From Ice Cream Man #42

From Ice Cream Man #42


sorry but I had to spoiler, it's too frightening!

Oh no no no nO NO NO NO NO!

This is terrible

That was fucking terrifying, I tell ya. I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight.

Kek americans are a joke people

The other horrors were
School shooting, which I can understand
Climate Change of course

Also, trans rights, but that was a footnote

Human centipede is horrific

I would argue that it's more gross than horrific, but whatever

The climate change page kind of slaps but the narration ruins it.

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Yeah. Wtf happened to the author? He managed to have 41 issues without being cringe. Why now? Because of Blumpf?

oy, the horror, THE HORROR

For my sanity's sake, I'm going to assume this is tongue-in-cheek satire.

Hard to take this issue seriously where the broader arc is about two magic alien elf brothers.

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This is fucking hilarious

Christ the absolute finger wagging from liberal white women over Roe, Trump and the foreseeable future is gonna be insufferable

What makes this cringe?

a) they truly feel that Roe overtuned is the greatest tragedy a woman faces currently and the near future cause they are sheltered fucks
b) They are doing politicAL PROPAGANDA
c) It's a satire about americans who think teh world revolves around them
d) Showing actual hellholes for women like Somalia, Congo, Sudan, Afghanistan etc would be considered xenophobic/racist
e) They need to show something american audience recognizes without looking up on tiktok if the country is real

Wonder which one is it

What’s cool is that it’s going to be a different variant from what we’ve been seeing over the last eight years since Trump won the popular vote. They’re nervously trying to wave that off as a mere “plurality”, but they’re clearly spooked that a Republican managed to win that regardless. For instance, if the Moon Girl trans volleyball episode leak had happened last year, Disney would’ve capitulated and posted it immediately in an official capacity. Instead they said this a few days ago. The fact that leftists are trying to flee to Bluesky instead of retake Twitter is telling.

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Shit like this is hilarious because then Dingold Bromtpth gets his second term and suddenly all i see on twitter is WE NEED TO GET ARMED NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US from shitlibs proceeded by bitching about waiting periods

The fact that leftists are trying to flee to Bluesky instead of retake Twitter is telling.

I wonder how long that will last

Heh, good edgy joke ano-
Oh. It’s the actual page…

Unironically why do you both go back to Twitter?
Fucking weirdos.

Blue Sky mod team issued a statement recently that they will not touch NSFW as there are tools on the platform for filtering that, they will delete criticisms about moderation and missing/upcoming features. I think they’re a little irked about the mass reporting flood from the last couple of days. The NSFW thing funnily enough might be what hurts Bluesky’s advertising prospects since you can see those even without having an account on Bluesky. As for users, while there are some “winners” from migrating who managed to onboard a number of followers, those are rare, and many have to rebuild from scratch. The terminally online Stephen King, despite leaving Twitter; hasn’t used bluesky in months.

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fuck em and feed em, cause I don't need em :)

Mossa makes really good 40k art there.

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Buddy you're over here talking about them so you already lost because they're in your head without effort.

You don't understand my logic
To my gat to my money and I'm hooked on chronic

Nah son, twitter is a horrible website format as an art website.

Are americans ok
Like, I keep seeing this kind of stuff where they say things will get horrible almost as if they wish it happened so they can say "I told you so"

Buddy you're assking Anon Babble? You're not a serious person if you're asking a random thread that's clearly right wing agitpop.
But then again why even pretend you are are a asrious person?

Assking of Anon Babble

The King of Ass

The Ultimate Assman

I like this

You're either drunk or genuinely autistic.
Probably both.

It's a Anon Babble hates women's rights episode

I hate reruns

I do, that is why I am against burkas and preeten marriage contracts and other things muslims not only tolerate but propagate

Wow somebody is desperate huh?
Here's that you.

Good for you taking real life tragedies that affect millions lightly

The incident, which took place near Gladiola Street and Decade Drive, led to authorities cutting power to more than 800 homes to prevent the woman from being electrocuted. According to the Salt Lake City Police Department, the alleged trespasser was taken into custody and transported to the hospital.
He said he saw a woman standing on top of the substation transformer “screaming obscenities” at the police as they tried to coax her to come down. He also noticed what looked like a smashed circuit box and a pipe nearby. That’s when four or five more police cars pulled up to the scene.
Kent said he heard the woman yelling about how the world was no longer safe for her or future children and negotiators attempting to convince her to come down from the power structure. As the situation unfurled over the next 20 to 30 minutes, Kent said a large crowd of people gathered near the substation.
“We were kind of concerned for her,” Kent said. “We’re waiting around hoping that she’s safe and she’s okay, and she comes down.”
Authorities then began surrounding her with cherry pickers, but Kent said the woman started kicking the cherry pickers and grabbed onto a wire, climbing it like a “vine.”
Kent said when she stepped onto the rim of a cherry picker an officer shot a less lethal weapon, such as a stun gun or rubber gun, which was followed by a “yelp.”
The police officer then said to get inside the cherry picker or he would shoot again. The officer allegedly shot her again with the less lethal weapon.
“She literally collapsed … from pain into the cherry picker and they went down slowly,” Kent said. “She seemed okay. She was verbal, and she was in pain, she was crying, and then [an] ambulance came put her on a stretcher, and took her away.”

advertising prospects

Isn't the whole point of Bluesky (beyond being a Twitter alternative) that it doesn't have ads

I hope abortions get banned, if only these uppity cunts have something real to cry about.

You know what's funny? They keep yelling about


And then you look into it and those are like 1% of the justifications for abortions...not to mention that there's literally not even a ban in the first place.

"Le scientists" have been yelling about how climate change would drown everyone and kill the oceans "In just ten years!" for several decades, and every time they do it, it's accompanied by how the solution is to just give up all your rights and blow up your economy and invest in some new bullshit (India and China? Those guys are okay, though!)

Did you know that if you look at shootings by race, America (white) has less shootings than some european countries? Did you also know that nearly every case of gun homicide happens with an pistol and not an 'assault rifle' as they call it? And that there are plenty of countries with gun reforms that have MORE murder than America? Brazil, a country that has had guns be illegal for a real long time, had literally the near exact same number of gun homicides as the USA despite having a hundred million less people. Calling a reform 'Common Sense' doesn't automatically make it just and right.

Is it really that easy to trick normalfags into believing what you tell them? Just throw some random completely incorrect shit, use emotionally charged terms, and show people crying and wailing over nothing?

With enough fiddled statistics and """"anecdotes"""" you can make people believe anything. Though my favorite is always them screaming about miscarriages becoming illegal somehow due to abortion restrictions.

To be honest, I'm not against abortions, because mostly blacks are doing it, but with that aside, it's a fucking non-issue. You don't want to get pregnant? Don't have sex

Is it really that easy to trick normalfags into believing what you tell them? Just throw some random completely incorrect shit, use emotionally charged terms, and show people crying and wailing over nothing?

That's been the modus operandi for at least 100 years

Quit LARPing kids.

That's been the modus operandi for at least 100 years

I really don't see how people can fall for something so obvious.


Am i just too much of a sperg to be moved by this shit?

Do you have an actual rebuke to what i said?

Just the fact you don't actually believe in it.

So no, you don't

I don't believe in some pitiful attempt at emotional propaganda, no. Did you expect me to believe something because they showed a picture of a woman crying?

And the LARP continues.

I really don't see how people can fall for something so obvious.

People don't really care, it's always was virtue signalling

Get an abortion while it's still legal, unless you want to raise your black bastard


Much longer.

I believe that life begins at conception and that even in cases where the child is non viable and the mother's life is at risk abortion is a great tragedy. But go ahead and just say "nu-uh" so you can be the epic troll that got (you)s.

I have live long enough in the south to know you don't actually believe in anything you're saying.

nobody cares

I can read you mind

Liar. Stop trying to tell people what they believe because you have no convictions yourself.

What's amazing is that not a single word of this is true and abortion cultists spent the last half decade crying about how the state will execute you if you have a miscarriage, and other retarded lies, and they pushed that so thoroughly, that even some doctors believe it and have endangered the lives of their patients, even though nothing has changed.

I want to ask these "bodily autonomy" faggotards why they say nothing about conscription, circumcision or sperm-jacking.

because it affecfts men, therefore, irrelevant

You're right this isn't horrifying at all

Now Anon, how about you surrender yourself to me? Just give me complete control over you


Is it the role of women to speak of problems that effects men?

tic toc as source

Splendid, now where do you live?

Splendid, now where do you live?

In your head, rent free

You don't care about them. Why should they care about you? Everyone for themselves.

Oh jesus change the record already, you boring cunt

Shoulda just done a full storytime
Now I just assume its out of context.