This could work with mythological Hades, but I have no idea how they're going to pull it off with Disney Hades

This could work with mythological Hades, but I have no idea how they're going to pull it off with Disney Hades.

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Wicked was a mistake, maleficent was a mistake, Cruella was a mistake, and this book was a mistake for starting this dumbass trend

They'll adapt the Gerald Scarfe book, Hades: the Truth at Last

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No Woods no watch

Word is they want Hugh Grant.

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At least it's not going to be the exact same movie in live action. Changing perspective can be interesting, but I do agree that this premise works more for the mythological version. They might end up changing a lot of the script anyway to make it work.

What the fuck? Did a chick write this?

Wasn't Hades actually pretty chill compared to the other gods in the actual Greek pantheon?

All this shit needs to bomb regardless of the plot.

Only because he was so fucking busy he had no time to be a douche like his brothers.

What's the context? I have no proof but it feels like him recontextualizing his crimes in hopes that he can weasel out of his punishment. Even his duck face implies it's taking the piss.
I think it's more he's naturally just kind of dead inside, he's cold so he throws himself into his work and it takes a lot to get that passion flowing in his blood. Meanwhile his brothers are all ego and anger.

Hercules was the least interesting part of Hercules so this makes sense

They could do a Wicked where Hades isn’t a bad guy but everyone expects him to be one. Make a parody of how every media makes Hades the bad guy when in the myths he’s just a guy. It would be a better use of these shitty remakes than just telling the same story again. And as long as its fun like the original, it should be fine. Maleficent sucked because it went full grimdark in the worst way possible rather than have the charm and whimsy of the original.

Nah dude the justice and hospitality are just as much of a constant as the death. I don't think anyone seriously proposes Hades is "Too busy" compared to Zeus and if he is then it's because "He actually cares about doing his job right".

You're closer to the real reason. Which is that Hades, much forgotten until he's reimagined into Pluto in Rome: is the god with dominion over the earth. Not "nature" like animals and plants but stone, precious metals, caves, dirt and the like. Earth is absolute most dependable aspect of the world. Storms can rage in the sky, it can rain, hail, and blow with force to destroy things. Tides and deepwater can be treacherous to sail through, many sailors die in the endeavor, sea monsters are always feared, and the survivors can still be financially ruined over it. Earthquakes are the most feared catastrophe that can strike land, but the Greeks believed they originated in the sea, and that Poseidon was responsible for them. Hephaestus specifically responsible for volcanoes, the next most common "earth-based" natural disaster.

So with those out of the way it's easy to see the reason that the Greeks never wrote stories where Hades acts in anger. He's an anthropomorphic incarnation of rocks. You can imagine the seas being angry, the sky raging through a storm, and fire burning out of control. If you don't live at the base of an eroding mountain you don't fear or need to explain a rock randomly killing someone.

Yes, but what caught you on?

Disney's not afraid of doing a terrible job of it.

By the standards of the Greek gods, Hades was a pretty good guy. Most of the gods are just fucking around causing problems, but Hades has a motherfucking *job* and it is important that he keeps doing it and he never shirks that responsibility.
The worst thing Hades ever did in the mythos was get so lonely that he kidnapped Persephone to be his wife, and even then he eventually relented and said that could leave him alone in the Underworld for half the year every year.
By Olympian standards, that is a squeaky-clean record. Every other god has been petty and cruel and inflicted horrible punishments on people for nothing at all. Hades was just the god of death even though that a shitty job because somebody had to do it, and all he asked for in return was a wife to keep him company. Obviously abducting a woman isn't great, but given the shit that Zeus gets up to... yeesh.

shitty job

Enough of this meme. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades each voluntarily chose their domains; with Hades choosing his because it would make him the richest of the three by owning all the wealth beneath the earth, plus control over all dead souls (i.e. everyone in time), plus the authority to be the warden of Tartarus. Dude had the best job.

The need to have the bad guy be a good guy all along. Women have this problem of seeing good where there's none in genuine pieces of shit. They think they can fix them.

I can't wait when they show... his confrontation against 5 young Japanese along with the reincarnation of Athena in splendidly epic armors

And further

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finally a good decision


Wanting people to escape the afterlife

He was notoriously a prickler about this sort of thing. Even his wife is on a time-limit.

Better than the comic

Live action

No thank you. I am uninterested.

To fair if you sympathize with the devil in paradise lost, you literally fell for the devil's tricks and lies.





This shit is going to be a fucking shot-for-shot remake of the cartoon with 30 minutes added of extra bullshit that we didn't need, like a flashback of Meg's ex-boyfriend or Hades and Zeus as kids with the parents showing favoritism to Zeus.

The music is going to be an aggressively "digitally enhanced" version of the songs we already know with tons of auto-tuning. They're going to splice in way more cringe modern jokes like Hercules fans are called "Hercies" in reference to Swifties. And only Danny Devito will reprise his role.

Just stop it. Fucking stop it already. We don't need this speculation, we know what's gonna fucking happen.

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The music is going to be an aggressively "digitally enhanced" version of the songs we already know with tons of auto-tuning.

I'm already expecting celebrity casting like Beyonce as one of the muses. Lizzo can be the short black one.

Really the only celebrities they should bring in is Danny Devito like you said, since that just makes sense. And James Woods of course because he IS Hades but of course he did wrongthink so that won't happen.

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Is it true that finding any sympathy for the devil means you fell for his tricks and temptation? I thought temptation was bringing out the worst qualities of humans. If a person was preyed on because of their good nature, that wasn't evidence of evil or sinning.

Beyonce and Lizzo as some of the Muses

Oh man, blowing $100+ mil on just the casting alone for the fucking Muses is a dumb fucking idea but also totally in line with Disney. They'd probably do it just to sell the soundtrack on name recognition alone.

so...I wanna fuck meg

I fuck to fuck the muses. All of them. Even the short, fat one.

If the Wicked movie flops, will they change course?

The Trojan's aren't really villians in the Illiad, except for that annoying pussy Paris, and even then the other Trojans hate him.

And James Woods of course because he IS Hades but of course he did wrongthink so that won't happen.

Didn't he appear in a few Disney projects post that as Hades?



That ain't happening.

It would have to bomb so hard that it kills the genre itself. It's not going to bomb that hard or at all.

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Unfortunately both that and this will print money. The rate they're going there will be an Encanto LA remake next year.

Not sure. As far as I know I think his last appearance as Hades was in the Kingdom Hearts games, and I doubt the Japanese devs gave a shit about his political opinions so it makes sense they'd let him voice Hades.

What I do know is that James Woods apparently loves voicing Hades so he'll take any chance to voice him again. It's not about the money, he just likes doing it. That's why you're getting an actual celebrity like James Woods doing the authentic voice in a video game. You can't expect Tom Hanks to voice Woody, Tim Allen to voice Buzz, John Goodman to voice Sully from Monsters Inc, but you can expect James Woods to show up for Hades because he just loves the role so much.

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Yeah, I know that last part.
Pretty based of him.

He appeared in the Once upon a Studio short last year, and he even got a line. I don't know if it was reused from the film or from another project, though.

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