Is it just me or is sailor moon the most commonly referenced anime in American cartoons?

Is it just me or is sailor moon the most commonly referenced anime in American cartoons?

Most US cartoons are made in California and Sailor Moon is California’s favorite anime.

The number of DBZ and Pokemon parodies definitely have Sailor Moon beat.

Lots of girls in America watched it growing up and has easily understood visual motifs.

Isn't posting anime op pics a direct violation of Anon Babble's first board rule?

I wish

The most detestable habit in all of modern cinema is the homage. I don’t want to see another goddamn homage in anybody’s movie.

-Orson Welles

Possibly but there are a lot of sailor moon transformation sequence parodies out there.

Yep. The mods should auto ban people who do this

Your Akira slide?


It's a terf dog whistle

Only if your experience with cartoons started with Fionna and Cake, retard.

You realize people who work in california's animation industry come from all over the country, right?

I thought it was Speed Racer.

I literally saw that one being pulled from your ass


Yes, but not because it's popular, necessarily, but because people in the industry are troons who think girls in school uniform are literally them.

Yeah because it was the one of the first anime series to air in the States in a mostly complete form.

I was marathonning Duck Dodgers and reached an episode that did the "haha Japan is just rubber suit kaiju and Astroboy" and I had to stop and ask when this show was made for a second because that joke felt dated as fuck when it was done in the 90s.

No? Pokémon has a billion references in cartoons.

Save it for tomorrow anon.

Only like half of the Pokemon references in western cartoons are about the anime. A lot of them are the TCG, Pokemon Go, or just have parodies of the Pokemon themselves pop up.

Plenty tannies love it, the incest fags also love it, and the pedophiles also love it. It has a little something for everybody so I understand it's popularity.

Sailor Moon is the only magical girl anime people know, and there's a lot of obvious magical girl tropes that can be taken from it. Things like transformation poses, heart-shaped pink beams from wands, color-coded teammates in frilly dresses, and so on get attributed to Sailor Moon, even when they aren't actually part of Sailor Moon. (SMoon doesn't have any pink heart beams, for example.) But when you get another anime genre that's referenced, it can be a question of which anime is the reference - Is Megas XLR a Gundam reference or an Evangelion reference? - or just very specific scenes like or a general style guide. You could probably find other anime that influenced a lot of people, it's just that when there's a Sailor Moon reference, it really stands out and is more obvious.

Sailor Moon is probably the most obvious anime reference, not necessarily the most popular.

No on3 references Saint Seiya

we got a lame ass Rayearth reference blended with a modern Dragonball one.

Everyone STILL does spiteful "too lazy din du research. Dub is fine" anime parodies.

Junnies summon Famicum and his Hamtaro Loli fetish to ruin stuff

This life sucks

What about Ye Obari Pose

Safety (Anti-Seizure) Filter

Modern anime sucks

Actually, it's probably because I just have them at 480p but had the viewer at fullscreen for the screenshot.

I think it was the single most unique anime the west knew at the time
dragon ball? eh we've seen fantasy shows and magic powers and martial arts. kimba and speed racer? plenty of cute animal and car-racing cartoons. but this had NEVER been done. Nothing even remotely like it except maybe Power Rangers, which is much more clearly just an adaptation of western comicbook superheroes. This was its own totally original genre to us, just as sure as Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie were brand fucking new types of sitcoms when they came out.

it was so weird to me growing up and piecing together how anime works, realizing like... sailormoon does not have the only tophat mask tuxedo guy, that is just -a thing-

SMoon doesn't have any pink heart beams

uh yes it does. Pink Sugar Heart Attack, Venus Love-me Chain... bunch of those.

Watching the world slowly realize "no, having a bumbling trio in your kids anime isn't ripping off Team Rocket, it's ripping off something much much older because Pokemon itself is ripping off the same thing" sure was a time.

Saint Seiya is so influential that it's referenced by people who never heard of Saint Seiya

Pink Sugar Heart Attack

Okay fine, I'll give you that one. I guess it is, technically, a pink heart beam. Not quite what I was thinking about with the phrase, but already.

Venus Love-me Chain is most definitely not a pink beam. There's a lot of pink magical girls firing pink beams, but my point is that everybody will attribute them all to Sailor Moon even when they are completely unrelated series.

And yes, Sailor Moon basically took the Kamen Rider/Super Sentai and married it to the magical girl genre, so a lot of what it does is just taken from other shows. The lengthy time-stop transformation, completely with the pose and talk about defeating evil, comes directly out of Kamen Rider. But nobody's seen Kamen Rider and so would call it a Sailor Moon reference instead.

just picks up a building and swings it like a weapon

I miss when anime was good.

Nigga what? No! Look at the brightness, colors and contrast, its obviously been tampered because "MUH POKEPORYGON FIASCO".

Were you trying to be "cute"?

Lol, from a man who made a masterpiece out of a pastiche of stolen shots like the Quentin Tarantino of the 1940s.

Fighting Magical Girl happened before with Cutie Honey and that happened because of Kamen Rider.

It's responsible for trannies. I hate it.

Pink Sugar Heart Attack

Its not an attack that fills the enemies blood with sugar and gives him a fatal heart attack


we've seen fantasy shows and magic powers and martial arts

I mean... did we? Wizards and Fighter are diametrically opposed in western sensibilities. Sure most fantasy shows or serials would have someone that knows magic in a group of people with a signature weapon. But only the antagonist was allowed to be a buff dark lord that could work magic and smack a bitch.

I think the closest western producers came was Y'know... Star Wars. Which famously was 'inspired by" eastern concepts and movies.

All-time, yeah for sure. In the past ten-ish years or so, though, Sailor Moon has been referenced way more. The Calarts crowd seems to consist of a lot of people who love Sailor Moon to death.

I can confirm that DBZ was a total breath of fresh air. And the idea of a serialized action show where the whole point was to beat stronger and stronger bad guys was wholly unfamiliar.

sailormoon.gif - 500x375, 319.14K

Jews are responsible for that