Of what?
"Yeah bro, I'm such a weirdo, I want to fuck things that aren't human"
shows me a picture of a human woman with some accessories
I hate monstergirls so fucking much
This. It's just the American version of nekomimi bullshit.
What the fuck are they even saying? I don't speak taco.
I got called a furry for wanting to fuck a foxgirl that was just a human with fox ears and tails. There are cosplayers who look like that right now.
Grow big and strong, little one
If you want milk for humans, old man, you'll have to give me a human calf
i wanna squeeze her udders
I like monster girls
I like anthro women
I like female monsters
I like xeno chicks
I like nightmare waifus
I can even dig fembots
You'll start no conflicts here
peak wife husbandry
I'm sorry, I don't speak Japanese.
Not that guy but you're fine in my book so long as you don't identify as a sparkledog. As long as you're your human self slipping the meat to these, you're good.
touch the cow
You have failed
Imagine her bullying the farmer with her environment-destroying methane
Faggots always try to start shit. I can find anything human shaped and female attractive.
Straight up monsterfuckers are alright too as far as it's not gay. Even if it's not my cup of coffee. Unsure why people seem to be doing a weird inverse-purity spiraling about this
implying this picture was meant to arouse instead of just be funny
think the lady doth protest too much about being not horny.
"But this is a beef ranch."
This too
left ones hotter but both are hot
why are mexicans so cringe and retard?
"Beef THIS!"
joke about playing low brass with no instrument goes here
Vicious animal
what terms should I search for if I'm into picrel?
I also cannot stand monstergirls. They're safe furry.
Wow shocking, people want to fuck hot girls with some extra features. Being a furnigger is still a grotesque, freakish fetish that's one step away from fucking literal animals. Monster girls are superior.
Molly if she a cow.
That stock doesn't come from nowhere.
She's already too sexy without big fat udders hanging out
Because they're hipster tools who want to seem special but are really pretentious cunts. The thought of someone liking anything popular is anathema to them.
So she wants to fuck her dad?
No, her owner. She's a cow.
Religious nutjobs
She's a cow.
She's a cow person. She has sentience and intelligence.
why are coomers so unfunny
gender wars: degeneracy edition
Literally what possesses furfags to have this utterly deranged chip on their shoulder? You faggots literally want to fuck dogs, you are the absolute lowest losers on the totem pole. Footfags are above you, inflationfags are above you. How any of you could possibly think "lol they want to fuck hot women, lame" is utterly psychotic. Monster girls or kemonomimi or whatever you call them are OBVIOUSLY superior, but even Dobson is superior to you.
They're definitely lame when they're not a slime girl or have some kind of centaur configuration (like the snake and spider lady from monster mesume), but I don't think I would have properly enjoyed anthro ladies without monster girls being the stepping stones on my journey.
"I'm glad I was able to make the leap from monster girls to wanting to fuck cats and dogs."
Anthros are the same as animals
Wow real fucking high iq points you got there!
If you look at a hot woman and you think "that's nice, but it would be better if she had fur and a tail and a snout" then it's not the woman you're attracted to, it's whatever animal you want to fuck. Most of you want to fuck dogs so I just made an assumption.
it's not the woman you're attracted to, it's
The chimeric hybrid that doesn't exist in reality, yes.
takes extreme offense when the original post was about overly vocal faggots thinking theyre twisted for wanting to fuck a human with horns
accuses everyone of being a furfag
Why are coomers so sensitive to criticism? Is this the consequence of basing your personality around porn?
Yeah but you still want the fur, tail, and snout in addition to them talking, walking on two legs, and having a human shaped body and proportions. It's like someone saying "I want a gaming PC" and the genie giving him a PS5 and going "it's got PC parts and it plays games" when it's clearly not the same thing.