The Ottifants TV show

It was Germany's attempt at making their own animated sitcom like "The Simpsons" in the early 90's. Bumbling dad, and everything included. It even looks like The Simpsons, just with elephants. Here's a scene with subtitles. There's also a feature-film that was released in 2001.

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There's also a feature-film that was released in 2001.

huh. how did I miss that?

Most people did. It was super obscure and unknown compared to the TV show. It's on YouTube.

Just saw there was a Master System/Game Gear game about this and felt like I was going insane.

Otto honestly seems like a pretty cool guy all things considered

Why are European cartoons the way they are, anyways? Hardly every anything zany, it's always something like "Mr. Nose" or something like that.

I agree that European cartoons mostly suck, but I actually really love this one. The movie is very zany. The TV show also feels pretty American, it doesn't feel very "European".

I remember reading this in Swedish in I think Halge or Bert comic book. Thought it was pretty decent, I liked the grandpa best, he had funny jokes. I specifically remember a hospital arc and thought the first strip regarding it was pretty funny:

"I'm calling Dr Blom."

"I don't want Dr Blom!"

"What Doctor do you want me to get you?"

"Dr Zhivago!"

"Dad, that's a movie."

"Damn straight! Bet your Dr Blom has never been in a movie!"

what do you mean “feel American?”

Yeah, I heard that the comics are popular in Sweden! Could you tell me what it's called in Sweden? Is it just "Ottifanten" or something else?

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oy vey

It was a newspaper strip that changed its focus on a family.

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The movie was well known. That time was when Germany made several adult or teenager focused movies.

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I think it was just "Ottifanterna" using the Swedish plural for it. Don't know if it had any cultural impact, I just remember reading the strips a bit. Their designs are eyecatching and unique enough to be remembered, but I've never seen a real push for them.

Because cartoons mostly focus on kids.

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was this thread REALLY necessary?
t. german


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I think so. I'm not gonna pretend that the USA isn't the biggest cultural export of cartoons and comics (in terms of cultural reach) but I appreciate finding out about different things. That Asterix thread a while back about all the knock offs was especially fun, wish they could have been storytimed.

I wonder why the game is called "Ottifanten - Kommando Störtebeker" yet the actual movie itself is just called "Kommando Störtebeker". Pretty weird it's not called "Ottifants - The Movie" or whatever you'd call it on English. I wonder if there's any reason for not including the title of the franchise? I heard the TV show didn't do as well as expected. Which suprised me, because it definitely had a small cult following back in the day in Germany.

Most of these knock-offs probably are a thing of their time and were never scanned. Just like Ottifanten comic strips are not scanned either.

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Paul x Renate hardocre sex thread when?

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Brand recognition for the videogame. And the movie probably should be more open to a wider audience?

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Never. Too niche.

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Didn't the cartoon air right after an Otto show?

I loved Otto as a kid, but I never got into Ottifanten. At first I was like "a cartoon from Otto? Count me in!" but it was just meh. I mean, the designs themselves are very unappealing. I get they must have originated from some doodles Otto did, but it just doesn't work for an actual audience.

Huh, I really like the artstyle. I've also seen the animation in the movie get a lot of praise.

Why do I feel as if it'd be impossible to capture this same aesthetic through the use of modern animation techniques? Just this one Ottifanten frame OOZES SOVL

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It worked very well in my eyes. But dont forget it were doodles than a newspaper strip.
Besides the comic strips especially around Baby Bruno were made by pic.
So it might be different.

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big oof

We think this is satire or a parody while they report the north koreans that fight for Russia have a special dog breed as army rations!

Funny is that at first the re-occuring characters were the court jester, the quiz master, the suicide jumper and the grim reaper.

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When I was a kid, I thought that the Grim Reaper scene in the movie (after the shootout scene) was just a thing for the movie. The years later I found out he appeared a lot on the strips.

Besides the quiz master the grim reaper was one of the first character that got a reoccuring spot.

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