
lol get rekt

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In which Jacaranda actually does something.

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There's some animation between these two, so go to the site and read it there

two pages today, and the website has an animated transition between them that you shouldn't miss

Website comment:

Two or so new pages today, keep clicking forward! Have a better weekend than these senet beasts :3


Patreon comment:

Two pages today but if you check the site you'll find an animated transition with a bit of extra art. I'll probably make that into a single page in print but it'll need some layout tweaking - casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic/ch18/ch18_189.html

So yeah, Ruck survives to slurp another day, even if he's going to need a whole bunch of Big Macs to heal up those battle wounds. Lady Ilganyag is looking less spry, but she may have a second wind in her yet.

Surprised Jacaranda is doing a thing here. I expected him to sit there and wring his hands again. Turns out he is kind of-- sort of-- good for something!

I do feel a slight twinge of pity for Ilganyag. Villains who genuinely think they're doing the right thing have always been compelling to me, and it's often hard not to feel the slightest bit sorry for them. But what good world did she think she was making, I wonder? Jacaranda is dead. The world is already beyond him.

Anyone notice the little squishy valiantly biting the silver monster memory?

Tittybird is among the top 10 worst(best) fictional manipulative moms I've ever read.

The fact that every bit of that mass of flesh is some person she made go through this and worse for her keikaku does kind of drain my sympathy.

Jacaranda is dead. The world is already beyond him.

Jacaranda also reincarnates and the soul preserves memories between incarnations

He doesn't reincarnate. His soul goes on to reincarnate, but it's not him, it's another Jacaranda, with a new life and new memories-- not him. It's why we saw that panel full of hundreds of abandoned Settes who ran off. The reincarnation system is hellaciously faulty, because the First Soul just keeps making new... idk how else to call it. Husks? For it to shed at the end of each life.

and the soul preserves memories between incarnations

The incarnations don't have access to those memories, their soul might as well be a parasite

the little clenched face-fists

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Is it that surprising? Saving his mommy from an evil silver monster memory isn't morally complicated, the hand-wringing came from being conflicted with participating in tittybird's morally dubious schemes.

I can't help loving those little face-hands. That's got to be one of the best design choices on a character Ashley's ever made. They're better than eyebrows!

Jaca clearly loves him momma. He loves her so much that he was assisting in something he was clearly against

I guess it shouldn't be. I'm just used to him being so pathetically spineless that he won't do a thing.

I reckon. Instead of memories being processed and you getting to rest in peace, your memories sit around as a ghost in Hell.

The incarnations don't have access to those memories

not the memories of the other incarnations, but in case you haven;t noticed both Jacaranda and Khette are lucid and remember their lives

Right, but I confess it's still not clear how Khette and Jac were supposed to be brought back to life.

Yes. He seemed to like Sette, but led her to the slaughter. He loves his sister Khette, but didn't do anything when Sette ate her eye. Now he decides to finally do something, and what does he do? Save the villain from her frankenstein's monster....

The only reason he isn't worst bro is because lemon exists.

Jac may be a bad brother, but he's amazing at being mommy's best little helper.

Well... Jac's mum is a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole damn world. She really is a bitch, if there ever was a bitch, she's a bitch to all the boys and girls.

that's rude.

Hell yeah. Everybody gets a little (huge) taste of defeat. Makes me wonder if Ruck will head over to Juste to see what he can scrounge up from the remains. Maybe he'll have a little run in with the remaining Black Tongues. Also interesting to see Ilganyag bleeding silver. Also love the little detail of the squish biting in. Little guy is doing his part.

You know, as shitty of a day as Ruck has turned out to have had, I think I'd rather be him than Ilganyag right now. At least Ruck gets to slink away to fight another day. I'm not sure we're not about to see the end of Tittybird. We ARE due one more death in this chapter.

all my twinks!

gone, forever!

Ilganyag bleeding silver

I think it's actually just black blood. I feel like that's come up with her before, with her weirdo spike tits and the way she fucks with the Black Tongues who are boning women off the clock (she makes them ejaculate a terrible black sludge that makes women infertile).

Though perhaps it was also silver before I mistook it there.

Ilganyag: self serving excuse

Jac: "please mom, I'm just trying to fight your pain nuke here, don't make this about you"

Even in the throes of death, even gripped by sheer horror of her own creation,The Black Tongue Illgangyag -but I repeat myself- , cannot help but gaslight the nearest sentient creature.
Anon argued before that Ruck is a slave to his base instinct. But this page shows Illgangyag is much the same, only her instincts are of a more feminine nature.

all i wanted was a good world for you




The world is already beyond him.

not truly. settes and jacs retain full form and there can be resurrected provided a proper body.

from her point of view they aren't persons, just a mockery of her ideal of one.

See this is how you fuck up tragic characters, not by turning them into suicide woobies. guess cope can't ace every shot

So, what about your “mama bird won’t kill you, *I* will” mssr. Snake?

You know, some animals eat their own mothers, Mister Mommy Snek

Well, I guess even Jac has limits to being a sadsack.

bad dog

i'm a bit disappointed to see rucko the snek escape. he's too vain and repulsive to live!

stuff them into the body that has the soul of their original, and strip the current body of all his memories.

top kek, I didn't notice at fist

And that's exactly why he must, so that he can hang himself even higher before the fall

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he is, but we can learn more about the etalarche curse through him if he didn't swallow roger's soul for good. and i'd like to see him wallow. i think it's an honor that mortal sonorie said something so upsetting to an immortal being it's going to stick with him for the rest of his life

pool ilganyag. i wonder what it feels like to have a memory worm its way into your bones

"It's okay, I don't see them as people" is even more fucked up than wilfull malevolence.

Care to elaborate?

no, "it's okay" implies there's some wrongdoing she can imagine from her actions

My understanding is that Ylganiag is naturally motherly but possesses nothing she'd call a "child". Human are raw potential that can even write themselves, but they are incomplete in her eyes. She can't sympathize with them, it's like hearing wind in a valley and thinking it's a voice. Merely mimicry. From her pov the only truly living things are senet beasts and maybe the jacaranda-sette soul.

I don't know if her vision of an ideal humanity is something akin to senet beasts or a wholly new simulacrum, given the kasslyne khert is a finite thing i imagine turning everyone born into a standalone micro khert is not possible.