Venom in all the 90s mini series is exactly what Venom should have remained as. Come the 00s...

Venom in all the 90s mini series is exactly what Venom should have remained as. Come the 00s, he became one of the more complicated/convoluted characters and it's been kind of annoying since.....why can't people just let Venom be Venom?

well, he should have just remained a Spider-Man villain anyway

I'll tell you why I think not, because Venom as a villain feels like a one off thing, the arc feels like it needs to end and it only ends with him killing Spidey (not gonna happen) or him realizing he's been deluding himself this whole time and going away.......

And nobody wants Venom to go away, so the anti-hero route is perfectly in line and natural IMO

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You have Michelenie throwback minis to be sated by.

Venom was way more popular as an anti-hero than he was as a villain. It's something I don't think Marvel understood for a long time.

It reminds me of how there was someone on here insistent that Gambit was only popular in the 90s cartoon but was never popular at all, he missed that Quesada-era editorial was fixated on bringing back the Bronze Age and throwing anyone from the 90s away because it wasn't from the era when they were reading comics

I mean that stuff is nice and all but it's like a bandaid for the bigger issue

Yeah, Gambit was definitely one of the most popular X-Men characters for a while, if anything he only lost popularity because of time not being in the limelight for newer fans.

I think they understood but some didn't like it. You know how old comic writers were, they really got asshurt over the edgy 80s and 90s

edgy 80s and 90s

They weren't even edgy. They were aping the tone of the action movies of their time. It was the 00s that was the edgy period.

Isn't that pretty much all comics though?

Everything got annoyingly complicated and overdramatic in the 00s.

I don't think so. To me, the 00's was a different vibe than like edgelord ideas of coolness. The 00s could be edgy, but to me it felt more like they were trying to be "mature" rather than "edgy", and comics really should never try to be "mature", comic writers can't be "deep" and they should stop trying

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You're not wrong, was there autism in the water?

is that slash?

I would eat it if not for the random egg

He is my friend and I love him.

Evil Ernie, can u READ?

I religiously collected the Venom minis. I stopped around the time he became a secret agent with a bomb in his chest.

Also, why don’t comics use this mini format as often? It might work better than ongoing series that get cancelled within a year or two.

They should desu. Especially when ongoings get so damn convoluted and connected to other ones

He was really the first big new villain in how long? I feel like Hobgoblin is more notorious because of TAS

which mini is the best?

The Hunger


That was possibly the most important lorewise since it brought the whole brains/chocolate shit

Yeah 90s was kind of like action movie/slasher film kind of edgy

00s was pretentious-edgy

I think it was more like

comic sales collapse during the 90s

everyone in panic

bunch of people talk about how to save comics and decide the way to do it is to make it for adults, do decompression etc

people in charge of comics decide the best way to get people talking is to upset the reader and double-down

I do mot want to defend Knull but why do you fuckers want him to remain as another vigilante in a sea of vigilantes? His stories weren't even that amazing, they were just schlock. Some fun, but completely forgettable by the end of it. The throwbacks are good but that's it.

Cause people who liked Venom were mostly people who liked Spider-Man, but edgier. So....street level, but cooler. I am not into nor have I ever been into cosmic level stories in comics.

Lethal Protector is great.
Funeral Pyre and Enemy With in more or less get wrapped up and Venom is just there, he really doesn't save the day or anything.
Madness is trippy.
Mace and Knights of Vengeance are all action.
Separation Anxiety has little Eddie as Venom action and focus more on the other Five.
Along came a Spider and Carnage Unleashed give us Venom using the phone and the internet to travel.
Sinner takes all had a good start but a messy finish.
Hunted is good, we get skateboard Eddie.
Hunger is a horror comic, not much Venom action until the end.
Tooth and Claw wraps up two plots from Wolverine's comics.
On Trail had promise but not as good as it could be.
Licensed to kill was okay ish, had it's good moments.
Sign of the Boss felt like a back door to a Ghost Rider comic.
The End was like most endings, bitter and meant to set him back as a villain.

Cause them trying to make him a villain again just feels artificial and forced

What a shame, truly biting the hand that feeds

They didn't notice the long-term damage because they kept doing stunt after stunt to paper over the problems

more events

more relaunches and multiples of new books

more incentive variants

By the time the damage was major in the late 2010s/early 2020s things were really bad.

didn't notice

Likely didn't care. Started with Quesada and his cronies at Marvel, and DiDio was just playing "monkey see, monkey do" because it was "fit for mature readers such as himself". Except he also dialed the bullshit on eleven.

Are there really that many true vigilante type characters for those kind of stories? Punisher is obviously the main one. Daredevil but he's purely heroic not anti-heroic, Wolverine sometimes has that feel but he's also wrapped up in X-shit to be full time. Deadpool takes a special kind of person to enjoy Deadpool.

Quesadilla can fuck himself


They both can

Venom should fuck Asian woman

Eddie possible love interests

the symbiote

anne weying (shes dead)

beck (she friendzoned him)

jenna the junkie (she never appeared again)

I love Eddie's character development but I hate all the space bullshit. Also, the new symbiotes peaked with Sleeper, everyone else has just been superfluous.

You like Sleeper? Interesting, I don't really, but what do you like? I'd like to hear it, not in a cynical way but genuinely

The design and the fact that it actually has a personality of its own. (also, it turns into a cat and that's adorable).

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Misery is the worst new symbiote. Silence already had the whole symbiote/anti-symbiote fusion gimmick and has a better design(even when she was just a recolored Scream). Madness is at least a deliberately dumb looking 90s throwback(pretty sure his name is a nod to Venom: The Madness hence the extra heads) and at least he's probably not going to show up anymore.

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