Genuine question. Why did the house of mouse even bother? All they did was make like two movies and then let the little guys rot for a decade.
Every other one they did makes sense.
Pixar was a pioneer in 3d animation. Something that would become the norm for the animated movie scene. And not only that but they already had multiple verified successes at the time of the purchase in the form of Toy Story, The Incredibles, and Finding Nemo
Star Wars is fucking Star Wars
Marvel had Spider-Man along with a whole multiverse of recognizable heroes including the Avengers which would become a major player in the big D's repertoire.
buying Fox put back together the broken up Marvel ip rights and game them big names like the Simpsons and James Cameron's Avatar
Investing in Fortnite is a sound decision as it is a proven success and seems that it's here to stay
What genuinely did the Muppets bring to Disney at all?