This series is due for a reboot. There's so much potential that Genndy is just wasting keeping it dead

This series is due for a reboot. There's so much potential that Genndy is just wasting keeping it dead.

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After watching A New Wish, I think a more Spider-Verse like art style would be really good for SJ.

we barely cobbled a decent ending together with a video game please don't dig it up again

Now I want it to come back to make you seethe personally.


Jack needs to be gay to make up for the ending.

The question being: Why?

There's not enough gay Asian male rep.

What would a reboot do differently from the main show?

Be more serialized, lore driven, character driven, less episodic.

Better art

Not exactly possible.

Spider-Verse mogs the SJ art style and it’s not even funny

we barely cobbled a decent ending together with a video game

Wait, what video game? Did it come out before or after season 5?

garbage opinion

After. It's in fact canon to the main series and the true ending.

You need help. Please, reach out.

False. And the season 5 ending was better. At least it wasn't trash like the game.


It coming after the fifth season and being canon are both true.

But the game was good you retard.

The show literally looks like flash animation

How is it canon? It's a vidya.
Looked bad to me. I only spend my money on good games like Super Mario Odyssey and stuff. In comparison the Samurai Jack game looks like shovelware. Unfun, made with zero effort, etc.

How is it canon? It's a vidya.

Genndy worked on it and wrote the story himself

Tendiefag calling anything else shovelware

So what? Doesn't make it canon. Only thing that can make it canon would be if they made another show that takes place after the events of the game.

the literal creator working on a game and declaring it canon does not make it canon because…it just doesn't okay?!

Nigger you didn't even play the game, what makes you an authority to talk about it?

Dumbass, it's literally the same ending as the show, only Ashi survives. There's nowhere to go from there.
I've seen better trolling from special ed students.

Dude that doesn't make it fucking canon! If a creator's word was all it took then Adrien Agreste and Cat Noir would canonically be two different people.
It's a side project and it's literally shovelware. A tacked on, low effort "story".
Which is lazy, lame, and gay.
I'm just sayin'.

Shut the fuck up faggot



Mods we have an underage here

Shovelware animation for a shovelware game


Which is lazy, lame, and gay.

But enough about Nintendo games


You didn’t even watch Samurai Jack and probably aren’t even old enough to remember when it first aired

The thonly thing we see is that you're a faggot

It's just an example. Creators can say wrong shit. Like when Mutt Braly claimed Marcy doesn't have autism. Do we take his word for it? No, because she literally does.

Also Samurai Jack is also a kids show.

I don't get what's so bad about the game, it looks like it's trying to capture the visuals of the show in 3D.


muh autism headcanons

Not beating the underaged allegations

we barely cobbled a decent ending together with a video game please don't dig it up again

Just read the comic, anon.

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A kids show that airs on Adult Swim, yeah. Fucking retard.

Adult swim has a hundred kids shows. That's where they air old cn classics, including Samurai Jack and Dexter.

This isn't some word of Rowling thing you retard, he literally worked on the story in another medium. It would be like saying the Gargoyles comics are not canon. It happened and no amount of you flailing like a retard will change that.

Samurai Jack is an adult swim original now, it stopped being a kid's show after the fifth season.

Don't mean nothing. Sorry.

Didn’t this end on a cliffhanger

Still seemed pretty kid friendly. All they added was a couple drops of blood here and there. Same exact show.

You being retarded doesn't mean anything. Sorry.

You are a retarded faggot

Oh wait is that real?

sell me on samurai jack
why is it so loved? it doesn't look like anything special

Fr fr

It's just nostalgia. Various modern cartoons easily blow it out of the water.

It's bad. First they have literally the most kino battle of all time, then just before you can even appreciate it they cut it off with a jos weedon "joke".

all animation is for kids unless it has swearing and sex jokes

It's an open ending, but in a way that is way more satisfactory and a closure in itself.

No but Samurai Jack is for kids. You can not deny.

Nah you stupid

You would show a kid this dick joke?

Not really

No. It ended fine the first time. It ended poorly the second time. And it had to retcon itself the third time.

Let. It. Go.

This is literally kid shit. Amphibia is more mature than this.

X-Men fans didn't let go.
We shouldn't let go.

Some of the episodes are just fucking good, dude.

The Tower. The Mercenaries. Jump Good.

Well no. But is that actually unironically real? I've seen bits and pieces of season 5 and it seemed higher quality than that.


Yeah it's real, people had a field day with it back when it aired.

It is

Did I say anything about mature?
It's just cool shit. What other show has mind control raves in one episode, 50s pop culture robots in the next, and a Scotsman on a quest to save his fat wife afterwards?
Go jerk yourself off on your 'maturity' in cartoons if you need it so badly.

Both Amphibia and Steven Universe have way cooler shit.

Shut the fuck up faggot

Shut up faggots

See, the problem might be that you're a colossal faggot.

full of gender and identity politics

xmen are borderline terrorists and villains

but are still somehow the good guys because the people they kill are fucking bigots

They're slaying, kween.