like a wine mom.

If anything, this would be not-crazy AU Powder. Has Vi titty slash leaker been debunked? I don't remember everything he said, but his spoilers could be for act 3 only.

You have never seen a dyke


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This is Jinx once she settles down, joins home owners association, and becomes conservative, pretending she never had a wild phase. Shakes her head any time someone in the street raises their voice above a whisper and gives Chuck shit for not mixing her drink well enough (she bitches even if he makes it the exact same way)

This is the AU where she is my wife and we do gardening together.

There's a 90% chance they'll ruin Jinx's character so my plan is to never watch act 3 and pretend the show ended at s1

you'll watch anyway

They already ruined her, now they'll make her au self touch the black man and kill her off

Hot. What is she like on the bed?

if Jinx kisses Ekko ill be pissed, they had no connection as kids beyond playing together which powder did with her brothers and Vi as well. Them being romantically linked is just cuck fetish shit.
Also anyone else notice Jinx doesn't think about her tow dead brothers at all, and Vi and jinx dont mention them when reunited with Vander?

Amanda ships them unfortunately so something will be happening since she brute forced caitvi this season and made some odd comments in bridging the rift.

Also anyone else notice Jinx doesn't think about her tow dead brothers at all, and Vi and jinx dont mention them when reunited with Vander?

I really, really wished jinx and vi would have talked about fucking anything from their past. It honestly feels like their reunion didn't even happen at all, there was just no impact to it

delivered the most degenerate pleasures to half of Zaun but now pretends she is not that kind of girl and doesnt even put out for anal. Insists on missionary, doggy for special occasions.

yeah, the whole "show dont tell" about fortiche kinda makes me annoyed sometimes, after ep 6 Linke even said "there's nothing to be said between the two sisters anymore" like, they'll most LIKELY never talk about that

I hope not. The song being released before the episode would spoil so much

They're really sucking themselves sick over that, as if s1 didn't have tons of fucking dialogue. Jayce and viktor have more dialogue over the undercity blockade than we got between jinx and vi over their history LOL

i mean if its not released today then it will probably wont be released tomorrow

This is something annoying about the show. There are so many interesting conversations and confrontations that will never happen.
Like hey, lets see Jinx give Vi a different perspective on Silco, or lets have Vi confront Jinx about killing innocents or explaining how her relationship with Cait developed. Just some sort of development on these topics which started in S1.
Half the time it doesn’t feel like Jinx and Vi walking side by side, they might as well be new characters.

That wouldn't have fit the situation in my opinion. They weren't reconciled enough to have a honest conversation yet. It was tense because Vi didn't trust Jinx at that moment.
They can only talk about those things when they are somewhat on the same wavelength, otherwise it'd just be angry accusing.

despite accepting jinx as her identity, the whole dinner party scene feels redundant. Noticeably because I’ve barely seen Jinx’s facial rig used in s2 as powder’s rig still seems to be present. I get they’re trying to push the whole ‘powders still there’ thing but what is actually the point of making two rigs if you’re not going to alternate between them to portray a volatile personality.

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I hope we might still get something like this in Act 3.
Feel like they did give a silent nod towards Jinx accepting ViCait when Jinx decided to work together with Cait, saved her life and ran past her to get to Vander.

Why would Cait suddenly stop being mad at Jinx for killing her mum and those enforcers friends of hers. Cait and Jinx should be at each others throats the most but we need them to make peace so vi can have her gay drama. Which is porrly done sh forgave cait way to easily for hitting her

I dont think we are getting this.
Jinx will just lose her mind and fuck off.

I hate that they doubled down on this jinx vs powder shit, personally. It's just a damn name and even if we commit to this idea, jinx literally says jinx is dead super early in the season. So what's the point of all this.

Plus there are plenty of times people irl have used a negative nicknamed and done something like jinx and turned it into a calling card or source of empowerment without pretending there's some crazy personality split. The only person who reinforced/reinforces the idea that powder and jinx are these distinctly different things are silco and the writers ironically. It would have been better for everyone who loves jinx to come to terms with her actions without splitting her into these personas

It's been months. Caitlyn isn't a cold hearted person who would just up and kill Jinx while Isha is around and while they're having a family moment with Vander. She hasn't forgiven her, surely, but that was not the time for revenge.

Remember the hype about pitfighter Vi(even got a new game skin)? How long did that plot last?


What hurts the show the most in my opinion is that it jumps forward a few months almost every episode. In a better world, Cait's rise to Hitler would be an entirely separate season, and would lead into the next season being about Jinx rebelling and Vi hitting rock bottom, only to tease something at the end that would force all three to grow a pair of balls and put a hold on their turf wars/angst to take on a greater threat.

Rather than 9 episodes for a Season it should be 24. Hell, even the laziest anime do 12-13 episodes a season.

Yeah I remember CL saying this would be Vi's season. So funny that her arc is just 2 minutes long which we already saw 2 months ago. Oh and she's also such a simp for caitlyn that she still wears the badge and instantly forgives her. Amazing character development

Having 3-4 more episodes of the Jinx we got in 4 and 5 and partially 6 would have been awesome

All of 50 seconds.

Rioting Legends

Truly were...
...of legends™©®...!!!!!!

thanks chatgpt very cool

"Vi's season"

Vi gets cucked

What did they mean by this

I think it will be Maddie or someone else who stabs her in the stomach first because Caitlyn has no blood in her face in the Official trailer when she’s in the floor looking up but in the preview she has blood on her face and mouth so I think her getting stabbed has to happen before she fights Ambessa

The blood on her face is from her nose. She probably got punched in the face by Ambessa.

What will be her fate?

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just way too many plots with not enough time to properly develop them. dark caitlyn could have been good with more episodes. same with jinx/vi reconciliation, isha, ww, jayce and viktor. all of that needed more time. riot is the reason this all went to shit.

She was LB the entire time.

its just a goodbye hug

its just a goodbye kiss

its just a goodbye scissoring

its just a goodbye marriage

leaker only guessed ep 6

leaker also only saw the preview

leaker also scoured threads from September for whiteboard leaks

leaker also only saw the episode titles

Jinxoids really take after their idol/waifu

Yeah bro, I wanted to see Vi fight randoms in the pit for an entire episode too

It's funny how the Arcane threads in Anon Babble never once bring up the leaks and just discuss the show itself

What is there to discuss with the show? It's shit and everyone hates it.

She's either gonna be dumped hard
Or walk in on Cait and Vi doing "something"
Or she will die during the battle (that's her body nest to Caitlyn's)
Or all of the above. Honestly I hope they don't spend too much screentime on this useless love triangle drama.

I noticed a small detail in season II that explained a lot of the motivatons between Vander and Silco and made me woner if VI and Jinx really knew who their biological father was. The way I saw it, their mother was having a fling with both to them and I think Silco knew Jinx was his biological daughter while VI may have been Vander's.

That would explain why Silco didn't off Powder when she fucked up his plans.

This happened when the leaks dropped months ago and it seems ep6 didn't do much to alleviate that. Once a week or so has passed there's barely anything to comment on bc there's barely anything of substance this season and it's all very predictable

They know what actual leaks look like(an european getting to see a movie a week early, camrips and so on) and Arcane's are just elaborate fanfics by bored redditors
They also know about seasonal rot better than anyone, plus their general disdain towards animation

As for Jinx always screwing things up for other. That only stops when she meets Lux. Cait and Vi are a thing, but Vi is more like Cait's mistress she likes to hide that secret cause she at the age where she must produce an heir to the family, regardless of marriage or not.

The problem from a narrative perspective is that if you set up an arc where you go, "[Character] is driven to do [actions] by [motivations A, B, C]," (in this case, "Caitlyn is motivated to kill Jinx by a mix of guilt, grief, and blind rage."), then you need to actually explore or resolve those motivations in some way in order to satisfyingly justify a change in the associated actions.

For example, in this situation, we needed to see some kind of journey with Cait's motivations. Something that, e.g., helps her get closure on her own guilt, or that changes her perspective on her grief, or that confronts her with the consequences of her own rage. The writing needed to plot out Cait's own internal journey, such that the alchemy that meant Motivation A -> Action B has changed.

Instead, the most we got was, "Idk, it's been a while and she's just kind of already over it," and her being in the same room while Ambessa goes, "Damn, forgiveness is hard, you know?" / Singed goes, "Listen, who hasn't done a war crime or two for love, am I right?"

It's not a satisfying emotional journey for her character, because we didn't walk it with her, and didn't get to experience any of those things that changed her perspective alongside her.

I don't think the leaks sound that bad to be honest. i think it reads bad but the execution wil be good. If you squeezed act 2 into like 10 sentences it would sound bad too but it was good

it's all very predictable

Then why are there constantly people begging for leaks and believing fake leaks?

Guys, i don't think this will have a happy ending at all considering the game LOL is an open world war between magic tech and dark sorcery and everyone is at each other's throats so it's gonna get bad, real bad.

She’s not over it she just has bigger shit to deal with. So she’s burying the hatchet like most adults.

Dude Cait is a flaming lesbian and everyone in Piltover knows that. Even her late mum knew that.

Because they're lonely and have nothing else going on in their lives
This general is a pseudo discord server and a friend simulator

We want to know whether we're actually getting the slop ending where everyone except the lesbians dies. But Maddie betrayal, caitlyn losing an eye, possible jinx death, au wild rune shit, was already theorized months ago

If she dies then cait wont have to explain the situation, how convenient.

Is this truly how you choose to spend your time?


Dude Cait is a flaming lesbian and everyone in Piltover knows that. Even her late mum knew that.

Lesbian yes, but she still has the family obligation of producing an heir of her blood. She does not need marriage, but she does need to have an heir. A female one to continue the lineage of her family.

No and I agree that the pacing is rushed and plenty is left up to out own interpretation of things. But all I'm saying is that Caitlyns anger towards Jinx simmering down makes absolute sense in the context that it's been months and she hasn't gotten any results whatsoever all in the meantime she's already realising that Ambessa is manipulating her.

Amanda said that the reason Caitlyn is dating Maddie is because she thought Maddie would be the perfect candidate for marriage.
Caitlyn doesn't need a male partner nor to actually reproduce naturally. All she has to do is pick up an orphan and make her the next Kiramman heir.

Nah, she’ll have Vi carry the baby with her genes.

Leaks are kinda how I imagine the show will end. Don’t see how well they’ll execute Maddie being a spy the whole time and caitvi sex given the writing so far

Hextech is AMAZING!

This is the real problem, it's never shown or communicated, you're supposed to assume it makes sense. It legit feels like they cut out pivotal scenes, the jumps are just jarring.
I mean fuck, Jinx's character arc mellowing out with Isha is better told and shown than Catherine's.


When Jinx dies how will they handle it on Ekko’s mural?
Will they paint over Powder?
Will they add her a second time?

Amanda's words regarding CaitxMaddie: "what if I would date someone my mother would approve of?"
Source: livestream reaction to ep 4

Best girl Mel is safe

I will take it.

So going after Vi is pissing on her dead mother's memory, per Amanda?
This woman really is clueless

jilcofag_again.jpg - 1125x1682, 341.92K

Her mama didn't gaf about vi being a trencher at the end of the season. The disdain before was only implied by their class. Lots and lots of shit getting implied this season that could have been turned into interesting scenes

There are no transphobes in Runeterra

Now *that's* ludicrous.

Literally no one in Runeterra is based. Truly a sad state of affairs.

In runeterra people are mostly prejudiced by social class, not race, not specie, no belief, not orientation.

Cass would've come around t bh. She gave a little nod for Cait to run after Vi.

Guys, it's over. If you look at the picture ABOVE hobo Jayce, you can see a piece of the 'regent Caitlyn' pants:

They just announced them yesterday I think. The leaks are true, *technically* no one is confirmed dead, Caitlyn gets the worst fate of all the survivors losing her shooting eye.

Why the hell would they change caitlyns endgame from sheriff to regent?

magical animal people walking around

3000 year old hamster professor is head of the academy


You would absolutely be seen as a fucking sperg in this setting if the thing that set you off was a dude in a skirt, standing next to the 16 foot tall 2 ton fish man who owns a restaraunt.

They discriminate by social class. What is so hard to understand that?

As I said I think this might be the order because Caitlyn’s face looks cleaner/less bruised in the Official Trailer

I wish our world was like that.

She wanted a cuck scene and a love triangle for her dumb but she didn't figure out how to integrate it organically into the story so she chucks the blame onto a dead character.

And that's another problem, we never see Catherine and her mother INTERACT. We see plenty of Silco/Jinx, Vander/Vi and even Ambessa/Mel, Catherine got shafted on that department. I don't think they have more than 2 scenes together.

Ahaha this ending would definitely piss off Anon Babble basement dwellers

Jinx, WW, Heimer, Jayce, Viktor, Ambessa dead or MIA

Lesbian couple happily married and we wuz queeens n shit

Mel Mary sue saving the day and we wuz queeen n shit of Noxus

can't wait to get better shots of everyone in the black enforcer armor.

Kinda hard to be sheriff when you're missing an eye innit

We did see them interact…

Of course they fucking do, just not in Piltover because they pretend they're better than that.

People still don’t get her mom wasn’t homophobic she was classist Maddie is a piltie has a last name (Nolen) a job and must at least be middle class. Vi has no last name she’s a zaunite has nothing she’s poor


For the screenshot bro, dude if you're gonna share 'leaks' at least photoshop them correctly, you need to use the 'distort' tool in photoshop

Have you ever played the game before. Most of the people are prejudice towards Magic.

The Hyundai Defense

Ok, anon.

That's just the animators being subhumans again, obviously the writers/creators never intended to even imply that to be the case.

Her mum even knew she was fucking girls. She even called her out on it.

Anon Babble has its average IQ at around 92, this board is sitting at a solid 75

I think maddie must be upper class. No way cass would allow cait to date a middle class person

Leaks are real. Jinx sacrifices herself for nothing because Warwick still survives Jayce and Viktor dead. Ambessa dead. Maddie is a traitor. Caitvi sex in Jinx’s prison cell is also real. Someone got it earlier from a Netflix employee, acc is ___SheWrites___

IMG_4598.jpg - 1280x960, 135.72K

in a world governed by the same essential laws of physics and thermodynamics

it's IMPOSSIBLE that anyone would make a care shaped like every other fucking car on the road today


There's no such thing as an original idea. A hyundai is just a car, and a car is shaped like it is because that's the best shape for a car to be.
Any automotive manufacturer in fiction that -doesn't- arrive at the Hyundai form factor is doing their jobs wrong, on purpose, because fiction writers are hacks.


Guys, have you considered the possibility we might end up wishing the leaks were true because the actual ending is even worse? Like, if we get the choice between making the leaks or just deal with whatever Riot cooked, which one is safer?

The current leak doesn't REALLY kill anyone off, it leaves it ambiguous. JayVik fags get a fujo ending and the dykes get a sex scene and end up together, so for shippers is not so bad. Ekko also seems to have a nice ending.

Riot might just kill everyone and have them wake up in summoner's rift or some shit like that.

Anon, stop. I'm sold on the Hyundai already.
No need to overdo the pitch.

I doubt Caitlyn would keep Medarda x Kiramman symbol from the times of Ambessa as endgame.
I think it's about her current 'Dictatorship' arc, and not the finale.

rip boys. was a good run.

Okay but what if I just yelled at you for three more posts anyway.

Netflix picture

Not this shit again

Oh God.....

When exactly? Just the two of them
At most we get Catherine complaining about her mom to other characters which not only paints her as a childish immature person but it robs the audience of her mother's perspective on things

Its over guys it is the same title as the one given by the reddit leaker
Reddit leaker also claimed that the original Anon Babble leak are completely correct

The topic was troons and not normal crossdressers

The episode runtime seems to be real but why does Jayce look like a faggot?

In a world of chemtech and shimmer, and also literal magic, getting your gubbins changed around is just too much for your suspension of disbelief?

I'm calling politically charged bullshit, here.

I sure have, it's bad but could be way worse

Season II gives me two reasons why Silco put up with Jinx. Either she was his actual daughter from a fling her mother had or...she was the daughter of the woman he loved and saw her imagine whenever he looked at jinx.

Or both.

just waiting for the cope anons to come crying here again.

These trolls are really trying like wow.

Can anyone compilate the original leak and whatever else the Anon Babble leaker said?

Why would Netflix have the episodes in their database way ahead of the scheduled release? Why would a random person have them on their IPS display which is typical of someone on a computer, trying to deceive people.

You need better editing skills, faggot. And please, buy Netflix and see how the list of episodes actually looks like.

fagg.png - 1280x960, 1.71M

Whether anyone finds it believable didn't even come up, weirdo

Saturday gon be fun

I'd appreciate the effort.

Why do the thumbnails look like they're AI generated?

The Netflix preview club had the episodes available some weeks ago.

and jinx is still dead. keep crying.

Okay well then fuck you asshole, post more enforcer jinx immediately!

Cait is not having a great time, eh

So this is why they changed the catgirl's original voice actress for an untalented tranny
Amanda is such a cancer

All I have is regular Jinx in stock, I'm afraid.

Why is the ep 7 icon so much bigger than the others? You troll

Because they are. He opens them on full screen and clearly has no idea how Netflix system even looks like so he sees nothing wrong with sharing this bullshit with us XD

I'm just saying, in the world of runeterra, the pass rate is probably much higher

Act 1 only.
Journalists got act 2 early.
No one got act 3. Screening will be the first time people will see it.

she-ra had a tranny voice actor? we need a tranny voice actor too then

korra had a drunk fighter depression arc? we need a drunk fighter depression arc too then

Netflix says that they should only happen on weeknds and that there's only a few of them per year. This troll just dropped a sloppy edit with AI images during working hours from his home.

No one got act 3. Screening will be the first time people will see it.


The screenshot is real. episode times are correct

ss.jpg - 1129x730, 56.81K

Nah it's real. Screenshot guy posted that exact picture of jayce but cropped and everyone accused him of ai, but that full pic looks fine. It's over

Until its officially confirmed by netflix tomorrow, I will consider it just as well prepared fake.

poison gas plotline? abandoned

secret kiramman vault and family secrets? abandoned

Caitler plotline? abandoned

Vi's feelings on being attacked by Cait? abandoned

Amanda, can you control your creative ADD, please? I know you're just constantly having great fucking ideas, but maybe stick to 3 and run with them to the end, instead of throwing 5 new plotlines at the wall every 3 episodes.

Because its selected

iced a brand new champ

Ambessa is going to be hideously unpopular. No one wonder they released her before S2 aired.

IMG_1445.jpg - 1783x2048, 286.94K

because you have 30 iq like the rest of the copium anons on here

Do you even know how the list of episodes looks like on Netflix? Or are you THAT dumb?

netflix.png - 909x802, 232.77K


should have been Mel
she was obviously a mage, everyone called it from the moment S1 ended, but nooo, Riot has to play coy and go "tee hee, who knows?" for 3 years.

Tell us more about the caitvi sex

Sorry, I was answering tot his dumbass

He might be watching from a TV with a different UI.

It looks quite legit to me, Anon Babble leaker was right also.

Do you even know how the list of episodes looks like on Netflix? Or are you THAT dumb?

Why would a shitty software that uses browser delivered shitty 1080p codecs have access to hidden episdes, if you truly had access to those every single person on earth could download them since they're easy to decrypt as those keys are provided to Edge and so on.

Who the hell even tries to have sex with the sister of the most wanted woman, in a cell, by the xeriff no less? Is this some sort of revenge play here, can't hurt Jinx, will fuck her sister instead? Cait, you have issues. Reall Issues.

You're just answering yourself, retard. I have Netflix for years on all kinds of devices. It looks the same on all of them: PC, laptop, IOS, MacOS, console, Android TV, Rakuten TV, iPad.

Ye, dude had no idea and generated a pic. He's trying to defend himself now. What a fucked up troll...

Since you copers are so insistant I will give you something where you can't cope out of it. The moment Jinx falls to her death with WW.

jinxdeath.jpg - 744x552, 66.85K

I didn’t watch the episodes but the leaker also posted this. I guess this is when Jinx sacrifices herself.

IMG_4601.jpg - 744x552, 72.03K

It's even weaker than your previous attempts. Go suck on a lollipop, kid. It's not a place for you.

Is it true?? Ambessa 1v1 Caitlyn?? While Noxians are watching?

Didn't the leaks say that both Jinx and Warwick die together and they are just not seen again. So how would he still survive cause none of the leaks said that.

Hahaha you're entertaining yo

It’s PiltOVER.
How explicit is the sex?

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That has to be fanart…tomorrow night is gonna be nuts.

Given how Reddit banned all discussion about leaks, then this bullshit is coming straight from a discord server

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Ambessa 1v1 Caitlyn

Assassin vs ADC? That'll go well for Cait.

Yes and Caitlyn will lose an eye

This is worse than I ever imagined LMAO

So everything here is true then?

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So going after Vi is pissing on her dead mother's memory, per Amanda?

Did you miss out on their disdain for the lower classes?

Hurrr hurr belib me guyzzz

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I have a question for prompter faggots. Can't you just feed two images to an AI model and tell it to generated based on it? That's something that a Anon Babble neet would've mastered by now.

half the cast dies and Caitlyn becomes too disabled to be a sniper

Yay! This will make so many feel pleased and entertained.

IMG_1442.jpg - 1088x1084, 255.32K

Attentionwhore. She saw the Anon Babble and reddit leaks and is running with it

Posted 42 minutes ago. PLEASE. Are you THAT desperate? We saw right through you so you're trying to mess up with xitters?

The BlackMilk Clothing account said the Regent thing isn’t a spoiler just refers to the position she already has and that the print was designed predominantly based off her fancy new cape

Stop trying to push your shitty fake leaks.

Tomorrow is gonna be strange what happens if the titles are the same?

iphone filename

It's a discord tranny samefagging

it's all made up.

damn that person on twitter is giga mad.

It would mean that I am the subhuman so it'll boomerang back into my head. But this far I had 100% success rate at properly identifying subhumans across this website across thousands of instances.

We will see tomorrow I guess. But people calling anything fake is kinda desperate. Unless someone can dox the leaker and see if it’s all connected.

Or just a woman. They tend to love ifones.

we start talking about how retarded it is for trannyphobia to not exist in the setting

tranny whips up some new bullshit and starts samefagging

It's so transparent

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Vi never becomes an enforcer

Caitlyn doesn't become Sheriff

They just settle down and live a quiet life in bliss and happiness.

Vi opens a bar near the border of the two cities

Caitlyn takes care of the kids.

I started coping last Saturday when I saw ep 6 leaks were true, but I was 50/50, now I'm more like 95/5 sure the leaks are true. The ending is very "this shit is so ass" and the remaining 5% of hope I have will vanish as soon as episode titles drop and it's confirmed fr.

What are the chances someone got ep 6 right and episodes 7-9 titles right but got the plots wrong? This is GOT all over.

I'm trying to make peace with the ending, as a Caitvifag I should be 'happy' but...Huh.

No more like Cait is a councilwoman and Vi takes care of the kid.

So the prison cell sex scene jinx dying rumors are true...its so over

Depending on how woke Piltover is, maybe they do take a disabled sheriff.

Ordinary people stuff? No way why are they even champions then

CaitVi got one of the worst endings. Their whole entire thing is being partners fighting crime together. Now Cait becomes disabled and useless.

Could we see some of this? Maybe it’ll hurt a little less.

IMG_1429.jpg - 3840x1632, 353.21K

Man, we're in for very long 24 hours. Events happening tomorrow:

- Episode titles dropping, they will either confirm (probable) or debunk the leak

- LA Finale screening. Some kind anons are going and one agreed to spill the beans afterwards.

It's going to be a very long day.

From what I’m getting most of these leaks are coming from disgruntled people connected to the show…so oh boy.

outright admits he doesn't care about the show, just the dykes

He was right, he was right all along

was a good run.

nah, last 5 days were pain in my ass, glad it's joever

Bro aint no way Jinx dies wtf is riot doing man

Cait can still shoot. Her good eye is still usable.

I can believe it, Ella seemed annoyed by the ending whenever she mentions it. Seems like its grimderp “I am so mature, everyone dies and nobody is happy” typa deal

i want to be inside Jinx

This is going to freak the Twitter population right out.

IMG_1444.jpg - 1448x2048, 437.55K

This proves she's wrong. Singed is a Noxian champion, he's going to leave with Ambessa. Nice try though. She also admitted she's using AI since 2023.

Losing an eye doesn't necessarily make her disabled permanently, Piltover is a bit like Cyberpunk, with people walking around with spare parts and shit like that. She can get a cyborg laser eye that looks normal, which explains her normal look in the game.

And if Vi has no one else besides Caitlyn, it makes sense she goes back to being an enforcer, at least it gives her purpose.

Caitlyn becomes too disabled to be a sniper

No prosthetic eyes? Pfft, she'll have a hexcore for a glowing eye. She'll be a true glowie.

Bro she posted screenshots
They're too legit to be faked in my opinion



denial moving into anger

iphone filename

You're trying too hard

I think he was retconned into Zaun.

They're too legit to be faked in my opinion

Sureeee. Especially the episode list coming from Netflix, right? XD Stop defending yourself, fucked up retard.

And if Vi has no one else besides Caitlyn

Shieldbro and Maddie, more reasons to join the Enforcers. Not sure how she'd go police brutality after this though.

Take your meds

Anon Babble instantly took a big fat shit on the leak by the way

Ignore the fake leaks that caught fire. Here’s the REAL ending scene, spoiled in WR.

IMG_1449.jpg - 1901x1080, 229.33K

these spoilers are too awful, it feels like watching 00s clannad anime miseryslop, so it's definitely true.

Bro its not me if these are fakes ill be so happy im fucking crying about these leaks

Maybe later on, but leak says she wears an eyepatch.

According to another anon, the episode runtimes is also correct. Also, this person started posting about the finale a few days ago.

Hope for the best prepared for the worst.

I remember when the speculation was that this was Janna, Jinx or a cult of some sort.

The biggest mistake of S2 has been delegating the interesting parts to fast-paced montages.

Cult.png - 1367x582, 1.3M

Fucking hell man wtf im so mad
Jinx dying and caitvi in a prison cell
Of all the leaks that people came out with of course the worst one is true

They're too legit to be faked in my opinion

the person who posted that is literally an AI "artist"

Not in current lore he's not

Fuck fuck i hope you're right anon

This is not Jinx just some chem-baroness

Tomorrow is gonna be awful. You guys need to chill until the event which starts late.

the person who posted that is literally an AI "artist"


all the cool characters die

Jinx dies for nothing

there is no positive note, the whole thing was just a waste of your time

WOAH, I love miseryslop

Yeah the thumbnail images look fake must be ai

Yeah, I know. I was reminiscing earlier times.

They look real to me

Also, awfully quiet. 3 followers, a patreon account...No leaker would be stupid enough to post this shit with their public account? But then I think of that Nick dude.

The sus thing is that the account has been pretty much inactive since 2023 and it's just being active now. Could be a throw away.

discord tranny

This does make sense when the commonality between all of these bullshit leaks, which contradict themselves all the time by the way is

oh boy, this sure will make le hecking Anon Babble incels le mad

We're being raided

isha dies 10 more times due to time travel


No wonder this looks like shit haha The real list looks like this

At least she's having kinky sex with Vi on the daily

Merch sales will tank and fill landfills.

IMG_1408.jpg - 1195x803, 55.57K

The supposed leak they posted looks way more refined than their AI art so my hope is still low

This is not Jinx just some chem-baroness

oh I get it now

s (2).jpg - 516x424, 38.7K

Are you telling me Anon Babble actually isn't fucking retarded? What am I doing still here?

Where was it shown Caitlyn's mom knew she was a lesbian.

But leaks are "real" KEKEKEKEKEKE. Bitch can't even properly generate episode list.

raiding the most liberal board on 4channel

What's even their plan?

Riot really want fujos money with that Jayce Viktor ending

Why people are so desperate to believe this leaks are fake?

I just checkrd the episode list looks the same on my tv

Very funny that all these new leakers who have had access to the episodes "for weeks" only waited until the original leak dropped on here to then talk about it.
That redditor literally gave nothing but none answers and "I can't remember desu" until it dropped, then suddenly he has a fully formed plot summary?
If this twitter dude was this pissed about the ending why didn't he just spoil it weeks ago?
The original info was probably legit. Everyone else since then is a faggot trying to latch on

Because it’s actually awful on every level

Amanda’s Reddit fanfic snippets she wrote.

IMG_1423.jpg - 1280x1124, 104.26K

It was never a secret.

Stop defending your sorry ass.

Da leak is real because.......uhm it just is ok

As they should, fujos are a far superior fanbase following compared to yurifags.

at least they didn't add kiss scenes, I appreciate them

Maybe, maybe if any one leaked could describe a single detail about their canon sex we could extrapolate something.

But no. No leaker offered any details behind the location of their deed.

They were probably aiming for Anon Babble at first, it's of the "chud boards" after all, but they aren't as interested in Arcane as they were 3 years ago so they settled for Anon Babble

Tencent is still chinese

No one has such access. Early netflix viewers got act 2. Journalists act 2. No one has act 3 yet. Leddit refused the troll to storm their topics with bullshitty fanfiction so he came here. He's been debunked over and over again so he went to xitter. He's nothing but an attention whore. The only 100% correct leak we've got came on Nov 15, shortly before act 2 was released on netflix.

This show really is written for women. Fujos and lesbians ruin everything they touched.

doubt the latest leak

within SECONDS someone replies to you with some variation of "cope" or "coper"

They're not sending their best

I hope you're right

Early netflix viewers got act 2

act 1*

Bros I like her so much. I wish I married a woman like that and had a bunch of kids.

viktor and mel early look from some tft ad, riot keeps messing up

tft-ad.png - 360x586, 306.46K

It's cowardice that stopped them. I'd have more respect if they committed to it instead of keeping things vague enough it's easy to censor.

The leaks are either real or a very, very, very elaborate lie from someone very bored:

1- Original Wednesday leaks
2- Teaser strongly hints at the leaks being true
3- Amex anon confirming them
4- Reddit anon confirming then
5- Twitter anon with screenshots confirming them, like how do you debunk the Warwick one..??!! And the episode run times being correct?
6- More twitter retards with 'press friends' confirming act 3 is a trainwreck
7- Ella Purnell's words make a lot of sense now if the leak is true

Episode names: the Friday ep 6 leaker confirmed ep 7's title, which all the leaks confirm as well. Reddit anon added eps 8-9, which Twitter anon confirmed as well with screenshots. Yes, it could all be a very elaborate lie and the same anon with multiple accounts hyping it up. But why bother..? Just to troll?

It's over guys. And the worst part is that most fans will eat this shit up and say it's "beautiful," the critics will love it too and at the end of the day they'll shrug off any criticism with shit like "yeah well we can't please everyone"

Homophobia doesn’t exist in Runeterra therefore being gay isn’t a big deal everybody in Piltover must know Caitlyn is a lesbian

you can delete your post on Anon Babble then re-post it again with corrections, it's better than replying with a correction

No one wants these to happen. Just fucking pray it won’t happen.

This show really is written for women

Do you have any doubt?. The arcane plot is the best part of the show, yet we only got the sister's misery adventures

If this is that reddit guy he’s a real attention whore.


Too blue. I'm calling AI.

robotic arm

were's the retard saying that he wouldn't have his third arm?

how's it elaborate, they're written as if they're insults to your intelligence, broken English, AI generated quality of images and so on

Pls god no.

I'd to believe this cabal of discord tranny "leakers" came about because Jilcodad called them out 3 years ago
They're that spiteful

At least if this turns out true then the ending for Warwick is slightly better because then he can still become the Warwick we actually wanted from the game. But Jinx dying for it is just the exact same thing that happend in episode 6 with Isha and makes it worse that it didn't even do anything again like what??

Probably becausr of some hextech thingie they're in a tower in piltover apparently

She has not been a teen for years.

Mylo ass haircut

IMG_1410.jpg - 1526x796, 41.68K

Episode 7 title will most likely be a Song title the leaked ones aren’t real

Now that’s what I call a crazy take. No one wants these leaks.

What are the chances of the AI figuring out her missing finger? again maybe the anon told the AI to make sure that detail is there and feed it the images


but you realise it doesn't fucking matter right? the point is you don't get to see the wolf you played with for 13 years on screen, you get his lame backstory look

no homo but yuri shine through only when it's kiss and yaoi shine through when it's rape mostly

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>Mylo ass haircut

Mylo manifests through the hexcore; having died in a hextech explosion, he will finally get to blow up a balloon from the sky, enacting revenge on Powder at the same time.

We will see tomorrow pray they aren’t real.


They post the same collection of answers and then when you press them for more information they clam up or say “I’m not good at description”.

It’s a crock.

Who is this blue dude supposed to be?

ITT: schizos

It's an AI image with the in-game icon on warwick and Jinx images from s2.

Things went down in episode 6 the way they did because they were too cowardly to have Jayce show up and rape Viktor, it's unfortunate

Discord's Public Enemy #1, folks

Jilcofag.jpg - 1074x1048, 357.83K

The Warwick screenshot looks real to me, no indication that it’s AI, it’s way too detailed…

I have to watch this shit in the theater. Maybe I should sell my ticket.

Kek. Considering he’s still mentally 13, he would,

Vanderwick has scar on his nose this guy doesn't


You're really mad people aren't buying your latest bullshit, huh?

The Line is about Viktor

Well ig Cait and Vi have sex at least, only good thing from these leaks

You get to see the shock and disappointment of the normies there

Apparently another look at Viktor in act 3 got leaked?

Besides them being fake and misleading.

Mel? LB?

Nah, there's nothing about them.

he's right, pandering to xitterfaggots made this disaster, tho it's not catvi, it's warwick

If I were talking about what happened in acts 1 and 2 I would forget to mention Mel too.

I bet even the sex scene is going to be disappointing

Cardboard sex leaker sama come back please

Viktor kills Jynx in cold blood and when Vi is about to hug her sister's corpse, Viktor takes off his mask revealing Mylo's face

Mylobros we can't stop winning

Something doesn't add up to me.

If we have screenshots, list of episodes, other anons allegedly confirming it...

Why no one has given a more in depth description of what happens? For example no one has talked about the last line of the series which is a huge deal apparently because they spent more than 24 hours thinking about it. No one revealed the big surprise of episode 7. No one revealed if the death is confirmed ambiguous or definitive. No one revealed anything good why? When GoT ending leaked, there was in deep description of the ending. We even knew Bran's dolumb nickname. Why so much secrecy here? Is Netflix hunting you already or what?

in acts 1 and 2

Yeah because little to nothing happens to them there. Only hype for a culmination of their plot and inclusion. Mel was already leaked to be a champion as well, so she'll be a major player in Act 3.

I yearn for the days of cardboard.

The big reveal in ep 7 is probably the au, a world of what could've been without powder turning into jinx

the two common factors among the multiple leaks has been "4channel incels mad" and "caitvi seggs"

And they think people wouldn't notice

You’re pretending these writers are competent. She’ll help Caitlyn on the battlefield and that’s it. Forgettable.

Maddie is a traitor

Oh, how fucking convenient, now Cait doesn't have to explain anything or feel bad for two-timing.
God, they're so desperate to make Caitlyn a perfect dindu muffin that they're writing shit like this.

Silver lining if real is Jinx is obviously meant to be alive, since there is a warwick body and no Jinx body.

Why he look like that

And none of the "leaks" mention normally Sevika and her role, who got her own poster and will obviously be important in the finale, because this nonsense was made up before this poster came out. Sure sure

Viktor + Mel TFT

viktor mel.png - 469x466, 362.18K

The leakers are fake as fuck

The Black Rose has been in the makings since S1. Surely, surely there'll be something that concludes with them.
Especially since Singed and WW go on to be buddies in (war)crime under Noxian banners.

They're probably already hunting him. Can someone pass on the links to the tweets?


important in the finale

Good joke

Maddie isn't a traitor. Maddie is the third wheel in Cait / Vi relationship, and will stick around.
Vi's mom banged Silco and Vander, and perhaps her husband as well.

Anon I know a lot of people love Sevika but she ain’t a champion her role in the finale won’t be more important than Heimerdinger’s

be normal guy

trannies hate you

I don't get it

"warwick, warwick is the key to all of this"

W.jpg - 592x322, 43.29K

How can you believe someone who takes a photo of the screen instead of a screenshot?

Obviously, they want to lower the quality so the fake isn't noticeable

my boy Viktor barely gets to be his evolved final form before he dies


every day the same shit:
the leaks are real
the leaks are fake

The opposite of a traitor. Self-sacrificing. Generous with her person.

IMG_1417.jpg - 1089x828, 187.35K

Takes a photo of his IPS monitor, you can see the IPS backlight glow clearly.

It's that last line, he refuses to entertain their trans nonsense
This year when he had anons claiming to be lesbians he'd call them larpers
I'm surprised they didn't just straight dox him instead of doing this elaborate leak scam

Also cant check noise levels that way

After he disappeared for 3 whole episodes and when he finally showed up was doing weird that feels like it was meant for a different character. Fuck these writers.

Either way they'll write her out of the story to remove any obstacle for Caitvi, which is cheap

ah I missed this one, it has the exact same AI distortions like the full image

No one wants these leaks.

Doomposters do.

I doubt even troons give a shit about this guy. Insane to think he's got anything to do with this.

Regardless of how this actually ends

Where do you thing they’re gonna go next? Noxus?


She's no such thing. She'll be happy to bang another legend.

But if they are hunting him, why is he still posting pics? Also why so many ambiguous pics? Why not the one where Jinx dies?

Silko was also not a champion in the game and yet. If she received her own poster after the release of the second act, then she will be quite important. I personally think she will become the new leader of Zaun in finalle taking the best of Vander and Silko's views. If she survives, of course.

kamala gets stomped on the election

move on the the next faggy cause

These people

While Renata exists?

Damacia with Garen for the Chinese audience. Also Lux to sell more skins.

Warwick drama doomed us all, go kys Warwick


Most likely

Noxus vs Demacia
Kat and Garen are perfect for shiptards

How is that a big reveal? It doesn't affect the story in any way

leaker now claiming you see Jinx’s corpse

Starting to smell like bullshit. They wouldn’t go that grimdark. Especially if that’s the last time we see her before Singed carts warwick off. Also contradicts other leakers.

how is that a big reveal


doesn't affect the story in any way

what the fuck are you talking

*dyke drama


Most likely.
They're not going to wrap up the Mel/Black Rose subplot in these 3 episodes.
Mel will most likely leave Piltover and take her mother's place so she can learn about her origins in Noxus. Maybe it'll also feature the war against Iona so we're not just stuck with the psycho noxian characters.

It's ok some of us are faster others are slower, it's good that you're at least sensing its bullshit.

Thought Ekko would ruin the show but it was Warwick the whole time.

League lore are garbage! anything worth a read?

We don’t know enough about Warwick to determine his sexuality.

Its like making a Show with Swain.
People cant wait to see him do cool empire building and political maneuvering shit, but instead he gets assassinated a week after he tales power.

wait did he claim that?

One of them mentioned her. "She has a little fighting vs Noxus then glorious evolution'd but survived because of Jayce and Vik's mutual suicide"

So it really is a raid, that's against global rules
The fuck are our jannies doing?

No. Every single league of legends champions i a low effort copy of something popular at the time or a bit earlier when its designed started from popular culture, just edited enough to avoid IP infringement.
The lore is worse than that, it's a low effort afterthought.

Why do you think he left mrs Chosen of the Wolf alive?

ehh, doubt it, ep6 was awkward for sure but it's even shorter than S1

rip. even the caitvifags will be mad. amanda is gonna get it.

Its way much better than discussing s2. Its a reason why this general is still here

It's gonna be another fucking musical montage

This motherfucker was expecting a porn video

Jilcofag was right all along

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Idk man, sounds to me like this 'leaker' is very jaded.

Who knows, they might try to rework her into Renata. Or she will simply be mentioned in the game. Or they will be rivals. She survived all 3 seasons and her becoming a leader instead of a pawn is the most logical option, especially given these premises in the second arc. She even stood in front of the Vander statue in the square as far as I remember

Nah, they are the only 2 champs who get a “bittersweet” ending. Everyone else gets complete ass. So by comparison they are winning bigly.

Well that's interesting because it contradicts what other supposed leakers have said. Sounds doubtful.

The big reveal has to affect the story because if it doesn't then it's not a big reveal, it's literally just useless lore.

the reason why this is legit is how mad that person actually sounds. literally is a fan that got majorly disappointed.

It's called "concern trolling", you samefagging retard

wmwf is not very good look in 2024,

everyone here sounds mad

Sure its the last thing to end the show

Bro not caitvi fucking while Jinx is killing herself PLEASE LET THESE BE FAKE PLEAAASE

This is hilarious if true. Why are they still trying to fit with the game if Jinx dying already contradicts it?

Now they’re saying Jinx attempts suicide at her lair despite that it looks like the last drop in the trailer.

Jinx traps Vi in her cell before saying she’s going to go kill herself. Cait frees her and instead of running to go stop her from an heroing they have sex

kek. This had better be fake.

because witch named Amanda loves daddy warwick while hate fertile Jinx

But that warwick screenshot doesn’t look real

This leak just repeats what we already knew from the other leak and adds nothing new about the things that happen in between

Jinx traps Vi in her cell before saying she’s going to go kill herself. Cait frees her and instead of running to go stop her from an heroing they have sex

jfc they need to fire that dyke writer

1. the Anon Babble leakers said they didn't see body of Jinx
2. this mf said there was jinx'corpse next to warwick???

Promote your shitty xitter here
Kys Hole

it's literally the Netflix titles and descriptions with pics related to the episodes. you copetards just don't want to accept it.

Leaks are real ggs

It looks edited

Not everyone you don't like is a dyke. Amanda would faint if someone suggested she eats pussy.

Are you telling me to believe that Photoshopped image taken as a photo of a screen? Why aren’t there more images? Why would they only show one image that looks fake?


Are you delusional enough to believe that's a woman?
Come on, dude

the actual episode pictures? "it's ai" please look at actual ai generated pictures. or better, create an ai pic that's exactly like that and post it here.

I can’t believe you all are falling for edited AI crap

Why would a fucktard like this xitter tranny have access to act 3 anyway???

Most of us aren't retarded enough to use AI

why is she having tear marks on her face, was it from bdsm play?

It's not AI, it's handmade, edited, and photographed from the screen so the errors aren't noticeable

xitters say cope as well

This leaker drama is great entertainment for the downtime between episodess

Amusing.jpg - 962x1024, 47.21K

Why lie, KEK

I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the warwick shot. It doesn’t look like AI and has a lot of details of the new designs. So much of what they’re saying sounds like bullshit though. I refuse the last we ever see of Jinx will just be her lonely corpse that Singed leaves at the bottom of a hole.

The most legit leaker didnt specify. The one that has never been debunked who posted on 14th

Woah so he literally is /here/
Let's dox him

She saw act 3 long time ago

His only two tweets are about art on DeviantArt and AI... but you guys still think it's real hahaha.

What will it take for you to believe the leaks? Waiting until tomorrow when the episode titles are posted? At what time is that anyway?

Waiting for folks to come out of the premiere and confirm what we already know?

Her bolts allegedly tighten her skin and make her look younger.

this retard literally took reddit leaks and made AI pics on top of them, even got some of the leaks wrong

let's be real, it could have been 'political' drama if there wasn't warwick from the start, caitler'd oppress zaunti nogs for whole act 2 and Jinx'd be jean paul marat of zaun, it's still pretty cheap but not amatuer like fucking Warwick, "muh he's your father too", fuck blisters and berock in my ass

1000023499.gif - 540x270, 2.69M

they'll find an excuse too once the episode titles match too.

I also love how Singed before battle was like "wait up, let me give bro a good dental work while I'm at it". He's teeth all fucked up in the act 2

What is it with caitvitards and self-doxxing?
Do these people know nothing of opsec?

People out here believing someone who can’t even draw a circle on their own.

that's really funny, where did you hear that? She looks very young tho

Chrinstian Linkle said it

I love this weeb fighting the good fight.

IMG_1457.jpg - 1277x2703, 506.2K

The French guys screwed him over because she looks organically young either way. She has the same model from s1 and from what I recall that Fortiche said was that Linke barely checked them over during a video call and then fucked off, kind of let them to do what they wanted.

Fuck Linke

Linke didn’t even care about the production enough to put a correct song in, or know it’s wrong.

IMG_1248.png - 654x624, 75.15K

Singed/Warwick agenda lives??? Unexpected win. Singed enjoyers truly the only ones coming out on top of this season.

finishes the series by finishing his work on Warwick

he truly gets away with everything, no one can stop him

New thread

This tracks with all the stupid continuity errors and contradictions within the Silco & Vander timeline. Writers DGAF. Fortiche really are hard carrying this season.

According to this leaker:

- Sevika becomes a member of the council
- Jayce and Viktor's death are kinda open to interpretation
- They do retcon the Ryze theory
- Caitvi sex is lame and unrealistic (I'm still working out how cell sex will even work)
- WW doesn't complete his transformation
- The leakers bf works for netflix animation, that's how they got early access (not sure if anyone can confirm this)

I want caitvi sex now

This is even more insulting to my intelligence than the bullshit from before. For the record I've instantly said bullshit as I read them early on.

Honestly, the fact that they shown almost nothing even though they said they have access to the show, means they are full of shit. If they really wanted to look believable, they'd start leaking a lot of pictures.

The leakers bf works for netflix animation

Show is animated by a studio in France that has no ties to Netflix.

Or an audio segment leak.

It's easy. Just post a pic of Jinx corpse. That's called definitive evidence.

leak season really does bring out the biggest fucking retard mutant mongoloids imaginable
hang yourself tonight

they were always here, they forced me to make a script that keybinds hiding entire chains and once you do that the threads are kind of dead with no meaningful discussion but it has changed my Anon Babble experience on other boards as well!

After living through the Grinch Leak, I've learned so much can be faked. Quality video and audio proof or best.

The what?