Give them the laaaaaaaazy eye!
Star Trek
They fuck
I appreciate the Fievel Goes West reference, OP.
Did anything interesting happened last episode? I haven't watched it yet.
It's a very mediocre episode
Boimler does his usual "Try to improve bridge crew and comically fail until he succeeds in the end"
Mariner tutors some girl who is basically season 1 mariner
The last part at least sounds like a decent premise. How did they fucked it up?
Cope self inserter
Question is- if Boimler is Tiger and Mariner is Jimmy Stewart, then what does that make Rutherford and/or Tendi?
She's a demigod, as in her grandfather is the actual God Zeus
Love that scene where Mariner reluctantly lets Boimler grab her boob.
... why tho?
.. why tho?
Those Old Scientist.
It was a reference to a time when Kirk encountered the alien being who was mistaken for a god when he visited earth in ancient times. He was sort of an energy being or something vague, and being zeus he has a lot of demigod children even in space.
I can't believe it has been years since this episode aired and there's still decensored version of this sequence.
Feel like Olly should've been introduced at the start of the season rather than at the half way point.
You wouldn't talk about this show if it didn't have waifus.
And you wouldn't complain if it was a sausage fest.
Is it just me or does the new season suck?
No, it just turned into your typical, boring Star Trek series, as god intended
Kinda fat
By sexually assaulting boimler with a dildo
Damn.. Tendi sure has a nice chest. Well shaped, nice proportions. I'm going to miss her when the series ends.
Do Orion females share the same physiology as humans?
God I wish that were me
living the dream
NTA but it sucks because it's a Mariner focused season where it feels like they're hitting you over the head on how "redeemed" she is from her earlier season behavior. Each episode feels contrived to point out Mariner is better now by bringing in the most outlandish and slapdash plot/characters to prop her up like a lesser evil rather than a genuinely better person like she harps on about.
Each episode feels contrived to praise Mariner
So nothing's changed, then.
This show worth watching?
Depends entirely on you
If you're champing at the bit for a bunch of member berries and some really obnoxious characters being loud and violent like a barely-more-focused Solar Opposites then go for it. The more egregious plots are things like a living Starfleet Badge violently dismembering people on screen, an Ase character being repeatedly pushed into rape-by-deception by his mother, and white apes jacking off, cucking each other, and eating people's heads on camera.
If your idea of good Star Trek is morality plays and mysteries and Picard speeches fucking RUN.
TLDR - if you like fun - yes. If you're a tight assed gate keeper - no.
Scientifically, Tendi's Tendis are the best in the series.
Do Orion females share the same physiology as humans?
Yeah, and in old Star Trek lore, all females secreted a pheromone that made males of different species -including humans- go crazy. They knew it and, while it meant they were used as slaves -as seen in the original series- it also meant that the women working for different Orion syndicates used that fact to their advantage.
But, hey, it seems that Tendi is the only Orion female that doesn't have this well biological stablished fact working in her body.
This show worth watching?
It has its moments but it often undercuts itself to try to be funny. Maybe I'm just autistic or something but most of them really don't land.
Somebody post the cat lady.
But, hey, it seems that Tendi is the only Orion female that doesn't have this well biological stablished fact working in her body.
Nowhere do they say she is the only one, but she is a case of it not working for her, same way some people are born without sight, for example.
It started weak, but the last three episodes were great, IMO.
I have a complete hard-on for the quarter-God girl. and her irremovable light-laurels.
>Mariner tutors some girl who is basically season 1 mariner
The episode make a point to establish she isn't.
My idea of Star Trek is Deep Space 9 and Voyager, along with Picard. The first episode I ever saw was the episode where Picard and Riker make that commander explode with full phaser power, and he literally erupts into chunks of gore. The sex and rape and cucking are... Eh. Loud and obnoxious. Akin to Solar Opposites. Maybe not for me. If I wanted to watch it, where? I'll check the first five episodes.
It undercuts moments with humor.
God I fucking hate that.
All kind of characters appear in Star Trek, why not demi or Quarter god?
Also, it you could consider this season's intro to have clue in such thing could happen, with the giant green hand.
By the way, was the Tholian Net already present in the intro of the first episode of this season?
The sex and rape and cucking are... Eh. Loud and obnoxious
There is no rape nor cucking, Anon is full of shit.
If I wanted to watch it, where?
First two seasons are on Prime. The rest is on Paramount+.
If you don't have either, you can easily find a torrent on
Thing is, it's actually Apollo the Kirk team actually encounter in the episode where they meet a god from earth.
So here being the granddaughter of Zeus means Kirk&co had a second encounter with an ancient earth-god we didn't knew about before. Now you could argue the writers of LD fucked up, but then you remember that Apollo is gone without making any of the exploration team pregger at the end of the episode, so it makes more sense if it's a different god who got busy with a human afterwards.
Or they're referencing the comics. Given how much they've already referenced TAS, it makes sense for one Anon Babble show to reference all the other Anon Babble material.
If your idea of good Star Trek is morality plays
That's how Lower Decks is, though.
I hope Kassia comes back.
Why? We already have a cute, sexy, sassy black woman.
Es Zeus.
I hate that Mariner doesn't show her underwear in the later seasons.
so it makes more sense if it's a different god who got busy with a human afterwards.
In mythology Zeus is famous for fucking humans and producing demigods, so him being the grandfather makes sense and it doesn't intrude on the events of the original episode.
Mariner is too skinny need that Star Base 80 corn fed thickness
Built for the rape gangs.
That's a retcon from ENT that wasn't well-recieved at the time due to it clashing with TOS.
There is no rape
A character’s mother uses emotional manipulation (fakes her death) to coerce him into having intercourse with a stranger. Effectively rape.
nor cucking
The main character gets cucked by a lesbian and acts like an emotional tampon to his stolen love interest for the remainder of the series.
A character’s mother uses emotional manipulation (fakes her death) to coerce him into having intercourse with a stranger.
Two strangers. Still not rape.
The main character gets cucked by a lesbian and acts like an emotional tampon to his stolen love interest for the remainder of the series.
Mariner did not "cuck" Boimler because they were never together and have no interest in each other. Another word for "emotional tampon" is friend. Friend. Can you say that?
It's called rape by deception. He is being coerced by lies.
Also the entire joke for that plot is "a guy doesn't want sex!? That's crazy!"
Boimler and Mariner
No, the cucking is between the white apes. There is a scene where one ape begins fucking another while a third watches and masturbates.
Mariner did not "cuck" Boimler because they were never together and have no interest in each other
Sure thing, shill. For something to classify as NTR it does not require two characters to be together, all it needs is to have a character have his close someone stolen by someone else.
In your sad little world. Everyone else is happy their friend found someone.
You're such a cuck lmao
the cucking is between the white apes.
Animals cannot be cucked.
A cuck with emotional maturity and stability.
A cuck with emotional maturity and stability.
Sure, Jan.
Dang she thick
Why did they have to maker a lesbian?
Unironically out of spite for their fanbase
Such many cases.
Mariner is disgusted having to think of boimler as a sexual person. And he subconsciously attracted, but also realizes that she would walk all over him and he's way too busy with his duties anyway.
They didn't.
Oh, that's even worse. They made her whatever the current identity the headrwitter(s) had the day they wrote that episode.
more is better
his close someone
So not Boimler and Mariner in relation to each other, got it.
It's one thing to say Boimler and Mariner are not supposed to be read as romantic. To say they are not even close is an intentional misinterpretation of the series. And regardless of whatever your interpretation may be, it's still textbook netorare. So you can go fuck yourself, and fuck this show too.
The fact the showrunner is blatantly keeping these 2 from progressing just for the sake "subverting expectations" is ridiculous and makes me glad these spiteful hack are getting replaced by ai
Is Boimler being cucked by Rutherford by having Tendi stolen from him? That's your logic right now.
No, because Boimler and Tendi are not close friends. And Tendi and Rutherford are just friends. However, because Tendi and Rutherford also have a close relationship, one of them starting to date someone else would also fall under netorare.
But you already knew that, and you're just being wilfully obtuse to keep the thread going like the spineless little shill you are.
No, because Boimler and Tendi are not close friends.
To say they are not is an intentional misinterpretation of the series.
Incorrect. Boimler and Tendi have very little one on one interactions across the whole show. They were paired up twice across the fifty episodes. For all intents and purposes, Mariner/Boimler and Tendi/Rutherford are the two main character pairs, they get paired up most often, and they have the closest bonds.
Again, you already know that, you're being wilfully obtuse to generate engagement, and you're not getting any more responses out of me. Instead of coming up with yet another dishonest reply, take the time to take a long look in the mirror instead. You're defending misandrist, ideologically-motivated writing and an aloof Hollywood hack who gives zero fucks about you.
it's still textbook netorare.
says the textbook retarde.
The most they're good for would be an episode where they're forced to accept their subconscious attraction, then realize they would never be good together and are better off as it is. Basically, the episode we got for rutherford and tendi - except those two very much should be together, which is almost as annoying as the lack of progress for mariner and boimler.
then realize they would never be good together and are better off as it is
rutherford and tendi except those two very much should be together
These anons don't actually watch the show
You're defending misandrist, ideologically-motivated writing and an aloof Hollywood hack who gives zero fucks about you
You should have just said you're a tiny peener incel, it would have saved time.
Is it just me or does the new season suck?
There's a reason for that.
Showrunner is also the show creator, so it must have been his intention they were never meant to be together, yes? And main characters that DON'T end up together is different and far from ridiculous. Original even.
no arguments left
resorts to Reddit-tier insults and buzzwords
Paramount ain't sending their best.
You seem like the only cuck here but you're cuckin your own mind
you could argue the writers of LD fucked up,
Probably not. They have access to Google too and to private unedited trek archives we will never see with hidden commentary
Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that.
Damn that makes me wish I'd save the gif with the Azula lookalike grinning from the same video.
Also, thanks for remind me of that song.
arguing about a children's show
people don't engage
I've won!
In a certain way, yes, but there's a reason why it's rare. Because every writer worth a damn knows that if you have a boy and a girl, they need to reach some kind of apotheosis by the end of the story. You can call it cliche but those rules are literally ancient and Greeks knew that you can't have catharsis without it.
Now, modern hack writers think they are clever for subverting those ancient rules, but the moment you insist your boy and girl character remain friends, you're literally robbing your story of a major emotional climax. And you can't really replace it with anything else, because the alternative is having a falling out, and then you're writing a tragedy.
They understand that characters getting together is overused, but they are not literate enough to understand *why* it's overused. They see a cliche but they don't know why it exists. If your character get together or don't have a falling out, then you don't really have an emotional climax. You've successfully subverted an ancient trope and replaced it with... nothing.
Family Guy, but IN SPACE
Imagine being so cucked you let nobodies who have been dead for over two thousand years dictate your interests
in a Star Trek thread of all places
Thank you, Mike McMahan. You really saved the franchise.
Nah, more like
Rick and Morty in a 50 year old IP!
Intellectualism is about advancing your knowledge and innovating, not being a slave to the past. I don't shit in an aqueduct and wipe my ass with a rag on a stick just because the Romans did it.
Innovating requires an understanding of what came before. Likewise, subversion requires an understanding of what you're even trying to subvert. Refusing to do something and doing the opposite of what is expected of you simply because others before you did it is not innovation, it's just retarded contrarianism. You're not improving shit, you're just crossing arms like a petulant child.
It's not interesting nor original. It's just retarded.
But it exists. The apotheosis can be each character finds what they want without each other. If you can only be satisfied with an ending of the Main-girl and Main-boy ending up together, you're selling yourself short and closing off many avenues of storytelling.
And assigning reasons to why the story is written this way when you don't know the writers or look down on the medium being used is just arrogant.
Heh, TOS callback.
Now prove that's why it was done.
Speaking of, we get any new scenes with T'Ana?
Doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing has been a cornerstone of innovation.
If that's your idea of innovation, why don't you shit on the street instead of shitting in what evolved from the aqueduct. Go ahead, contrarian anon, walk the talk. Don't let societal norms stand in the way of your innovation.
That would be what you'd expect, so instead I'll be contrarian and subvert your expectations.
She did not mind that
The apotheosis can be each character finds what they want without each other
I'm not discussing the characters' individual journeys, I'm solely concerned with their relationship as a duo, and its progression. Preferably, a character should have its individual apotheosis, and an apotheosis shared with the other. If your duo does not change its relationship and it plateaued by the end of Act 1, that's just stagnation (ie a whole bunch of nothing). Feel free to write your story that way if you want, but it's just not very interesting.
the writers or look down on the medium being used is just arrogant
I'm not arrogant, I just have eyes. The show is more concerned with breaking rules it doesn't even understand than delivering an actually interesting subversion. It's written by a bunch of arrogant amateurs. It's the ultimate and final midwit contrarian show.
Except he didn't fuck, so there was no rape.
There is less rape in Lower Decks than there was in TNG or even TOS.
The main character gets cucked by a lesbian
As, so you are a moron who fail to have the cognitive ability of recognising when characters are in relationships in the firs place.
Arguments about what?
Characters don't have to be in a relationship to get cucked, don't be pedantic.
The fact the showrunner is blatantly keeping these 2 from progressing just for the sake "subverting expectations"
There is zero subversion to begin with. The fuck are you on? And both character have had a good amount of development.
Characters don't have to be in a relationship to get cucked
Yes they have to, you absolute buffoon.
The point is that Mariner thinks she‘s a proto-Mariner. And when she ends up in the brig at the end she quotes season 1 Mariner word by word.
She’s clearly bi and also a fucking prude.
Not in the widely accepted current year Anon Babble idea of it, no. If you like a girl, and someone fucks her before you can, you'd get called a cuck. If there's emotional investment on either party's end, you can consider it cuckoldry.
duo does not change its relationship and it plateaued by the end of Act 1, that's just stagnation
The relationship is not romantic in nature, so that's moot. They weren't close friends in the beginning and they become closer as the show went on. No stagnation, evolution of the friendship.
I just have eyes.
That see what you want to see and have made up your mind. The end.
The point is that Mariner thinks she‘s a proto-Mariner
And the "twist" is that she actually isn't. and what you get at the end is just a joke. It doesn't change their motivations are quite different.
f you like a girl, and someone fucks her before you can, you'd get called a cuck. If there's emotional investment on either party's end, you can consider it cuckoldry.
Not in the widely accepted current year Anon Babble idea of it
Yes it does. Everyone who says otherwise is a complete moron. You have argued you don't have to be a in a relationship to be cucked, you have lost the argument.
The relationship is not romantic in nature
So pretty much every single fictional romantic relationship when it first starts. You're clever, anon. Very very clever.
I was told Star Trek fans were supposed to be smart, but then I remembered that this show isn't really Star Trek.
If there's emotional investment on either party's end, you can consider it cuckoldry.
Neither Mariner nor Boimler have ever shown such feeling for each others so far, so it doesn't even apply there.
That's your interpretation, but unfortunately for you, it's not backed up by the show.
You're losing reading comprehension as you lose the argument. I said their IS NOT romantic. Current tense. We are in the last five episodes with no romantic interest show on either side, way past 'first starts' time.
Any poster who argues against Boimler/Mariner is very likely to be a Paramount shill.
So someone that gets paid to know more than you?
Don't cuck anons imagination with facts
You're losing reading comprehension as you lose the argument
Anon, projecting won't help you here. Surely you've got to be aware of the backwards logic of your entire argument, anon. Let's go over it, shall we?
I was not claiming the relationship is romantic, only that it should be if it wants to reach a satisfying emotional conclusion. Your response to that was that the relationship is not romantic in nature... which literally was my argument in the first place. Surely you are aware that ALL fictional friends-to-lovers romances do not start off as inherently romantic. This much should be obvious. And no, strictly speaking, the friendship is stagnant, and has been since the latter half of S2. And friendship becoming even more friendshippier is not a drastic change, therefore not a satisfying progrssion.
Different circumstances leading to the same outcome. The point is that Mariner thinks it’s true.
Anon, projecting won't help you here.
Rubber meet glue. I've carefully explained the current state of the pair and that there's no sign of it changing. Accept it or not.
only that it should be if it wants to reach a satisfying emotional conclusion
And that's where your argument falls apart. Your emotions might be satisfied, but you're not everyone. Everything doesn't have to fall into well worn lines to be satisfying. Nothing has shown that there's any romantic interest between the two, but you're kicking your feet that it has to happen or the show won't end 'right'. How many people in just this discussion don't see them ending up together? You not liking it doesn't make it 'wrong'.
"Strictly speaking" means you'll ignore everything that doesn't fit into your personal theory. Your loss.
fuck off shill
nothing has shown that there's any romantic interest between the two
And how is that a prerequisite for anything I'm arguing for? I'm not trying to prove that a "ship" is real, that'd be silly. I'm arguing that it's better storytelling for relationships to happen because it's more cathartic that way. It's objectively better to have something happen than to have nothing happen at all. And because people know nothing will happen, no one even bothers discussing this show anymore. It's not just these threads, the popularity is at all-time low. Maybe the old masters had a point when they insisted on their cliches, you know? Maybe there really is something to the good 'ol "they kiss and ride off into the sunset" ending that resonates with people on a subconscious level?
but you're not everyone
Truth is not a popularity contest. Just because you happen to have two or there allies ITT, does not make you automatically right, and that's without accounting for samefagging.
I'm aware of the unpopularity of my takes, and I stand by them. Not because I'm a contrarian but because I have the courage to stand up for what is true. And I will continue saying what is true even if everyone else ITT is against me because I'm unafraid of holding unpopular opinions (an increasingly rare quality on this website, which is kind of depressing). What's the point of Anon Babble if it's just regurgitating opinions from Reddit? If you want these threads to be a circlejerk of corporate-approved takes, that's not gonna happen.
imagine actually writing this and posting it while genuinely expecting anybody will believe it one second. just imagine.
And in the Terminal font, so it has to be super-duper serious.