How did public opinion shift so drastically on this show? Like a few years ago it was one of the most hated things ever and you couldn't go anywhere on the internet without hearing about how bad and unfunny it was, now it seems like everyone loves it and thinks it's hilarious
How did public opinion shift so drastically on this show...
The zoomers who grew up watching this as kids are now old enough to post on here.
It's Family Guy for kids. It has a silent majority of viewers who play it on the background.
It's Family Guy for kids
Never has a more perfect analogy been uttered
The actual answer is that people have started to value irreverence more.
The amount of people who like that a show doesn't give a fuck and offends the original series's fans vastly outweighs the amount of offended original fans.
, now it seems like everyone loves it and thinks it's hilarious
source: my ass
You'd think Anon Babble would love it if that's all it took since this place is a case study in arrested development.
this place is a case study on hipster contrarian manchildren, not actual kids. This place hates Family Guy and loves Hazbin Hotel
Yelling "quality doesn't exist everything is just a nostalgia cycle" is why the cartoon industry is dead.
It was always a small minority whining. You don't get to over 400 episodes if people hate your show.
You don't get to over 400 episodes if people hate your show.
I guess that makes post-movie SpongeBob objectively good then.
I don't know I don't watch Spongebob. If its still going then its making money and there are people who think its good. I know that they're selling Krabby Patties at Wendy's, saw an ad when I went there. If its doing that well then there is clearly a fan base. If there is a fan base then they think its good otherwise they'd stop watching it.
Contrarianism. The word you're looking for is contrarianism.
Every Teen Titans Go episode at least has a plot. The characters have a job to do, a task to accomplish, a conflict to resolve. Basic writing 101, it's a reason to keep watching. It's loaded with retention tactics that specifically work on children, and hating Teen Titans Go specifically just means you aged out. Meanwhile, a lot of the dwindling number of modern shows are of slice of life or small side-conflicts to fill 11 minutes that happen way too late, and the creators expect you to watch because of the characters. Characters that the viewers likely can't even name.
Because it is actually funny.
The show is basically Drawn Together kids edition, think it even has some of the same staff, and like Drawn Together, it is a great trash cartoon. You can tell no one on staff gives a shit and they just do whatever plot they think of, typically leading to some wild results.
The show is also unique in being a weirdly based at times comedy in a sea of bean-mouth soap operas. Same reason Drawn Together started getting more of an audience, people sort of miss the dumb shows now that all we get is pseudo-intellectual drivel.
My nephew asked me about B'wana Beast. I asked him where he learned that and he said Teen Titans Go!. I searched on YouTube and he's actually be in episodes and was even in that live action Titans show. He was also in Brave and the Bold, which I know he hasn't seen so I get to show him that.
He made cameos in a few episodes, but he has never talked in the show. His most prominent appearance is Cyborg making fun of his name while he's auditioning for a spot in the Teen Titans.
my lil brother's already got the kidboner for Raven, and his fave character is Beast Boy. He's never seen 2003.
Good to see they're keeping the faith alive.
This but also literally a DC themed SpongeBob for Cartoon Network.
All cartoon hatred went to the loud house instead. First it was pre-2016 spongebob, then TTG, now it's Loud House. Wonder what the next internet hatesponge will be.
Must have been the episode. He was quizzing me on characters.
went to PPG 2016 for a while then to thundercats roar
I don't know what Hazbin is, but Family Guy has been shit since its revival.
It's always been a successful show you were just in an echo chamber of whiny losers.
You're fucking retarded, it's a show for 10 year olds and it's 11 years old now
Literally their demographic grew up to defend this dogshit online now. Everyone that existed before they were born shat on it and still exist, they just aren't autistic enough to keep saying the obvious forver.
I guess bubsy wasn't dogshit from day one despite getting 6 fucking games 0 people played
four games
two game revival 20 years later
Clearly there was an audience that loved it.
It's funny, like actually hilarious, and no one cares about the salty nostalgiafaggots whining over the moderately successful 2003 version. The normal non cartoonfags were allowed to get their opinion in now, and the zoomers who grew up with it obviously loved it due to the ratings and now post fond memories of it online, and seem to still like it.
The Mr Enters of the world now hold no weight and that kind of animation analysis is seen as cringe. The opinions valued by the community in the early to late 2010s now hold no weight under grander special social media scrutiny, especially as tastes change and deviate from not only the previous decade but now also the mainstream narrative.
The show and other things that are funny and offensive are now seen as irreverent and/or valuable again, because we live in an era where most shows are absolute "modern audiences" safe, woke millennial slop. It's obvious the choice the public has made.
It's Family Guy for kids
Can you really make that comparison when FamGuy has two pedophile characters, and one of them is a main character?
my lil brother's already got the kidboner for Raven
anon wtf don't say that
it seems like everyone loves it and thinks it's hilarious
Literally never seen anyone like this show in my life. But I don't go around talking to 11 year olds, either.
If its appeal is irreverence, then that means it has an actual audience that appreciates its sense of humor.
This. We have a Paw Patrol General on this hellboard because of contrarianism.
Say what? Kidboner
now it seems like everyone loves it and thinks it's hilarious
stuff that you made up
one of them is a main character
Raven (Wally T; the episode when they got a MakeaWish kid onto the show and Raven acts super horny for him because the kid liked her and kisses him) and Deathstroke
Take a wild guess.
Deathstroke's not in Teen Titans Go, and neither is Slade.
I'd say for the first two (or maybe one and a half) seasons, it was harmless. The show has a lot of problems, but most of the hate it's gotten throughout its run has been because a good show got unjustly cancelled or ended prematurely, or because an interesting pilot that was well liked didn't get picked up, (plus the schedule) and since TTG is still going on, it has to take all of that misguided anger.
Yes he is
There used to be a retard that browsed here and went to every CN and TTG thread to schizopost about how TTG was some deep cover operation by miller to turn CN into a preschool channel. After about 2 years of that he finally admitted he's just butthurt because he thinks Teen Titans Go got OKKO cancelled kek.
Slade's not an active part of TTG's narrative.
You said Family Guy, not Teen Titans Go!.
He was literally the main antagonist of the film
It's more of a more faithful reboot of Animaniacs and The PowerPuff Girls than their actual reboots
The film is the only time that Deathstroke has been used in anything above a cameo and its not even Slade Wilson.
and its not even Slade Wilson
Yes it is???
What the fuck are you even talking about anymore. He literally says out loud that's his name