Whats with the utena references in 10s western animation? whynspecifically that series? lol

Whats with the utena references in 10s western animation? whynspecifically that series? lol

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Shut up Lily.

whynspecifically that series?


It's a good ass series that was available to see on Youtube during the 00s.

Tumblr also

can i get some examples of these references?

Never really like Utena, but is right. It's because it's "queer" that you see a lot of faggots referencing it around.

Steve Universe, new She-ra and I think MLP.
Thing is, Utena is already a bad copy of Lady Oscar, a much better story.

Utena is incredible good and very beautiful by itself what the fuck are you talking about

I laughed at some girl when she tried to explain to me why utena was important for lgbt and she was convinced that the mangaka was a lesbian, I had to explain her that in the manga most things are all about that one guy cock they all want to suck.

Also how all that Juri girl who usually is picked up as the token for "this is us, we like a girl but can't tell her because muh society" is actually interested in Ruka (a guy) and only after he disappears she changes interest for Touga (another guy) and that Shiori does not exist.

The opening is good... Is there anything else?

Dangerhairs and libtards love it, it checks all the boxes for representation

Yeah anime has a history of marxist propaganda that no one wants to acknowledge

Terribe series for dumb lesbians. GODTIER soundtrack tho, ~miissiing~link uououo~

Millennials desire things their parents had easy access to, but this is stymied by a combination of things like their own awful personalities and a devastated financial landscape. Utena provides a romantic, beautiful escape to one of these desires: car ownership.

Utena has nothing to do with The Rose of Versailles outside epaulets and swords.

Gender roles and expression in Japan have a lot of nuances that are completely lost in translation.

Other than some of the French stuff and maybe the shojo proportions it's completely different.

Lost in translation? Care to expand on that?

It was available in America

Modern anime doesn't remember that it's drawn on a paper, not shot on a camera in real life. Old anime used to revel in the fact that it's an artificial thing. In Utena there are a lot of ingenious little ideas that create an extra layer to the story, like the dolls that discuss the moral of the episode they are in or these moments when Miki measures the time of a camera shot with his pocket watch, drawing our attention to it. The plot is convoluted and I didn't always understand the characters, but there were a lot of monents when I felt like I was watching a work of art. I miss all these fun little things. Even small flashing arrows that draw our attention to sonething aren't present anymore.

Yeah, the manga and anime did their own things and Chiho Saito was left unaware of some things Ikuhara wanted to do or that Nanami would even be some important character.
Shiori's design was actually modeled off one of her characters from another manga involving incest though, so there was some basis for her elsewhere.

The commentators being shadow puppets and also the school announcers was a god-tier creative decision.

The remaster liked to add in some more details, like dead boys in the coffins that would be set on fire. The dead would usually relate to the Black Rose Duelist in some way, like Shiori's being a boy with a dead bird on him or Kozue being represented by a pair of dead twins.

Nope you faggot

Shut up faggot

You are tranny nigger if you actually like that woke japanslop

You had to go way out of your way to find it back then though, it never aired on TV here and VHS/DVD prints were limited as fuck. You'd only be aware of it if you were a web back then.


weeb* obviously, but the web would be your best shot at finding it back then.


I saw it my righstuf catalog all the time. Never bought it, borrowed it from a friend though.

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Whats with the utena references in 10s western animation? whynspecifically that series? lol

It was one of the first lesbianish animes lesbians in college got their hands on. They would proceed to force friends who liked anime to see it.

Personally I had no idea at the time it was important to them.

What people considered the best anime was different in a pre-Toonami world.

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Yeah anime has a history of marxist propaganda that no one wants to acknowledge

anime has a history of anything if you look for it.

Like mecha anime has a history of fascism. Sure things like gundam have an antiwar message, but almost all mecha anime have "strength to will" themes that go back to media produced during the second world war.

You can also find anime that just romanticizes being a little girl in 1910.

Not him, but it goes back to that fiasco involving Eiichiro Oda (One Piece creator) over a character named Yamato. Yamato is depicted as a beautiful busty woman, but kept constantly referring to herself as "He" and "son". It had to with some Jappy wappy bullshit terms like "Boyish daughter".

Anyway, Yamato got latched on to by the troons, claiming it as a victory and shouted down anyone that went against them. Until Oda later confirmed it hard that she was a woman and they went batshit insane, sending him death threats.

The manga is hardly ever discussed because fans tend to see it as inferior to the anime. I know it's different but her not existing in it is a surprise she's such a large part of Juri's story.
The series feels like a hazy dream where things that don't really make sense together just do. I haven't gotten that feeling from any other series. I think the stopwatch points to important parts in the episodes. I do wonder what the in universe reason was. Maybe trying to see if time in the academy works differently.
I got the impression that the witch princess and prince system was supposed to be universal.
SU i know about but what did She-Ra and MLP take from it?

marxist propaganda

This shit does not fly in Japan.

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The SPOP finale has a shot for shot recreation of Utena reaching for Anthy with Catra and Adora

Wow, those VHS prices are actually pretty good. Though if DVD was coming out then it was around the early 00s, when they had to get good or die. It's still bizarre to see the sub box set at half the price of the dub. I paid like a hundred bucks for that set back when it first came out. Blew all my birthday money on it; my mom was distinctly skeptical.

The manga is hardly ever discussed because fans tend to see it as inferior to the anime.

The funny part is the Utena manga wasn't LGBT-oriented, that didn't happen until the anime bcause it was directed by a guy who's famous for coplaying as Sailor Mars and factually hates heterosexual relationships for being "boring".

Utena was a genuinely good and artistic show, that’s why. It’s that simple.

Also yes part of the general weeb animu craze.


Artificial idea invented in America; does not apply outside of places its spread to like a fungus.

Saw someone find an old usenet post from the 90s when DVD was first invented and a wise and knowledgeable anime fan scoffed. "Hah, as if the companies will release THAT many episodes on a single disc! They'd drive themselves out of business!"

Saito's whole assertion that her having lesbians would make things "joyless" gets twisted by feminist tumblrbutts like Ladyloveandjustice too, who was always out to make Saito a big TERF homophobe who should be slaughtered. The runners of the Empty Movement site have attempted to bring nuance to the whole debate about Saito vs. Ikuhara and pointing out she had no real beef about lesbians, just didn't like Ikuhara leaving her out of the loop or springing things on her like that out of nowhere.

You also had some early miniscule fandoms trying to make things like Saint Seiya happen before DiC did, only to fail
(and those south of the border are all laughing)

They made the anime and manga at the same time you retarded faggot.

Iluhara pushed for two chicks going on at because he was based and a chad.

Christ you gen Z or alpha cucks are pozzed these days, he just thought two chicks were hot. This wasn’t about American culture war bullshit.

Lot of faggots think Japan experienced a perfect mirror copy of everything that happened culturally in America, and believe that Japan underwent a similar queer/LGBT rights movement that caused all people in Japan to have similar majority opinions on homosexuality and trannies. They can never explain why Japan doesn't have gay marriage or why their medical system does not provide HRT and SRS at anywhere near the same rates as western countries have seen. However, anything that can be seen as aligning with western queer interests is always painted as being part of some deeply transgressive, cultural element of acceptance and celebration of queers. It's just some mysterious regressive political element responsible for Japan having an overwhelming majority of the population that outright rejects the idea of any inherent queerness in their modern culture.

Yep, it was a media mix project. Saito's designs were necessary to set the tone, but everything would go in its own direction.
Ikuhara had way more crazier schizo ideas early on for an "Utena" before her involvement, like Utena being a kindergarten teacher who'd have a dragon emerge from her chest to fight.

They would shit a brick if they saw how the series KochiKame had a character whose whole joke is that she's trans but not really a woman yet because no bottom surgery and repulses the protag, and then that eventually gets resolved by magic sex change. He still is grossed out by her though for having been a man.


It was referenced in an episode through some cutouts that were dressed as some anime characters, NGE and Dragonball were also mentioned as well as a few others I don't remember right now. One of the girls also did the Sailor moon pose in EQG.

Japan has an entire subgenre of media about gender changes, and trannies are very mixed on the whole thing because 90% of them are about adhering to standard gender roles and prioritize ideas like women should get married and have babies, that women are weaker than men, and most clearly: that women cannot resist the power of dick.