They are going to chill in the afterlife
Reminder: there is not a single female in these threads.
anyone compile all the evidence for the leaks?
Jinx will live.
Isha will live.
Vander will live.
Sevika will live.
Jayce will live.
Viktor will live.
Why would you care?
yeah they're all on twitter either shipping jayvik or caitvi, why should we care?
there is no such thing called a safe space.
Arcane Viktor canonically can
-spread the arcane through his "healing"
-create a hivemind
-possess the people he heals
-go inside people's minds and see their memories
-exit the wild rune world at will (he got salo and jayce out of it at the end of episode 5)
-see the future (he saw his destroyed hexhouse and the rolling gear at the beginning of episode 6 + said he was expecting singed before he came + huck said viktor was expecting vi, jinx, vanderwick and isha. how and why would viktor expect them unless he knew they were coming to his camp?)
-he can enter the arcane galaxy realm
I try to stick to limited series because most shows I’ve watched with a strong S1 tend to have a shit S2, and if it’s not S2, it goes to shit somewhere down the line and by that point I get more pissed off at how much time I’ve invested in a dumb show.
Arcane could have been great, they could have left it at the masterpiece S1 was. Maybe add a few more episodes to set up who the characters are in the game and that’s it.
But no, they made a S2 with obvious executive meddling to cram the Noxus stuff. They should have stuck to a more contained story like in S1 but they got ambitious and wanted to set up the next show. However S2 ends, is how they wanted it to be. That’s the ending they had in mind.
You will never be a woman, rapehon
They completely blew Arcane out of the water
my body is on the line now
None of this implies he can change the past. None of this explains why he'd need or want to change the past.
*If it happens, it won't be clever. It won't be emotional. It'll be confusing and annoying.
Jinx is going to get mating pressed by Ekko
Only one normalfag special did.
it was live-streamed and advertised everywhere...not to mention what a shitshow it was.
Well it's two people, Jake Paul and Mike Tyson.
Yeah exactly.
Female in here?
Seems to be infested with delusional trannies though
can we go even one thread without monkeybomb coons
there is no such thing called a safe space.
Well more people probably saw Arcane without delay.
Preordered (Head sculpt is still being refined)
Who woulda thunk it was Viktor that does the bullshit time travel and not Ekko
lmao, you'd really be surprised how much women go on here to laugh at men.
I’ve thought about this too, as a Caitlyn main for the past 6 years, it pisses me off that they’re changing such a big part of the character design. If I wanna play someone with an eyepatch I play Samira not Caitlyn.
I find it interesting that they give us a short haired Jinx skin (not cheap at all) but don’t tease eyepatch Caitlyn, instead, they went with the Caitler look and then the Prestige one. I suspect they knew people would be pissed at Caitlyn losing an eye.
Lore-wise, they can just argue she got a hextech eye or something. Losing limbs in Arcane doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. But that’s besides the point, I wonder how tf they will justify Arcane being canon.
Why does everyone have buck teeth in this show?
Am I missing a meme?
You find yourself in the privileged position of women being forced to talk to you because they have no where else online to chat about their favorite show. And you're so redpilled you'd rather believe all the women in the thread have dicks than accept nobody in the real world would ever tolerate your incel ass.
Sky will have equal or greater focus compared to Jayce before he and Viktor fuck off, calling it now.
In leaks it is mentioned who is the top in sex? Was it Cait or Vi?
Ekko does the seconds thing.
Too bad you'll be seeing more of Timebomb in Act 3.
VI is going to go bimbo mode
Yeah, "women"
Serious answer, in France tooth gaps are seen as an attractive trait. Caitlyn, Jinx and Jayce have them. Vi somehow has perfect teeth despite blocking punches with her face. I think she only lost a molar during a fight with Sevika.
They'll give Cait hextech cybernetics and call it a day.
good bait honestly, 7/10
omg so true anon. let's keep focusing on the male characters too while we're at it
Singed will revive Jinx, There is no reason he'd just leave one of his experiments. He kept that kid's head in a jar, he's not just going to ditch one of his greatest accomplishments.
They want us to be fucked up about it then be shocked when she shows up later in some future series
IMO, arcane is fucked up for eternal, S2 will be acclaimed as the biggest masterwork ever been and these writers will spread brainrot & tumor to lol lore more than ever, and RIOT will wonder why no one likes their show except xittertranny
With all the skin she showed and makeup she caked on, she did.
because they have no where else online to chat about their favorite show.
They could also change her game design to reflect the eyepatch. But yeah, cyborg eye is the easiest lore fix.
None of this implies he can change the past
Yet. CL said the wild rune was the work of Viktor, and what made Heimer, Ekko and Jayce travel to and get stuck in different AUs? The wild rune. That thing is connected to time travel / AU / astronomical magic bullshit.
None of this explains why he'd need or want to change the past.
It'll be explained in act 3 and it'll be trash
Previous thread
So vi will lose her memory after the death of her family?
Previous thread covered:
This time travel/AU stuff is creeping into ridiculousness. What next....Camille = future or AU Caitlyn?
Nowadays, I almost hope so. That’s too much pain.
Why did I read that as hot glue toys
CL said the wild rune was the work of Viktor
He said that as a half-assed cover to get out of explaining what the wild rune actually is (the void).
what made Heimer, Ekko and Jayce travel to and get stuck in different AUs?
Going to an alternate universe isn't changing the past. Moreover, the existence of alternate universes implies that there isn't a single timeline to fix, as any editing of the timeline would make an alternate branch of the multiverse.
it'll be trash
Well, at least we agree on that :(
They retconned Singed and Oriana so Isha is 100% an existing champion.
you fags oscillate between “fucking xitter refugees” (knowing xitter is full of caitvi women) and “there are no women on here btw”
why do you want to insist there are only males here so badly?
do women really
I can see these morbid faggots take inspirations from "Edgerunner" although it stinks
tits or gtfo
Camille = future or AU Caitlyn
don't tempt them.
Going to bed now. My final thoughts for the night will be questioning how do you make such a good S1 and fumble this bad with the S2. Wasn’t it all planned from the start?
him or lest yeah
she's Milio before the transition
I hope not because edgerunners was fucking shit. especially compared to arcane season 1, they would have just downgraded their show for no reason.
Trannies, most likely
Why are people in this thread acting as if we got act 3 already
Like many prefer Disney’s Beast in his non-human form. Freaky Warwick does somewhat resemble him, too.
because they are scared of women. Which is fucking hilarious.
All their storyboarders that made s1 kino left and made their own studio so the only people left to question the writer's retardation were gone. Combine that with Rito realizing the potential for other champs (WW) and we get this slop.
Is it bad that the first thing I thought when I read the leaks was something along the lines of “huh so they’re doing the edgerunners thing” Fucking depressing ending trend
tits or gtfo
I hope the writers get the shit they deserve and that they don’t get more work besides that stupid ass Penelope movie Amanda has lined up. Especially if these leaks are real. The message they’re sending would literally be “kys”
The Line mv preview
So yeah, it plays while Viktor is being revived and injected with warwick's blood. It looks like Sky disappears and dies for real this time.
Wherever there are women, there are shippers
And shippers are the death of a fanbase
Because they're taking the leaks as gospel and deciding to commiserate.
Anon Babble has always been the gayest board no idea why people get so defensive.
why can't they just leave him alone
again fucking hilarious.
Arcane will be critically acclaimed and get lots of praise. Most fans will love the ending.
prove your balls havent been sucked up into your body because of the hrt you’re taking or gtfo
The only people afraid of you are little girls when you shamble into the female restroom, rapehon
Edgerunners invented Greek tragedy.
Even for a colossal anime faggot like me, sincerely have no idea how edgerunner became new norm of good anime, it's shit, not just a shit, 2~3/10 shit
really, no idea, it's direction, animation, ost, characters, story, lines, even pacing, all of them, it's 2~3/10 at best, a total disaster, wtf happened? at first I thought it was discord raid or some shit but zoomers really felt in that way, wtf
famous anime had at least one thing,
and edgerunner? all of them are shit, just soul is removed out, I just lost all hope for zoomies, what a fucked up generation
bye Sky you had a good 2 minutes of screentime girl
Fucked up teeth are cute. We don't see them often in animation
The facial asymmetry is very cool too.
Arcane is very stylized but the models feel like real people instead of digital dolls because of all those little details and imperfections. Now if only they could figure out how to do body hair
He has no agency whatsoever... this is the second time he's being brought back to life against his will!
The fact that you think I'm a tranny is fucking hilarious.
Warwick was always planned.
You know what's even more hilarious
the fact you think you're a woman
right kekekek
Can you explain away the Jinx holding Warwick’s face leak or the Netflix photo with the episode titles and literal thumbnails?
Edgerunners gave a bunch of boring white guys an excuse to larp as weebs because it was an anime endorsed by CD:Projekt Red, whose dick they'd spent the past decade sucking off.
Mediocrity gets a pass if they tell you it sucks on purpose and all the cool kids like it.
Actual schizophrenia on display
This seasons been great. My only gripe so far is the animation and the combat. The animation is too smooth in this season, i don't know how to describe it but it leans more heavily into the painterly look than season 1. And does anyone else feel like the frame rate is too high?
The combat is also not as good as season 1. Almost every fight is deduced to slow motion shots. The epic sepia toned battle we saw in the trailer was just a slow motion montage. The Jinx and Warwick fight was okay.
Whenever Riot has a successful launch of a product like K/DA and Arcane. They double down on the most hype parts of it. With K/DA it was Akali's rap verse and animation. Instead of releasing another K/DA song they had Akali make a rap group that flopped. They're doing the same with Arcane and the fight with ekko and jinx in ep 7.
The fact that you keep saying this isn't stopping me from laughing at you, dude. Like for real, these "insults" ain't working at all.
Anon Babble faggots once again showing how not mad they are when an anime is good lmao
Anon Babble has always had a high number of women, only a tourist would say otherwise
again I'm a colossal anime faggot and it's purely bad I'd rather rewatch witch hunter robin
All tragedies are inspired by Greek tragedy.
Something being ridiculously hopeless doesn’t make it a Greek tragedy. There are actual specific story beats and themes that need to be present. Edgerunners had no substance at the end.
Exactly this. It was so forgettable to me. I liked some of the animation but even that fell apart for me. The game seems so much better and cohesive.
k grandpa
sky dies with the hexcore
So was she real? Or was hexcore using her image to make sure Viktor kept spreading the arcane?
Anon Babble will never get over the fact Anon Babble mogs them completely and utterly
t. Plebeian
The combat is also not as good as season 1. Almost every fight is deduced to slow motion shots. The epic sepia toned battle we saw in the trailer was just a slow motion montage. The Jinx and Warwick fight was okay.
The animation style is a matter of taste, but I agree with you here. The choreography is lacking and the slow motion is a crutch. It strikes me as something a non-artist would request more of.
Can you explain away the Jinx holding Warwick’s face leak or the Netflix photo with the episode titles and literal thumbnails?
If it's not real, pretty much the only plausible explanation I've seen is that someone got the art book early and took pictures from it. Because the Warwick pic is almost certainly not AI, and it's probably not made from scratch or photobash either. The Netflix thumbnails would be easier to fake but I have to admit they're fairly convincing.
I'm currently in denial because I refuse to believe the ending of the show is THIS bad. Like, I knew I wasn't going to be 100% happy with it, but now I'm 0% happy. Not a single thing happens that I'm excited for. And I have to fuckin watch it in the theater in 20 hrs because I'm the dumbass that bought tickets for the premiere.
yes yes we know you are totally laughing and not seething at all, rapetroon
The main story beat of a tragedy is that it ends tragically.
why the fuck would we be mad that a show we’re spending time on is good? not everything is a calculated conspiracy against you, anon. some of us just didn’t like it. the story is very clunky and the dub is awful.
No to AIrcane
Imagine being the clown who thinks that Riot even knows or cares what Edgerunner is.
both i think. i think she and the hexcore became one
nah, dude, I'm actually laughing at how stupid you are. Like have you ever talked to a woman before or do you think everyone is trans?
Nolan will win because Geoff loves celebrities.
I’m on the same boat except I don’t have tickets, don’t live anywhere near where they’re hosting viewing events. I’m sorry anon, I really hope that somehow it’s not as bad as they’re saying. At the very least hopefully the reviews will be terrible if they fucked up this bad.
Are you going to tell mommy you wasted her money
dude, have no idea why you're so coping, it was pure brainrot of highest order, maybe you should lurk more decade
so was the hexcore bad because it's magic or it turned bad because of shimmer? if viktor didn't have shimmer in his blood would it still be benevolent?
oh yeah this board has a high number of "women"
just like Anon Babble
In the first season it looked like something from The Void.
It's shimmer, because shimmer is distilled void juice.
tits or gtfo
Gtfo faggot
okay but a “tragedy” is not the same as saying “cyberpunk edgerunners’ writing was so kino omfg it was literally a Greek tragedy”. it was cheap writing and doesn’t match the story beats of a Greek tragedy.
a lot of them genuinely have schizophrenia. their delusion is that everyone is a male
No, actually. Because I'm a grown woman with gainful employment and my mom died eleven years ago. And the tickets were only $15, I'll spend more on dinner than the show.
most of the women come from x or discord not lgbt.
Heimer got a ptsd flashback when he saw the hexcore.
Magic bad
you do realize moids can grow tits from hrt, right? not even freaking out about troons correctly anon
That's not a way to talk to a girl. Maybe that is why they never talk to you.
It's literally a tragedy.
tits or gtfo
my mistake
I thought you were the one dropping $5k on the amex event
the appropriate question is to ask for the coochie lol.
that really doesn't help your case
do you think you're not obviously a tranny to everyone because you use the word troon or tranny once or twice?
you're not beating the newfag allegations
get used to it Krissi, they just hired a swarm of AI staff
I think her consciousness merged with the hexcore/the hexcore adapt into her personality. Since hexcore was probably blasted into pieces by Jayce in ep6 she's 100% going to die if that's the case
Everyone here is so miserable from how godawful the leaks are that you've devolved to debating how many men are in the room. That's the gayest shit I've ever heard of.
AI sucks honestly speaking.
Curious. What's the implication of this? The first two scenes on top track across the episode, the one at the bottom is attached to the very end of the episode after the first has finished.
Who cares? At least it's entertaining.
Why are corporations so fucking lazy
And in a way that takes effort too, how was it not easier to grab any of the 100199 promo pics for that poster
are you really gonna pretend "HRT tits" are anything like real tits from real women
guess I shouldn't be surprised seeing as trannies have deluded themselves into thinking their axe wound is the same as a vagina
We will see in 24 hours!
The OST "Vow" that plays when Jayce unalives Viktor has a clear ticking clock sound playing as its backbeat. It's not a metronome or drum beat. So some sort of time fuckery is definitely happening.
my hrt titties look real...
Huh, I didn't say anything about HRT. I'm saying that the right thing to ask for is the cunt not tits.
only closeted gay guys care about tits.
and that sucks ass. hopefully after arcane the fall of rito starts considering they’re gonna fuck it up massively
good thing I'm not talking to a girl
dude again. the insults aren't working on this one...
Will you guys stop responding to the fucking tranny. Hide and report. It's desperate for your attention and it'll go back to its discord if you just stop fucking replying.
I really hate the faces of this show.
I just caught up tonight, have these threads been doomposting the whole time or is it only these leaks that are causing it?
anon you gotta let it go. he's not gonna quit and he's too stupid to believe you
almost less than 24 for gay sex in space
I ain't a tranny for the last time. stop saying stupid things.
The top one is when jayce kills AU viktor and made him a promise to kill his viktor, bottom one is clearly arcane viktor dying/dead.
Jayce unalives Viktor
You're on Anon Babble, you can say "kills" and "murders".
only closeted gay guys care about tits.
What the actual FUCK am I reading on this board
forgot that part
There's been doomposting for three months now but the most recent leaks definitely made it much worse. Nobody's excited for anything anymore, and even most of the gooners gave up.
Fuck, reverse it. God I have a memory of a goldfish
The leaks are real, unfortunately. Look at the warwick/jinx pic and the episode list.
i knew one of you spergs would get hung up on that. you fell for the bait you absolute cretin
this supports theory that timenigga fks with time in ep 6 somehow or another possibility would be Ekko keeps rewinding until there's an outcome he wants to see
the the spinning gear is the timeline where Isha dies as it spins during her final charge to kill WW
and the fallen gear is another one timeline where Viktor is also shot dead but we dont know what the rest of the outcome is
How do you think Cait's first night with Maddie went?
Do you think she called her Vi during it?
are you ok with marvel subhuman tier of multiverse?
Everyone died anon. Everyone except the lesbians. Even the gays died. Lesbians are all the writers care about.
I can’t wait for the episode title list to drop tomorrow so the leakfags kill themselves
Welp this meltdown is gonna be great tomorrow. can't wait.
I would've been on board with the sky x viktor ship if sky was prettier
it doesn't matter whether we're okay with it. we're getting it anyway
the only question is how long it takes the general public to catch up and admit s2 wasn't anywhere near as good as s1
they just released the twenty one pilots song and mv with viktor and sky holding hands, there were no gays. it was cope and a few bones thrown by animators who wanted jayce and mel to have a threesome with viktor, thankfully they didn’t have the ultimate say
Why are you so sure you're getting it? Can you justify it from footage in the show and official media?
41% of trannies commit suicide
cute trannies with budding a cups are the best. im gonna assume youre gay though so you probably dont feel the same, but as a guy, trannies are genuinely the sweetest cutest women out there. you might think that only applies to cis women, but honestly cis women should really just date each other and guys should love trans women.
sky disappears though.
i know you fuckers won’t believe me, but i /am/ a “cis” woman lmao
sure, but Viktor’s attraction and what could have been was pretty much confirmed. that’s why the jayviks are seething. they always held on to Viktor’s awkwardness in season 1 as proof that he’s gay considering jayce was obviously always straight but now there’s nothing for them
Well the fujo/fag bait ship died. Lesbians are all alive. If anything I'm just happy sevika is still alive.
I was ok with Ekko rewinding on a singular timeline as he does in the game and cinematics, where his messing with time doesn't create alternate timelines
dont like that he can navigate them as they're suggesting w/ Heimer blasting him back into his own time
thought they might try to limit that since only one of them can go back, and yet Ekko is promising to return to save Heimer so they're fkn that up too unless Ekko was just giving him lip service, like I know you'll be stuck here forever but we were good bros payce I'll be back, but not really
I'm not. I'm like 90% convinced of the latest leaks. But I'd rather expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised than live in denial.
uh i now you're a cis woman that why i wrote in my post you stupid cunt
Thank you for your honest concession.
Isn't the fujos also love to hc Jayce as bisexual?
S1 should've been the end of it, this will retroactively make it dog shit, s2 having already been quite bad.
mv with viktor and sky holding hands
She disappears in that same mv teaser, anon. I hope you're right but it looks like that scene with Sky will happen before Viktor loses his humanity probably in ep8 or ep7 if there's time. The leak could still happen in ep9 and fujos would feel like they've won if Viktor is confirmed to be the mage.
NTA but this is bad bio
Fundamentally, all breasts start out the same. All the structures present in a cis girl's breasts before puberty are also present in a cis boy's. The development of breast tissues and fat accumulation are caused by the hormones that start being produced (in larger amounts) during puberty–primarily estrogen and progesterone.
Because those are the same hormones that t girls take during feminizing hormone therapy, they also grow those tissues and have fat growth. So, a t girl's breasts are the exact same as a cis woman's.
It's why guys still have to check ourselves for breast cancer. We get it at lower rates than women because we have less breast tissue, but we still have some and it can still become cancerous.
Also, it's rare, but because men have all the same structures, guys can lactate too. Cirrhosis can cause it, but more people would be familiar with the case of ww2 pows lactating. They'd been starved, and after being freed and fed again their hormones bounced back quicker than their liver, causing a spike that made them produce milk.
Nature is fucking lazy, it'll reuse parts wherever it can.
What a good girl. Better than vi.
stupid cunt
don’t make retarded errors when calling someone dumb for being distracted. and no, I have a boyfriend, not gay. most trannies are attracted to men, I can’t find them attractive because of that.
no one cares pedophile
It happened in episode eight based on the ablum's order.
You know a lot about child breasts don’t you
la petite mort is better than la grande mort. i'll take it
blue sky was an upgrade, mb she just needed a make over
retarded AND a pedophile
i guess you’re right, but we’ve already seen that he is willing to save jayce. they’re so delusional that they’ll take it as confirmation but their very first meeting was him stopping jayce from committing suicide-doesn’t mean they’re gay lel
sex with Sky
All gay men are secretly straight.
All straight men are secretly gay.
All gay women are secretly straight.
All straight women are secretly gay.
All bisexuals are secretly straight and gay.
Thus saith Anon
well you should definitely become gay
men should only love trans girls
Was your school's sex ed the abstinence only variety?
this is a new one, thanks for the laugh anon
i know you wish i looked like a child, but i don’t. cope
52k likes but it’s a shit “fix.” The furfagified edit has no neck and it looks like a wolf muzzle but mashed flat on the face.
man I was fine with arcane warwick until seeing this. they really did de-wolf him, why?
They are not true furfags
Sevika and Jinx bonding over Silco's death and teaming up was the best part of S2 for me. I wonder how Sevika would react if Jinx told her she is the one who killed Silco
great thread about the hit tv show Arcane guys.
She vanished lmao
“they almost confirmed Viktor is gay” - please Viktor is just a socially awkward scientist, he never felt anything for Jayce. But I love the way you guys make things up. Amanda herself directly answered two years ago that Viktor was never gay.
I wish they just made a full-on wolf man not a werewolf hybrid.
Bottom looks retarded. "Better" but retarded nonetheless.
stop talking about trannies
oh your bf is afab? thats ok then you dont need to get a gf anymore
in which universe
they’ll never admit it. he could have fucked sky in the weird magical space place and they’d still insist he just feels guilty about her death
Maybe in a physical sense, but she will be the focus of the Viktor/Jayce confrontation. Screencap this.
No. Trans girls are the cutest and need big strong men to love them.
exposing yourself as someone who lurks in these troon spaces when insisting a real man is trans is so funny
tf is happening here (src netflixgeeked instagram reel)
Maddie's quote in tft is "pew pew pew pew"
Bros...she's as retarded as Lillia.
Amanda can yap all she wants, I know a fag when I see one.
He’s more a vintage-looking werewolf (man + wolf). Or just a static transition period before a fuller wolf transformation.
them going so hard on making her cutesy and retarded makes me think they won’t actually make her evil. i know the leak said she is but it’s almost too obvious.
She's not fully mute? What does she have, nonverbal autism?
I love trannies you dumb motherfucker. Why would I not know the lingo?
Just catched up
All females look like men or young boys
0 Cool guys
Dykefest that is even banned in China
Jynx somehow is still alive despite everything clearly against her making the writing a mess
Plot going nowhere with sideplots out of the ass
Le stronk female womyn who don't need no men
The artstyle and animation carries this garbage hard
But I'm convinced this show was made for actual Troons unless zoomers actually like eating garbage
It's one of Jayce's visions when he's in viktor's camp. Someone post the pic!!!!
trigger animation saves anime with everything it makes, stay mad nigger
probably what they were going for with the first one. there’s no chance for the latter though, we’ve already seen his final look and it’s just anomaly cum draped over a shitty design that doesn’t really look like a wolf or a man but something else.
maybe machine herald???
Katy Townsend is either a really good gaslighter, she is an actress so I wouldn't doubt it, or the Maddie traitor leak is wrong.
Just look at her. Should Cait be investigated?
Isha definitely makes sounds and pretty sure she said mama or something. So maybe
It's this.
Jayce, promise me you'll vaporize that twink tree-hugger friend of ours, look what he did here
I swear. I won't fail you....Jayce
maybe machine herald
It's AU Jayce, he has the fucked up hammer.
weird response considering they are hiring AI researchers at riot now
well your barking dumb fujo is worthless unlike the writer's barking. touch the grass, Viktor is straight and squeezing Sky
I don’t remember what happens to AU jayce. does “main” jayce see that one and flip the fuck out?
You're confusing me for her. She is gay and has a girlfriend. I love trans girls as all men should
Arcane fans are heavily invested in the relationship between Hailee Steinfeld's Vi and Katie Leung's Caitlyn––so everyone was pretty upset when Katy Townsend was revealed to be sleeping with Cait in Season 2, Episode 4.
Cait must be stopped.
actually praying that jannies do their job tonight holy shit
thought the same thing, they’re so fucking shameless with their lies.
my posts about jayce getting buried under some pedophile’s schizo posts about trannies is the perfect way to sum up the issues with Anon Babble
Leaks confirmed fake!
why did they give the arcane mh lips
it could have been fine if they went more ayylmao in combination with the proportions, but why the lips
it's so offputting in a bad way
Jinx dies in the end anon.
loli schizo infesting the thread
its over
Sure but they’ll still reconcile if the leaks are true. The fujos don’t give a damn anon. If anything there’s literally no character that could get in the way of their final confrontation since 1) Mel is probably busy fighting Ambessa and 2) Sky is completely dead so the shippers will be the only one who’s happy with their ending. Mark my words.
Recording Arcane Season 2 During Covid
Oh, man. Four years ago.
nta but this happens regardless of whether or not the leaks we’ve been given are fake. they don’t have the balls to keep her alive.
ive said since the beginning that the maddie stuff is one of the only things about the leak that doesn’t add up for me
Wow that's really nice.
What the fuck is happening with this thread?
i would kiss that hole
Katy Townsend: I've seen the finale. I went to a screening of the finale, and it is one of the best––Riot won't hype it up, [but] I'll hype it up. It's one of the best episodes of TV I've seen. I think it's a masterpiece. So I'm really excited for all of you to experience that.
We don't know, but it looks like AU Jayce was "healed" by AU Viktor(? maybe) and turned into a husk. Main Jayce also has a vision of (probably) AU Viktor trying to "heal" him. Seems like main Jayce either has the memories of other Jayces or lived those lives and kept failing and dying and looping until he got out of the anomaly.
really did de-wolf him, why?
my optimistic theory is he revives dead VanderBeast after the finale ends, along with Jinx to bring them to their full LoL counterparts in future stories
this is obvs insinuated if the part about Singed collecting VanderBeast's body in the epilogue is true.
then you might consider all of Arcane to be akin to Batman Begins where the "real" characters dont show up until the sequel, ie we'd see werewolf WW and crazy Jinx
I'll say it again, but there's a good chance Viktor will fight Mel and not Jayce, because Mel is a mage like Viktor. In the tft commercial, Viktor fights Mel, not Jayce. Which makes sense after Jayce killed his girlfriend.
Oh shit. That actually looks like it adds up. Wonder what the Jayvik explanation for Viktor killing Jayce nonstop will be.
So do you think we’d see Jinx’s corpse being carted off in the sequel? So annoying fuck
why is her back hole not getting stuffed?
This artist is/was a drawfag, FYI.
more powder pls
ah ok
Didn't they have a twitter account
were you molested as a kid?
you should have been
In a thread full of insane people, it's nice to see an actual positive comment with genuine critique lmao. Anon Babble seems to be filled with complete degenerates complaining about everything.
think we’d see Jinx’s corpse being carted off
my gut says even if they kill Jinx, they're going to bring her back somehow, she's just too popular not to, even if she literally dies in the finale.
her story arc intertwined with Singed, giving her shimmer upgrade, WW's blood basically being immortality serum, Singed collecting one body for sure (and like the mad scientist he is not letting the other dead one go to waste)
the story so far has put all 3 characters together such that it makes total sense for Singed to be able to revive one with the other's blood as he basically made both Jinx and WW himself
the plot material is all there on a platter, just depends on if they want to make a story out of it. it's a really long view play cause it'd be another couple years before we see it
Man, now I'll be really mad if they do cheap shit like make her a spy, or a traitor or simply kill her off.
I hope you get raped by a pack of feral niggers
Wait a second, where are these images from?
Jayce's mother is wearing those gloves in that scene where the mage saves Jayce.
Why would AU Viktor be wearing those gloves?
Wait a second, where are these images from?
Episode 6 while Jayce is going crazy in Viktor's camp
I think it’s a massive risk considering she’s the main event for many watchers. Although what you’re saying makes sense
I think she’s basically guaranteed to get killed off but the other two would be so fucking dumb. How does it make any sense with what we’ve seen of her so far? And why wouldn’t Loris and Steb be evil too, especially Steb?
Thanks! Thats so sweet<3
I really hope we get some proper follow-up on Jayce’s childhood flashback. I don’t fully mind if Viktor is the wizard, but it doesn’t really align with him being Machine Herald.
And..Do we still not know why jayce and his mom were in the cold in some random place? Didn’t they belong to House Talis through marriage? Why were they stuck in a blizzard?
It would be a genuine, honest to god failure of writing if she's a traitor for Ambessa, it literally makes no sense, unless you ignore almost all of her dialogue, which is basically "fuck Ambessa do what you want"
Right, but why would AU Viktor be wearing Jayce's dead mother's gloves?
You can clearly see in that first frame from that the gloves match with the ones his mother was wearing before the mage saved him.
Pic related.
Where the fuck are the jannies
She wouldn't be for Ambessa she'd be a black rose spy (if shes a traitor)
massive risk considering she’s the main event for many watchers.
it is and we already know what the backlash will be when everyone finds out they killed Jinx in the finale
however as a visionary starting up a cinematic universe you have to be willing to accept short-term criticism for long-term goals. we can only hope they're this far-sighted
I put it together pretty quickly so I'm sure they'd have at least talked about it, how do we bring xyz back if we need to.
Does that conflict with or conform to the leaks?
Jayce's dead mother
shes not dead
Maddie is a traitor but the leaker is just a retard and didn't understand. She is almost certainly LeBlanc or a similar Black Rose figure and will be how that plot ties into the main story despite its irrelevance so far.
In the office scene she would have got angrier, but still the same, only until she had seen that Jinx really blames herself for his death. By the time of the 4 episode she wouldn't have cared anymore but she would have tried much harder to force her to be a symbol
Maddie being an agent of the BR is the only was the spy theory is plausible.
Even killing her off eoulbe cheap IMO. like why even introduce a character then? Simply for the shock value of the beginning of Episode 4? really?
agreed. someone said she wanted Caitlyn to pull out of the undercity so Ambessa could take over, but that stops making sense when you listen to literally everything else. she makes fun of Caitlyn for sounding like Ambessa, looks disappointed in the statue scene, and i don’t think her spotting for Cait in the act 3 scene we see makes sense if she’s a traitor. a lot of people thought she was because she happened to be in several important places in act 1 but so was Steb and no one has mentioned him going evil in the leaks.
just don’t get how the leaks could be wrong if these people had access to that Warwick pic and Netflix though…
They're just fingerless gloves, it's not that deep and potentially coincidental. If they are relevant, it's probably some kind of hallucination Jayce was having as Viktor attempted to assimilate him, sort of like Vander.
man if you have mooch's old stuff please catbox it, he nuked his twitter a while back
Yeah, why would the black rose not want to keep tabs on Caitlyn and get her in the fray against Ambessa? Besides Mel, Caitlyn's has the most resources and political sway in Piltover. Alas, Maddie being a black rose spy makes too much sense for this shitty season.
so she wouldn’t be on Ambessa’s side either. leaker’s wrong if this is correct. why would Maddie try and execute Caitlyn for Leblanc, though?…a lot doesn’t add up here.
none of writing in the leaks is the work of a visionary, anon. I’m trying to be positive on here to balance out the degenerates but the very concept of turning this into the harley qu- I mean lol!jinx multiverse is greedy and soulless. it will be slop and I was fine with them doing that until it led them to ruin arcane’s ending after starting out so strong.
I agree with you but if she lives, her only purpose was to be a minor character put there for shock factor in episode 4.
Loris and Steb
who tf is Steb, is that Fishbro's actual name??
Loris is obviously not evil, he was lying around drunk of his own volition before joining back up. There's no basis for Steb being evil either, he's a non-character.
Maddie gets the focus with regards to a traitor because she's the only one who is an actual character who has focus.
Yes lmfao it was revealed through tft files or some shit
It's all coming together
tft's twitter account dropped it
obvs Riot has some vision for their cinematic universe, you're applying some kind of emotional charge to the word visionary as if it implies supreme enlightenment or such
I only say it in the context that perhaps they looked head and may want revisit some of the more popular and/or dead characters, which would be easy for them to revive given the story they've already told with Singed/Jinx/WW
Or they may never come back to any characters, I have no clue, but that plot material is setup for them if they do in that instance, is my point
where's the last one from?
netflixgeeked instagram reel
Netflix Geeked's latest Instagram Reel
i'm not gigabrained enough to be able to tell whether this confirms or disproves the leaks, but my money's on disprove
The "leaks" say Jayce was sent to an apocalyptic AU where hextech killed everything
thank you
looks comfy
We already know the leaks are confirmed as of 6-7 hours ago
so when does the next act drop?
I hate the French and their obsession with gapped teeth. They think women with gap teeth are peak beauty.
still no leaker mentioning mel's pregnancy
they are kinda boring as a couple but i cant wait to see them reunite desu. they cute
This poor doomed child didn't deserve any of this.
don’t the leaks say they split? I’d be surprised if they let mel keep her boytoy, these series love to strip strong female leads of their male love interests because she don’t need no man. makes me sad but they probably will break up for no reason.
What pregnancy?
They really overcooked the tragedy this season.
have a scene where her sister has sex as Jinx attempts suicide
cut off her iconic braids
kill her off
leave her mangled corpse in a ditch
sell her funeral attire as an expensive skin
Has another character ever suffered such a grim fate?
If you look closely, it's her hand
The leaks that say Maddie is a traitor? The leaks that say Viktor is Ryze? The leaks that say Jayce and Viktor disappear at the end never to be seen again?
All things we know are bullshit.
People think Mel is preggo in this picture but I think it's just her arm plus the lighting
Maddie is a traitor, but she's Black Rose. Viktor being Ryze is bullshit though for sure
Jesus. this doesn’t even remotely look like her being pregnant. it absolutely is just her arm, people don’t get how pregnant women look.
how do we know these things? I’d do anything for those fuckass leaks to be fake, but the pictures attached are really convincing
Hes, the biggest skeptic who was fighting the leakers on twitter and spamming here that they are all fake was shown clips later in the day. Tweeted what we asked to confirm its him. So its pretty much confirmed that these ass leaks are real.
she's Black Rose
That makes no sense at all. Okay, sure, BR has spies everywhere, but what does it add to the story? Why did Maddie encourage Cait to join Ambessa? How is BR's investment in Maddie/Cait's relationship going to change anything? What does BR gain from this? Why was Maddie so ineffective at dissuading Cait from helping Ambessa? And why do we still see Maddie at Cait's side in the episode 9 scenes from the trailer?
Let's just wait until the titles drop so we can see if the shit leaks are real or not
I haven’t listened to the leaked songs that haven’t been in the show yet. Are any of the supposed episode titles from that Netflix screenshot lyrics? Arcane has at least one episode per act named after lyrics from a song. That’s an easy way to tell if it could be real or not.
24 hours niggas
Got this audio clip from someone in the Arcane discord who's been reliable in the past, apparently the full track is internally called "Big Fat Hero". Take it with a grain of salt.
Okay, sure, BR has spies everywhere, but what does it add to the story?
Ties the Black Rose into the main Piltover plot when it is jarringly irrelevant right now
Why did Maddie encourage Cait to join Ambessa?
She didn't, she has only been anti-Ambessa except specifically when Ambessa was giving her political power over Piltover
How is BR's investment in Maddie/Cait's relationship going to change anything?
Whispers in the ear of the de-facto ruler of a powerful trade and tech based city-state seem fairly valuable
What does BR gain from this?
A potential ally against Ambessa and control of Piltover through a puppet leader
Why was Maddie so ineffective at dissuading Cait from helping Ambessa?
They need to use Ambessa to install Caitlyn while still planting doubt in her mind for future betrayal
And why do we still see Maddie at Cait's side in the episode 9 scenes from the trailer?
Those shots aren't from episode 9.
Episode 8 will be The Line most likely.
All his visions.
I thought so too but the leak with the real thumbnails has completely different titles
that "leak" is fake anon
400μg of acid
top screenshot is AI, bottom is just a promo image from extremely early on
Heimerdinger told him he might want to start with less, but Jayce called him a pussy and went ahead with it
how is the mel and jayce pic not real? doesn’t it match the looks we’ve seen them have in act 3 trailers?
and the Warwick / Jinx one CANT be fake right? they were posted by the same person
This leak is real, an poster here who was fighting them was shown clips that confirm the big events.
All of this. It would be strange if the black rose didn't try and get in Caitlyn's ear. She's an excellent asset to have in the war they're waging against Ambessa.
That's not how Netflix looks. Also pretty sure they only use thumbnails from stills not shown in trailers.
The only think that has leaked is your brain.
How much money are you willing to put on this?
It looks like that on TVs. It’s a certain different view. Trust me, I want these to be fake more than anything.
Hopefully you’re somehow right
That's PS4/PS5 Netflix, of course it doesn't look like mobile.
That's how it looks on tv
It looks like that on the SmartTV app, which has a slightly different UI from mobile and desktop.
Thats how it looks on my LG tv
Placing my bets now, Mel will save Caitlyn from Ambessa to make up for the time she couldn't save that little girl in her nightmares.
They're obviously false and they made me realize that Anon Babble is a waste of time given the quality of posters that shat thread after thread with those.
I hate the leaks but this would actually be wonderful. That scene with the little girl is so fucked up
Show is kino when it's the two sisters juxtaposed through the conflict of the twin cities
Show is a turd when it's marvelized shipping shit
How are they “obviously false” when they include things like the warwick and jinx picture? Theres NO WAY that’s faked.
Except Maddie does fuck all to actually manipulate Caitlyn, so she's the worst agent the Black Rose has.
Also go back and re-read Katy Townsend's interview and tell me with a straight face that Maddie's supposed to be a spy. I'll wait.
24 hours
are you seriously retarded? actors lie in interviews all the time to avoid spoilers.
Less, first leaks should hit in about 12-16
the VA for Mel said maybe we’d get flashbacks with mel in them this season and she maintained all the way until the season’s release that mel had died.
Less than 12 hours till the ep titles drop
What retard read leak
Maddie's supposed to be a spy.
Nobody is saying she's "supposed" to be a spy. Maddie being LB has been a theory on here for months. Whether it comes to fruition or not, the theory makes sense.
So when do I get to have sex with Jinx and Gothvi?
cut off her iconic braids
I'm so mad, she's going to look like a typical dyke in every fanart now
main jayce and au jayce are different
uh do you want to see my arcane funko pops?
I liked PnZ as a setting in S1 because it was a lot more grounded, and the hextech elements simple enough to say “they are magic batteries and can also teleport stuff” and leave it at that.
This time travel alternate universe end of the world shit jumped the shark imo.
The Caitlyn puppet Jinx made in e3 has a knife stuck in it's face. A+ foreshadowing for what's to come.
I feel the same way. This shit went way off the deep end, especially for a region like Piltover.
into the trash it belongs with tranime
There's not enough (as in not at all) men kissing men in this fag cartoon. I hate lesbians and trannies so much, I hope all of you die.
In this show*
You're misguided. Hating on the wrong people altogether.
It's comedy when a man gets hit on his balls.
Men belonging to any out-group are a huge danger, recognized by all; hence men wear the same uniforms from kindergarten to prime minister
You can watch Ukrainian / Russian horror story and witness people make male suicide a public sport
Men look too much like apes to be humanized in anybody's eyes. The horrors of military technology are put in place because men are a useful threat image. A natural scapegoat.
If men looked (naturally) like women, rape would be less bad, all wars would disappear and we'd run out of dehumanization targets.
Lesbian and trannykino is what can salvage this species because it influences female reproductive patterns.
Ok but how does lesbian sex work , do they just rub their clips together
Jinx dying for nothing, Wareick still being enough and hey splattered body just sitting on the bottom of Zaun has to be one of the most brutal ways no send off the most popular character lmao.
No wonder Ella seems so miffed about it.
When do you think this will happen?
No thats how Anon Babble does it
Anyone here on a nofap/semen retention streak?
Small lesbian fingers are enough to give women plenty of orgasms. Tribbing looks hot but apparently isn't all that pleasurable for women.
Lesbian and trannykino is what can salvage this species because it influences female reproductive patterns.
I say that, but they are just convinced to breed more Silcos into the world, repeating the story. Oh well.
I lost nn cause of that vijinx porn posted yesterday
"...Perhaps, in another life, you would've been friends."
well that didn't undo the benefits gained thus far, just resist it after a relapse we tend to go crazy with more relapses, just resist that and continue from where you left
Went for a week or two. Counting the days is how you lose things like this. You notice the difference. However, I was greatly energized by ending nofap, but only for a short duration.
I'll most likely do it all again.
The only reason why I'm watching second season and waiting for act 3
If they do her dirty I'll be so fucking mad.
I've been doing 7-10 days with relapses for close to two months now.
Copers, how are we doing today?
I fell for wow, now I fell for arcane. Kind of pathetic.
She's too kino for S2. They realized it and tried to fuck up her design too.
No leaks have answered my questions so...
I don't mind Jinx dying. I expected it ever since S1 ended and they said the next one would conclude Jinx' story.
Viktor's revolution
Mel's powers and LB intro
A champion making a first appearance is always notable, LB would be a major point for any real leaks.
Was riding high but the images are waaay too convincing, feels like gigacope to think it's fake now sadly, like when retards were coping about the leaked radahn fight for shadow of the erdtree, calling it a garden of eyes mod, it's all the same shit
uhhhh it's ai!
uhhhh that's not how netflix looks!
uhhhh okay MAYBE the screenshot is real but the info isnt!
Give it a rest bros, it's fucking over
a known AI artist shares leak images
A way to get more attention and money to their account. It's a calculated move.
Why would anybody except furries care about WW's snout?
I know they can't be real when this interview exists Maddie isnt a traitor you assholes.
people still care about leaks when act 3 releases in 23h
lol who cares about your has been leaks bro I don't need them anymore
LB would be a major point for any real leaks.
kek these mfrs literally FF past Mel/LB scenes
and especially if Mel kills Ambessa that's a huge plot point, how could you skip over something like that without a least a little detail?
How in the world is the Warwick and Jinx one AI? It’s over anon
It would make no sense for Maddie to be a traitor.
She's the gullible bright eyed doe. A perspective onto Piltower's folk, beyond their snobbery.
When are the episode titles reveal?
I'll cope all the way up until the end of ep7.
Probably happened during Jayce/Viktor's reconciliation scene. Kinda matches the vibe.
How in the world is the Warwick and Jinx one AI?
Couple of years and AI can create the entire Arcane.
How can people watch that reel and not know immediately thar Viktor is letting go of Sky's hand
you'd be surprised how good AI is if you give it a good reference. some engines allow you to site reference poses and images and it'll extrapolate that into what you want
there's so much r34 of Arcane Jinx out there you'd almost believe some was done by fortiche. there's actually Arcane Jinx filters on nsfw ai generators
Yes, I said at the end of S1 that Jinx’s arc naturally ends with her death, be it as a villain or as redemption.
The annoying part for me is how Cait and Vi end up alive and together and everyone else just dies. Feels like the whole show was just to add extra drama to a story ultimately about their relationship where they tragically lose all their friends and family but have one-another.
It doesnt sit well with me.
at noon pst
I don’t know. I know AI is getting scary accurate, but the level of (correct) detail is something I’ve never seen in AI before. Guess all we can do is wait for the episode titles. Anyone know when we’re getting them?
Please give it a rest nigger, look at this shit, this is too meticulously detailed and pristine while also perfectly matching Arcane's artstyle to be AI, no generator accessible to some random faggot redditor in the world could give you a result like that, and if they did it'd be far more impressive than having access to netflix shows early
Not only does it:
Properly color Jinx's nails, complete with chipping paint details
Match Warwick's leaked face from the league icon, which hasn't been portrayed in Arcane's style yet
Get all the details right both on the markings on Warwick's league icon face, and on Jinx's glove
It its ALSO completely within the style of the show, the artstyle matches 1 to 1, listen to me when I say this, IT IS FUCKING OVER, coping will only leave you more upset come tomorrow when the titles drop and they match the leaks
everyone knows it's Sky's hand after TOP posted the mv teaser for The line
I'm sure at some point all they'll have to do is feed it a reference style and the AI will near real-time generate whatever you want in that art style
it already exists for photos, but video is a bit more complex
Can someone who has the lyrics to the leaked act3 songs answer this?
this is too meticulously detailed and pristine
The eyes look like AI. It looks fake.
I'm expecting the first leak to be 100% correct. Abandon all cope we're so over bros.
This looks fake no matter how much it tries to recreate Fortiches style
Jinx holding Silco's face
You can see where the AI took inspiration from.
Troll slipped. We know she ends it in The Last Drop, not a hideout.
”take care of Powder”
she hits and abandons Powder instead
rewarded with beautiful rich influential girlfriend and a stable job
meanwhile Powders corpse rota at the bottom of Zaun and Mylo was proven right
Fate really does play favorites.
What a depressing message.
There's already video generating AI, and you can play (inferior) Doom, Minecraft already. AI is cool and breaks human retardation (jobs).
Told to stay put
Bomb your own family instead
Nigger it has properly detailed her new metal middle finger that only debuted last act, have you considered Warwicks eyes look weird because they are supposed to in the show itself? They also match the leaked league icon btw, they're glowing with arcane energy after being powered by Viktor, cope all you want but it's done
How do we know it's the last drop?
If that hand is from AU Viktor, then doesn't this confirm the "S1 mage is Viktor" leak?
He doesn't have a hextech hand, and appears to be wearing a hood.
Maybe the mage isn't our Viktor, but an AU Viktor trying to spread to other universes by giving that rune to child Jayce, causing him to eventually create the hexcore.
My steelbook arrived super late so I haven't watched S2 at all yet. I'm rewatching S1, and if S2 has an ass ending I'll just stop at S1E9.
Feels like I'm winning no matter what.
No man it doesn't confirm made up retardation.
Yeah, yeah, you're proud of your work.
Have you seen the teaser?
What gives this all the more credibility to me is them sperging out and commenting under all sorts of shit mad at how bad the ending is, like any autist who's gotten hold of something and found out the ending to the thing they loved is shit, reads like genuine tard rage
Ok can you stop trying to push your shitty fanfic
go back to twitter please
Yeah this was what convinced me. I don’t know why a lying fake leaker would do that.
We saw in bridging the rift that Alex and Amanda couldn’t figure out how to work the ending. Makes sense if it’s shit like the leaks
Where’s the picture Reed just posted from?
Just yesterday you were saying they knew what kind of an ending they wanted to do from the start. Retard. It's one and the leaker, a fake one.
they knew what kind of an ending they wanted to do from the start.
100% a lie. They never expected to do a S2 until the show blew up to a ridiculous scale.
what picture
Who’s “you”?
They supposedly have known what they wanted for the last Vi and Jinx scene to be. That’s not the whole ending. The episode of btr where they visit Fortiche shows that they literally ended up rewriting major parts of the general ending.
Before calling others retards, maybe learn to speak. What the fuck is your last sentence? Babbling like an idiot and you don’t even know what I’m saying kek
I can't wait for all the coping retards on these threads to have a meltdown tomorrow when these leaks turn out to be true.
I'm hoping that Riot backpedals on their "Arcane is the new canon" decision, because this writing is unbelievably crappy for literally everyone expect the lesbians.
They had 5 seasons in mind, cut it to 3 (Linke said once there will be 3 seasons) but covid mess ate it with season 2 which they finished writing around the middle of animating season 1. They had to cut 3 seasons short into 2, that's why the pacing is so fucked up. Only 1 season was NEVER a thing.
when these leaks turn out to be true.
No sex scene
Sex scene in Jinx cell
Sex scene in Cait's office
These leakers are from different timelines.
It's what the show is about at that point. The fandom that they interact with is basically the shiptards
People who arent that invested into Caitvi will just feel empty and disappointed because there isn't an emotional crescendo like in S1, its just miseryporn.
Don't be dense, anon. You know exactly which leak we're talking about.
The others were fake. Only one was confirmed now with episode titles.
But there is a mechanical finger. I don't think leaker is that good at ps
You know exactly which leak we're talking about.
I do not.
they did, right after s1 ended they shared a teaser jinx saying(had to be you) same thing she said at the end of the act 1 its was already planned
NTA but Do you know if any of the leaked songs have those episode titles as lyrics?
Then lurk moar before claiming the leaks are fake, you retard.
and her glove is gray in the leak, but in act 3 she has black glove
them having made the shitty decision to narrow it down to two seasons by then when it needed three just so they can move on to the next region in runeterra doesn’t mean there wasn’t a mess behind the scenes. it was probably too late by the time the first season got acclaim to make one more season
The sperg rage about copers has been going on for a while. Some AI images won't make fake leaks real.
What does LB do?
There is no sex scene goddammit
if i'm honest I'd have to agree that the blueWick image looks pretty genuine, if it's fake, it's a really good one and is eventually what Rito will be using to make its animated shows anyway
all these are AI in the Arcane style except tristana but ofc it makes mistakes when you look close
Fantastic by King Princess
I’m sorry but these (especially the latter two) have major tells of AI. even the first one has that weird AI lighting. I don’t think the warwick pic does. hopefully you’re right, trust me I don’t want the leaks to be real lmfao
Leaker doesn't know anything beyond the leaked parts
no details, nada
certain characters aren't spoken about at all
won't answer questions
But.. why go through all that effort?
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! you don't understand!!!!!!! Jinx should live!!!!!!!!! even though she was jinx, trouble maker, accident waiting to happen, did everything wrong, kill Mylo & piggy can't even think of a name & biological father & daddy & nameless enforcers who tried to save children & councilor, it's all Vi's fault! she was only 12! wat? Vi was 16? don't care
Nigga I'm only here for cute Jinx and every vi's lines are pure cringe, highest order to butch brainrot but common she's the Jinx, Arcane's theme is never push your dick in crazy, remember it
He's not consistent answering questions either. And he's very picky, only answers those about Jinx, Warwick, Jayce, Viktor and caitvi sex. He knows he would be easily debunked otherwise. And didn't share anything else to prove anything. It's easy to make a close up AI picture like the one he shared, way more difficult to create a picture showing any action scene with full bodied characters. That's why he's refusing to share a picture of Jinx's body or Warwick being taken again by Singed, not to mention caitvi in Jinx's cell. He's full of shit, nothing else and contradicts quite some things compared to a teaser we've got. Jinx ending herself off in her hideout instead of the last drop is one of those examples. I see some of the things he said is already deleted - yesterday he was claiming Viktor "wakes up" before the glorious revolution and takes over Warwick to use him and then he merges with his pot which is supposed to look like Orianna's one. We know it's not (see the picture). People debunked him with it so he removed this message. What a fucktard... But sure, let Anon Babble stupidos believe him kek
I'm the real leaker. My cat works as an office pet mascot at Riot Vietman. Mordekaiser appears in the final episode and kills everyone. The end.
I’m ngl at least with the twitter leaker girl she seems like she’s ESL and can barely express herself lel
and with whoever posted the text leaks originally, they may have just been a casual who didn’t care enough about some details. I hope the leaks are fake but it’s not looking good
Some AI images
This cope is absolutely delicious. It's clear you don't understand how AI actually works, because there's not enough training material to generate the Jinx/Warwick image from .
The AI wouldn't generate Jinx's mechanical finger or the hextech look from Warwick's new league icon. There's not enough training material for that.
We lost bigly
He was already a lost cause yesterday, proven wrong on 3 or 4 occassions. All of those messages are gone from his profile.
Who are "we"?
I am the leaker (true). Jinx's pussy gets gapped wide open by Ekko's big cock.
Top left has AI artifacts, the shadows on the teeth don't make sense, the glove on her right hand is too short on on finger. Also her gloves are black with studs.
The warwick img is a screenshot anyway if you click their photo. It’s likely not theirs and from an actual leaker (which is why they refuse to elaborate on most things, they weren’t the one with access to the episodes) but the leaks do match up anyway. We’re fucked
Please don't be dumb. The "artifacting" is because they took a pic of their monitor with their phone. Also we know jinx gets an outfit change in act 3
No, he claims he has the access.
The leaks have been debunked a hundred times already
using fake leaks to ruin Arcane threads
But.. why?
I know. I’m saying he could be lying.
Regardless of the way this person got the pictures, it’s pretty obvious the leaks are true. Fucking depressing
Here's a shot of Cait in Act 3, it's real and legit btw. Totally not an AI.
to punish vi roasties
Lmao “debunked” where? There are no credible debunkings.
You just choose to fucking ignore what everyone has been saying
Maddie isn't a traitor
Jinx isn't killing herself in her hideout
Viktor can't be the mage that saved Jayce
And you just conveniently ignore how these leaks never mention anything about Mel or the Black Rose considering they're a big part of act 3 supposedly.
That pic IS her new outfit, retard. Unless you think she has ANOTHER one that has two mismatched gloves with no studs.
Outing yourself I see.
how is it the most goofy people are getting all the real material. first it was Nick the nicker posting his running shoes
now ESL get supposed finale spoilers and can't even put in words what they saw
No new leaks since ww and chapter titles?
Thats strangektyg
Bro that's the most Benedict Cumberbatch looking Jayce I've ever seen.
It's finally over
Bro I can literally see where the eye merges with the cheek.
I can't wait to be done with this and move on.
When will the title drop?
Ekko completely undoing ep 6 would have been a huge point no?
and we've basically sussed that out from the episode itself and you'd have to know something like that if you'd seen him do it in ep7 or 8
I know ppl are goldfish today but bro was missing all of act 2, you'd think they'd remember he did some crazy shit in act 3 or do ppl not understand what they're looking at
LB Kino
10 hours from now
Ekko don't need to undo anything Isha isn't dead because she was never real.
Also her gloves are black with studs
the funniest thing is none of the leaks are talking about how singed is getting taken by ambessa/black rose to noxus for making chemical weapons to be used in ionia war that will take place in next riot games series, they cant say anything because they have no info about lol lore only making theories about trailers :D if one thing is clear,this has to be happen
Mel and Jayce look like they got transported to Castlevania s2 art style, but mb that's just screen distortion
blueWick img looks more legit than the netflix ss desu
bunch of monster drinks
bunch of 2fort servers not banned yet but mma banned wholeday after saying nwords
bunch of onahole
bunch of schlocks for wasting time & boozes
Yepp, It's Arcane time
did the writers forget these awesome things exist?
Title drop countdown:
stop touching your sausage
Nintendo filed a lawsuit against them, accusing them of plagiarism. They called it the Arcane Pokéball
copers mass hysteria inc
I would add:
Viktor died and his community with him.
Singed boosed Noxian soldiers with shimmer, Viktor's zombies are not a part of the war, they're taken by arcane.
dumb gorilla, get your eyes checked
It's clearly not Ai, and if it was Ai he must have spent a ridiculous amount of time doing it, I'm holding out a last hope that the leaks are fake, but riot isn't helping much.
In 4 seconds? Vander is dead, Viktor is dead. Cope.
Just let Viktor and Vander die in peace ffs. Do you think machine herald will have any of Viktors memories left?
It looks like Silco merged with Vander.
Mark the studs on the glove with a red circle. Come on, stupid anon
It looks like shit, but it totally matches riot's own leak with the game's icons, so I have nothing to doubt.
At least we got fun jinx for a couple of episodes before they had to get "deep" and "mature" again
but it totally matches riot's own leak with the game's icons
Kinda like an AI would, if tasked to merge Silco headholding + S2 Jinx + Leaked WW image
True leaks would give us Orianna images.
But instead, the "leaks" are here to ruin Arcane discussion for a week.
Two crosses in the thumb area. ITS OVER
in the first episode every enforcer has one of those gadgets and they're all tossing them at the kids trying to bind them. Would be nice to see them return. The riot at the checkpoint in season 2 would have been a good opportunity, or the attack on the memorial.
but it doesnt match her glove at all its obv fake
Probably using this and a phone to mask the imperfections.
don't pretend reason why arc is dead isn't due to horrible quality
With that level of detail, and with no discernible errors, then I'd be worried too, shit, Terminator is coming.
Unfortunately, the hope that the leak is false no longer on the fact that the information is true, it is from where it was obtained.
She deserved better
The leak is actually true
The image is not AI generated
It's over, copefags. What's your next coperino now?
Ep 6 was a shitshow, and Vi / Jinx meeting with WW was a mistake, but it's still a great animation.
But the types who had a stick up their ass even before S1 happened could still be doing the same thing again and again.
This leaker has the same energy as
Still not watching it
that icon leak included a viktor design that NONE of the other leaks even get close to explaining
never mention anything about Mel or the Black Rose considering they're a big part of act 3 supposedly.
Retard. It was mentioned
none of the leaks are talking about how singed is getting taken by ambessa
Because that's mostly irrelevant, it has no impact on the current story, and everyone could guess that from what happened in Act 2.
That's because the "leaker" got lucky with one AI generation. You won't be seeing Orianna because of it, or LB. You're only going to see materials from already published or revealed content. Because that's the only thing the AI can generate atm.
But the types who had a stick up their ass even before S1 happened could still be doing the same thing again and again.
This leaker has the same energy as
>Still not watching it
these are greseballs, don't feed them
Yes, I still think the leak is fake even though he is in possession of these images, there is a very real way that the leaker got all the information from the photos and is still making it all up to ruin the week.
The art and Making of Arcane
Can't wait for timebomb to be shoehorned within a 2 minute clip
What Ekko deserves doesn't really matter I guess.
Honestly, unless you are a hardcore Jinx, Jayce or Viktor fan, the last act sounds pretty cool
Yes, because he didn't take the photos himself. took it from someone else
Ekko doesn't get splattered in a ditch in Zaun
The Vi/Cait Sex scene is going to be in a prison cell, that's fanfiction level bullshit.
It doesn't even sound like a happy ending for Vi. Her entire family is dead and if Jinx actually dies saving her from WW, she's gonna blame herself for it
Honestly, unless you are a hardcore [every character other than cait/vi] fan, the last act sounds pretty cool
There we go, I fixed your post for you, anon. Everyone else will suffer except for the lesbian couple.
It is exactly the same glove, just look all the details
How would it even work out? On the dirty floor where dozen of prisoners have been spitting before? Or there's a dirty bed?
Frankly if true this is very horrifying
From this fucking book coming out next week, the leaker could easily have gotten a copy, taken out the real information and filled in the rest with bullshit.
Lets see it for ourselves first. I agree it sounds kinda tasteless.
Suffering isn't necessarily bad. Lets see the overall story presented. Just because only they live doesn't mean only they get a satisfying ending.
Besides, we all know who the true winner is.
I'm a Jinxfag and a Viktorfag above all. Fuck my life.
Arcane season 2 is so shit users have to entertain themselves with some leaked imaged
Oh wow
in France tooth gaps are seen as an attractive trait.
amongst lefty degenerates
amongst lefty degenerates
Those are the only ones who survived the French revolution.
I don't think Jinx is gonna be in Stillwater but that place that they held Jayce when he got arrested in 01x02. Still a cell but atleast it's nicer
and Viktor
Singed created Viktor
only they get a satisfying ending
Jayce and Viktor being deleted from reality, Heimer being either dead or stuck in an AU, and both Jinx and Warwick dying for no reason at all is not a satisfying ending for these characters.
tasteless mutts
but she changes her gloves in act 3
First champion ever designed has created additional ones
What time do the episodes drop?
Where can I stream them besides Netflix?
Still extremely shitty. I get they're trying to go for symbolism here since Vi spent so many years in prison receiving constant beatings but I think Vi deserves some real good loving on a proper bed or couch.
Jayce and Viktor being deleted from reality
Considering the "mastery" of the English language the leaker displayed, I am not sure this is what happens. Lets see.
Besides, even if they do, lets see how its justified.
Heimer being either dead or stuck in an AU
If dead - he is a Yordle, he will be back
If stuck in an AU - there is always cope its fixable
both Jinx and Warwick dying
Jinx dies, and it makes sense for a character with her arc. Redemption through death is a popular cliché, as is the death of a mentor, as is fridging a girl like they did with Isha lol.
Warwick doesn't die, Singed goes to scoop him up.
top looks better
That's so realistic! Is it an actual leak?
i can confirm that i know a lot of women who read comics. and books.
Singed in game is just the greased up deaf guy from Family Guy.
Jesus Christ.
I will make it more comfortable:
- Left hand: the glove has studs (you can see them with the green circle in the image I posted).
- Right hand: no studs (you can see it with the yellow circle in the image I posted).
It is not so difficult to understand, you can see the image of the trailer that shows perfectly his right hand WITHOUT studs.
I miss the simpler times of S1 when we didn't have all this insane magical shit going on and it was a grounded sad family story.
Really hoped S2 would be about how there is always hope to rebuild with your loved ones, and always hope to escape your fate even if you are "jinxed", but I guess they want the opposite message - give up, you are only hurting those around you by existing.
See Not the anon you're responding to. I take it you're the "leaker" aka. troll
Why are you autists stressing about leaks, just wait a singular day and you can find out for real
Ekko will find a way to save his wife.
Blacks in runeterra are built diff.
REEE why'd they skip her scenes
something that's globally advertised and the audience is basically everyone over the age of 13
a game adaptation spin off, target audience is basically teens to adults of the nerd variety in their 30s and only talked about on basket-weaving forums
We really needed 3 minutes of Jinx narrating a bug fight instead of fleshing out Vi's rock bottom arc a bit more.
wtf are u talking about and why u ping is everyone here stupid?
we needed 3 minutes of jinx eating vi's pussy
Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson was an energy harvesting operation to halt BNWO.
i dont get why he's so romantical with her
he gave zero fucks about her until she had gone
also is this her spirit within him or his manifestation of her because coping.
That wolf is too realistic to be fake. It's obviously a leak. And therefore all who oppose the furfag narrative are coping and should feel xyz, and the show is doomed and you shouldn't enjoy it at all, ever.
do we know if last episode will be more than an hour long? i have a vague memory of CL mentioning it in an interview but can't find source
That wolf is too realistic to be fake
Definitely everyone here is an asshole
only Caitvifags await the episodes with anticipation because they get to see seggs and a happy ending
everyone else is dreading the loss of their favorite characters
Viktor barely even gets to be the masked robot weirdo
Bonjour i work at fortiche and can confirm that image is 100% le real
No but seriously, I can't torrent and Netflix household always fucks me over.
I cannot lose with Singed.
lets see how its justified
Given the amount of time left (only 3 episodes), it most likely won't be.
he is a Yordle, he will be back
That's from the in-game lore, there's no confirmation at all that it works the same way in Arcane.
If it does, then his "sacrifice" would be meaningless, he can just die and appear back in Bandle City.
Warwick doesn't die, Singed goes to scoop him up
Nice fanfic, but that's cope.
Caitlyn not killing Singed is retarded when we have seen her killing people before
Because the writing of season 2 so far has been so craptastic that everyone would rather talk about the leaks than the actual show.
Fact: This bitch LOVES anal.
Instead we'll be getting 3 minutes of Vi eating Caitlyn's pussy inside a prison cell.
If you ignore the taboo vijinx is far more interesting of a dynamic than caitvi
Ambessa wouldn't allow Caitlyn to kill Singed, she desperately needs that werewolf knot. That's the only reason she made that deal with Singed to begin with.
Singed chads absolutely, utterly and unstoppably winning
I think the "leaker" in twitter with the Warwick and Jinx falling image is full of shit.
Reasons for this:
1) He did "AI art" in the past, so he is familiar with models and has had time to work with them for at least an year judging from his activity
2) He has a public patreon linked to his account, so if the leaks are real - RIOT would be easily able to track and sue the shit out of him
Its just some sperg who will use people believing these AI images as a way to sell his "art"
Sinful fingers that type this if you consider that Vi was around and has memories of Powder in her mother's belly
Futachads and stacies keep on winning.
one exception does not brake the rule: it confirms it.
Caitvi sex scene has to be 1 continuous scene so certain countries can censor it without cutting out any other relevant scenes (such as Jinx's suicide)
See? They were always destined to be together.
At least they are only half-siblings.
It's a bit morbid that parents choose the gender of their children in Zaun.
Ye. Riot lawyers would already be charging his ass. Especially as he literally answered to one of official Arcane messages. He's full of shit.
Thats why it was better when Vi had amnesia and didn’t remember they are sisters.
completely ignores two different timelines
"4-seconds" is from the "leaker" who was reading straight off the Ekko ult skills page
bro is getting blasted back to the past by Heimer, that's way more than 4 seconds
Never happened
lmao she has a piltie pussy thats all she needs what are you talking about
fanfiction level bullshit.
you do know Amanda Overton was responsible, yes? this surprises you why?
There are no 2 timelines, dumbass. 3 episodes is not enough time for that. There's a grieving, healing, sexing and war. And an epilogue. That's it. You want a fanfiction with all those stupid crazy ideas of your, go write it on ao3.
Ild lore is AU I guess
Relationship and family drama can be touching
Time time fuckery and AUs can ne entertaining
Political manipulation, slippery slopes to fascism, stories of oppression and revolution can be gripping
But Arcane S2 tries to have it all and we really wont have the time to see any of them done in a satisfying way. Things will just get hand waved so we can just get to the conclusion.
It's not a lore. She never had an amnesia. People made it up based on her not remembering her sister. Listen to Jinx's writer what he said about it over 10 years ago... Jinx was meant to be the older sister and Vi was too young to remember she even had one. They simply didn't think about patching it up.
kinda tasteless.
one sister commits suicide while the other sister is having a fuck sesh instead of intervention
"kinda" is being generous. that anyone actually cares is a testament to the show, sympathy for fictional characters who aren't even living beings
He also claims he saw the episodes early though a relative who works at Netflix. And since he is easy to identify, this will also directly show who breached NDA. So not only are they fucked by a lawsuit, the relative is also losing his job.
But I guess 40 likes on xitter is worth the sacrifice
She never had amnesia. It was all Necrit and his ilk making shit up because they have zero media literacy. These are the same people who thought Nafiri's dagger actually broke, despite the fact that 1) it's darkin so it can't break, and 2) it's fucking fused to her face. And the other group that perpetuates the amnesia bit is Arcane fans who don't bother digging further. Seriously go ask Riot August this. He streams.
In her original lore she did and she had no idea what her name was. She called herself Vinbecause of the mark of her face and people were speculating if she was part of Jhin’s crew. Go dig up shit from internet archive or watch old lore videos.
No, this actually is another proof he's a troll and nothing else. He made it all up. Riot would shut him up, his account would've been blocked by now and he would be facing the charges. And you can bet media would write about it just like they did about the episodes. "Another big leak from Netflix". Yet, there's nothing there. So the attention whore continues to sell the lies and removes his messages whenever he's proven to be a liar.
Her amnesia was literally confirmed to never been a thing by developers years ago now. People make things up, that's their problem.
Anyone claiming that Ekko can only rewind back 4 seconds is a dumbass. He rewinds as far back as the plot needs him to. Just look at how they handle Jinx's shimmer speed. Also to the faggots who denied that The Line was a Viktor/Jayce song how does it feel being wrong?
Vi's original lore was that she was a random slum dweller who made her own gauntlets and eventually became a cop.
I find it funny that people are putting all the blame on Amanda this season rather than Riot's obvious interference trying to push through more champions, even though the 2nd and 3rd acts of the first season, which are being sucked up here, were also written by her
2nd and 3rd acts of the first season, which are being sucked up here, were also written by her
That's completely false
Jhinbros... if they are OK with killing champions now I know what I want our intro to be...
I remember how butthurt people were over these promotional teasers.
(I will NOT take my meds)
Also to the faggots who denied that The Line was a Viktor/Jayce song how does it feel being wrong?
they don't feel anything as they're not people
Jhin lost against Vi in a fistfight
THIS. He's on xitter for over a year and had only 3 followers. He probably thinks he can gain a lot of them by "leaking" fake stuff. I do wonder how he's going to get out of it once the act drops and all of what he said will turn into a pile of fat lies.
20 hours until Arcane ends forever
dead thread
shipfags and leakfags ruined this show
at this point I'm more invested in that fanfic about jinx marrying lux, becoming a chemlord and leading zaun into war with piltover and demacia than season two
Same but Timebomb
I HOPE they're doing what they're doing as an excuse to bring Jinx back in the Noxus vs Demacia series for Lux / Jinx interactions...
Am I the only one who thinks
Ma meilleure enemmie
The Line
Sound way too faggy?
Anon Babble bros forgot about one crucial thing. Arcane is a prequel to the games and is supposed to work as a lore entrance. Champions bios are being changed and they are going to change specific parts of the game so it will fit better too. They won't go all kamikaze and kill champions that are alive in the game and selling well, unless they will remove them from there. The only "champion's death" is Vanders, as he needed to die to become Warwick. And Viktor, for his transformation done with a help of Warwick's juices.
Season 2 may have a worse writing than Season 1, but it's consistent. There is no way they would make act 3 inconsistent with the rest of the story. "Leaker" was proven wrong plenty of times and each time it happened, he removed his posts. It's easy to copy the ideas taken from here and post them elsewhere with additional lines. Since there was nothing about the stuff he's being asked in those more difficult questions, he can't provide the answers and he's too stupid to write his own ideas that would seem convincing and would connect all the stories together at the end. I can bet he's the one constantly posting "cope" and defending this stupidity. You can see the pattern on twitter and in those messages posted here.
What? Like Jinx runs away from Zaun?
Anon Babble bros forgot about one crucial thing. Arcane is a prequel to the games and is supposed to work as a lore entrance.
dumbest nigger has arrived
Cope. The writers ruined this show before it was even released.
too faggy
This is a lesbian misery porno, what did you expect?
My theory is that during the final battle, Jinx takes a blast from killing the Hexgate. Everyone assumes she's dead, making her a martyr and symbol, but we never see the body. Post credits shows a cloaked feminine figure walking west along the ocean banks past River Pilt, and the last shot we see is a set of glowing pink eyes amongst snow capped peaks.
Nice to meet you, dumbest nigger. Did your IQ get at least a bit higher since yesterday?
dyke cut Jinx headed straight for Demacia
Yeah I can get behind this.
keep coping, you'll soon know how vulnerable and mentally incapable you are
"Leaker" was proven wrong plenty of times and each time it happened, he removed his posts.
He was doing the same on leddit with 206 already, deleted all of his posts regarding the plot of it XD And whenever someone proved him wrong regarding act 3, he also removed the content. He's such a troll.
Shut the fuck up already
this show
No, this site.
Why would she go to Demacia? Literally any other location makes more sense
I kept reading about how good that fanfic is and it was the cringiest shit I've ever read. Especially the authors shitty OC that she keeps calling Lux for some reason
Arcane is the new canon lore but the game of League itself still isn't gonna be canon. Doesn't matter if champions die or not
fag 100%.
you're right.
If there's no good streaming site to watch S2, what are the odds they get Mega'd like the leaked alphas did?
You are watching a show aimed at young adult lesbians, anon
Leak says only 3 champions lives: Vi, Cait and Ekko.
Good luck with that. Not gonna happen, no matter how hard this "leaker" is trying to sell it.
Arcane is canon and LOL is canon. If you haven't noticed, they're already changing bios and adding arcane-connected lines and stuff.
anon posted 4-5-6 somewhere in a thread, you prob just have to ask nicely for a catbox or mega for the others
That would be dope. Guess I'll check back late Saturday or Sunday.
there are plenty of streaming sites though?
I don't know any and no one ever replies when I ask. I don't go looking very often, though.
Low key best ship of the season
How you idiots don't realize that there's no point in making Arcane canon if it's not gonna connect with the game. What do they gain from making a show that is ending and killed jlmany fan favorites, canon?
there was no reason to also kill off jayce, viktor and heimer.
How early do the titles drops compared to the actual episodes?
Far away from Piltover and Noxus. She could go to Bilgewater but that's just Zaun with pirates.
sky and viktor relationship feels shoehorned, they barely interacted
Show established ON SEASON 1, they were childhood friends and sky studied so much to follow viktor in piltover from the slums they lived in because of how much she loved him
Granted I'm not saying it means viktor loved her lol, but to say they were no really somewhat closed being zaunites in piltover and after all they possibly went through is retarded
tranny janny lets his twitter girlfriend(male) run rampant with his retarded fanfiction and bans anyone who calls him a retard
And then you wonder why this shit board keeps losing users to Anon Babble
Of course you stupid faggots never forget about the most pointless and useless part of your fanfics. Everytime
This is GoT brainmold in action
Dont think too much about it, just enjoy the meltdown
crazy sabotaging mastermind lux is fun because i have no idea what her canon lore is
the soulmate stuff IS really cringe tho, the writer can't stop repeating herself over and over, so i read only like 2 chapters a day to dilute the cringe writing. in general the plot is enjoyable and shaping up to be an epic war story. it's gonna be my cope if arcane ending sucks which it most likely will
Best family
Auntie Sevika and two sisters
It is kind of cringey at the beginning but it gets better.
Dont feel relationship chemistry between them, but I liked their interactions because of how opposite they are.
Hope Savika makes it, she is one of the few characters with interesting morals. Actually bought into the dream of Zaun and will follow whoever is her best bet to stand up to topside.
Author of that "leaked" picture simply manipulated a frame from this scene with a frame from Silco's death scene from 209. Either by AI or photoshop. It's not hard at all. There, case solved.
mfw the leak is true
Jinx could probably smell Sevika's cunt there
Will Ekko do anything cool with his time powers?
It's time to stop coping that it's fake. Start coping that we're being trolled by actual rioters for shits and giggles instead. Entirely possible that the image is legit but everything they've said is false. Has happened before.
But consider this - pottery
Let us see Jinx kill herself 10 times
LOL, that's exactly how her hand looks like on that stupid WW pic. NICE CATCH!
We won.
Kekko doing anything cool
Yes, the leaks are real.
Yes, you’re a bunch of crybabies.
The series is still going to be the best animated series, and people will obviously say it’s a magnificent ending.
Stop being such crybabies and stop being so dark.
Copium faggot will still try to defend his fanfiction ideas. Oh his ass must hurt. Just wait when the episode titles are dropped and all he says will be proved wrong 100%
Killing your cast for shock value isn't a "magnificent ending" and killing a suicidal character who only believes she curses those around her is in poor taste.
I want to scream so badly reading this bros, this is unfathomably anger inducing.
Yes, just wait to see the final act
yeah you fag will be crying by then
Kill yourself
This is Anon Babble anon this place is a shit hole
Half of what you said is headcanon and the fact remains they barely interacted and Viktor seemed completely uninterested in her. If the writers seriously try to make it seem like a romantic relationship they deserve to be shot.
Clean it up Jannie, Jannie are you okay? Are you okay Jannie?
Don't care about the leaks. Just want to see caitvisex on miy big screen to move on with my life.
Yes i'm a basic person
does jinx have a high libido?
Kill yourself. The series is going to crap because of people like you. Degenerate loser.
Another evidence against the leaker:
Yesterday morning, he posted the same images he later did on twitter HERE FIRST
He said he has a picture with Jinx and Warwick, but after we called out the Jayce pictures for being AI gen, he ran off.
He pretended to be really scared RIOT would go after him... and then posted it all in public to a page linked to a patreon.
THEN he came back and pretended to not be the same person he is on twitter, but just linking their page.
Its some loser with too much time on his hands. No way someone is retarded enough to leak this shit like that, he is going to get RITO lawyers knocking real fast.
Memes aside I really dont give a shit if a character on a cartoon show dies, its just fun to shitpost about it, but if someone decided to nuke their life like that just for to win an internet argument thats pretty funny.
The first sniff of fake leaks made twitter have a meltdown over how ass it is, even they won't suck off garbage
Series is going to crap because some people want it to include something that was always going to happen in it. Aight.
bro is it really that hard to wait 6 hours. you'll know then.
It's more than 6
Lets just see the final act before we post angry messages, I am sure the animation will be wonderful wither way.
My main gripe is how much story they wanted to tell in so little time.
he's talking about ep titles
At least Fortiche will have cooked is my only cope
K anon, explain the Piltie. This should be good.
ngl even if the episodes titles are true i am 100% sure twittard is just an autist who created a mega fanfic based on nov 14/16 retard who posted here
Yeah idk how big of a confirmation we could really take is as (other than anon was obviously lying if titles are different lol)
All leakers lost. Total destruction
this leak about Ekko completely reverting ep. 6 doesn't make sense,Mel barely mentioned doesn't make sense,the sex scene while Vi knows jinx is commiting suicide is dumb as fuck
Good night anons, I hope I wake to glorious TLD (total leaker death)
The fuck are u talking about. It's not like i send emails to the writers with ideas for s2... Take your meds u retard
It's not like i send emails to the writers with ideas for s2...
Or do you?
It's irremediable garbage already.
Someone post that nasty skinny necked Viktor leak I keep hearing about, need to see this shit with my own eyes
I just wanna see Vi. She is so hot.
Can't wait to see what Fortiche cooked
The last one sounds so weird I have to assume at the very least this is a really bad way of explaining what actually happens
We got some cool Jinx pics and webms from eps 2-6 and especially 5, I will take it.
which one
I will only be happy with caitvi sex if I see Caitlyn properly apologizing to Vi for that gut punch
Viktor got done sooooo dirty wtf is this shit lmao
Some inglorious anorexia shit
at least the first guy who said they do it in a prison cell said she doesn't seemed suicidal when she knocks Vi out, that is literally the only way i can see this scene happening
I will only be happy if Caitlyn punches Vi again for being dirty and smelly brat
I really hope he gets to at least do something cool and his final look isn't that bad, his writing has been all over the place when he's even had screentime in S2
To be fair, it's TFT. You're not supposed to zoom in close.
I want there to be a reference to Vi seeing Cait as if its her mom back in act2 of season 1. Right in the middle of them orgasming.
Then I will know that the show is truly french.
We always have to take the good parts, it's our duty:
I kind of like this guy, his ethos is ridiculously close to the religion that persuaded me and that I try to breathe, Orthodox Christianity, which even Nietzsche liked as he discovered it via Russian literature, he never had time to study it in depth, his comments about Christianity were about the modern liberal urban (((Christianity)))).
Funny enough, Caitlyn in s01 is almost identical to our ethical system as well, care + virtue ethics but in s2 I don't know what has happened...
tf they do to Mel tho, she looks like low-budget Storm
but if there's any doubt they'll make her a real champion and not just an event piece like Maddie/Steve/Loris
Bro the fucking enforcers got better models. Dude looks like spaghett
I will be happy if:
we see Viktor glorious evolution.
Caitvi kiss with tounge action.
Mel being a fucking badass.
Maddie dead
Fishbro speaking
I don't want to say goodbye to this silly design, especially if we don't even get anything cool to replace it
I am ortodox already dont send me conversation therapy videos in the middle of a discussion about a lesbian goon show.
Maybe he comes out of the coccon all weird and skeketal and eldritch
Mite B Cool
It's not like I'm recommending anyone outside this show lmao.
I fell for it like you did. Ex League player and the s1 had too many good hooks for everybody.
Go home
Fishbro speaking
I'm going, 360 degrees and I leave for good, I'm looking where my people are rushing so I can lead them.
Think Singed is pumping him full of some weird mad scientist chemicals
Its actually Ozempic
the coping mass reply person is Jilcoschizo
Just because the image is real doesn't mean the other shit the person said isn't bullshit. We just have to wait and see.
It's obviously not the same, her thumb is slightly bent in one image and not the other.
What I have to respect about the "leakers" even if their stuff was ridiculous and insulting to our intelligence is that they are probably right about the AU shit and they had no coping mechanisms and resistances like we do, hoping the show won't go the dogshit route so they just let the raw visual data and act 3 preview lead them to the logical conclusion that's most likely at least on surface.
Press ctrl+t in photoshop
Singed has finally gone too far
This should be a lesson for you about what AI can do nowadays. Unless you get high quality, high resolution files do not trust anything and even if you get those put them trough forensic software. Remember that craze with the Indian guy relieving himself in public? The normies said it was fake but every software analysis said it was real then we had an actual video of it appear lmao.
you're dumb, the point isn't that the image is exactly the same (which isn't) but if you give an AI the silco pic she would be able to recreate something like her thumb in the ww pick
The “leaker” can be 1 of 2 things:
1) wrong
2) legally fucked
I will enjoy it either way
Why are they so scared of making him EVIL? FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIT, Make him the machine herald damn
AI twitter leaker is 100% wrong
He is a curious guy, just wanted to see what happens
I'm an artist, I can tell when something is AI. There are way too many consistencies, and attention to detail paid to Jinx's Act 3 design which has dark arm wraps and body paint. Also, AI would for sure fuck up her mechanical finger but it is very accurately detailed there. It's real, I don't know how that person has the image and it's suspicious that they won't share anything else but I fully believe it's legit.
There's no way at least for them not fuck up the noxian/ionia saga right? I just want to see my boys riven and yasuo together
He isnt even evil in his old lore, he is just kinda… weird. He does help and fix people as best as he can and doesn’t really hurt the innocent. But he has no real emotions to speak of.
So..jinx, Warwick, Jayce, victor, heimerdinger, Mel, and Ambessa all die? That’s everyone except caitvi
Modern AI made by autists has more details than artist drawn art because modern tools allow you to circle any damaged or shitty area and reshuffle it until you get what you want.
Mel is the chosen of the wolf, if any leak says she dies its wrong. This girl’s story is just getting set up. Ambessa literally only survived a spear to her gut because Mel saved her while in gestation.
Could you fuck off already?
I'm legit about to dox you
Is your mom's credit card number being exposed worth owning le hecking Anon Babble chudderinos?
Removing IP counts was a fucking mistake
not even '''''leaks''''''' mention her death
Not really. It makes people talk instead of being autistic.
These threads are way more entertaining than the show
probably, we just never see her shlicking
remove it because hiro doesn't want trump to win
trump wins anyway
doesn't bring it back
But that doesn't make sense. The og leaker on nov 14 didn't give the ep titles. It was only reddit leaker and ai leaker who did. Meaning if the titles match, so do their leaks. There's literally no other explanation.
Jayce and mel have a kid
his name is Viktor
He is the viktor who saved Jayce
If they kill off champions, think they will pull off a Gangplank 2.0 in the game?
Disable Heimerdinger, Jayce, Viktor and Jinx. And temporarily disable Caitlyn, rework her and she shows up with an eye patch as her new look.
>remove it because hiro doesn't want trump to win
how is that in any way connected to ip counters?
twitter retard only mentioned the titles after the reddit and nov16 leaker. the guy who detailed ep 6 said ep 7 name was "Pretend like its the first time" like the twittard, he just copied this title and made a fanfiction on top of it
No, back then the game was tied to the lore. They retconned that. Now you kinda just play a champion at their “prime”, and its not linked to their current status. Thats why you can play Morde (currently “””dead”””) and Viego (currently turned to stone)
Caitvi survives
kill champion
hey come play our game now
Shills shilling their stupid shit, anons could see the IP counter isn't increasing so it was easy to spot
Remove it and you give the shills plausible deniability
Get ready to lose your "job" once the new administration cuts back on retarded expenses
So when are we getting those titles again?
6 hours.
no need for them anymore, fucker is debunked solid
This place is gonna implode before then…oh boy.
Jinx fans are actually mentally ill
vitards are actually trannies
I wish I had a gf to watch Arcane with so I can look cool and stoic when the show is sad. And then I can braid her hair like a fag.
why jinx so pale
Anon Babble still has ids, so the IP counter is irrelevant on the designated politics board
so you're just being a shizo
Well done Amanda!
focus on the ship
Yikes. Chilling.
all the dead/MIA characters floating on a cloud
At least some fans will be happy. I bet the original ending was full on misery porn for everyone.
If I lived in murica I would go there and throw eggs and tomatoes at it in honor of Jinx.
This isn't even the first time I'm seeing troons latch onto her. Jeez, hasn't she suffered enough?
This is allegedly in Brazil
One of my friends is going to the LA premiere and was tempted to bring eggs to throw at the staff.
why cocoon Victor look like this nigga?
he will save the show and we will all kneel
Sporechads, I kneel
The fact that you’re obsessed with that is weird as fuck.
Jinx is built for his SBC.
You’re right this is shitty writing what the fuck is the message they are trying to give viewers?
What is wrong with you idiots.
This explains all the dogshit art posted in this general
The samefagging is so obvious
Only way he could save the show is by killing himself
Prob. Life sucks so grow the fuck up.
I said he was tempted not that he was going to do it you stupid faggot.
Linke totally deserves to be egged though.
Lmao when you put it like that, yeah, it's not great
Tempted is still bad, honestly speaking.
the thumb of the character model being the same thumb in a slightly different angle isnt the best evidence against the leaks to be honest
on the line song is so good
New thread New thread
You can move the frames a bit further and you'll get the exact same thing. Additionally, literally all the lines are exactly the same which never happens in this show. They don't copy/paste scenes. Take your fucking copium and gtfo, loser.
This is funny I just opened Anon Babble
lmao I'm on your side but you're still a turbo nigger with the hostility
Jinx kills Warwick.
But only because of parallels, especially with S1E3. This time she's prepared for Vi to reject her again, except the opposite happens. Essentially, that's how they reconcile.
Jinx looks dead inside in the caps where she's in the shark hoodie
this is the biggest thing that makes me think Isha is dead for good
keeps losing users to Anon Babble
same shit happened to Anon Babble, lol, mods batshit insane